< Leviticus 10 >

1 [Two of] Aaron’s sons, Nadab and Abihu, took the pans in which they burned incense. They put some burning coals in them and put incense on top of the coals, but this fire was not acceptable [to Yahweh] because it was not the kind that he had commanded them to burn.
Synové pak Aronovi Nádab a Abiu, vzavše jeden každý kadidlnici svou, dali do nich oheň a položili na něj kadidlo, a obětovali před Hospodinem oheň cizí, čehož jim byl nepřikázal.
2 So suddenly a fire from Yahweh appeared and burned them up [DOU] in the presence of Yahweh.
Protož sstoupiv oheň od Hospodina, spálil je; a zemřeli tu před Hospodinem.
3 Then Moses/I said to Aaron, “That is what Yahweh predicted. He said, ‘Those priests who come near to me, I will show them that they must (respect me/treat me as being holy); in the presence of all the people I am the one who must be honored.’” But Aaron said nothing.
I řekl Mojžíš Aronovi: Toť jest, což mluvil Hospodin, řka: V těch, kteříž přistupují ke mně, posvěcen budu, a před oblíčejem všeho lidu oslaven budu. I mlčel Aron.
4 Then Moses/I summoned Mishael and Elzaphan, who were the sons of Aaron’s uncle Uzziel, and said to them, “Take [the corpses of] your cousins outside the camp, away from the front of the Sacred Tent.”
Tedy povolal Mojžíš Mizaele a Elizafana, synů Uziele, strýce Aronova, a řekl jim: Poďte a vyneste bratří své od svatyně ven za stany.
5 So they carried the corpses, which still had their special gowns on, outside the camp, [and buried them].
I přišli a vynesli je v sukních jejich ven za stany, jakž byl rozkázal Mojžíš.
6 Then Moses/I said to Aaron and his [other two] sons Eleazar and Ithamar, “[You are sad because Nadab and Abihu died, but you must act like you always do]. Do not allow the hair on your [heads] to remain uncombed, and do not tear your clothes. But your relatives and all your fellow Israelis are allowed to mourn for those whom Yahweh destroyed by fire.
Mluvil pak Mojžíš Aronovi, Eleazarovi a Itamarovi, synům jeho: Hlav svých neodkrývejte a roucha svého neroztrhujte, abyste nezemřeli, a aby se Bůh na všecko množství nerozhněval; ale bratří vaši, všecka rodina Izraelská, budou plakati nad tím spálením, kteréž uvedl Hospodin.
7 But you must not leave the entrance of the Sacred Tent [to join those who are mourning], because if you do that, you also will die, and Yahweh will punish [MTY] all the people of Israel. Do not forget that Yahweh has set you apart [MTY] to work for him here, [and he does not want you to become defiled by touching a corpse].” So they did what Moses/I told them to do.
Vy pak ze dveří stánku úmluvy nevycházejte, abyste nezemřeli; nebo olej pomazání Hospodinova jest na vás. I učinili vedlé rozkázaní Mojžíšova.
8 Then Yahweh said to Aaron,
Mluvil také Hospodin Aronovi, řka:
9 “You and your [two] sons [who are still alive] must not drink wine or other fermented drinks before you enter the Sacred Tent; if you do that, you will die. That is a command that you and your descendants must obey forever.
Vína a nápoje opojného nebudeš píti, ty ani synové tvoji s tebou, kdyžkoli budete míti vcházeti do stánku úmluvy, abyste nezemřeli, (ustanovení věčné to bude po rodech vašich);
10 You must do that in order to learn what things are holy and what things are (not holy/common), and [from the things that are not holy] you must learn what things are acceptable to me and what things are not.
Také abyste rozeznati mohli mezi svatým a neposvěceným, a mezi čistým a nečistým;
11 And you must teach to the Israeli people all the laws that I gave to the Israeli people by telling them to Moses.”
Též abyste učili syny Izraelské všechněm ustanovením, kteráž mluvil Hospodin k nim skrze Mojžíše.
12 Moses/I said to Aaron and his two sons who were still alive, Eleazar and Ithamar, “Take the offering made from grain that is left after a portion of it has been offered to Yahweh to be burned, and eat it alongside the altar. [It should not be eaten elsewhere], because it is very holy.
Mluvil pak Mojžíš Aronovi, Eleazarovi a Itamarovi, synům jeho, kteříž živi zůstali: Vezměte obět suchou, kteráž zůstala z ohnivých obětí Hospodinových, a jezte ji s přesnicemi u oltáře; nebo svatá svatých jest.
13 Eat it in a holy place; it is the share for you and your sons from the offerings that were burned; I have commanded that it be your share.
Protož jísti budete ji na místě svatém, nebo to jest právo tvé a právo synů tvých z ohnivých obětí Hospodinových; tak zajisté jest mi přikázáno.
14 But you and your sons and daughters are permitted to eat the breast and the thigh that were lifted up in front of Yahweh. Eat them in any place that is (holy/acceptable to him). They have been given to you and your descendants as your share of the offerings to enable the Israelis to maintain fellowship [with Yahweh].
Hrudí pak sem i tam obracení, a plece vznášení jísti budete na místě čistém, ty i synové tvoji, i dcery tvé s tebou; nebo to právem tobě a synům tvým dáno jest z pokojných obětí synů Izraelských.
15 The thigh and the breast that were lifted up in front of Yahweh must be brought with the portions of fat to be burned, to be lifted up in his presence. They will be the regular share for you and your descendants, as Yahweh has commanded.”
Plece vzhůru vznášení a hrudí sem i tam obracení s obětmi ohnivými tuků, kteréž přinesou, aby sem i tam obracíno bylo, tak jako obět obracení před Hospodinem, bude tobě i synům tvým s tebou právem věčným, jakož přikázal Hospodin.
16 When Moses/I inquired about the goat that had been sacrificed to enable the people to be forgiven by Yahweh for the sins they had committed, he/I found out that it had been completely burned. So he/I was angry with Eleazar and Ithamar and asked them,
Mojžíš pak hledal pilně kozla k oběti za hřích, a hle, již spálen byl. Tedy rozhněval se na Eleazara a Itamara, syny Aronovy pozůstalé, a řekl:
17 “Why did you not eat near the Sacred Tent the meat of the offering for sin? It was very holy, and it was given to you to enable the Israeli people to no longer be guilty for their sins and to be forgiven for their sins.
Pročež jste nejedli oběti za hřích na místě svatém? Nebo svatá svatých byla, poněvadž ji dal vám, abyste nesli nepravost všeho množství k očištění jejich před Hospodinem.
18 Since its blood was not taken into the holy place inside the Sacred Tent, you should have eaten the [meat of] the goat near the Sacred Tent, as I commanded.”
A hle, ani krev její není vnesena do vnitřku svatyně. Jísti jste měli ji v svatyni, jakož jsem byl přikázal.
19 Aaron replied to Moses/me, “Today the people brought to Yahweh their offering to be forgiven for the sins they had committed, and the offering to be completely burned, [and surely that pleased Yahweh], but [think about the terrible thing] that happened to my other two sons! Would [RHQ] Yahweh have been pleased if I had eaten some of the offering to cause the people to become acceptable to God?”
Tedy odpověděl Aron Mojžíšovi: Aj, dnes obětovali obět svou za hřích a obět svou zápalnou před Hospodinem, ale přihodila se mně taková věc, že, kdybych byl jedl obět za hřích dnes, zdali by se to líbilo Hospodinu?
20 When Moses/I heard that, he/I was satisfied.
Což když uslyšel Mojžíš, přestal na tom.

< Leviticus 10 >