< Judges 3 >

1 At that time there were still many people-groups in Canaan. Yahweh left them there to test the Israeli people. But many of the Israelis in Canaan were ones who had not fought in any of the wars in Canaan. So Yahweh also left those people-groups in Canaan so that the descendants of those who had not fought in any of the wars might learn how to fight.
Hae sunt gentes, quas Dominus dereliquit, ut erudiret in eis Israelem, et omnes, qui non noverant bella Chananaeorum:
ut postea discerent filii eorum certare cum hostibus, et habere consuetudinem praeliandi:
3 [This is a list of] the people-groups that Yahweh left there: The Philistines and their five leaders, the people living in the area near Sidon [city], the descendants of Canaan, and the descendants of Hiv who were living in the mountains of Lebanon between Baal-Hermon Mountain and Lebo-Hamath.
quinque satrapas Philisthinorum, omnemque Chananaeum, et Sidonium, atque Hevaeum, qui habitabat in monte Libano, de monte Baal Hermon usque ad introitum Emath.
4 Yahweh left these people-groups there to test the Israelis, to see if they would obey his commands which he had told Moses to give them.
Dimisitque eos, ut in ipsis experiretur Israelem, utrum audiret mandata Domini quae praeceperat patribus eorum per manum Moysi, an non.
5 The Israelis lived among the Canaan people-group, the Hiv people-group, the Amor people-group, the Periz people-group, the Hiv people-group, and the Jebus people-group.
Itaque filii Israel habitaverunt in medio Chananaei, et Hethaei, et Amorrhaei, et Pherezaei, et Hevaei, et Iebusaei:
6 [Moses had told the people not to associate with any of those people]. But the Israelis took daughters of people from those people-groups [to be their own wives], and gave their own daughters to men of those groups, to marry them. And [as a result] they started to worship the gods of those people-groups.
et duxerunt uxores filias eorum, ipsique filias suas filiis eorum tradiderunt, et servierunt diis eorum.
7 The Israelis did things that Yahweh said were very evil. They forgot about Yahweh, their God, and they started to worship [the idols that represented] the god Baal and the goddess Asherah.
Feceruntque malum in conspectu Domini, et obliti sunt Dei sui, servientes Baalim et Astaroth.
8 Yahweh became very angry with the Israelis. So he allowed king Cushan from Mesopotamia to conquer them and rule them for eight years.
Iratusque contra Israel Dominus, tradidit eos in manus Chusan Rasathaim regis Mesopotamiae, servieruntque ei octo annis.
9 But when they pleaded to Yahweh [to help them], he gave them a leader to rescue them. He was Othniel, the son of Caleb’s younger brother Kenaz.
Et clamaverunt ad Dominum: qui suscitavit eis salvatorem, et liberavit eos, Othoniel videlicet filium Cenez, fratrem Caleb minorem:
10 Yahweh’s Spirit came upon him, and he became their leader. He [led an army that] fought against [the army of] Cushan, and defeated them.
fuitque in eo Spiritus Domini, et iudicavit Israel. Egressusque est ad pugnam, et tradidit Dominus in manus eius Chusan Rasathaim regem Syriae, et oppressit eum.
11 After that, there was peace in the land for 40 years, until Othniel died.
Quievitque terra quadraginta annis, et mortuus est Othoniel filius Cenez.
12 After that, the Israelis again did things that Yahweh said were very evil. As a result, he allowed the army of King Eglon, who ruled [the] Moab [area], to defeat the Israelis.
Addiderunt autem filii Israel facere malum in conspectu Domini: qui confortavit adversum eos Eglon regem Moab: quia fecerunt malum in conspectu eius.
13 Eglon persuaded the leaders of the Ammon and Amalek people-groups to join their armies with his army to attack Israel. They captured [Jericho, which was called] ‘The City of Palm Trees’.
Et copulavit ei filios Ammon, et Amalec: abiitque et percussit Israel, atque possedit Urbem palmarum.
14 Then King Eglon ruled the Israelis for eighteen years.
Servieruntque filii Israel Eglon regi Moab decem et octo annis:
15 But then the Israelis again pleaded to Yahweh [to help them]. So he gave them another leader to rescue them. He was Ehud, a left-handed man, the son of Gera, from the descendants of Benjamin. The Israelis sent him to King Eglon to give him their yearly protection money.
et postea clamaverunt ad Dominum: qui suscitavit eis salvatorem vocabulo Aod, filium Gera, filii Iemini, qui utraque manu pro dextera utebatur. Miseruntque filii Israel per illum munera Eglon regi Moab.
