< Judges 16 >

1 One day Samson went to Gaza [city in the Philistia area]. He spent some time with a prostitute.
И иде Сампсон в Газу, и виде тамо жену блудницу и вниде к ней.
2 People soon found out that Samson was there, so the men of Gaza gathered together at the city gate and waited all night. They said to themselves, “When it dawns tomorrow morning, we will kill him [when he tries to leave the city].”
И поведаша Газяном, глаголюще: прииде Сампсон семо. И обыдоша и подседоша ему всю нощь у врат градных, и утаишася всю нощь, глаголюще: дондеже осветает утро, и убием его.
3 But Samson did not stay there all night. At midnight, he got up. He went to the city gate, he took hold of its two posts, and he lifted it up out of the ground, with its [connecting cross] bar still attached. He put it on his shoulders and carried it [many miles] uphill to Hebron.
И спа Сампсон до полунощи: и воста в полунощи, и восхити двери у врат града со обеими вереями, и подя оныя с заворою, и возложи я на рамена своя, и вознесе я на верх горы, яже пред лицем Хеврона, и положи их тамо.
4 Later Samson fell in love with a woman named Delilah, [and started to live with her]. She lived in Sorek Valley [in the Philistia area].
И бысть по сем, и возлюби жену от водотечи Сориховы: имя же ей Далида.
5 The Philistine leaders went to her and said, “Find out from Samson what makes him so strong. And find out how we can subdue him and tie him up securely. If you do that, each of us will give you 1,100 pieces of silver.”
И взыдоша к ней князи иноплеменничи и рекоша ей: прельсти его, и виждь, в чем есть крепость его великая, и чим преможем его, и свяжем его, яко смирити его: и мы тебе дадим кийждо тысящу и сто сребреников.
6 So Delilah said to Samson, “Please tell me what makes you so strong, and tell me how someone can subdue you and tie you up.”
И рече Далида к Сампсону: повеждь ми ныне, в чем крепость твоя (тако) великая, и чим свяжешися и смиришися?
7 Samson said, “If someone ties me with seven new bowstrings, ones that are not dry yet, I will become as weak as other men.”
И рече ей Сампсон: аще свяжут мя седмию тятивами сырыми неистлевшими, и изнемогу, и буду яко един от человек.
8 So [after Delilah told that to the Philistine leaders], they brought seven new bowstrings to Delilah.
И принесоша ей князи от иноплеменник седмь тятив мокрых неистлевших, и связа его ими:
9 Then she hid the men in one of the rooms in her house. Then [while Samson was sleeping], she tied him up with the bowstrings. Then she called out, “Samson! The Philistines have come here to capture you!” But Samson snapped the bowstrings as easily as though they were strings that had been singed in a fire. So the Philistines did not find out what made Samson so strong.
и подсада ему седяше в храмине. И рече ему: иноплеменницы на тя, Сампсоне. И расторже тятивы, аки бы кто расторгнул соскание изгребий, егда коснется ему огнь: и не уведася крепость его.
10 Then Delilah said to Samson, “You have deceived me and lied to me! Now tell me [the truth, ] how someone can tie you up securely.”
И рече Далида к Сампсону: се, прельстил еси мя, глаголя ко мне лжу: ныне убо повеждь ми, чим свяжешися?
11 Samson replied, “If someone ties me with new ropes, ones that have never been used, I will be as weak as other men.”
И рече к ней: аще вяжуще свяжут мя ужы новыми, имиже не делано, и изнемогу, и буду яко един от человек.
12 So again, [she told the Philistine leaders, and] they [came and] hid in the room as they had done before. And again, while Samson was sleeping, she took the new ropes and tied him up with them. Then she called out, “Samson! The Philistines have come to capture you!” But Samson snapped the ropes on his arms as easily as if they were threads.
И взя Далида ужы новы и связа его ими, и рече ему: иноплеменницы на тя, Сампсоне. Подсада же седяше в храмине. И расторже я от руку своею аки нить.
13 Then Delilah said, “You have deceived me and lied to me [again]! Please tell me how someone can tie you up securely!” Samson replied, “If you weave the seven braids of my hair into the threads you are weaving on the loom, and then fasten those threads with the pin [that makes the threads tight], then I will be as weak as other men.” So again, while Samson was sleeping on her lap, Delilah held the seven braids of his hair, and wove them into the threads on the loom,
И рече Далида к Сампсону: даже до ныне прельщал мя еси и глаголал ко мне лжу: повеждь ми убо, чим свяжешися? И рече ей: аще сплетеши седмь плениц влас главы моея спрядением и вбиеши колом в стену, и буду немощен яко един от человек.
14 and she tightened them with the pin. Then she called out, “Samson! The Philistines have come to capture you!” But Samson woke up and pulled out the pin, and pulled his hair from the threads on the loom.
И успи Далида его на коленех своих, и бысть внегда уснути ему, взя Далида седмь плениц влас главы его и сплете спрядением и вонзе колом в стену, и рече: иноплеменницы на тя, Сампсоне. И возбну от сна своего и исторже кол сплетением из стены, и не уведася крепость его.
15 Then Delilah said to him, “How can you say that you love me when you do not tell me the truth about yourself? You have deceived me three times, and you still have not told me what really makes you so strong!”
И рече к нему Далида: како глаголеши, возлюбих тя, и сердце твое несть со мною? Се, третие прельстил еси мя, и не поведал еси мне, в чем крепость твоя великая.
16 Day after day she nagged him like that. He thought he would die from her nagging [IDM].
И бысть егда стужи ему словесы своими по вся дни, и убеди его, и изнеможе даже до умертвия.
