< Judges 2 >
1 Yahweh [appeared in the form of] an angel [and] went up from Gilgal to [a place that was later called] Bokim. He said [to the Israeli people], “I brought your [ancestors] up here from Egypt. I led them into this land that I solemnly promised to give to your ancestors. I said to them, ‘The agreement that I made with you, as for me, I will never (break it/say that it is ended).
Vstoupil pak anděl Hospodinův z Galgala do Bochim a řekl: Vyvedl jsem vás z Egypta a uvedl jsem vás do země, kterouž jsem s přísahou zaslíbil otcům vašim, a řekl jsem: Nezruším smlouvy své s vámi na věky.
2 But as for you, you must never make a peace agreement with the people who live in this land. You must tear down the altars [where they make sacrifices to idols].’ But you have not obeyed me.
Vy také nečiňte smlouvy s obyvateli země této, oltáře jejich rozkopejte; ale neposlechli jste hlasu mého. Co jste to učinili?
3 So now, I am telling you that I will not expel [your enemies] as you advance. They will be like thorns in your sides. And [they] will try to trap you [by making you worship] their idols.”
Pročež také jsem řekl: Nevyhladím jich před tváří vaší, ale budou vám jako trní, a bohové jejich budou vám osídlem.
4 After he told that to all the Israelis, the people cried loudly.
I stalo se, když mluvil anděl Hospodinův slova tato všechněm synům Izraelským, že pozdvihl hlasu svého lid a plakal.
5 They called that place Bokim, [which means ‘weeping’]. There they offered sacrifices to Yahweh.
I nazvali jméno místa toho Bochim, a obětovali tu Hospodinu.
6 After Joshua sent the Israeli people away, each group went to possess the land that had been allotted to them.
Rozpustil pak byl Jozue lid, a rozešli se synové Izraelští, jeden každý do dědictví svého, aby vládli zemí.
7 They served Yahweh as long as Joshua was alive, and as long as the elders, those who had seen all the great things that Yahweh had done for Israel, were alive.
I sloužil lid Hospodinu po všecky dny Jozue, a po všecky dny starších, kteříž dlouho živi byli po Jozue, jenž viděli všecky skutky veliké Hospodinovy, kteréž učinil Izraelovi.
8 Then Yahweh’s servant Joshua died. He was 110 years old when he died.
Ale když umřel Jozue syn Nun, služebník Hospodinův, jsa ve stu a desíti letech,
9 They buried his body in the area he had received [from Moses], at Timnath-Serah, in the area where the descendants of Ephraim lived, north of Gaash Mountain.
A pochovali ho v krajině dědictví jeho, v Tamnatheres, na hoře Efraim, k straně půlnoční hory Gás;
10 After all the people died who lived at the same time as Joshua [EUP], a group of people grew up who did not know Yahweh, and did not know what great things he had done for the Israeli people.
Také když všecken věk ten připojen jest k otcům svým, a povstal jiný věk po nich, kteříž neznali Hospodina, ani skutků, kteréž učinil Izraelovi:
11 They did things that Yahweh said were very evil. They worshiped [idols that represented the god] Baal and the goddess Astarte. They worshiped [DOU] the various gods that the people-groups around them worshiped. They stopped worshiping Yahweh, the God their ancestors worshiped, the one who had brought their ancestors out of Egypt. That caused Yahweh to be very angry.
Tedy činili synové Izraelští to, což jest zlého před očima Hospodinovýma, a sloužili modlám,
Opustivše Hospodina Boha otců svých, kterýž je vyvedl z země Egyptské, a odešli za bohy cizími, bohy těch národů, kteříž byli vůkol nich, a klaněli se jim; pročež popudili Hospodina.
Nebo opustivše Hospodina, sloužili Bálovi i Astarotům.
14 So he allowed people from other groups to raid them and steal their crops and animals. They were no longer able to resist their enemies, and Yahweh allowed all their enemies around them to defeat them.
I rozpálila se prchlivost Hospodinova na Izraele, a vydal je v ruku loupežníků, kteříž je zloupili; vydal je, pravím, v ruku nepřátel jejich vůkol, tak že nemohli více ostáti před nepřátely svými.
15 Whenever the Israelis went to fight [their enemies], Yahweh [MTY] was opposing them, and allowed their enemies to defeat them, just as he had promised he would do. So the Israelis were greatly distressed.
Kamžkoli vycházeli, ruka Hospodinova byla proti nim ke zlému, jakož byl mluvil Hospodin, a jakož byl zapřisáhl jim Hospodin; i ssouženi byli náramně.
16 Then Yahweh gave leaders to them. These leaders rescued the Israelis from the people who were raiding them.
Vzbuzoval pak Hospodin soudce, kteříž vysvobozovali je z rukou zhoubců jejich.
17 But the Israelis still would not pay attention to their leaders. Instead, they went to the idols, [acting like] prostitutes [who gave themselves to men who were not their husbands] [MET], and they worshiped those idols. They were not like their ancestors. Their ancestors obeyed what Yahweh commanded, but their descendants quickly stopped behaving as their ancestors had behaved.
Ale ani soudců svých neposlouchali, nebo smilnili, odcházejíce za bohy cizími, a klaněli se jim. Odcházeli rychle s cesty, po kteréž chodili otcové jejich, tak že poslouchati majíce přikázaní Hospodinových, nečinili toho.
18 Whenever Yahweh gave a leader to them, he helped that leader and enabled him to rescue the people from their enemies. He helped them like that as long as that leader was alive. Yahweh pitied them as they groaned because they were being oppressed and caused to suffer.
A když vzbuzoval jim Hospodin soudce, býval Hospodin s každým soudcím, a vysvobozoval je z ruky nepřátel jejich po všecky dny soudce; (nebo želel Hospodin naříkání jejich, k němuž je přivodili ti, kteříž je ssužovali a utiskali).
19 But after that leader died, the people went back to behaving in ways even more evil than their ancestors had behaved. They worshiped other gods and bowed down to them and did all [LIT] the things that they thought those gods wanted them to do.
Po smrti pak soudce navracejíce se zase, pohoršovali cest svých více nežli otcové jejich, odcházejíce za bohy cizími, a sloužíce i klanějíce se jim; nic neulevili z skutků jejich zlých a cesty jejich převrácené.
20 So Yahweh was very angry with the Israeli people. He said, “These people have disobeyed the agreement I made with their ancestors. They have not done what I told them to do.
Protož rozpálila se prchlivost Hospodinova proti Izraelovi, a řekl: Proto že přestoupil národ tento smlouvu mou, kterouž jsem učinil s otci jejich, a neposlouchali hlasu mého:
21 So I will no longer expel the people-groups that Joshua left in this land when he died.
Já také více nevyhladím žádného od tváři jejich z národů, kterýchž zanechal Jozue, když umřel,
22 I will use them to test the Israeli people to see whether they will do what I want them to do, as their ancestors did.”
Abych skrze ně zkušoval Izraele, budou-li ostříhati cesty přikázaní Hospodinových, chodíce v nich, jakož ostříhali otcové jejich, čili nic.
23 Yahweh had allowed those people-groups to stay in that land. He did not expel them by allowing Joshua [and his men] to defeat them.
I zanechal Hospodin národů těch, a nevyhnal jich rychle, aniž dal jich v ruku Jozue.