< Leviticus 19 >

1 Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
И рече Господь к Моисею, глаголя:
2 “Speak to all the people of Israel and tell them this: You must be holy, because I, Yahweh your God, am holy, [and I want you to be like me].
глаголи всему сонму сынов Израилевых, и речеши к ним: святи будите, якоже Аз свят (есмь) Господь Бог ваш.
3 ‘Each of you must respect your father and your mother. And you must (honor/treat respectfully) the Sabbath days. I am Yahweh, your God, [and that is what I am commanding you to do].
Вийждо отца своего и матере своея да боится, и субботы Моя сохраните: Аз Господь Бог ваш.
4 ‘Do not worship idols or make metal statues of gods for yourselves. I am Yahweh, your God, [and I am the only one you must worship].
Не последуйте идолом, и богов слияных не сотворите себе: Аз Господь Бог ваш.
5 ‘Then you bring an offering to maintain fellowship with me, offer it in a way that will cause me to accept it.
И аще пожрете жертву спасения Господу, приятну вам пожрите:
6 The meat should be eaten on the day that you sacrifice it, but you are permitted to eat some of it on the next day. Anything that remains until the third/next day must be completely burned.
в оньже день аще пожрете, (в той день) да снестся, и на утрие: и аще останется до третияго дне, на огни да сожжется:
7 For any of it to be eaten on the third day is very displeasing to me, and I will not accept that offering.
аще же ли ядением сястся в день третий, не жертвенно есть, не приимется:
8 I will punish anyone who eats it [after the second day], because he will not have respected that what I say is holy. And that person must no longer be allowed to associate with my people.
и иже яст е, грех приимет, яко святая Господня оскверни: и потребятся душы ядущыя от людий своих.
9 ‘Then you harvest your grain, leave the grain at the very edge of the field, and do not pick up the grain that has fallen on the ground.
И пожинающым вам жатву земли вашея, да не скончаете жатвы вашея, нивы твоея пожинания: и падающих клас от жатвы твоея да не собереши:
10 And when you harvest your grapes, do not go back a second time to try to harvest some more, and do not pick up the grapes that have fallen on the ground. Leave those things for the poor people and for foreigners who are living among you. I, Yahweh your God, [am commanding those things].
и винограда твоего вторицею да не обереши, ниже грезн винограда твоего да собереши: нищему и пришелцу да оставиши я: Аз есмь Господь Бог ваш.
11 ‘Do not steal anything. ‘Do not tell lies. ‘Do not deceive each other.
Не украдите, ни солжите, ниже да оклеветает кийждо ближняго.
12 ‘Do not show that you do not respect me by using/saying my name to falsely promise that you will do something. [Do not forget that] I am Yahweh, your God.
И не кленитеся именем Моим в неправде, и да не оскверните имене святаго Бога вашего: Аз Господь Бог ваш.
13 ‘Do not cheat anyone or steal from anyone. [‘If you have agreed to] pay your workers at the end of the day, [do what you have promised]; do not keep those wages until the next day.
Да не обидиши ближняго: и да не отимеши, и да не прележит мзда наемника твоего у тебе до утрия.
14 ‘Do not curse deaf people, and do not put things in the path of blind people to cause them to stumble.
Зла да не речеши глухому, и пред слепым да не положиши претыкания: и да убоишися Господа Бога твоего: Аз Господь Бог ваш.
15 ‘Always [LIT] judge people fairly [DOU]. Do not do special favors for either poor people or rich people.
Не сотворите неправды в суде: да не приимеши лица нищаго, ниже почудишися лицу могущаго: по правде да судиши ближнему твоему.
16 ‘Do not spread false rumors about other people. ‘Do not say anything [in court] that would result in some [innocent] person being executed. I, Yahweh, [am commanding this].
Да не ходиши лестию во своем языце, и не востанеши на кровь ближняго твоего: Аз Господь Бог ваш.
17 ‘Do not hate anyone. Instead, honestly rebuke those who ought to be rebuked, in order that you also will not be guilty.
Да не возненавидиши брата твоего во уме твоем, обличением да обличиши ближняго твоего: и не приимеши ради его греха.
18 ‘Do not try to get revenge against someone or be angry with someone for a long time. Instead, love other people like you love yourself. I, Yahweh your God, [am commanding this].
И да не отмщает рука твоя, и да не враждуеши на сыны людий своих, и возлюбиши ближняго своего яко сам себе: Аз Господь Бог ваш.
19 ‘Obey my laws. ‘Do not allow two different kinds of animals to mate with each other. ‘Do not plant two different kinds of seed in the [same] field. ‘Do not wear clothing made from two different kinds of material.
