< Leviticus 23 >

1 Yahweh said to Moses/me,
Hoe ty nitsara’Iehovà amy Mosè,
2 “Tell the Israeli people about the festivals that I have chosen, the days when you all must gather together [to worship me].”
misaontsia amo ana’ Israeleo naho itaroño ty hoe: Ho koihe’ areo o fañoharañe miava’ Iehovào, famantañañe miavake, Inao o andro namotoañakoo.
3 “You may work for six days [each week], but on the seventh day you must not do any work. You must rest. It is a sacred/holy day when you must gather together [to worship me]. Wherever you live, you must rest on that day.”
Eneñ’ andro ty fitoloñan-draha; le Sabotse fitofàñe ty andro fahafito, fitontoñañe miavake. Tsy hitoloña’ areo, fa Sabata am’ Iehovà amo fitobea’ areo iabio.
4 “There are festivals that I have established for you. Those will also be sacred/holy days when you must gather together [to worship me].
Inao o famantàña’ Iehovào, fañoharañe miavake ho koihe’ areo an-tsa’e tinendre.
5 [The first festival is] (the Passover/when you remember that I spared your ancestors when I killed all the firstborn Egyptian sons). That festival will begin at twilight/dusk/sunset on the chosen day (each spring/in March or April each year), [and end on the following day].
Ami’ty andro faha folo-efats’ ambi’ i volam-baloha’ey, ie miroñe ty andro le engam-pihelañ’ ambone’ Iehovà.
6 The next day, the Festival of Eating Bread That Has No Yeast will begin. That festival will continue for seven days. During that time, the bread that you eat must be made without yeast.
Amy andro faha folo-lime-ambi’ i volañeiy ty sabadidak’ i mofo tsi-aman-dalivay am’ Iehovày; fito andro ty hikama’ areo mofo po-dalivay.
7 On the first day of that festival, you all must stop your regular work and you must gather together [to worship me].
Hanoe’ areo fañoharañe miavake amy andro valoha’ey; le tsy hitolon-draha.
8 On each of the seven days, you must present to me [several animals to be] an offering/sacrifice to be completely burned [on the altar]. On the seventh day, you all must again stop your regular work and gather to worship me.”
Fito andro ty hañenga’ areo soroñe am’ Iehovà. Le Fañòharañe Miavake ty andro faha-fito, tsy itoloñan-draha.
9 Yahweh also told Moses/me
Hoe ty nitsara’ Iehovà amy Mosè:
10 to tell the Israeli people [about other festivals]. He said, “When you arrive in the land which I am giving to you, and you harvest your crops [for the first time] there, bring to the priest some of the first grain that you harvest.
Saontsio amo ana’ Israeleo ty hoe: Ie mizilik’ an-tane hitolorako, vaho manonton-tsabo, le hindesa’ areo mb’ amy mpisoroñey mb’eo ty lengom-bora’ i fanataha’ areoy.
11 On the day after the [next] Sabbath/rest day, the priest will lift it up [high to dedicate it] to me, in order that I will accept it as your [gift].
Le hahela­hela’e añatrefa’ Iehovà i lohavoay soa te ho no’e; amy loak’ andro’ i Sabataiy ty añelahelà’ i mpisoroñey aze.
12 That same day, you must sacrifice to me a one-year-old male lamb that has no defects. You must burn it [on the altar].
Le hengae’o amy andro añelahelà’o i bora’eiy ty vik’ añondrilahy tsy aman-kandra, ho soroñañe am’ Iehovà.
13 You must also burn an offering of grain. That offering must consist of (three quarts/3.5 liters) of good flour mixed with [olive] oil. The smell [of those things burning] will be very pleasing to me. Along with that, you must also offer one quart/liter of wine, which will be a liquid offering.
Zao ty ho enga-maha­kama’e: ty mona fahafolo’ ty efà roe linaro menake, ho soroñañe am’ Iehovà ho hàñim-pañanintsiñe; divay ty ho enga-rano mpindre ama’e, fahèfa’ ty hine.
14 Do not eat any bread or any roasted grain or unroasted grain on that day until after you have brought those offerings to me, your God. You must always obey [LIT] those commands, wherever you live.”
Tsy hikama mofo ndra tsako natono ndra tsako-le nahareo ampara’ i andro zay, ampara’ ty añenga’ areo aman’ Añahare’ areo i engay; ho fañè nainai’e amo tarira’ areoo amo hene fitobea’ areoo.
15 “Seven weeks after the priest offers that grain to me,
Mifototse amy loak’andro’ i Sabotsey, i andro nindesa’ areo i loha-voan’ engan-kelahelaiy ty hañiaha’ areo Sabotse fonitse fito.
16 on the next/50th day after he offers it, [each family] must bring to me an offering from the new crop of grain.
Añiaho andro limampolo pak’amy loak’andro’ i Sabata fahafitoy; le añengao lengom-boa am’ Iehovà.
