< Lamentations 3 >

1 I [, the one who am writing this, ] am a man who has been afflicted/punished [MTY] by Yahweh because he was angry.
Nze muntu eyakangavvulwa n’omuggo ogw’obusungu bwe.
2 [It was as though] he caused me to walk in a very dark place without any light [at all].
Angobye mu maaso ge n’antambuliza mu kizikiza, awatali kitangaala;
3 He has punished [IDM] me many times, all day, [every] day.
ddala, omukono gwe gunnwanyisizza emirundi egiddiriŋŋanwa olunaku lwonna.
4 He has caused my skin and my flesh to become old. He has broken my bones.
Akaddiyizza omubiri gwange n’eddiba lyange era amenye n’amagumba gange.
5 He has surrounded me [DOU] with bitterness and suffering.
Antaayizza n’anzijuza obulumi n’okubonaabona.
6 [It is as though] he has buried me in a dark place like [SIM] [the graves of] those who have been dead for a long time.
Antadde mu kizikiza ng’abafu abaafa edda.
7 [It is as though] [MET] he has built a wall around me, and fastened/tied me with heavy chains, and I cannot escape.
Ankomedde n’okuyinza ne siyinza kudduka, ansibye enjegere ezizitowa.
8 Although I call out and cry out for him to help me, he does not pay attention to my prayers.
Ne bwe mukoowoola ne mukaabira nga mmusaba anyambe, okusaba kwange akuggalira bweru.
9 [It is as though] he has blocked my path with a [high] stone [wall] and has caused my path to become crooked.
Anteeredde amayinja mu kkubo lyange era akyamizza amakubo gange.
10 He has waited to attack me like [SIM] a bear or a lion hides and waits [to attack other animals].
Ng’eddubu bwe liteega, n’empologoma bwe yeekweka
11 [It is as though] he has dragged me off the path and (mauled me/torn me into pieces), and left me without help.
yansikambula n’anziggya mu kkubo lyange n’antaagulataagula n’andeka awo nga sirina anyamba.
12 [It is as though] [MET] he bent his bow and caused me to become the target [at which he shot] his arrows.
Yanaanuula omutego gwe, n’anteekawo okuba ssabbaawa ey’obusaale bwe.
13 [It is as though] he shot his arrows deep into my body.
Yafumita omutima gwange n’obusaale okuva mu mufuko gwe.
14 All my relatives laugh at me; all day, [every] day they sing songs that make fun of me.
Nafuuka ekisekererwa eri abantu bonna, era bannyooma nga bannyimbirira okuzibya obudde.
15 He has filled me with (bitterness/great suffering), [like] [MET] someone who drinks a very bitter liquid suffers.
Anzijuzza ebikaawa era ampadde ekikompe eky’obubalagaze nkinywe.
16 [It is as though] he has caused me to chew gravel that broke my teeth, and he has trampled me in the dirt.
Ampadde oluyinjayinja okululya amannyo gange ne gamenyeka; anninnyiridde mu nfuufu.
17 Things no longer go well for me; I no longer remember being prosperous.
Emmeeme yange terina mirembe, n’okujjukira sijjukira bugagga bwe bufaanana.
18 I [continued to] say [to myself], “I no longer expect to live much longer; I no longer confidently expect [to receive good things] from Yahweh!”
Era njogera nti, “Ekitiibwa kyange kigenze, n’essuubi lyonna lye nalina mu Mukama limpeddeko.”
19 When I think about my suffering and my wandering [away from home], [it is like drinking] a very bitter [DOU] liquid.
Nzijukira okubonaabona kwange n’okuwankawanka kwange, n’obulumi n’obubalagaze.
20 I will never forget this time when I feel very depressed/discouraged [IDM].
Mbijjukira bulungi era bwe mbirowoozaako omutima gwange gulumwa.
21 However, I confidently expect [Yahweh to do good things for me again] when I think about this:
Ebyo byonna mbijjukira, kyenvudde mbeera n’essuubi.
22 Yahweh never stops faithfully loving [us], and he never stops being kind to us.
Olw’okwagala kwa Mukama okutaggwaawo, tetulimalibwawo, kubanga ekisa kye tekiggwaawo.
