< Judges 15 >
1 During the time that they harvested wheat, Samson took a young goat to Timnah as a present for his wife. He planned to sleep with [EUP] his wife, but her father would not let him go into [her room].
E aconteceu depois de dias, que no tempo da colheita do trigo, Sansão visitou à sua mulher com um cabrito, dizendo: Entrarei à minha mulher à câmara. Mas o pai dela não o deixou entrar.
2 He said to Samson, “I really thought that you hated her. So I gave her to the man who had been your best man at the wedding, and she married him. But look, her younger sister is [RHQ] more beautiful than she is. You can marry her!”
E disse o pai dela: Persuadi-me que a aborrecias, e dei-a a teu companheiro. Mas sua irmã menor, não é mais bela que ela? Toma-a, pois, em seu lugar.
3 Samson replied, “No! And this time I have a right to get revenge on you Philistines!”
E Sansão lhes respondeu: Eu serei sem culpa esta vez para com os filisteus, se mal lhes fizer.
4 Then he went out [into the fields] and caught 300 foxes. He tied their tails together, two-by-two. He fastened torches to each pair of tails.
E foi Sansão e agarrou trezentas raposas, e tomando tochas, e segurando aquelas pelas caudas, pôs entre cada duas caudas uma tocha.
5 Then he lit the torches and let the foxes run through the fields of the Philistines. The fire [from the torches] burned all the grain to the ground, including the grain that had been cut and piled in bundles. The fire also burned down their grapevines and their olive trees.
Depois, acendendo as tochas, lançou as raposas nas plantações dos filisteus, e queimou pilhas de cereais e cereais nos pés, e vinhas e olivais.
6 The Philistines asked, “Who did this?” Someone told them, “Samson did it. He married a woman from Timnah, but then his father-in-law gave her to the man who was Samson’s best man at the wedding, and she married him.” So the Philistines went [to Timnah] and got the woman and her father, and burned them to death.
E disseram os filisteus: Quem fez isto? E foi-lhes dito: Sansão, o genro do timnateu, porque lhe tirou sua mulher e a deu a seu companheiro. E vieram os filisteus, e queimaram a fogo a ela e a seu pai.
7 Samson [found out about that, and he] said to them, “Because you have done this, I will not stop until I get revenge on you!”
Então Sansão lhes disse: Assim o havíeis de fazer? Mas eu me vingarei de vós, e depois cessarei.
8 So he attacked the Philistines furiously, and killed many of them. Then he went [to hide] in a cave in the large rock at a place called Etam.
E feriu-os perna e coxa com grande mortandade; e desceu, e ficou na caverna da penha de Etã.
9 The Philistines [did not know where he was, so they] went up to where the descendants of Judah lived, set up their tents near Lehi [town and then raided the town].
E os filisteus subiram e puseram acampamento em Judá, e estenderam-se por Leí.
10 The men there asked the Philistines, “Why have you attacked us?” The Philistines replied, “We have come to capture Samson. We have come to get revenge on him for what he did to us.”
E os homens de Judá lhes disseram: Por que subistes contra nós? E eles responderam: A prender a Sansão subimos, para fazer-lhe como ele nos fez.
11 [Someone there knew where Samson was hiding]. So 3,000 men from Judah went down to get Samson at the cave in the rock where he was hiding. They said to Samson, “Do you not realize that the people of Philistia are ruling over us? Do you not realize what they will do to us?” Samson replied, “The only thing I did was that I got revenge on them for what they did to me.”
E vieram três mil homens de Judá à caverna da penha de Etã, e disseram a Sansão: Não sabes tu que os filisteus dominam sobre nós? Por que nos fizeste isto? E ele lhes respondeu: Eu lhes fiz como eles me fizeram.
12 But the men from Judah said to him, “We have come to tie you up and put you in the hands of the Philistines.” Samson said, “All right, but promise me that you yourselves will not kill me!”
Eles então lhe disseram: Nós viemos para prender-te, e entregar-te em mão dos filisteus. E Sansão lhes respondeu: Jurai-me que vós não me matareis.
13 They replied, “We will just tie you up and take you to the Philistines. We will not kill you.” So they tied him with two new ropes, and led him away from the cave.
E eles lhe responderam, dizendo: Não, somente te prenderemos, e te entregaremos em suas mãos; mas não te mataremos. Então lhe ataram com duas cordas novas, e fizeram-lhe vir da penha.
14 When they arrived at Lehi, the Philistines came toward him, shouting [triumphantly]. But Yahweh’s Spirit came upon Samson powerfully. He snapped the ropes on his arms as easily as if they were stalks of burned flax, and the ropes fell off his wrists.
E assim que veio até Leí, os filisteus lhe saíram a receber com gritos de vitória: e o espírito do SENHOR caiu sobre ele, e as cordas que estavam em seus braços se tornaram como linho queimado com fogo, e as amarras se caíram de suas mãos.
15 Then he saw a donkey’s jawbone lying on the ground. It was fresh, [so it was hard]. He picked it up and killed about 1,000 Philistine men with it.
E achando uma queixada de asno fresca, estendeu a mão e tomou-a, e feriu com ela a mil homens.
16 Then Samson wrote this poem: “With the jawbone of a donkey I have made them like a heap of [dead] donkeys. With the jawbone of a donkey I killed 1,000 men.”
Então Sansão disse: Com a queixada de um asno, um amontoado, dois amontoados; Com a queixada de um asno feri mil homens.
17 When he finished killing those men, he threw the jawbone away, and later that place was called Jawbone Hill.
E acabando de falar, lançou de sua mão a queixada, e chamou a aquele lugar Ramate-Leí.
18 Then Samson was very thirsty, so he called out to Yahweh, “You have given me strength to win a great victory. So now must I die because of being thirsty, with the result that those heathen Philistines will take away my body [and mutilate it]?”
E tendo grande sede, clamou logo ao SENHOR, e disse: Tu deste esta grande salvação por meio de teu servo: e morrerei eu agora de sede, e cairei em mão dos incircuncisos?
19 So God caused water to gush out of a depression in the ground at Lehi. Samson drank from it and soon felt strong again. He named that place ‘The spring of the one who called out’. That spring is still there at Lehi.
Então quebrou Deus uma cavidade em Leí, e saíram dali águas, e bebeu, e recuperou seu espírito, e reanimou-se. Portanto chamou seu nome daquele lugar, En-Hacoré, o qual é em Leí, até hoje.
20 Samson was the leader of the Israeli people for 20 years, but during that time the Philistines [were the ones who really ruled over the land].
E julgou a Israel nos dias dos filisteus vinte anos.