< Judges 9 >

1 Gideon’s son Abimelech went to [talk with] his mother’s brothers in Shechem [city]. He said to them and to all his mother’s relatives,
Otu ụbọchị, Abimelek nwa Jerub-Baal jekwuuru ụmụnne nne ya ndị ikom bi na Shekem, na ndị ikwu nne ya niile sị ha,
2 “Ask all the leaders of your city: ‘Do you [think it would be] good for all 70 of Gideon’s sons to rule over you? Or would it be better to have only one of his sons, [me], to rule over you?’ And do not forget that I am your relative! [MTY]”
“Jekwurunụ ndị Shekem jụọ ha, ‘Kedụ nke kara unu mma: ọ bụ ka ụmụ iri ndị ikom asaa Jerub-Baal mụrụ chịa unu, ka ọ bụ ka otu onye chịa unu?’ Chetakwanụ na mụ na unu bụ otu anụ ahụ na ọbara.”
3 So Abimelech’s mother’s brothers spoke to all the leaders of Shechem about what Abimelech had said. They said to each other, “We should allow Abimelech to rule over us, because he is our relative.”
Mgbe ụmụnne nne ya ndị ikom gwara ndị Shekem ihe Abimelek kwuru, ha kwekọrịtara iso ya nʼihi na ha kwuru sị, “Nwanne anyị ka ọ bụ.”
4 So the leaders of Shechem took from the temple of [their god] Baal-Berith (almost 2 pounds/0.8 kg.) of silver and gave it to Abimelech. With that silver he paid some worthless troublemakers to help him, and they went with Abimelech wherever he went.
Ha sitere nʼụlọ arụsị Baal-Berit nye ya iri shekel ọlaedo asaa. Abimelek ji ego ndị a goo ndị efulefu jọgburu onwe ha, ndị na-akpọghị ndụ ha ihe ọbụla, ndị kwenyere ma gbasoro ya.
5 They went to Ophrah, his father’s town, and murdered 69 of his 70 brothers, the sons of his father Gideon. They killed all those men on one huge rock. But Gideon’s youngest son Jotham hid [from Abimelech and his men], and he escaped.
Ọ gara nʼụlọ nna ya nʼobodo Ofra. Nʼebe ahụ, o gburu iri ndị ikom asaa ahụ bụ ụmụnna ya nʼelu otu nkume. Kama Jotam, bụ ọdụdụ nwa Jerub-Baal, zoro onwe ya gbapụ.
6 Then all the leaders of Shechem and Beth-Millo gathered under the big sacred tree in Shechem. There they appointed Abimelech to be their leader.
Mgbe ahụ, ndị Shekem na ndị Bet Milo kpọrọ nzukọ nʼokpuru osisi ukwu dị nʼobodo ahụ nʼakụkụ ogidi e guzobere ọtọ na Shekem. Nʼebe ahụ ka ha nọ mee Abimelek eze Izrel.
7 When Jotham heard about that, he climbed up Gerizim Mountain. He stood at the top of the mountain and shouted to the people [down below], “You leaders of Shechem, listen to me, in order that God will listen to you!
Mgbe Jotam nụrụ ya, o rigooro nʼugwu Gerizim guzo nʼebe ahụ tikuo ndị Shekem niile mkpu si ha, “Geenụ m ntị ka Chineke nwe ike gee unu ntị.
8 One day the trees decided to appoint a king to rule over all of them. So they said to the olive tree, ‘You be our king!’
Otu mgbe, osisi niile pụrụ ije ịga tee otu onye mmanụ ka ọ bụrụ eze ga-achị ha. Ha sịrị osisi oliv, ‘Bụrụ eze anyị.’
9 “But the olive tree said, ‘No! [I will not be your king] Men and gods enjoy the oil from my fruit. I will not [RHQ] stop producing [olives from which we make] that oil, in order to rule over you other trees!’
“Ma osisi oliv jụrụ ha ajụjụ sị, ‘O kwesiri ka m hapụ iwepụta mmanụ m a nke a na-esite na ya sọpụrụ Chineke na ụmụ mmadụ, nọọ ọnọdụ ifegharị alaka m nʼelu osisi ndị ọzọ?’
10 “Then the trees said to the fig tree, ‘You come and be our king!’
“Ọzọkwa, ha rịọrọ osisi fiig ka ọ bụrụ eze ha.
11 “But the fig tree replied, ‘No! I do not want to [RHQ] stop producing my good sweet fruit, and rule over you other trees!’
