< Judges 14 >

1 One day when Samson was in Timnah [town], he saw a young Philistine woman there.
Sansón bajó a Timnat y vio en Timnat a una mujer de las hijas de los filisteos.
2 When he returned home, he told his mother and father, “I saw a young Philistine woman in Timnah, and I want you to get her for me so I can marry her.”
Subió y se lo declaró a su padre y a su madre: Vi en Timnat a una mujer de las hijas de los filisteos. Tómenla para mí como esposa.
3 His mother and father objected very strongly. They said, “Is there no woman from our tribe, or from the other Israeli tribes, that you could marry? Why must you go to the heathen Philistines to get a wife?” But Samson told his father, “Get her for me! She is the one I want!”
Entonces su padre y su madre le dijeron: ¿No hay mujer entre las hijas de tus hermanos, ni en todo nuestro pueblo, para que vayas a tomar esposa de los filisteos incircuncisos? Y Sansón respondió a su padre: ¡Tómala para mí como esposa, porque me parece agradable!
4 His mother and father did not realize that Yahweh was arranging this. He was preparing a way for [Samson to defeat] the Philistines, who were ruling over Israel at that time.
Pero su padre y su madre no sabían que esto venía de Yavé, porque buscaba ocasión contra los filisteos, pues en aquel tiempo los filisteos tenían dominio sobre Israel.
5 So, as Samson was going down to Timnah, followed by his mother and father, a young lion attacked Samson near the vineyards close to Timnah.
Sansón bajó con su padre y con su madre a Timnat. Cuando llegaron a las viñas de Timnat, ahí salía un leoncillo que rugía hacia él.
6 Then Yahweh’s Spirit came upon Samson powerfully, with the result that he tore the lion apart with his hands. He did it [as easily] as if it were a young goat. But he did not tell his mother and father about it.
El Espíritu de Yavé vino poderosamente sobre él, y lo destrozó como el que destroza un cabrito, sin tener algo en su mano. Pero no contó a su padre ni a su madre lo que hizo.
7 When they arrived in Timnah, Samson talked with the young woman, and he liked her very much. [And his father made arrangements for the wedding].
Entonces bajó y habló con la mujer, y ella agradó a Sansón.
8 Later, when Samson returned to Timnah for the wedding, he turned off the path to see the carcass of the lion. He discovered that [after other creatures had eaten all the flesh], a swarm of bees [had made a hive in the skeleton and] had made some honey.
Después de algunos días, volvió para tomarla. Se desvió para ver el cadáver del león y vio que en el esqueleto del león estaba una colmena de abejas con miel.
9 So he scooped some of the honey into his hands and ate some of it as he was walking along. He also gave some of it to his mother and father, but he did not tell them that he had taken the honey from the skeleton of the lion, [because anyone dedicated to God was not to touch any corpse].
Tomó la miel en sus manos y siguió caminando y comiendo por el camino, hasta que alcanzó a su padre y a su madre. Les dio para que comieran, pero no les explicó que tomó la miel del esqueleto del león.
10 As his father was making the final arrangements for the marriage, Samson gave a party [for the young men in that area]. That was the custom for men to do when they were about to be married.
Su padre bajó adonde estaba la mujer, y Sansón hizo allí un banquete, porque los jóvenes acostumbraban esto.
11 Thirty young man were invited to the party.
Sucedió que cuando lo vieron, llevaron 30 compañeros para que estuvieran con él.
12 Samson said to them, “Allow me to tell you a riddle. If you tel me the meaning of my riddle during these seven days of the celebration, I will give each of you a linen robe and an extra set of clothes.
Sansón les dijo: Les propongo ahora una adivinanza. Si en los siete días del banquete me la declaran y descifran, les daré 30 túnicas de lino y 30 mudas de ropa.
13 But if you cannot tell me the meaning, you must each give me a linen robe and an extra set of clothes.” They replied, “All right. Tell us your riddle.”
Pero si no me la pueden declarar, me tendrán que dar ustedes 30 túnicas de lino y 30 mudas de ropa. Le dijeron: Propón tu adivinanza para que la escuchemos.
14 So he said, “From the thing that eats came something to eat; out of something strong came something sweet.” But for three days they could not tell him the meaning of the riddle.
Él les dijo: Del devorador salió comida, Y del fuerte salió dulzura. Y no lograron descifrar la adivinanza en tres días.
15 On the fourth day, they said to Samson’s bride, “Ask your husband to tell you the meaning of the riddle. If you do not do that, we will burn down your father’s house, with you inside it! Did you invite us here only to make us poor [by forcing us to buy a lot of clothes for your husband]?”
Pero al séptimo día dijeron a la esposa de Sansón: Seduce a tu esposo para sonsacarle la solución de la adivinanza, o te quememos a ti y la casa de tu padre. ¿Nos invitaron para despojarnos?
16 So Samson’s wife came to him, crying, and said to him, “You do not really love me. You hate me! You have told a riddle to my friends, but you have not told me the meaning of the riddle!” He replied, “I have not told the meaning of the riddle even to my mother and father, so why should I tell it to you?”
La esposa de Sansón lloraba delante de él y le decía: ¡Solo me odias, y no me amas! Propusiste una adivinanza a los hijos de mi pueblo y no me la declaras. Y él respondió: Mira, no se la dije a mi padre ni a mi madre, ¿y te la voy a declarar a ti?
17 She continued to cry every time she was with him, all during the rest of the celebration. Finally, on the seventh day, because she continued to nag him, he told her the meaning of the riddle. Then she told it to the young men.
Lloró los siete días que duró su banquete, y aconteció que al séptimo día se la declaró, porque lo presionaba. Ella entonces declaró la adivinanza a los hijos de su pueblo.
18 So, before sunset on the seventh day, the young men came to Samson and said to him, “What/Nothing is sweeter than honey [RHQ]. What/Nothing is stronger than a lion [RHQ]!” Samson replied, “[You should not force a heifer to] plow a field [MET]. Similarly, if you had not forced my bride to ask me about the riddle [MET], you would not have known the answer to my riddle!”
Al séptimo día, antes de ocultarse el sol, los hombres de la ciudad le dijeron: ¿Qué es más dulce que la miel? ¿Y qué es más fuerte que el león? Y él les contestó: Si no hubieran arado con mi novilla, nunca habrían descubierto mi adivinanza.
19 Then Yahweh’s Spirit powerfully took control of Samson. He went down to [the coast at] Ashkelon [town], and killed 30 men. He took their clothes [and went back to Timnah] and gave them to the men who had told him the meaning of the riddle. But he was very angry about what had happened, so he went back home to live with his mother and father.
Entonces el Espíritu de Yavé vino sobre él, de manera que bajó a Ascalón y mató a 30 hombres de ellos, tomó sus despojos y dio las mudas de ropa a los que habían declarado la adivinanza. Luego, encendido en ira, regresó a la casa de su padre.
20 So (Samson’s wife was given/the bride’s father gave Samson’s wife) to the man who who had been Samson’s best man at the wedding, [but Samson did not know that].
Y la esposa de Sansón fue dada a un compañero de él que fue amigo de Sansón.

< Judges 14 >