< Leviticus 15 >

1 Yahweh also said to Moses/me and Aaron,
Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi naAroni,
2 “Tell this to the Israelis: When an infected discharge comes out of a man’s sexual organs [EUP], that fluid should not be touched.
“Taurai navaIsraeri muti kwavari, ‘Kana murume upi zvake ane zvimwe zvinoerera, zvinobuda pamuviri wake, uye achava asina kunaka nokuda kwokuerera uku.
3 Whether that fluid is blocked or continues to drip, it causes him to be someone who should not be touched.
Kunyange zvikaramba zvichibuda mumuviri wake kana kuti zvikamira zvichamuita kuti ave asina kuchena. Izvi ndizvo zvinoita kuti kuerera uku kumuite kuti ave asina kuchena.
4 “And any bed that such a man lies on should not be touched, and anything that he sits on should not be touched.
“‘Mubhedha upi zvawo unorarwa nomurume anobuda zvinoerera mumuviri wake uchava usina kuchena, uye chose chaachagara pachiri chichava chisina kuchena.
5 Anyone who touches that person’s bed must wash his clothes and bathe, and no one should touch him until that evening.
Ani naani anobata mubhedha wake anofanira kusuka nguo dzake agoshamba nemvura uye achava asina kuchena kusvikira manheru.
6 Anyone who sits on something that man has sat on must wash his clothes and bathe, and no one should touch him until that evening.
Ani naani achagara pachigaro chagarwa nomurume anobuda zvinoerera anofanira kusuka nguo dzake uye agoshamba nemvura, uye achava asina kuchena kusvikira manheru.
7 “Anyone who touches such a man must wash his clothes and bathe, and no one should touch him until that evening.
“‘Ani naani achabata murume iyeye anofanira kusuka nguo dzake agoshamba nemvura, uye achava asina kuchena kusvikira manheru.
8 “If such a man spits on someone else, that person who is spit upon should not be touched. He must wash his clothes, and no one should touch him until that evening.
“‘Kana murume ane zvinoerera akasvipira mumwe munhu akachena, munhu iyeye anofanira kushambidza nguo dzake agoshamba nemvura, uye achava asina kuchena kusvikira manheru.
9 “Everything that a man who has such a discharge of fluid sits on while he is riding [a horse or a donkey] should not be touched,
“‘Chinhu chose chichatasvwa nomurume iyeye chichava chisina kuchena,
10 and anyone who touches the seat or saddle that he was sitting on also should not be touched until that evening. And anyone who picks up the seat or saddle must wash his clothes and bathe, and no one should touch him until that evening.
uye ani naani achabata zvinhu zvanga zviri pasi pake achava asina kuchena kusvikira manheru; ani naani anonhonga zvinhu izvozvo anofanira kusuka nguo dzake agoshamba nemvura, uye achava asina kuchena kusvikira manheru.
11 Anyone whom the man with such a discharge of fluid from his body touches without first rinsing his hands in water must wash his clothes and bathe, and no one should touch him until that evening.
“‘Ani naani achabatwa nomurume iyeye asina kushamba maoko ake anofanira kusuka nguo dzake agoshamba nemvura, uye achava asina kuchena kusvikira manheru.
12 “If such a man touches a clay pot, that pot must be broken into pieces. Anything made from wood that he touches must be rinsed in water.
“‘Hari yevhu ichabatwa nomurume iyeye inofanira kuputswa uye mudziyo upi zvawo wakagadzirwa nomuti unofanira kusukwa nemvura.
13 “If such a man is healed from his flow of fluid, he must wait for seven days. Then he must wash his clothes and bathe in water from a spring. Then he will be able to be with others.
“‘Kana murume acheneswa kubva pakuerera kwake, anofanira kuverenga mazuva manomwe okucheneswa kwake; anofanira kusuka nguo dzake agoshamba nemvura yakachena, uye achava akachena.
14 On the eighth/next day, he must take two doves or two young pigeons and come in front of Yahweh at the entrance of the Sacred Tent, and give them to the priest.
Pazuva rorusere anofanira kutora njiva mbiri kana hangaiwa diki mbiri agouya nadzo pamberi paJehovha pamusuo weTende Rokusangana agodzipa kumuprista.
15 The priest will sacrifice them. One will be an offering for the man to become acceptable to God, and the other one will be completely burned [on the altar]. As a result of the priest doing that, the man will be forgiven for having sinned.
Muprista anofanira kudzibayira, imwe sechipiriso chechivi uye imwe sechipiriso chinopiswa. Nenzira iyi achamuyananisira pamberi paJehovha nokuda kwokuerera kwake.
16 “Then semen accidentally flows from a man’s sexual organs [EUP], he must bathe his whole body, and no one should touch him until that evening.
“‘Kana mbeu yomurume upi noupi ikabuda kwaari, anofanira kushamba muviri wake wose nemvura, uye achava asina kuchena kusvikira manheru.
17 Any clothing or leather that has semen on it must be washed, and no one should touch it until that evening.
Chipfeko chipi zvacho chake kana dehwe rine mbeu pariri rinofanira kusukwa nemvura uye richava risina kuchena kusvikira manheru.