“Ma osisi fiig sịrị, ‘Ọ bụrụ na m ekwere na m ga-abụ eze unu, ọ pụtara na m ga-akwụsị ịmịpụta mkpụrụ osisi na-atọ ụtọ, nọọ ọnọdụ ifegharị alaka m nʼelu osisi ndị ọzọ?’
12 “Then the trees said to the grapevine, ‘Come and be our king!’
“Ọzọkwa, ha rịọrọ osisi vaịnị ma ọ ga-ekwenye ịbụ eze ha.
13 “But the grapevine replied, ‘No! [I will not be your king] The new wine [that is made from my grapes] causes people and gods [who drink it] to become very happy. I do not want to stop producing grapes and rule over you other trees!’ [RHQ]
“Ma osisi vaịnị ahụ zara sị ha, ‘Ọ bụrụ na m ekwere ịbụ eze unu, ọ pụtara na m ga-akwụsị ịmịpụta mkpụrụ osisi e ji eme mmanya nke na-enye Chineke na ụmụ mmadụ obi ụtọ, nọọ ọnọdụ ifegharị alaka m nʼelu osisi ndị ọzọ?’
14 “Then all the trees said to the thornbush, ‘Come and be our king!’
“Nʼikpeazụ, osisi niile jekwuuru ogwu ọhịa, ‘Bịa ka ị bụrụ eze anyị.’
15 “The thornbush replied, ‘If you truly want to appoint me to be your king, come into the shade of my [tiny branches]. But if you do not want to do that, I hope/desire that fire will come out from me and burn up all the huge cedar trees in Lebanon [country]!’”
“Ogwu ọhịa sịrị osisi niile, ‘Ọ bụrụ nʼezie na unu chọrọ ite m mmanụ ka m bụrụ eze unu, bịanụ zere ndụ nʼokpuru ndo m kpọkwanụ isiala nye m. Ọ bụrụ na unu ajụ ime nke a, ka ọkụ si nʼogwu ọhịa pụta rechapụ sida niile dị na Lebanọn!’
16 “[After] Jotham [finished telling them this parable, he] said, “So now [I ask you], were you being completely honest and sincere when you appointed Abimelech to be your king [RHQ]? And have you treated Gideon and his family [RHQ] fairly? Have you rewarded Gideon by honoring him as he deserved [because of all the good things he did for you]? No!
“Ugbu a, omume unu o ziri ezi ma sitekwa nʼezi obi na unu mere Abimelek eze? Mmeso unu mesoro Jerub-Baal na ezinaụlọ ya o ziri ezi? Unu omesoro ya dịka o kwesiri ya?
17 “[Do not forget that] my father fought a battle for you, and he was willing to die for you [if that had been necessary], to save you from the Midian people-group.
Chetakwanụ na nna m lụrụ ọgụ maka unu, kpọọ ndụ ya ihe efu, nʼihi ịnapụta unu site nʼaka ndị Midia.
18 But now you have rebelled against my father’s family, and you have killed 69 of his sons on one huge rock. And you have appointed Abimelech—who is the son of my father’s slave girl, [not the son of his wife]—to be the king who will rule you people of Shechem. You have done that only because he is one of your relatives!
Ma taa, unu enupula isi megide nna m na ezinaụlọ ya, gbuo iri ụmụ ndị ikom asaa ya nʼelu otu nkume, meekwa Abimelek nwa ya nwoke nke ohu nwanyị ya mụtara eze ga-achị ndị Shekem niile, nʼihi na ọ bụ onye nke unu.
19 So, if today you have truly acted fairly and sincerely toward Gideon and his family, I hope/desire that he will cause you to be happy and that you will cause him to be happy.
Nke a o gosiri na omume unu ziri ezi, sitekwa nʼobi ọcha nʼebe Jerub-Baal na ezinaụlọ ya nọ taa? Ọ bụrụ na unu mere otu a, ka Abimelek bụrụ onye ga-ewetara unu ọṅụ ka unu bụkwara ndị ga-ewetara ya ọṅụ.
20 But if what you did was not right, I wish/desire that Abimelech will burn up all of you leaders of Shechem and Beth-Millo with fire! And I also hope/desire that the leaders of Shechem and Beth-Millo will cause fire to burn up Abimelech!”
Ma ọ bụrụ na omume unu ezighị ezi, ka ọkụ si nʼAbimelek pụta repịa unu, ndị Shekem na Bet Milo, ka ọkụ sitekwa nʼebe unu bụ ndị Shekem na Bet Milo, pụta repịa Abimelek.”
21 [After] Jotham [finished saying that, he] escaped from them and ran away to Beer [town]. He stayed there because he was afraid that his brother Abimelech [would try to kill him].
