< Leviticus 11 >

1 Yahweh said to Aaron and Moses/me,
Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ni Musa gi Harun niya,
2 “Tell the Israeli people that [this is what Yahweh says]: From all the animals that live on the land, these are the ones that you are permitted to eat:
“Nyis jo-Israel niya, ‘Kuom le duto manie piny, magi ema unyalo chamo:
3 The ones that have hooves that are completely split and that (chew their cuds/bring their food up from their stomachs to chew it again).
Unyalo chamo kit le moro amora ma ombongʼ tiendegi opogore ariyo kendo manyamo kambula.
4 There are some animals that chew their cuds but do not have split hooves, and some animals that have split hooves but do not chew their cuds. You must not eat any of those animals. [For example], camels chew their cuds but do not have split hooves, so they are unacceptable for you to eat.
“‘Nitie moko manyamo kambula kende kata moko ma ombongʼ tiendegi kende ema opogore ariyo, mago to kik ucham. Ngamia kata obedo ni onyamo kambula kamano, to nikech ombongʼ tiende ok opogore, chik ok oyieni mondo uchame nikech ogak.
5 Rock badgers chew their cuds but do not have split hooves, so they are unacceptable for you to eat.
Aidha kata obedo ni onyamo kambula to ombongʼ tiende ok opogore, kik uchame nikech ok oler.
6 Rabbits chew their cuds but do not have split hooves, so they are unacceptable for you to eat.
Apwoyo kata obedoni onyamo kambula kamano, to ombongʼ tiende ok opogore, chik ok oyienu mondo uchamgi nikech gin gik makwero.
7 Pigs have completely split hooves but they do not chew their cuds, so they are unacceptable for you to eat.
Kata obedo ni ombongʼ tiend anguro opogore ariyo kamano, to ok onyam kambula; chik ok oyienu mondo uchamgi nikech gin gik makwero.
8 All of those animals are unacceptable for you, so you must not eat their meat or even touch their carcasses.
Kik ucham ring-gi kata kik umul ringregi motho. Gin gik makwero ne un.
9 From all the creatures that live in the oceans and the streams, you are permitted to eat any that have fins and scales.
“‘To kuom gik moko duto modakie nam gi aore to unyalo chamo mana mago man kod thuokgi kod kalagakla.
10 But you must detest [and not eat] those that do not have fins and scales. That includes ones that are very small.
To gik moko duto manie nam gi aore maonge gi thuokgi kata kalagakla, bed nigimol kata gin achiel kuom gik mangima modak ei pi nyaka ukwer.
11 You must despise them, and you must not eat their meat, and you must detest their carcasses.
Nikech gin gik makwero, kik ucham ring-gi bende kik umul motho kendgi.
12 You must detest everything that lives in the water that does not have fins and scales.
Gimoro amora modak ei pi to gionge thuokgi kata kalagakla nyaka gibednu gik makwero.
13 There are some birds that you must detest [and not eat]. They include eagles, bearded vultures, black vultures,
“‘Winy manyaka ukwer kendo kik ucham e magi: Ongo, achuth gi olith
14 kites, any kind of falcon/buzzard,
gi otenga kod kit otenga duto,
15 any kind of raven,
gi kit agak duto,
16 horned owls, screech owls, seagulls, any kind of hawk,
tula, nyatawo gi okok kod kit olith duto
17 small owls, cormorants, large owls,
tula matin, gi osou, gi tula maduongʼ,
18 white owls, desert owls, vultures that eat dead animals,
gi tula marachar gi tula modak e thim gi mbusi,
19 storks, any kind of heron, hoopoes, and bats.
gi nyamnaha gi ngʼangʼa, tula kod olik tiga.
20 You must detest [and not eat] flying insects that [sometimes] walk on the ground [MTY].
“‘Kute duto mafuyo kendo mawuotho gi tiende angʼwen nobednu gik makwero.
21 But you are permitted to eat creatures with wings that sometimes walk on the ground if they have jointed legs for hopping around.
Kata kamano, nitiere kute moko ma unyalo chamo man-gi tiende angʼwen kod mago ma gichikorego.
22 They include locusts, crickets, and grasshoppers.
Kuom mano unyalo chamo kit bonyo, osialo gi kit onjiri kaachiel gi kit ongogo duto.
23 But you must detest [and not eat] other insects with wings that have four legs.
To gik moko duto mafuyo kod mago man-gi tiende angʼwen, nobednu gik makwero.
24 ‘There are certain creatures that if you touch their carcasses you will become defiled. Anyone who touches their carcasses must not touch other people until that evening.
“‘Gik makamagi biro miyo ubed mogak, kendo ngʼato angʼata momulo ring chiayo motho kendeno nobed mogak nyaka odhiambo.
25 Anyone who picks up one of their carcasses must wash his clothes and not touch other people until that evening.
Ngʼata angʼata motingʼo ring chiayo mothono nyaka luok lepe, kendo en bende obiro bedo mogak nyaka odhiambo.
26 ‘The animals whose carcasses you must not touch are those that have hooves that are not completely divided or animals that do not chew their cuds. Anyone who touches the carcasses of any of those animals becomes (defiled/unacceptable to me).
“‘Le moro amora ma ombongʼne ok obarore duto kata ma ok nyam kambula nobednu gima kwero, kendo ngʼato angʼata momulo ring-gino nobed mogak.
27 From all the animals that walk on the ground, you must not touch the carcasses of those that have paws to walk on. Anyone who touches one of their carcasses must not touch other people until that evening.
To kuom le duto mawuotho gi tiende angʼwen, mago mawuotho kanyono piny gi kokegi nobednu mogak, kendo ngʼato angʼata momulo ring-gi nobed mogak nyaka odhiambo.
