< Judges 18 >

1 At that time the Israelis had no king. Also at that time, the tribe of Dan was still searching for some land where they could live. The other Israeli tribes had [been able to] ([capture/take possession of]) [the] land that had been allotted to them, but the tribe of Dan had not been able to do that.
Kadagidiay nga al-aldaw awan ti ari ti Israel. Ti tribu dagiti kaputotan ti Dan ket agbirbirok iti pagnaedanda, gapu ta agingga iti dayta nga aldaw ket awan pay ti naawatda nga aniaman a tawid manipud iti tribu ti Israel.
2 So they chose five soldiers from their clans, men who lived in Zorah and Eshtaol [cities], to go through the land and explore it [and try to find some land where their tribe could live]. They came to Micah’s house in the hilly area where the tribe of Ephraim lived, and they stayed there that night.
Nangibaon dagiti tattao ti Dan iti lima a lallaki manipud iti amin a pakabuklan ti tribuda, lallaki a nalalaing a makigubat manipud Zora ken Eztaol, tapno magnada a mangwanawan iti daga ken tapno sukimatenda daytoy. Kinunada kadakuada, “Mapankayo ken sukimatenyo ti daga.” Nakadanunda iti katurturudan a pagilian iti Efraim, iti balay ni Mica, ket nagtalinaedda iti nagpatnag sadiay.
3 While they were in his house and they heard the young man who had become Micah’s priest talking, they recognized from (his accent/the way that he talked) [that he was from the southern part of Israel]. So they went to him and asked him, “Who brought you here? What are you doing here? Why did you come here?”
Idi asidegdan iti balay ni Mica, nalasinda ti panagsao ti agtutubo a Levita. Isu a nagsardengda ken sinaludsodda isuna, “Siasino iti nangiyeg kenka ditoy? Ania iti ar-aramidem iti daytoy a lugar? Apay nga addaka ditoy?”
4 He told them the things that Micah had done for him. And he said, “Micah (has hired me/is paying me to work for him), and I have become his priest.”
Kinuna kadakuada, “Kastoy iti inaramid ni Mica kaniak: Tinangdanannak nga agbalin a padina.”
5 So they said to him, “Please ask God if we will succeed [in what we are trying to do] on this journey.”
Kinunada kenkuana, “Pangaasim ta dumawatka iti pammagbaga ti Dios, tapno maammoanmi no ti ipapanmi a panagdalliasat ket naballigi.
6 The young man replied, “Things will go well for you. Yahweh will go with you on this journey.”
Kinuna ti padi kadakuada, “Mapan kayo a natalna. Iturongnakayonto ni Yahweh iti dalan a rumbeng a papananyo.”
7 [The next day] the five men left. When they came to Laish [city], they saw that the people there lived safely, like the people in Sidon [city] did. The people there thought that they were safe/protected [from any enemies], and they had plenty of [good fertile] land. They lived very far from the people of Sidon, [so the people of Sidon would not be able to help defend/protect them]. They had no other (allies/groups nearby that would help them in battles).
Ket pimmanaw dagiti lima a lallaki ket napanda iti Laish, ket nakitada dagiti tattao nga adda sadiay a natalged nga agbibiag—iti isu met laeng a wagas, agbibiag dagiti Sidonio iti natalna ken natalged. Awan ti siasinoman a nangsakop kadakuada iti daga, wenno nangrirriribuk kadakuada iti aniaman a wagas. Agnanaedda iti adayu manipud kadagiti Sidonio, ken awan iti pakainaiganda iti uray siasinoman.
8 When those five men returned to Zorah and Eshtaol, their relatives asked them “What did you find out?”
Nagsublida iti tribuda idiay Zora ken Estaol. Nagsaludsod kadakuada dagiti kakabagianda, “Ania ti ipadamagyo?”
9 They replied, “We have found some land, and it is very good. We should go and attack the people [who live there]. Why are you staying here and doing nothing [RHQ]? Do not wait any longer! We should go immediately and take possession of that land!
Kinunada, “Umaykayo! Rautentayo ida! Nakitami ti daga ket nasayaat daytoy. Awan kadi ti aramidenyo? Saankayo nga agbuntobuntog a mangraut ken mangparmek iti daga.
10 When you go there, you will see that there is plenty of land, and it has everything [that we will need]. The people there are not expecting anyone to attack them. Surely God is giving that land to us.”