23 [He is the one whom we can] always trust/lean on. Every morning he is merciful [to us again].
Buli lukya ekisa kyo kiba kiggya; n’obwesigwa bwo bwa lubeerera.
24 [So] I say to myself, “Yahweh is all that I need; so I will confidently wait for him [to do good things for me].”
Njogera mu mutima gwange nti, “Mukama gwe mugabo gwange, kyenaava mbeera n’essuubi mu ye.”
25 Yahweh is good to [all] those who depend on him, to those who seek his [help].
Mukama mulungi eri abo abamulinamu essuubi, eri oyo amunoonya.
26 [So] it is good for us to wait quietly for Yahweh to save/rescue [us].
Kirungi omuntu okulindirira obulokozi bwa Mukama n’obukkakkamu.
27 And it is good for us to [patiently] endure [suffering] while we are young.
Kirungi omuntu okwetikka ekikoligo kye mu buvubuka bwe.
28 Those [who seek his help] should sit by themselves, silently, [knowing that] it is Yahweh who has allowed/caused them to suffer.
Atuulenga yekka mu kasirise kubanga Mukama y’akimwambiseemu.
29 They should lie in the dirt, with their faces on the ground, [because] they can still hope [that Yahweh will help them].
Leka akweke amaaso ge mu nfuufu, mpozi wanaabaawo essuubi.
30 If someone strikes us on one cheek, we should turn the other cheek toward that person [in order that he may strike it, too], and accept/endure it when we are insulted.
Leka aweeyo oluba lwe okukubibwa, era amalibwe n’okuvumibwa.
31 Yahweh does not abandon [us his people] forever.
Kubanga Mukama taligobera bantu bweru ebbanga lyonna.
32 Sometimes he causes us to suffer, but sometimes he is kind [to us] because he continually and faithfully loves [us].
Newaakubadde ng’aleeta obulumi, aliraga ekisa kubanga okwagala kwe kungi nnyo tekuggwaawo.
33 And he is not happy about causing human beings to suffer or to be sad.
Tagenderera kuleeta bulumi newaakubadde okubonaabona ku baana ba bantu.
34 If people (mistreat all the prisoners/crush all the prisoners under their feet)
Mukama akkiriziganya n’okulinnyirira abasibe,
35 or if they rebel against God by refusing to give to people the things that it is right for them [to receive],
n’okuggyako omuntu obwetwaze bwe mu maaso g’Oyo Ali Waggulu Ennyo,
36 or if they cause judges to decide matters unjustly, (does Yahweh not see all those things?/Yahweh certainly sees all those things!) [RHQ]
oba n’obutaba na bwenkanya eri omuntu?
37 No one can [RHQ] command something to happen [and then cause it to happen] if Yahweh has not already decided that it should happen.
Ani ayinza okwogera ekintu ne kituukirira, Mukama nga takiragidde?
38 God in heaven [MTY] is [RHQ] the one who causes disasters to happen, and he [also] causes good things to happen.
Mu kamwa k’oyo Ali Waggulu Ennyo, si mmwe muva ebigambo eby’okubeerwa n’eby’okubonereza?
39 [So] it is certainly not [RHQ] right for us, who are only humans, to complain when he punishes us for the sins that we have committed.
Lwaki omuntu omulamu yeemulugunya, bw’abonerezebwa olw’ebibi bye?
40 Instead, we should (examine/think carefully about) our behavior; we should turn back to Yahweh.
Twekebere engeri zaffe, era tuzeetegereze, tudde eri Mukama.
41 We should pray [IDM] sincerely and lift up our arms toward God in heaven, [and say, ]
Tuyimuse emitima gyaffe n’emikono gyaffe eri Katonda mu ggulu, twogere nti,
42 “We have sinned and rebelled [against you], and you have not forgiven [us].
“Twayonoona ne tujeema, tokyerabiranga era tonatusonyiwa.
43 You have surrounded us with your anger and pursued us; you have slaughtered [us] without pitying us.
“Ojjudde obusungu n’otugobaganya, n’otutta awatali kutusaasira.