18 When a man has sex with a woman and some semen spills, both of them must bathe, and no one should touch them until that evening.
Kana murume akavata nomukadzi uye akabuda mbeu, vaviri ava vanofanira kushamba nemvura uye vachava vasina kuchena kusvikira manheru.
19 “Then a woman has her monthly menstrual period, no one should touch her for seven days. If anyone touches her [during that time], no one should touch the person who touched her until that evening.
“‘Kana mukadzi ari kumwedzi, kusachena kwokuenda kumwedzi kwake kuchapera mushure mamazuva manomwe, uye ani naani achamubata achava asina kuchena kusvikira manheru.
20 No one should touch anything that she lies on or sits on during that time.
“‘Chinhu chose chaachavata pachiri achiri kutevera chichava chisina kuchena uye chose chaachagara pachiri chichava chisina kuchena.
21 Anyone who touches her bed must wash his clothes and bathe, and no one should touch that person until that evening.
Ani naani achabata paanovata anofanira kusuka nguo dzake uye agoshamba nemvura, uye achava asina kuchena kusvikira manheru.
22 Anyone who touches something that she has been sitting on, a bed or anything else, must wash his clothes, and no one should touch that person until that evening.
Ani naani achabata chinhu chaachagara anofanira kusuka nguo dzake uye agoshamba nemvura, uye achava asina kuchena kusvikira manheru.
Mubhedha kana chimwe chinhu chaanga akagara, kana munhu upi noupi akachibata achava asina kuchena kusvikira manheru.
24 “If a man has sex with a woman [during that time] and some of the menstrual blood touches him, no one should touch him for seven days, and no one should touch the bed that he lies on.
“‘Kana murume akavata naye uye kuerera kwake kwomwedzi kukasangana naye, achava asina kuchena kwamazuva manomwe, kunyange mubhedha waanovata pauri uchava usina kuchena.
25 “Then a woman has a vaginal discharge of blood for (many days/a long time), which is not her monthly flow of blood, or if her flow of blood continues after her monthly flow ends, no one should touch her until it stops.
“‘Kana mukadzi ano kuerera kweropa kwamazuva akawanda panguva isiri yokuva kwake kumwedzi, kana kuti akava nokuerera kunoenderera kupfuura nguva yake yokuva kumwedzi kwake, achava asina kuchena kwenguva yaanobuda ropa sapamazuva ake okuva kumwedzi.
26 And no one should touch the bed that she lies on or anything that she sits on while that flow of blood continues, just like during her monthly menstrual period.
Mubhedha upi zvawo waachavata pauri panguva yaanenge achiri kubuda ropa, uchava usina kuchena somubhedha wapakuva kwake kumwedzi, chose chaachagara chichava chisina kuchena sapanguva yokuva kwake kumwedzi.
27 Anyone who touches those things should not touch anyone else; he must wash his clothes and bathe, and he should not touch anyone else until that evening.
Ani naani achazvibata achava asina kuchena; anofanira kusuka nguo dzake agoshamba nemvura, uye achava asina kuchena kusvikira manheru.
28 “After a woman’s monthly menstrual flow ends, she must wait seven days before she touches anyone.
“‘Kana achinge acheneswa kubva pakuerera kwake anofanira kuverenga mazuva manomwe, mushure maizvozvo achava akachena.
29 On the eighth/next day, she must take two doves or two pigeons to the priest at the entrance of the Sacred Tent.
Pazuva rorusere anofanira kutora njiva mbiri kana hangaiwa mbiri diki agouya nadzo kumuprista pamusuo weTende Rokusangana.
30 The priest will sacrifice one of them to be an offering to enable her to become acceptable to Yahweh again, and completely burn the other one [on the altar]. By doing that he will cause me, Yahweh, to forgive her for having sinned [DOU].
Muprista anofanira kubayira imwe sechipiriso chechivi, uye imwe sechipiriso chinopiswa. Nenzira iyi achamuyananisira pamberi paJehovha pakusachena kwake kwokubuda ropa.
31 “You must warn the Israeli people not to do things that (defile them/cause them to be unacceptable to me). If they become (unacceptable to me/defiled), they will cause my Sacred Tent which is among them to become an unacceptable place to worship me, and as a result they will die.”
“‘Munofanira kutsaura vaIsraeri kubva pazvinhu zvose zvinoita kuti vave vasina kuchena, kuitira kuti vasafa mukusachena kwavo nokuda kwokuti vasvibisa nzvimbo yandinogara, iri pakati penyu.’”
32 “Those are the regulations for a man who has a fluid that flows from his sexual organs or who should not be touched because some of his semen spills out while having sex [with a woman],
Iyi ndiyo mirayiro yomurume anenge ane zvinoerera, youpi noupi anenge asvibiswa nokubuda kwezvinoerera,
33 and for any woman during her monthly menstrual period, and for any man who has sex with a woman during her menstrual period.”
yomukadzi anenge ari kumwedzi, yomurume kana mukadzi anenge ane zvinoerera, uye neyomurume anovata nomukadzi anenge asina kuchena.

< Leviticus 15 >