Inton mapankayo, mapankayonto kadagiti tattao a ti pagarupda ket natalgedda, ken nalawa ti daga! Inted ti Dios daytoy kadakayo— ti lugar nga awan pagkuranganna iti aniaman a banag iti daga.”
11 So 600 men from the tribe of Dan left Zorah and Eshtaol, carrying their weapons.
Rimmuar manipud Zora ken Estaol ti Innem a gasut a lallaki iti tribu ni Dan, siiigam kadagiti armas a pakigubat.
12 On their way they set up their tents near Kiriath-Jearim [city] in [the area where the tribe of] Judah [lives]. That is why the area west of Kiriath-Jearim was named ‘Camp of Dan’, and that is still its name.
Simmang-atda ket nagkampoda idiay Kiriat Jearim, idiay Juda. Daytoy iti makagapu a pinannaganan dagiti tattao dayta a lugar iti Mahane Dan agingga iti daytoy nga aldaw; laud daytoy ti Kiriat Jearim.
13 From there, they went to the hilly area where the tribe of Ephraim lives. And they arrived at Micah’s house.
Immadayuda manipud sadiay a nagturong idiay katurturodan ti Efraim ket napanda iti balay ni Mica.
14 The five men who had explored the land near Laish said to their fellow Israelis, “Do you know that in one of these houses there is a sacred vest, several idols, and a statue? [We think that] you know what you should do.” [RHQ]
Ket kinuna dagiti lima a lallaki a napan nangwanawan iti pagilian ti Lais kadagiti kakabagianda, “Ammoyo kadi nga iti daytoy a babbalay ket adda iti efod, didiosen iti bumalay, ladawan a kinitikitan, ken maysa a ladawan a nasukog a landok? Ikeddengyo itan no ania iti aramidenyo.”
15 So they went to the house where the man from the tribe of Levi lived, which was the house where Micah lived, and they greeted the young man from the tribe of Levi [who had become Micah’s priest].
Napanda ngarud idiay ket dimtengda iti balay ti agtutubo a Levita, iti balay ni Mica, ket kinablaawanda isuna.
16 The 600 men of the tribe of Dan stood outside the gate of the house, carrying their weapons.
Ita dagiti innem a gasut a Danita, nga addaan kadagit armas a pakigubat, nagtakderda iti pagserkan iti ruangan.
17 The five men who had explored the land went into Micah’s house, and took all the idols, the sacred vest, and the statue. While they did that, the 600 men stood outside the gate, [talking] with the priest.
Napan idiay dagiti lima a lallaki a napan nangwanawan iti daga ket innalada ti kinitikitan a ladawan, ti efod, ken dagiti didiosen ti bumalay, ken ti ladawan a landok, bayat a nakatakder ti padi iti paglukatan ti ruangan a kaduana dagiti innem a gasut a lallaki nga addaan kadagiti armas a pakigubat.
18 When the priest saw them bringing out the idols and the sacred vest and the statue, he said to them, “What are you doing?”
Idi napan dagitoy iti balay ni Mica ket innalada ti kinitikitan a ladawan, ti efod, dagiti didiosen ti bumalay, ken ti ladawan a nasukog a landok, kinuna ti padi kadakuada, “Ania ti ar-aramidenyo?”
19 They replied, “Be quiet! Do not say anything! You come with us and be [like] a father to us and a priest for us. Is it better for you to [stay here and] be a priest for the people in the house of one man, or to be a priest for a clan, and a priest for a whole tribe of Israelis?” [RHQ]
Kinunada kenkuana, “Agulimekka! Apputem ti ngiwatmo ket sumurotka kadakami, ket agbalinka nga ama ken padi kadakami. Nasaysayaat kadi kenka nga agbalin a padi iti balay ti maysa a tao, wenno agbalin a padi ti maysa a tribu ken maysa a puli ti Israel?”
20 The priest liked what they were suggesting. So he took the sacred vest and the idols, and he [prepared to] go with the men from the tribe of Dan.
Nagrag-o ti puso ti padi. Innalana ti efod, dagiti didoisen ti bumalay, ken ti kinitikitan a ladawan, ket nakikuyog kadagiti tattao.
