< Leviticus 13 >

1 Yahweh said this to Aaron and Moses/me:
И рече Господь к Моисею и Аарону, глаголя:
2 “When someone has on his skin a swelling or a rash or a shiny/bright spot that may become (contagious/a dreaded skin disease), he must be brought to Aaron or to one of his sons who are also priests.
человеку емуже аще будет на кожи плоти его струп знамения или блеск, и будет на кожи плоти его язва прокажения, да приведется ко Аарону жерцу или ко единому от сынов его жерцов:
3 The priest must examine that part of the person’s skin. If the hair in that area has become white and it appears that the sore is deeper than just on the skin, it is a contagious skin disease. When the priest sees that, he must declare that the person must stay away from other people [MTY].
и узрит жрец язву на кожи плоти его, и влас в язве изменится в бело, и взор язвы умален от кожи плоти его, язва проказы есть: и узрит жрец, и осквернит его.
4 If the spot on the person’s skin is white but it does not appear that the sore is deeper than just on the skin, the priest must tell him to stay away from other people for seven days.
Аще же и блеск бел будет на кожи плотней его, и не менший будет взор его от кожи, и влас его не изменися во влас бел, и той есть темен, и отлучит жрец язву на седмь дний:
5 Then the priest must examine the person again. If the priest sees that the sore has not changed and has not spread, he must tell the person to stay away from people for seven more days.
и узрит жрец язву в день седмый, и се, язва пребывает пред ним, и не изменися язва на кожи, и отлучит его жрец на другия седмь дний:
6 Then the priest must examine him again. If the sore has faded and has not spread, the priest will allow him to be with other people again; it is only a rash. After the person washes his clothes, he will be allowed to be with other people again.
и узрит его жрец в седмый день вторицею, и се, язва потемне, и не изменися язва на кожи, и очистит его жрец: знамение бо есть: и измыв ризы своя, чист будет.
7 But if the sore spreads after the priest has examined him, he must go to the priest again.
Аще же изменяющееся изменится знамение на кожи, повнегда видети его жерцу еже очистити его, и явится второе жерцу: и узрит его жрец, и се, изменися знамение в кожи,
8 The priest will examine him; and if the sore has spread to more of the skin, it is a contagious skin disease, and the priest will declare that he must stay away from other people.
и да осквернит его жрец: проказа бо есть.
9 When anyone has a contagious skin disease, he must be brought to the priest.
И язва прокажения аще будет на человеце, и приидет к жерцу:
10 The priest must examine him. And if there is a white swelling in the skin that has caused the hair in that swelling to become white, and if the flesh in that area is painful/sensitive,
и узрит жрец, и се, струп бел на кожи, и сей изменил влас бел, и от здравыя плоти живыя в струпе:
11 it is a permanent skin disease, and the priest will declare that he must stay away from other people. The priest does not need to tell that person that he must avoid other people, because other people already are wanting to stay away from him.
проказа ветха есть на кожи плоти его, и осквернит его жрец и отлучит его, яко нечист есть.
12 ‘If the disease spreads all over someone’s body, and the priest examines that person and sees that it is covering his skin from his head to his feet,
Аще же процветая процветет проказа на кожи, и покрыет прокажение всю кожу язвою, от главы да ногу его, по всему взору жерцову:
13 and it has caused all his skin to become white [which will indicate that the disease has ended], the priest will declare that the person does not have to stay away from other people.
и узрит жрец, и се, покрыло прокажение всю кожу плоти его, да очистит жрец язву: яко вся изменися в бело, чист есть.
14 But if the person has open sores and they are very painful/sensitive, he has a contagious skin disease,
И в оньже день аще явится на нем плоть жива, осквернится:
15 and when the priest sees that, he will declare that the person must stay away from other people.
и узрит жрец плоть здраву, и осквернит его плоть здрава, яко нечиста есть, прокажение есть.
16 But if the person’s flesh changes and becomes white, he must go to the priest again.
Аще же составится плоть здрава, и изменится в бело, и приидет к жерцу:
17 The priest must examine him again; and if the sores have become white, the priest will declare that the person who had been infected is now permitted to be with other people again.
и узрит жрец, и се, изменися язва в бело, и очистит жрец язву, чист есть.
18 ‘Then someone has a boil on his skin and it has healed,
И тело аще будет на кожи его болячка гнойна, и исцелеет,
19 but in the place where the boil was a white swelling or a bright/shiny spot appears, he must go to the priest.
и будет на месте болячки струп бел, или блеск белеющься или рдящься, и явится жерцу:
20 The priest must examine it. And if it seems to be deeper than just on the skin, and if the hair in that spot has become white, it is a contagious skin disease that has appeared where the boil had been. And the priest will declare that the person must stay away from other people.
и узрит жрец, и се, взор нижае кожи, и влас его изменися в бело, и осквернит его жрец, яко блеск прокажения есть, на болячке процвете.