17 From your homes, bring two loaves of bread [to the priest]. He will lift them up [high to dedicate them] as an offering to me. Those loaves must be baked from three quarts/liters of good flour that has yeast mixed with it. That bread will be an offering to me from the first wheat that you harvest [each year].
Hendeseñe boak’ añ’ akiba’ areo ao ty mofon-kelahela roe songa nanoeñe ami’ty mona fahafolo’ ty efà roe; natoñak’ an-dalivay ho engam-boa am’ Iehovà.
18 Along with this bread, you must present to me seven one-year-old lambs with no defects, one young bull, and two rams. They must all be completely burned [on the altar]. All those offerings, with the grain offering and the wine offering, will be burned, and the smell [of all those things burning] will be very pleasing to me.
Le tovo’ i mofoy añengao vik’ añondry fito tsy aman-kandra, ty bania, naho ty añondri­lahy roe, ho enga soroñeñe am’ Iehovà rekets’ o enga-mahakama’ iareoo naho o enga rano’ iareoo, hisoroñañe ho hàñim-pañanintsiñe am’ Iehovà.
19 Then you must also kill one male goat to be an offering/sacrifice for your sins, and two one-year-old male lambs to be an offering to enable you to maintain fellowship with me.
Le hengae’ areo ty vik’ oselahy ho engan-kakeo naho ty vik’ añondry roe hisoroñañe ho engam-pañanintsiñe.
20 The priest will lift up these offerings [high to dedicate them] to me. He will also offer the loaves of bread that were baked from the first wheat that you harvest. Those offerings are sacred to me, but they are for the priests [to eat].
Hahelahela’ i mpisoroñey, ie naho i mofo lengom-boay ho engan-kelahela añatrefa’ Iehovà, vaho i vik’ añondry roe rey; hene avahe’ Iehovà ho a i mpisoroñey.
21 On that day, you must stop your regular work and gather to worship me. You must always obey those instructions/commands, and you must obey them wherever you live.
Le ho koihe’areo amy andro izay ty fifanontoñañe miavake, tsy itoloñan-draha. Ho fañè nainai’e amo fitobea’ areo iabio izay amo hene tarira’ areoo.
22 “When you harvest the grain in your fields, do not harvest the grain along the edges of the fields, and do not pick up the grain that the harvesters drop. Leave that grain for the poor people and for the foreigners who are living among you. [Do not forget that it is] I, Yahweh your God, [who am commanding those things]!”
Aa ie manonton-tsabo an-tane’ areo ao, ko mitatake pak’ añ’ olo-teteke ey, le ko manontoñe ze nipopok’ amy fitatahañey; apoho ho a o rarakeo naho o ambahinio; Izaho Iehovà Andrianañahare’ areo.
23 Yahweh also told Moses/me
Le hoe ty nitsara’ Iehovà amy Mosè:
24 to give these instructions/commands to the Israeli people: “[Each year] in September, on the day that I have chosen, you all must celebrate it by completely resting. You must not do any work on that day. When [the priests] blow their trumpets loudly, you all must gather together to worship me.
Saontsio ty hoe amo ana’Israeleo: I volam-pahafitoy, i androm-baloha’ i volañeiy, le ho Fitofàm-bey ho anahareo, fampitiahiañe am-pitiofan-kankàñe naho fifanontoñañe miavake.
25 All of you must not do your regular work on that day. Instead, you must present offerings to me that will be burned [on the altar].”
Tsy hitolon-draha ama’e nahareo; fe hañenga soroñe am’ Iehovà.
26 Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
Hoe ty nitsara’ Iehovà amy Mosè:
27 “You must celebrate a day [on which you request that I] forgive you for the sins that you have committed. That day will be nine days after the festival [when the priests blow] the trumpets. On that day you must (fast/abstain from eating food). You must gather together to worship me and present offerings to me that will be burned [on the altar].
Ho tondrok’ amy andro fahafolo’ i volam-paha-fitoy ty androm-pijebañañe, fifanontoñañe miavake ho anahareo: mili­era vatañe vaho mañengà soroñe am’ Iehovà.
28 You must not do any work on that day, because it is the day when the priests will offer sacrifices to me to (atone for/ask me to forgive) your sins.
Ko mitoloñe amy andro zay, amy te androm-pijebañañe, hijebañe anahareo añatrefa’ Iehovà Andrianañahare’ areo.
29 You must expel from your group anyone who does not (fast/abstain from eating food) on that day.
Haitoañe am’ondati’eo ze tsy milie-batañe amy andro zay.
30 I will get rid of anyone who does any kind of work on that day.
Aa ndra iaia t’indaty mitoloñe ndra inoñ’ino amy andro zay le Izaho ty handrotsake indatiy am’ ondati’eo.
31 You must not work at all! You must always obey those instructions/commands, and you must obey them wherever you live.
Toe tsy hanao ndra inoñe atao fitoloñañe amy andro zay nahareo, ie fañè tsy ho modo amo tarira’ areoo, amo hene fitobea’ areoo.