Emesịa, Jotam gbapụrụ, gbaga Bịa, biri nʼebe ahụ nʼihi egwu Abimelek bụ nwanna ya.
22 Abimelech [became the leader of all the people of Israel. He] ruled them for three years.
Mgbe ọ gasịrị afọ atọ Abimelek bidoro ịchị Izrel,
23 Then God sent an evil spirit [to cause trouble] between Abimelech and the leaders of Shechem, with the result that the leaders of Shechem rebelled against Abimelech.
Chineke kpaliri iro dị ukwuu nʼetiti Abimelek na ndị nwe obodo Shekem, nke bụ na ha mere omume ihu abụọ megide Abimelek.
24 The leaders of Shechem had previously helped Abimelech to kill 69 of Gideon’s sons, who were his brothers. So now God sent the evil spirit to punish all of them.
Chineke mere nke a nʼihi na ọ chọrọ ịbọta ọbọ ọbara iri ụmụ Jerub-Baal asaa ahụ nʼisi Abimelek, na ndị Shekem ahụ bụ ndị nyeere ya aka gbuo ụmụnne ya.
25 The leaders of Shechem (set an ambush/sent men to hide) on the hilltops to ambush Abimelech. Those men robbed everyone who passed by. But someone told Abimelech about it, [so he did not go near them].
Nʼọnọdụ imegide ya, ndị Shekem doro ndị ikom ụfọdụ nʼelu ugwu niile, ndị zoro nʼebe ahụ na-apụnara ndị ọbụla na-esite nʼebe ahụ agafe ihe ha nwere. E mere ka Abimelek mata na ihe dị otu a na-eme.
26 There was a man named Gaal, the son of Ebed, who moved into Shechem [city], along with his brothers. Soon the leaders of Shechem started to trust him.
Nʼoge ahụ, Gaal, nwa Ebed, chịkọtara ụmụnne ya ndị ikom gaa biri na Shekem, ndị Shekem nwere ntụkwasị obi nʼebe ọ nọ.
27 They went out [of the city] to their vineyards and picked some grapes. They pressed the grapes [to make juice, and then they made wine]. Then they had a feast in the temple of their god, and they ate [a lot of food] and drank [a lot of wine]. Then they cursed Abimelech.
Mgbe ha pụrụ baa nʼubi, chịkọta mkpụrụ vaịnị, zọchaa ha, ha mere mmemme nʼụlọ chi ha. Mgbe ha nọ na-eri na-aṅụ, ha kọchara Abimelek.
28 Gaal said, “(Why should [we allow] Abimelech to rule over us?/We should not allow Abimelech to rule over us!) [RHQ] He is only one of Gideon’s sons [so he really does not belong to us] [RHQ]! And he appointed Zebul, the governor of our city, to be his deputy! We should (serve/be loyal to) [one of the descendants of] Hamor, [the founder of our city], and let him be our leader, not Abimelech [RHQ]!
Mgbe ahụ, Gaal nwa Ebed sịrị, “Onye bụ Abimelek? Gịnị mere na anyị bụ ndị Shekem ga-eji nọrọ nʼokpuru ya? Ọ bụghị nwa Jerub-Baal? Ọ bụkwaghị Zebul bụ onye na-esote ya? Ọ bụ ka anyị fee ezinaụlọ Hamọ, nna Shekem ofufe. Ọ bụ maka gịnị ka anyị ga-eji fee Abimelek ofufe?
29 If you would appoint me to be your leader, I would get rid of Abimelech. I would say to him, ‘Get your army ready, [and then come to fight us]!’”
A sịkwarị na ndị a nọ nʼokpuru ọchịchị m, mgbe ahụ, m ga-ewezuga Abimelek. Aga m asị ya, ‘Kpọpụta ndị agha gị niile.’”
30 When someone told Zebul what Gaal said, he was very angry.
Mgbe Zebul onye na-achị obodo ahụ nụrụ ihe Gaal nwa Ebed kwuru, o were nnọọ oke iwe.
31 He secretly sent some messengers to Abimelech. They told him, “Gaal and his brothers have come here to Shechem, and they are causing [the people of] the city to rebel against you.
O zigara Abimelek ndị ozi na nzuzo ka ha sị ya, “Gaal nwa Ebed na ndị ikwu ya abịala obodo Shekem. Ha akpaliela obi ndị obodo a niile ka ha megide gị.
32 You and your men should get up during the night and go and hide in the fields outside the city.
Ugbu a, gị na ndị agha gị, bịanụ nʼabalị zoo onwe unu nʼọhịa.
33 As soon as the sun rises in the morning, get up and attack the city. When Gaal and his men come out to fight against you, you can do to them whatever you want to.”