21 But when the priest examines it, if there is no white hair in that spot and it is only on the surface of the skin and has become less bright/shiny, then the priest will order him to stay away from other people for seven days.
Аще же увидит жрец, и се, несть в нем влас бел, и не нижае есть от кожи плотския, и сей есть темен, и отлучит его жрец на седмь дний.
22 But if it is spreading, it is contagious and the priest will declare that the person must stay away from other people.
Аще ли разсыпанием разсыплется по кожи, и осквернит его жрец, блеск прокажения есть, на болячке процвете.
23 But if that spot is unchanged and has not spread, it is only a scar from the boil, and the priest will declare that the person is permitted to be with other people again.
Аще ли на месте своем пребывает блеск и не разсыпается, струп болячки есть, и очистит его жрец.
24 ‘Then someone has a burn on his skin and a bright/shiny or white spot appears, and the flesh in that area is sensitive/painful,
И плоть аще будет на кожи его жжение огнено, и будет на кожи его исцелевшее от жжения блещащееся бело или червлено или пробелующееся:
25 the priest must examine the spot. If the hair in that spot has turned white and it seems to be deeper than just on the surface of the skin, it is a contagious skin disease that has appeared where the burn was, and that person must stay away from other people.
и узрит его жрец, и се, пременися влас бел в блещащийся, и взор ему нижае от кожи, прокажение есть, во жжении процвете, и осквернит его жрец, язва прокажения есть.
26 But when the priest examines it and sees that there is no white hair in that spot and it is only on the surface of the skin, and has faded, the priest will declare that the person must stay away from people for seven days.
Аще же увидит его жрец, и се, несть на блещащемся влас бел, и не нижае есть от кожи, само же темно, и отлучит его жрец на седмь дний:
27 On the seventh day, the priest will examine him again. If the sore is spreading, it is a contagious skin disease, and the priest will declare that the person must stay away from other people.
и узрит его жрец в день седмый, и аще разсыпанием разсыплется по кожи, и осквернит его жрец: язва прокажения есть, бо гной процвете.
28 However, if the spot is not changed and has not spread but has faded, it is only a scar from the burn, and the priest will declare that the person is permitted to be with other people again.
Аще же на месте пребудет блещание и не разсыплется по кожи, сие же темно есть, струп сожжения есть, да очистит его жрец: образ бо сожжения есть.
29 ‘If a man or a woman has a sore on his head or on his chin,
Мужу же или жене, аще будет на них язва прокажения на главе или на браде,
30 the priest must examine it. If it appears to be deeper than [just on the surface of] the skin, and the hair in that spot has thinned out and has become yellowish, it is a contagious skin disease that causes itching. And the priest will declare that the person must stay away from other people.
и узрит жрец язву, и се, обличие ея глубочае кожи, в нейже влас желтуяся тонок, и осквернит его жрец: вред есть, прокажение главы или прокажение брады есть.
31 But when the priest examines that kind of sore, if it seems to be only on the surface of the skin and there is no healthy hair in it, the priest will tell the person to stay away from other people for seven days.
И аще увидит жрец язву вреда, и се, не будет обличие нижае кожи, и влас желтуяся не будет в нем, да отлучит жрец язву вреда на седмь дний:
32 On the seventh day, the priest will examine the sore again. If it has not spread and if there is no yellow hair in that spot and if it appears to be only on the surface of the skin,
и узрит жрец язву в день седмый, и се, не разсыпася вред, и влас желтуяся несть в нем, и обличие вреда несть нижае кожи:
33 the person must shave the hair near the sore but not the hair on the sore. And the priest will tell him to stay away from other people for seven more days.
и острижет кожу, вред же да не острижется, и отлучит жрец вред на седмь дний второе:
34 On the seventh day, the priest will examine that spot again. If it has not spread and it appears to be only on the surface of the skin, the priest will declare that the person is permitted to be with people again. The person must wash his clothes, and then he can be with other people.
и узрит жрец вред в день седмый, и се, не разсыпася вред по кожи по острижении его, и обличие вреда несть нижае кожи, и очистит его жрец, и измыв ризы, чист будет.
35 But if the sore later spreads,
Аще же разсыпанием разсыплется вред по кожи по очищении его:
36 the priest must examine him again. If the itch/sore has spread, the priest does not need to look for yellow hair, because it is clear that the person has a contagious skin disease.
и узрит его жрец, и се, не разсыпася вред по кожи, да не присетит жрец о власе желтеющемся, яко нечист есть.
37 However, if the priest thinks that the spot has not changed, and healthy hair is growing in that area, it is clear that the itch has healed, and the priest will declare that the person is permitted to be with other people again.
Аще же пред ним будет на месте вред, и влас черн явится в нем, исцеле вред, чист есть, и очистит его жрец.