44 You have hidden yourself in a cloud, with the result that you do not hear [us] when we pray.
Weebisseeko ekire, waleme okubaawo okusaba n’okumu okutuuka gy’oli.
45 You have caused [the people of other] nations to consider us to be only garbage [DOU].
Otufudde obusa n’ebisasiro mu mawanga.
46 All our enemies have insulted us.
“Abalabe baffe bonna batwogerako ebigambo ebibi.
47 We are constantly afraid [DOU], [because] we have experienced disasters and ruin [DOU].”
Tubonyeebonye olw’entiisa n’emitego n’okunyagibwa n’okuzikirizibwa.”
48 I cry a lot because my people have been destroyed.
Amaaso gange gakulukuta emigga gy’amaziga olw’okuzikirira kw’abantu bange.
49 My tears continually flow; they will not stop
Era amaaso gange ganeeyongeranga okukulukuta amaziga awatali kusirika,
50 until Yahweh looks down from heaven and sees [us].
okutuusa Mukama lw’alisinzira mu ggulu n’alaba.
51 I am very grieved because of [what has happened to] the women of my city.
Bye ndaba bireeta ennaku ku mutima gwange, olw’ebyo ebyatuuka ku bawala b’ekibuga kyange.
52 Those who are my enemies hunted for me like [SIM] [people hunt for] a bird [to kill it] [even though] there was no reason [for them to do that].
Abalabe bange banjigganya olutata ne baba ng’abayigga ennyonyi.
53 They threw me into a pit to kill me, and they threw stones on top of me.
Bagezaako okuzikiririza obulamu bwange mu bunnya, ne bankasuukirira amayinja;
54 The water [in the pit] rose above my head, and I said [to myself], “I am about to die/drown!”
amazzi gaabikka omutwe gwange, ne ndowooza nti, nsanyeewo.
55 But from the bottom of the pit I cried out to you [MTY], “Yahweh, [help me]!”
“Nakoowoola erinnya lyo, Ayi Mukama, nga ndi mu bunnya wansi ennyo;
56 I pleaded with you, “Do not refuse to heed [MTY] me while I cry out to you!”
wawulira okwegayirira kwange: toziba matu go eri okukaaba kwange.”
57 Then you answered me and said, “Do not be afraid!”
Bwe nakukoowoola wansemberera n’oyogera nti, “Totya!”
58 Yahweh, you defended me; you did not allow me to die.
Mukama watunula mu nsonga yange, era n’onunula obulamu bwange.
59 [Now], Yahweh, you have seen the evil things that my enemies have done to me, [so] decide my case [and show that I am right]!
Ayi Mukama, walaba ebibi bye bankola, obasalire omusango nga bwe kibagwanira.
60 You know the evil things that they have planned to do to me.
Walaba bwe bampalana, n’enkwe zaabwe zonna ze bansalira.
61 Yahweh, you have heard them insult [me] and what they have planned to do to me.
Wawulira bye banvuma, Ayi Mukama Katonda, n’enkwe zaabwe zonna ze bansalira,
62 Every day they whisper and mutter things about me, all day long.
obwama n’ebirowoozo eby’abalabe bange bye bantesaako obudde okuziba.
63 Look at them! Whether they are standing or sitting they make fun of me with the songs that they sing.
Batunuulire mu kutuula kwabwe ne mu kuyimirira kwabwe; bannyooma nga bwe bannyimbirira.
64 Yahweh, cause them to suffer in return for their causing [me] to suffer!
Obasasule nga bwe kibagwanira Ayi Mukama Katonda, olw’ebikolwa eby’emikono gyabwe.
65 Curse them [IDM] [for] their being very stubborn [IDM].
Osseeko ekibikka ku mitima gyabwe, n’ekikolimo kyo kibabeereko.
66 Because you are angry with them, pursue them and get rid of them, [until none of them remain] on the earth.
Obayigganye mu busungu bwo obazikirize ng’osinziira mu ggulu lya Mukama Katonda.

< Lamentations 3 >