Nʼụtụtụ, mgbe anwụ wara, busonụ obodo a agha. Mgbe Gaal na ndị ya pụtara ịlụso gị agha, mee ha ihe dị gị mma.”
34 So Abimelech and all the men who were with him got up during the night. They [divided into] four groups, [and] hid [in the fields] near Shechem.
Ya mere, Abimelek na ndị agha ya dị nʼotu anọ, jiri abalị bilie jeruo Shekem zoo onwe ha na nso obodo ahụ.
35 [The next morning], Gaal went out and stood at the entrance to the city gate. While he was standing there, Abimelech and his soldiers came out of their hiding places [and started walking toward the city].
Gaal nwa Ebed pụrụ guzo nʼọnụ ama obodo ahụ mgbe Abimelek na ndị ya sitere nʼebe ha zoro onwe ha pụta.
36 When Gaal saw the soldiers, he said to Zebul, “Look! There are people coming down from the hills!” But Zebul said, “You are seeing only the shadows [of trees] on the hills. They [are not people; they] only resemble people.”
Mgbe Gaal hụrụ ha, ọ kpọrọ Zebul si ya, “Lee ndị mmadụ sị nʼelu ugwu ndị a na-arịdata.” Zebul zara si ya, “Ọ bụghị mmadụ ka ị na-ahụ, kama ọ bụ onyinyo ugwu ka ị na-akpọ mmadụ.”
37 But Gaal [looked] again [and] said, “Look! There are people coming down from the top of the sacred mountain! There is a group of them coming down from where the tree is where people talk with the spirits of dead people!”
Gaal kwukwara okwu sị, “Lee ndị mmadụ si nʼetiti ala ahụ na-arịdata, ndị ọzọ sikwa nʼakụkụ ụzọ ebe osisi iju ase dị.”
38 Zebul said to Gaal, “Now (what good is your bragging?/your bragging is worthless!) [MTY, RHQ] You said, ‘(Why should we serve Abimelech/We should not allow Abimelech to rule over us)?’ You made fun of these men. So now go out and fight them!”
Mgbe ahụ, Zebul sịrị ya, “Olee uru ọ bara na ị turu ọnụ, gị onye na-asị, ‘Onye bụ Abimelek na anyị ga-efe ya ofufe?’ Ọ bụ ndị a abụghị ndị ahụ ị kọchara? Pụkwuru ha gaa lụso ha ọgụ.”
39 So Gaal led the men of Shechem outside [the city] to fight Abimelech [and his men].
Ya mere, Gaal duuru ndị nwe Shekem pụọ ịlụso Abimelek ọgụ.
40 Abimelech and his men pursued them, and they killed many of Gaal’s men before they could return [safely] inside the city gate.
Ma Abimelek chụụrụ ya ọsọ ruo mbata ọnụ ụzọ ama, ọtụtụ bụkwa ndị egburu ka ha na-agba ọsọ.
41 Abimelech then stayed at Arumah, [about five miles away from Shechem], and Zebul’s men forced Gaal and his brothers to leave Shechem.
Abimelek nọgidere nʼAruma nʼoge ahụ. Ma Zebul chụpụrụ Gaal na ndị ikwu ya site na Shekem.
42 The next day, the people of Shechem [got ready to leave the city and work] in their fields. When someone told Abimelech about that,
Nʼechi ya, ndị Shekem pụtara baa nʼọhịa. E mere ka Abimelek mara nke a.
43 he divided his men into three groups, and told them to hide in the fields. So they did that. And when they saw the people coming out of the city, they jumped up and attacked them.
Nʼihi ya, Abimelek kere ndị agha ya ụzọ atọ. Ha niile zokwara onwe ha nʼọhịa. Mgbe ọ hụrụ ka ndị mmadụ si nʼime obodo ahụ na-apụta, o biliri buso ha agha.
44 Abimelech and the men who were with him ran to the city gate. The other two groups ran out to the people in the fields and attacked them.
Abimelek na usuu ndị agha so ya mapụtara, gbara ọsọ were ọnọdụ nʼọnụ ụzọ ama obodo ahụ. Emesịa, ụzọ abụọ nʼime ụzọ atọ nke ndị agha na-eso ya chere ihu nʼọhịa gbuo ndị ahụ niile nọ nʼebe ahụ.
45 Abimelech and his men fought all day. They captured the city and killed all the people. They tore down all the buildings, and then they threw salt over the ruins [in order that nothing would grow there again].