32 That day will be a day of complete rest for all of you, and on that day you must (fast/abstain from eating food) [to show that you are sorry for having sinned]. That day of rest and (fasting/abstaining from eating food) will begin on the evening before the day in which you ask me to forgive you for your sins, and it will end on the evening of the following day.”
Ho Sabata fitofàñe añoñe ama’ areo izay le hilie-batañe ama’e nahareo—ty hariva’ i andro fahasive’ i volañeiy; i harivay pak’ ami’ty hariva ty hañambena’ areo i Fitofà’ areoy.
33 Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
Le hoe ty nitsarae’ Iehovà amy Mosè:
34 “Tell the Israeli people that [each year] they must also celebrate a festival of living in temporary shelters. That festival will begin five days after the day in which they request me to forgive them for their sins. It will last for seven days.
Saontsio amo ana’ Israeleo ty hoe: Amy andro fahafolo-lime ambi’ i volam-paha­fitoiy ty sabadida-kibohotse am’ Iehovà, ho fito andro.
35 On the first day of that festival, the people must gather together to worship me, and they must not do any regular work on that day.
Fitontoñañe miavake i andro valoha’ey. Tsy hitoloñe ndra inoñ’ inoñe atao asa nahareo.
36 On each of the seven days of the festival, they must present to me an offering [of animals] that will be burned [on the altar]. On the next day, they must gather again to worship me and present to me another animal that will be burned [on the altar]. That also will be a sacred gathering, and they must not work on that day, either.
Fito andro t’ie hañenga soroñe am’ Iehovà. Amy andro fahavaloy ty hanoa’ areo fitontoñañe miavake vaho hañenga soroñe am’ Iehovà. Sabadidake bey izay le tsy hitoloñ’ ama’e nahareo.
37 “[To summarize], those are the festivals that I have appointed. Celebrate those sacred festivals by gathering together to present to me all the various offerings that will be burned [on the altar]—animals that will be burned completely, and offerings of grain, and offerings to enable the Israeli people to maintain fellowship with me, and offerings of wine. Each offering must be brought on the day that I have indicated.
Famantaña’ Iehovà irezay, ikoiha’ areo ho fitontoñañe miavake, hañengañe soroñe am’ Iehovà: enga oroañe naho enga mahakama, soroñe naho enga rano, songa ami’ty andro’e,
38 (Those festivals must be celebrated/You must celebrate those festivals) in addition to [worshiping on] the (Sabbath days/days of rest). And all those offerings must be given in addition to the offerings that people personally decide to give, and in addition to the offerings that people make to accompany the solemn promises that they have made, or offerings that people make (voluntarily/because they themselves want to).
ho tovo’ o Sabotse’ Iehovào, naho o fañenga’ areoo, naho ze hene enga’ areo am-panta naho an-tsatrin’ arofo ho banabanae’ areo am’ Iehovà.
39 “[Returning to my instructions about] the Festival of Living in Temporary Shelters, you must celebrate this festival after you have harvested all the crops. On the first day and on the last day of that festival, you must rest completely.
Aa ie amy andro fahafolo-lime ambi’ i volam-pahafitoy, ie fa natonto’ areo ty voka’ i taney, le hambena’areo i sabadidak’ Iehovày fito andro; fitofàñe ty andro valoha’e vaho fitofàñe ty andro faha-valo.
40 But on the first day, you are permitted to pick fruit from trees. Cut palm fronds/branches and other leafy branches from trees or from bushes that grow by the streams, [and make shelters/huts to live in for that week]. Then rejoice in my presence for those seven days.
Ie amy andro valoha’ey ro hitoha ran-katae reke-boa’e amo hatae fanjakao naho ran-tsatrañe naho ratse mandrevake naho ran-tsohihy añ’ olon-drano ey; vaho hirebeke añatrefa’ Iehovà Andria­nañahare’ areo fito andro.
41 You must celebrate this festival for seven days every year. You must never stop obeying my commands/instructions for that festival. You must celebrate it in September.
Hambena’ areo i Sabadidake am’ Iehovày fito andro boa-taoñe, ho fañè nainai’e amo tarira’ areoo, hitsinjaha’ areo amy volam-pahafitoy.
42 During the seven days of that festival, all of you people who have been Israelis your entire lives must live in shelters/huts.
Hitobe an-kibohotse fito andro naha­reo; ze nisamaheñe e Israele ao iaby ty hañialo an-tsokemitrahañ’ ao,
43 That will remind your descendants that their ancestors lived in shelters [for many years] after I rescued them from Egypt. [Do not forget that] I, Yahweh your God, [am the one who is commanding this].”
hahafohina’ o tarira’ areoo te nampitobèko an-kibohotse ao o ana’ Israeleo ie nampiavoteko an-tane Mitsraime añe: Izaho Iehovà Andrianañahare’ areo.
44 So Moses/I gave to the Israeli people all those instructions concerning the festivals that Yahweh [wanted them to celebrate] each year.
Aa le tinaro’ i Mosè amo ana’ Israeleo o famantaña’ Iehovào.

< Leviticus 23 >