< Judges 12 >

1 The men of the tribe of Ephraim summoned their soldiers, and they crossed [the Jordan River] to [the town of] Zaphon [to talk with] Jephthah. They said to him, “(Why did you not ask us for help?/You should have requested us) to help your army fight the Ammon people-group. So we will burn down your house while you are in it.”
А људи од племена Јефремовог скупише се, и прешавши на север рекоше Јефтају: Зашто си ишао у бој на синове Амонове а нас ниси позвао да идемо с тобом? Спалићемо огњем дом твој и тебе.
2 Jephthah replied, “The Ammon people-group were oppressing us greatly. When we were prepared to start to attack them, I requested you to come and help us, but you refused. My men and I defeated the Ammon people-group, but you did not help us.
А Јефтај им рече: Имах велику распру са синовима Амоновим ја и мој народ, и позвах вас, али ме не избависте из руку његових.
3 When I saw that you would not help us, I was willing to be killed in the battle against the Ammon people-group. But Yahweh helped us to defeat them. [You did not help us when we requested it before], so (why have you come here today to fight against me?/you should not have come here today to fight against me.)” [RHQ]
Па видећи да ме не избависте, ставих душу своју у руку своју и отидох на синове Амонове, и Господ ми их даде у руке; па што сте сада дошли к мени да се бијете са мном?
4 Then Jephthah summoned the men of [the] Gilead [region] to fight [against the men of the tribe of] Ephraim. The men of the tribe of Ephraim said, “You men from [the] Gilead [region] are men who deserted us. Long ago you left us and moved to the area between our tribe and the tribe of Manasseh.” [Because of their saying that], the men of [the] Gilead [region] attacked the men of the tribe of Ephraim.
Тада Јефтај скупи све људе од Галада, и удари на Јефрема; и људи од Галада побише Јефрема; јер говораху: Бегунци сте Јефремови ви, људи од Галада, који се бавите међу Јефремом и међу Манасијом.
5 The men of Gilead captured that (ford/place where people can walk across) at the Jordan [River] to go to the land where the tribe of Ephraim live. Whenever one of the soldiers from the tribe of Ephraim came to the ford to try to escape, he would say, “Let me cross the river.” Then the men of Gilead would ask him, “Are you from the tribe of Ephraim?” If he said “No,”
И Галад узе Јефрему бродове јорданске. И кад који од Јефрема добеже и рече: Пусти ме да пређем, рекоше му они од Галада: Јеси ли од Јефрема? И кад он рече: Нисам,
6 they would say to him, “Say the word ‘Shibboleth’.” The men of Ephraim could not pronounce that word correctly. So if the person from the tribe of Ephraim said ‘Sibboleth’, [they would know that he was lying and that he was really from the tribe of Ephraim, and] they would kill him there at the ford. So the men of Gilead killed 42,000 people from the tribe of Ephraim at that time.
Онда му рекоше: Реци: Шиболет. А он рече: Сиболет, не могући добро изговорити. Тада га ухватише и заклаше на броду јорданском. И погибе у оно време из племена Јефремовог четрдесет и две хиљаде.
7 Jephthah, the man from [the] Gilead [region], was a leader of the Israeli people for six years. Then he died and was buried in a town in [the] Gilead [region].
И Јефтај би судија Израиљу шест година; и умре, и би погребен у граду галадском.
8 After Jephthah died, a man named Ibzan, from Bethlehem, became the leader of the Israeli people.
А после њега би судија Израиљу Авесан из Витлејема.
9 He had 30 sons and 30 daughters. He forced all his daughters to marry men who were not in his clan, and brought women from outside his clan to marry his sons. He was the leader of the Israeli people for seven years.
И имаше тридесет синова и тридесет кћери, које разуда из куће, а тридесет девојака доведе синовима својим из других кућа; и би судија Израиљу седам година.
10 When he died, he was buried in Bethlehem.
И потом умре Авесан, и би погребен у Витлејему.
11 After Ibzan died, a man named Elon, from the tribe of Zebulun, became the leader of the Israeli people. He was their leader for ten years.
А после њега би судија Израиљу Елон о д Завулона; он би судија Израиљу десет година.
12 Then he died and was buried in Aijalon [city] in the area where the tribe of Zebulun lives.
Потом умре Елон од Завулона и би погребен у Ајалону у земљи Завулоновој.
13 After Elon died, a man named Abdon who was the son of Hillel, from Pirathon [city, in the area where the tribe of Ephraim live] became the leader of the Israeli people.
После њега би судија у Израиљу Авдон син Елилов Фаратоњанин.
14 He had 40 sons and 30 grandsons. Each of them had his own donkey on which to ride. Abdon was the leader of the Israeli people for eight years.
Он имаше четрдесет синова и тридесет унука, који јахаху седамдесеторо магаради. И би судија Израиљу осам година.
15 When Abdon died, he was buried in Pirathon, in the hilly area where the descendants of Amalek lived previously, [but now it is the area where the tribe of Ephraim lives].
Потом умре Авдон син Елилов Фаратоњанин, и би погребен у Фаратону у земљи Јефремовој на гори амаличкој.

< Judges 12 >