Ụbọchị ahụ niile, Abimelek busoro obodo ahụ agha tutu ruo mgbe o meriri ya, gbuo ndị niile bi nʼime ya. Emesịa, ọ lara obodo ahụ niile nʼiyi, fesaa nnu nʼala ya niile.
46 When the leaders who lived in the tower/fortress outside of Shechem heard what had happened, they ran and hid inside the [fortress, which was also a] temple of [their god] El-Berith.
Mgbe ndị nwe ala nọ nʼụlọ elu Shekem nụrụ ihe mere, ha gbabanyere nʼebe e wusiri ike nke ụlọ arụsị El Berit.
47 But someone told Abimelech that all the leaders had gathered there.
Mgbe Abimelek nụrụ na ha ezukọtala nʼebe ahụ,
48 So he and all the men who were with him went up Zalmon Mountain [which is near Shechem]. Abimelech cut some branches of trees with an axe, and put them on his shoulders. Then he said to all the men who were with him, “Quickly, do what I have just done!”
ya na ndị agha ya rigoro ugwu Zalmon. O ji anyụike gbutuo ụfọdụ ngalaba osisi nke ọ tụkwasịrị nʼubu ya. O nyere ndị agha ya iwu si, “Ngwa, meenụ ihe unu hụrụ na m mere.”
49 So his men all cut branches [then carried them down the mountain], following Abimelech. They went to the fortress and piled the branches against its walls. Then they kindled a fire, and the fire burned down the fortress and killed all the people who were inside. So all the people who were inside the fortress—about 1,000 men and women—died.
Ya mere, ndị agha ya niile gbuturu alaka osisi buru ha soro Abimelek. Ha tụkọtara alaka osisi ndị a niile nʼakụkụ ebe ahụ e wusiri ike mụnye ha ọkụ ka o regbuo ndị mmadụ nọ nʼime ya. Ya mere, ndị mmadụ niile nọ nʼụlọ elu Shekem, nwoke na nwanyị, ndị ọnụọgụgụ ha ruru otu puku nwụrụ.
50 Then Abimelech and his men went to Thebes [city]. They surrounded it and captured it.
Ọzọ, Abimelek gara obodo Tebez lụso ya agha, merie ya.
51 But there was a strong tower inside the city. So all the men, women, and leaders of the city ran to the tower. When they were all inside, they locked the door. Then they climbed up to the roof of the tower.
Ma e nwere nʼime obodo ahụ, otu ụlọ elu e wusiri ike, ebe ndị obodo ahụ niile, nwoke na nwanyị, gbabanyere. Ha kpọchidoro onwe ha ụzọ, rigoro nʼelu ụlọ ahụ.
52 Abimelech and his men came to the tower and tried to get in the door, [but they could not]. Then Abimelech prepared to light a fire to burn down the door.
Abimelek gara nʼụlọ elu ahụ ibuso ya agha. Ma mgbe ọ na-abịaru ọnụ ụzọ ama ụlọ elu ahụ isunye ya ọkụ,
53 But when Abimelech came near the doorway, a woman [who was on the roof] dropped a big grinding stone on his head, and crushed his skull.
otu nwanyị tụdara nkume igwe nri nʼisi ya, nke tiwara okpokoro isi ya.
54 Abimelech quickly called to the young man who carried Abimelech’s weapons, and said, “Pull out your sword and kill me with it! I do not want people to say ‘It was a woman who killed Abimelech.’” So the young man thrust his sword into Abimelech, and Abimelech died.
Ngwangwa, Abimelek kpọrọ onye na-ebu ihe agha ya sị ya, “Sepụta mma agha gị jiri ya gbuo m, ka ndị mmadụ ghara ị sị banyere m, ‘Ọ bụ nwanyị gburu ya.’” Ya mere nwokorobịa ahụ were mma agha ya dụgbuo ya, ọ nwụkwara.
55 When the Israeli soldiers saw that Abimelech was dead, they all returned to their homes.
Mgbe ndị Izrel hụrụ na Abimelek anwụọla, ha niile lara nʼụlọ ha.
56 In that way God punished Abimelech for the evil things that he had done to his father and especially for killing all 69 of his brothers.
Otu a ka Chineke si kwụghachi Abimelek ihe ọjọọ o mere megide nna ya site nʼigbu iri ụmụnna ya asaa.
57 God also punished the men of Shechem for the evil things that they had done. And when those things happened, it fulfilled what Gideon’s son Jotham said when he cursed [Abimelech and the leaders of Shechem].
Chineke mekwara ka ndị Shekem nata ụgwọ ọrụ ihe ọjọọ ha. Ọbụbụ ọnụ Jotam nwa Jerub-Baal mezukwara nʼisi ha.

< Judges 9 >