21 They all put their little children and their animals and everything else that they owned in front of them.
Napanda ngarud ken immadayuda. Inkabilda dagiti babassit nga ub-ubbing iti sangoananda, kasta met dagiti baka ken dagiti sanikuada.
22 After they had gone a little distance from Micah’s house, Micah [saw what was happening. He] quickly summoned the men who lived near him, and they ran and caught up with the men from the tribe of Dan.
Idi nakaadayudan bassit manipud iti balay ni Mica, dagiti lallaki nga adda iti babbalay iti asideg iti balay ni Mica ket naayaban a sangsangkamaysa, ket nakamatanda dagiti Danitas.
23 They shouted at them. The men of the tribe of Dan turned around and said to Micah, “What is the problem? Why have you gathered these men [to pursue us]?”
Pinukkawanda dagiti Danita, ket timmaliawda ket kinunada kenni Mica, “Apay a naayabankayo a sangsangkamaysa?”
24 Micah shouted, “You took the silver idols that were made for me! You also took my priest! I do not have anything left [RHQ]! So why do you ask me, ‘What is the problem?’”
Kinunana, “Tinakawyo dagiti didiosen nga inaramidko, innalayo ti padik, ken pumanpanawkayon. Ania pay ti nabati kaniak? Apay a saludsudendak, “Ania iti mangrirriribuk kenka?”
25 The men from the tribe of Dan replied, “You should not shout loudly like that! One of our angry men might attack you and kill you and your family!”
Kinuna dagiti tattao ti Dan kenkuana, “Saanmo koma impalubos a mangngegmi iti aniaman a banag nga isaom, ta no saan rautendaka dagiti makaung-unget unay a lallaki, sika ken ti pamiliam ket mapapatayto.
26 Then the men from the tribe of Dan continued walking. Micah realized that there was a very large group of them, [so that it would be useless for him to try to fight them]. So he turned around and went home.
Ket napanen dagiti tattao ti Dan iti dalanda. Idi nakita ni Mica a napipigsada unay para kenkuana, nagsubli isuna ket napan iti balayna.
27 The men of the tribe of Dan were carrying the things that had been made for Micah, and they also took his priest, and they continued traveling to Laish. They attacked the people who were peacefully living there, and killed them with their swords, and then they burned everything in the city.
Innala dagiti tattao ti Dan dagiti inaramid ni Mica, kasta met ti padina, ket
28 Laish was far from [the city of] Sidon, [so the people of Sidon could not rescue the people of Laish]. And the people of Laish had no other allies. Laish was in a valley near Beth-Rehob [town]. The people of the tribe of Dan rebuilt the city and started to live there.
napanda idiay Lais, kadagiti tattao a natalged ken awan pakariribukanna ket pinapatayda ida babaen iti kampilan ket pinuoranda ti siudad.
29 They gave to the city a [new] name, Dan, in honor of their ancestor Dan, who was one of the sons of Jacob.
Awan ti mangispal kadakuada gapu ta adayu daytoy manipud iti Sidon, ket saanda a makikadkadua iti siasinoman. Adda daytoy iti tanap iti asideg ti Bet-Rehob. Binangon manen dagiti Danitas ti siudad ket nagnaedda sadiay. Pinanagananda iti Dan ti siudad, ti nagan ni Dan a kapuonanda, a maysa kadagiti putot a lalaki ni Israel. Ngem ti sigud a nagan ti siudad ket Lais.
30 The people of the tribe of Dan set up [in the city] the idols [that had been made for Micah]. Jonathan, who was the son of Gershom and the grandson of Moses, was appointed to be their priest. His descendants continued to be priests until the Israelis were captured and taken [to Assyria].
Insaad dagiti tattao ti Dan ti kinitikitan a ladawan para kadakuada, ket ni Jonatan a putot a lalaki ni Gerson a putot a lalaki ni Moises, isuna ken dagiti putotna a lallaki, ket papadi para iti tribu dagiti Danita agingga iti aldaw ti pannakasakup ti daga.
31 After the people of the tribe of Dan set up the idols that had been made for Micah, [they worshiped those idols, even though] the Sacred Tent [where they had been commanded to worship] God, was at Shiloh.
Isu a dinaydayawda ti ladawan a kinitikitan a kukua ni Mica nga inaramidna, agingga nga adda ti balay ti Dios idiay Shilo.

< Judges 18 >