28 Anyone who picks up one of their carcasses must wash his clothes and not touch other people until that evening, because touching their carcasses (defiles you/causes you to become unacceptable to me).
Ngʼato angʼata motingʼo ring chiayogo motho nyaka luok lepe kendo nobed mogak nyaka odhiambo. Nikech le ma kamago gin le mogak.
29 ‘From all the animals that walk on the ground, these are the ones that (defile you/cause you to become unacceptable to me) [if you touch them]: Moles, rats, any kind of lizard,
“‘Le mogak manyaka ukwer e magi: oyieyo, oyiech gudhugudhu, ngʼech moro amora maduongʼ kata matindo,
30 geckos, skinks, and chameleons.
gi ogwe gi kalagwena gi olele gi obongo-bongo kod ongʼongruok.
31 Those creatures that scurry across the ground (defile you/cause you to become unacceptable to me); anyone who touches one of their carcasses must not touch other people until the evening.
Gigi duto nobednu makwero kendo ngʼato angʼata ma omulogi ka gisetho nobed mogak nyaka chop seche mag odhiambo.
32 When one of those creatures dies and falls on something, the thing that it falls on, whatever it is used for, will become (defiled/unacceptable to me), whether it is made of wood or cloth or the hide of some animal or from rough cloth. You must put it in water. Then you must not use it until that evening.
Kaponi achiel kuom legi otho kendo molwar kuom gimoro amora mwakonyorego pile, to gino koro nobed mogak, bedni en gima olos gi yien, kata en law, kata pien kata ogunia. Gino koro nyaka nyum ei pi kendo nobed mogak nyaka chop seche mag odhiambo, eka bangʼe nobed maler.
33 If one of them falls into a clay pot, everything in it becomes defiled, and you must break that pot into pieces.
Kaachiel kuomgi olwar ei agulu, gik moko duto man ei aguluno nobed mogak, kendo nyaka uto aguluno.
34 If you pour water from that pot on any food, you must not eat that food. And you must not drink any water from that pot.
Chiemo moro amora minyalo cham moole pi moaye aguluno nobed mogak, kendo gimoro amora mimadho mowuok ei aguluno nobed mogak.
35 Anything that one of the carcasses of those creatures falls on becomes (defiled/unacceptable to me); even if it falls on an oven or a cooking pot, anything that it falls on must be broken into pieces. It becomes unacceptable to me and you must not use it again.
Gimoro amora ma gima othono orere nobed mogak; ka orere kuom kendo kata kuom aguch kendo, to nyaka mukgi oko nikech gin gik mogak kendo nyaka kwan-gi kamano.
36 If one of their carcasses falls into a spring or a pit for storing water, the water may still be drunk, but anyone who touches one of those carcasses becomes unacceptable to me.
Kata kamano soko kata yawo motingʼo pi nosik ka ler, to ngʼato angʼata momulo gimoro amora motho nobed mogak.
37 If one of those carcasses falls on seeds that are to be planted, those seeds are still acceptable to be planted.
Kaponi achiel kuom gik mothogo olwar kuom kodhi mipidho, to kodhigo nosik ka ler,
38 But if water has been put on the seeds and then a carcass falls on them, the seeds must be thrown away.
to ka kodhigo gin mosebudi e pi, mi gimoro amora motho olwarie, to nobed mogak.
39 ‘If an animal [whose meat] you are permitted to eat dies, anyone who touches its carcass must not touch other people until that evening.
“‘Ka le moyienu chamo otho, to ngʼato angʼata momule nobed mogak nyaka chop seche mag odhiambo.
40 Anyone who eats some meat from that carcass must wash his clothes, and then he must not touch anyone until that evening.
Ngʼato angʼata mochamo ringʼono nyaka luok lepe, kendo enobed mogak nyaka chop seche mag odhiambo. Kata ngʼato angʼata motingʼo chiayono bende nyaka luok lepe, bende nosik mogak nyaka chop seche mag odhiambo.
41 ‘All creatures that scurry across the ground, including those that move on their bellies and those that crawl, are detestable, and they must not be eaten.
“‘Gimoro amora mamol kik ucham nikech gin gik makwero.
Kik ucham gimoro amora malak gi bund-igi kata mawuotho gi tiende angʼwen kata man-gi tiende mathoth nikech gin gik makwero.
43 Do not (defile yourselves/cause you to become unacceptable to me) by [eating] any of those creatures [DOU].
Kik gigi mi ubed mogak. Kik gik ma kamago mi ubed mogak kata mochido.
44 I am Yahweh your God, and I am holy, so you must consecrate yourselves and be holy. You must avoid eating things that cause you to be unacceptable to me. Do not cause yourselves to become unacceptable to me by eating creatures that scurry across the ground.
An Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu, kuom mano pwodhreuru kendo ubed jomaler, nikech an aler. Kik uchidru gi gimoro amora mamol kata malak e lowo.
45 I am Yahweh, the one who freed you from [being slaves in] Egypt, in order to be your God. Therefore, because I am holy, you must be holy.
An e Jehova Nyasaye mane ogolou e piny Misri mondo abed Nyasachu, kuom mano beduru maler nikech an aler.
46 'Those are the regulations concerning animals and birds, all the living creatures that live in water or scurry across the ground.
“‘Magi e chike mag le gi mag winy, kod gik mangima mamol ei pi, kod mago malak ewi lowo.
47 You must learn what things [I say] are acceptable to me and what things are not, and learn what things you are permitted to eat and what things you are not permitted to eat.’”
Nyaka uket pogruok e kind gik makwero kod gik ma ok kwero, kendo mondo upog gik mangima michamo kod mago ma ok cham.’”

< Leviticus 11 >