Закон Мой сохраните: и скота твоего да не смесиши со скотом инаго рода, и винограда твоего да не насадиши различна: и ризы из двух (вещей) сотканыя гнусныя да не возложиши на ся.
20 ‘If a man has sex with a slave woman who has been promised to marry some other man, but she has not been bought by that man and is still a slave, the man who had sex with her must be punished. But because she is still a slave, she and the man who had sex with her must not be killed.
И аще кто будет с женою ложем семене, и сия бяше раба хранима мужу, и ценою не искуплена или свобода не дана ей, наказаны да будут: не умрут, яко не свободися:
21 However, that man must bring a ram to [be slaughtered at] the entrance of the Sacred Tent area, to be an offering in order that he no longer be guilty for his sin.
и да приведет за преступление свое Господу к дверем скинии свидения овна преступления,
22 The priest will offer that ram to me in order that the man will be forgiven for the sin that he committed, and I will forgive him.
и да помолится о нем жрец овном преступления пред Господем о гресе имже согреши, и оставится ему грех, егоже сотвори.
23 ‘When you enter the land [that I have promised to give to you], and when you plant various kinds of fruit trees, you must not eat any of their fruit for three years [DOU].
Егда же внидете в землю, юже Господь Бог ваш дает вам, и насадите всяко древо снедное, и очистите нечистоту его, плод его три лета нечист да будет вам, да не снестся:
24 In the fourth year all of their fruit must be set aside to belong to me; it must be brought to me to be an offering to praise me.
в лето же четвертое будет всяк плод его свят, похвален Господу:
25 But in the fifth/next year, you will be permitted to eat their fruit. If you do that, your trees will produce much fruit. I, Yahweh your God, [am promising that].
в лето же пятое да снесте плод его, прибыток вам плоды его: Аз Господь Бог ваш.
26 ‘Do not eat any meat that still has [the animal’s] blood in it. ‘Do not consult spirits to find out what will happen in the future, and do not practice sorcery.
Не ядите на горах, и не вражите, и ни сряща смотрите от птиц.
27 ‘Do not shave the hair at the sides of your heads [like pagan people do].
Не сотворите обстрижения кругом от влас глав ваших, ниже бриете брад ваших.
28 ‘Do not cut your bodies [when you are mourning] for people who have died, and do not put tattoos on your bodies. I, Yahweh your God, [am commanding this].
И кроения не сотворите на теле вашем о души: и язв настреканных да не сотворите в вас: Аз Господь Бог ваш.
29 ‘Do not disgrace your daughters by forcing them to become prostitutes. If you cause them to become prostitutes, soon the land will be filled with prostitutes and all other kinds of people’s wicked behavior.
Да не оскверниши дщере твоея еже блудити ей: и да не прелюбы деет земля, и наполнится земля беззаконий.
30 ‘Honor my Sabbath days and revere my Sacred Tent, because I, Yahweh, [live there].
Субботы Моя сохраните, и от святых Моих убойтеся: Аз Господь.
31 ‘Do not seek advice from those who (consult/talk with) the spirits of dead people [DOU], because if you do that, they will defile you. I, Yahweh your God, [am the one you should consult].
Не последуйте утробным баснем, и к волхвом не прилепитеся, осквернитися в них: Аз Господь Бог ваш.
32 ‘Stand up when old people [enter the room], and show that you respect them, and also revere me, your God; [that is what] I, Yahweh, [am commanding].
Пред лицем седаго востани и почти лице старчо, и да убоишися Господа Бога твоего: Аз Господь Бог ваш.
33 ‘When foreigners live among you [in your land], do not mistreat them.
Аще же кто приидет к вам пришлец в землю вашу, не стужите ему:
34 You must treat them like you treat your fellow-citizens. Love them like you love yourselves, and do not forget that once, when you were foreigners in Egypt, [you were badly mistreated by the people of Egypt]. I, Yahweh your God, [am commanding you to do this].
якоже туземец будет в вас пришлец, иже приидет к вам, и возлюбиши его яко сам себе: яко (и вы) пришелцы бесте в земли Египетстей: Аз Господь Бог ваш.
35 ‘When you are measuring things, to see how long they are or how much they weigh or how many there are,
Не сотворите неправды в суде, в мерах и в весах и в мерилех:
36 use correct [measuring sticks and] scales and weights [on the scales] and measuring baskets and other measuring containers. I Yahweh, your God, who brought you out of Egypt, [am giving you these laws].
мерила праведна и весы праведны и мера праведна да будет в вас: Аз есмь Господь Бог ваш, изведый вас от земли Египетския.
37 ‘Obey carefully [DOU] all my laws and decrees, because I, Yahweh, [am the one who am commanding them].’”
И сохраните весь закон Мой и вся повеления Моя, и сотворите я: Аз Господь Бог ваш.

< Leviticus 19 >