16 Ehud had with him a double-edged dagger, about a foot and a half long. He strapped it to his right thigh, under his clothes.
Qui fecit sibi gladium ancipitem, habentem in medio capulum longitudinis palmae manus, et accinctus est eo subter sagum in dextro femore.
17 He gave the money to King Eglon, who was a very fat man.
Obtulitque munera Eglon regi Moab. Erat autem Eglon crassus nimis.
18 Then Ehud started to go back home with the men who had carried the money.
Cumque obtulisset ei munera, prosecutus est socios, qui cum eo venerant.
19 When they arrived at the stone carvings near Gilgal, [he told the other men to go on, but] he himself turned around and went back [to the king of Moab. When he arrived at the palace], he said to the king, “Your majesty, I have a secret message for you.” So the king told all his servants to be quiet, and sent them out of the room.
Et reversus de Galgalis, ubi erant idola, dixit ad Regem: Verbum secretum habeo ad te o Rex. Et ille imperavit silentium: egressisque omnibus, qui circa eum erant,
20 Then, as Eglon was sitting alone in the upstairs room of his summer palace, Ehud came close to him and said, “I have a message for you from God.” As the king got up from his chair,
ingressus est Aod ad eum: sedebat autem in aestivo coenaculo solus, dixitque: Verbum Dei habeo ad te. Qui statim surrexit de throno.
21 Ehud reached with his left hand and pulled the dagger from his right thigh, and plunged it into the king’s belly.
Extenditque Aod sinistram manum, et tulit sicam de dextro femore suo, infixitque eam in ventrem eius
22 He thrust it in so far that the handle went into the king’s belly, and the blade came out the king’s back. Ehud did not pull the dagger out. [He left it there, with] the handle buried in the king’s fat.
tam valide, ut capulus sequeretur ferrum in vulnere, ac pinguissimo adipe stringeretur. Nec eduxit gladium, sed ita ut percusserat, reliquit in corpore: statimque per secreta naturae alvi stercora proruperunt.
23 Then Ehud left the room. He went out to the porch. He shut the doors to the room and locked them.
Aod autem clausis diligentissime ostiis coenaculi, et obfirmatis sera,
24 After he had gone, King Eglon’s servants came back, but they saw that the doors of the room were locked. They said, “The king must be defecating in the inner room.”
per posticum egressus est. Servique regis ingressi viderunt clausas fores coenaculi, atque dixerunt: Forsitan purgat alvum in aestivo coenaculo.
25 So they waited, but when the king did not open the doors of the room, after a while they were worried. They got a key and unlocked the doors. And they saw that their king was lying on the floor, dead.
Expectantesque diu donec erubescerent, et videntes quod nullus aperiret, tulerunt clavem: et aperientes invenerunt dominum suum in terra iacentem mortuum.
26 Meanwhile, Ehud escaped. He passed by the stone carvings and arrived at Seirah, in the hilly area where the descendants of Ephraim lived.
Aod autem, dum illi turbarentur, effugit, et pertransiit Locum idolorum, unde reversus fuerat. Venitque in Seirath:
27 There he blew a trumpet [to signal that the people should join him to fight the people of Moab]. So the Israelis went with him from the hills. They went down [toward the Jordan river], with Ehud leading them.
et statim insonuit buccina in monte Ephraim: descenderuntque cum eo filii Israel, ipso in fronte gradiente.
28 He said to the men, “Yahweh is going to allow us to defeat your enemies, the people of Moab. So follow me!” So they followed him down to the river, and they stationed some of their men at the place where people can walk across the river, in order that they could [kill any people from Moab who tried to] cross the river [to escape].
Qui dixit ad eos: Sequimini me: tradidit enim Dominus inimicos nostros Moabitas in manus nostras. Descenderuntque post eum, et occupaverunt vada Iordanis quae transmittunt in Moab: et non dimiserunt transire quemquam:
29 At that time, the Israelis killed about 10,000 people from Moab. They were all strong and capable men, but not one of them escaped.
sed percusserunt Moabitas in tempore illo, circiter decem millia, omnes robustos et fortes viros. nullus eorum evadere potuit.
30 On that day, the Israelis conquered the people of Moab. Then there was peace in their land for 80 years.
Humiliatusque est Moab in die illo sub manu Israel: et quievit Terra octoginta annis.
31 After Ehud [died], Shamgar became their leader. He rescued the Israelis [from the Philistines. In one battle] he killed 600 Philistines with an (ox goad/sharp wooden pole).
Post hunc fuit Samgar filius Anath, qui percussit de Philisthiim sexcentos viros vomere: et ipse quoque defendit Israel.

< Judges 3 >