17 Finally Samson told her the truth. He said, “I have been set apart for God since the day I was born. And because of that, my hair has never been cut. If my hair were shaved off, my strength would be gone, and I would be as weak as other men.”
И поведа ей все сердце свое, и рече к ней: железо не взыде на главу мою, яко назорей есмь аз Господу от утробы матере моея: аще убо обриюся, отступит от мене крепость моя, и изнемогу, и буду якоже вси человецы.
18 Delilah realized that this time he had told her the truth. So she summoned the Philistine leaders again, saying, “Come back one more time, because Samson has really told me everything [about why he is so strong]”. So the Philistine leaders returned and brought to Delilah the money [that they promised to give her].
И виде Далида, яко поведа ей все сердце свое, посла и призва князи иноплеменничи, глаголющи: взыдите еще единою, яко поведа ми все сердце свое. И взыдоша к ней вси князи иноплеменничи, и принесоша сребро в руках своих.
19 Again she lulled Samson to sleep, with his head in her lap. Then she called one of the Philistine men to come and shave off Samson’s hair. As he did that, Samson began to get weaker. And finally his strength was all gone.
И успи Далида Сампсона на коленех своих: и призва стригача, и остриже седмь плениц влас главы его: и нача смирятися, и отступи крепость его от него.
20 Then [after she tied him up], she called out, “Samson! The Philistines have come to capture you!” He woke up and thought, “I will do as I did before. I will shake [these ropes] off myself and be free!” But he did not realize that Yahweh had left him.
И рече Далида: иноплеменницы на тя, Сампсоне. И возбудися от сна своего и рече: изыду якоже и прежде, и отрясуся. И не разуме, яко Господь отступи от него.
21 So the Philistine men seized him and gouged out his eyes. Then they took him to Gaza. There they put him in prison and bound him with bronze chains. They made him [turn a millstone to] grind grain [every day].
И яша его иноплеменницы, и избодоша ему очи, и введоша его в Газу, и оковаша его путы медяны: и бяше меля в храмине темничней.
22 But his hair started to grow again.
И начаша власы главы его расти по острижении.
23 [Several months later] the Philistine leaders celebrated a big festival. During the festival they offered sacrifices to their god Dagon. They praised him, saying, “Our god has enabled us to defeat our great enemy Samson!”
И князи иноплеменничи собрашася пожрети жертву велику Дагону богу своему и возвеселитися, и рекоша: предаде бог наш в руки нашя Сампсона врага нашего.
24 And when the other people saw Samson, they also praised their god Dagon, saying, “Samson ruined our crops and killed many of our people, but our god has put our enemy into our hands. Our god helped us to capture the one who has killed so many of us!”
И видеша его людие, и похвалиша бога своего, яко реша: предаде бог наш в руки нашя врага нашего, опустошившаго землю нашу, и иже умножи язвенных наших.
25 By that time the people were half-drunk. They shouted, “Bring Samson out of the prison! Bring him here so that he can entertain us!” So they brought Samson from the prison and made fun of him. Then they made him stand in the center of the temple. They made him stand between the two pillars that held up the roof.
И бысть егда возблажа сердце их, и рекоша: призовите Сампсона из дому темничнаго, и да играет пред нами. И призваша Сампсона из дому темничнаго, и играша пред ними: и заушаху его, и поставиша его между столпы.
26 Samson said to the servant who was leading him by his hand, “Place my hands against the two pillars. I want to rest against them.”
И рече Сампсон ко юноши держащему его за руку: остави мене, да осяжу столпы, на нихже дом сей утвержден есть, и опруся на них. Юноша же сотвори тако.
27 At that time the temple was full of men and women. All the Philistine leaders were also there. And there were about 3,000 people on the roof, watching Samson and making fun of him.
Дом же бяше полн мужей и жен, и тамо вси князи иноплеменничи: на крове же том до трех тысящ мужей и жен, зряще ругаемаго Сампсона.
28 Then Samson prayed, saying, “Yahweh, my Lord, think about me again! Please give me strength one more time, so that I may get revenge on the Philistines for gouging out my eyes!”
И воззва Сампсон ко Господу и рече: Адонаи Господи, Господи Сил, помяни мя ныне, и укрепи мя еще единою, Боже, да воздам мщение едино за два ока моя Филистимом.
29 Then Samson put his hands on the two center pillars of the temple. He put his right hand on one pillar and his left hand on the other pillar.
И объя Сампсон оба столпа средния, на нихже храмина бяше утверждена, и опреся на них, держя един рукою десною, а другий левою.
30 Then he shouted [to God], “Let me die with the Philistines!”, and he pushed with all his strength. [The pillars collapsed], and the temple crashed down on the Philistine leaders and all the other Philistine people, [and they all died]. So Samson killed more people when he died than he had killed all during his life.
И рече Сампсон: да умрет душа моя со иноплеменники. И преклонися крепостию, и паде храмина на князи и на вся люди иже в ней: и бысть мертвых, ихже умертви Сампсон при смерти своей, множае неже ихже умертви в животе своем.
31 Later his brothers and their relatives went down [from Zorah to Gaza] to get his body. They took it back home and buried it between Zorah and Eshtaol, at the place where Samson’s father Manoah was buried. Samson had been Israel’s leader for 20 years.
И снидоша братия его и весь дом отца его, и взяша его: и взыдоша, и погребоша его между Сараи и между Есфаолом во гробе Маноя отца его. И сей суди Израилю лет двадесять. (и воста по Сампсоне Емегар сын Енань, и уби от иноплеменников шесть сот мужей кроме скота, и спасе и он Израиля.)

< Judges 16 >