38 ‘Then a man or a woman has white spots on the skin,
Мужу же или жене, аще будут на кожи плоти его блещания блещащая белеющаяся:
39 the priest should examine them. But if the spots are dull white, it is only a rash, and [the priest will declare that] the person is permitted to be with other people.
и увидит жрец, и се, на кожи плоти его блещания и блещащая белеющаяся, лишай есть, процвете на кожи плоти его, чист есть.
40 ‘If a man loses the hair on any part of his head, he does not need to stay away from other people.
Аще же кому облезе глава, плешив есть, чист есть:
аще же спреди облезе глава, взлыс есть, чист есть:
42 But if he gets a bright/shiny sore on his bald head or on his forehead, he has a contagious skin disease.
аще же будет на плеши его или на взлысине его блеск бел или червленуяся, прокажение процветающее на плеши его или на взлысине его:
43 The priest must examine him. If the swollen sore is a bright spot like [the spot on someone who has] a contagious skin disease,
и увидит его жрец, и се, обличие блеска бело или червлено на плеши его или на взлысине его, яко обличие прокажения на кожи плоти его:
44 the priest will declare that the man has a contagious skin disease and must not be with other people.
человек прокажен есть, осквернением осквернит его жрец, на главе его блеск его.
45 ‘Anyone who has a contagious skin disease must wear torn clothes and not comb his hair. [When he is near other people], he must cover the lower part to his face and call out, “Do not come near me! I have a contagious skin disease!”
И прокажен, на немже есть язва, ризы его да будут раздраны, и глава его не покровена, и около уст своих да обвиется, и нечист прозовется:
46 He is not allowed to be with other people as long as he has the disease. He must live alone, outside the camp.’”
вся дни, в няже будет на нем язва, нечист сый, нечист будет: отлучен да седит, вне полка да будет ему пребывание.
47 “Sometimes a person’s clothing gets mildew on it. It may be clothing that is woven from wool or made from linen or from leather.
И риза аще будет на ней язва прокажения, на ризе сукняне, или на изгребийней,
или на прядене, или на кроках, или на льнех, или на волне, или на кожи, или на всякой кожи деланей,
49 If the contaminated/mildewed part is greenish or reddish, it is a spreading mildew, and it must be shown to the priest.
и явится язва зелена или червленуяся на кожи, или на ризе, или на пряденех, или на кроках, или на всяком деле кожанем, язва прокажения есть, и покажет жерцу:
50 The priest will examine it, and then put it in a separate place by itself for seven days.
и увидит жрец язву, и отлучит жрец язву на седмь дний.
51 On the seventh day he must examine it again. If the mildew has spread, it is clear that it is a type of mildew that destroys clothing, and that clothing must not be worn again.
И да увидит жрец язву в день седмый: аще же разсыпася язва по ризе, или по прядене, или по кроках, или по кожи, по всему елика творятся кожы в делании, прокажение исто есть язва, нечист есть:
52 The owner must burn completely the item that has the mildew in it, whatever kind of item it is.
да сожжет ризу, или прядения, или кроки, или на волне, или на льне, или на всяком сосуде кожане, на немже аще будет язва: понеже прокажение исто есть, на огни да сожжется.
53 But when the priest examines it, if the mildew has not spread,
Аще ли узрит жрец, и не разсыплется язва по ризе, или по прядене, или по кроках, или по всякому сосуду кожану:
54 he will tell the person [who owns it] to wash it. Then he must put it in a separate place for another seven days.
и повелит жрец, и измыет, на немже будет язва, и да отлучит жрец язву на другия седмь дний:
55 Then the priest will examine it again. If the color of the mildew has not changed, even though it has not spread, that item must not be worn again. It does not matter if the mildew is on the inside of the clothing or on the outside; it must be burned.
и увидит жрец по измытии его язву, и аще не изменила язва лица своего, и язва не разсыпася, нечисто есть, на огни да сожжется: утвердися бо на ризе, или на прядене, или на кроках.
56 But when the priest examines it [after it has been washed], if the mildew has faded, he must tear out that part that had the mildew in it.
И аще увидит жрец, и будет темна язва по испрании ея, да отторгнет е от ризы, или от прядена, или от крок, или от кожи.
57 But if the mildew reappears in that item, it is clear that it is spreading, and the whole item must be burned.
И аще явится еще на ризе или на прядене, или на кроках, или на всяком сосуде кожане, прокажение процветающее есть, на огни да сожжется, на немже есть язва.
58 But after the clothing is washed and the mildew disappears, it must be washed again, and then it can be worn again.
И риза, или прядено, или кроки, или всяк сосуд кожан, еже исперется, и отступит от него язва, и измыется второе, и чисто будет.
59 Those are the regulations concerning mildew on things made of wool or linen or leather, for deciding whether those things can continue to be worn or not.”
Сей закон язве прокажения ризы сукняны, или изгребийны, или прядены, или куделныя, или всякаго сосуда кожана, во еже очистити е, или осквернити е.

< Leviticus 13 >