< Judges 11 >

1 [There was a man] from [the] Gilead [region] named Jephthah. He was a great warrior. His father was also named Gilead. But his mother was a prostitute.
A Jeftaj od Galada bijaše hrabar junak, ali sin jedne kurve, s kojom Galad rodi Jeftaja.
2 Gilead’s wife gave birth to several sons. When they grew up, they forced Jephthah to leave home, saying to him, “You are the son of a prostitute, [not the son of our mother]. So [when] our father [dies], you will not receive any of his property.”
Ali Galadu i žena njegova rodi sinova, pa kad dorastoše sinovi te žene, otjeraše Jeftaja rekavši mu: neæeš imati našljedstva u domu oca našega, jer si sin druge žene.
3 So Jephthah ran away from his brothers, and he went to the Tob region. While he was there, some worthless men started to spend a lot of time with him.
Zato pobježe Jeftaj od braæe svoje, i nastani se u zemlji Tovu; i stekoše se k njemu ljudi praznovi, i iðahu s njim.
4 Some time later, the Ammon people-group started to fight against the Israelis.
A poslije nekoga vremena zavojštiše sinovi Amonovi na Izrailja;
5 When that happened [DOU], the leaders of [the] Gilead [region] went to Jephthah to bring him back from the Tob region [to their area].
I kad zavojštiše sinovi Amonovi na Izrailja, otidoše starješine Galadske da dovedu Jeftaja iz zemlje Tova.
6 They said to him, “Come [with us] and lead our army, and [help us to] fight against the men from the Ammon people-group!”
I rekoše Jeftaju: hodi i budi nam vojvoda, da vojujemo sa sinovima Amonovijem.
7 But Jephthah replied, “You hated me [RHQ] previously! You forced me to leave my father’s house! So why are you coming to me now, [asking me to help you] when you are experiencing trouble?”
A Jeftaj reèe starješinama Galadskim: ne mrzite li vi na me, i ne istjeraste li me iz doma oca mojega? Što ste dakle došli k meni sada kad ste u nevolji?
8 The leaders from Gilead replied, “[Yes, we are having trouble, and] that is the reason that we have come to you now. If you come with us and [help us to] fight against the Ammon people-group, [after we defeat them, we will appoint] you to be the leader of all us people in [the] Gilead [region].”
A starješine Galadske rekoše Jeftaju: zato smo sada došli opet k tebi da poðeš s nama i da vojuješ sa sinovima Amonovijem i da nam budeš poglavar svjema koji živimo u Galadu.
9 Jephthah replied, “If I go back to Gilead with you to fight against the Ammon people-group, and if Yahweh helps us to defeat them, will you truly appoint me to be your leader?”
A Jeftaj reèe starješinama Galadskim: kad hoæete da me odvedete natrag da vojujem sa sinovima Amonovijem, ako mi ih da Gospod, hoæu li vam biti poglavar?
10 They replied, “Yahweh is listening to everything that we say. [So he will punish us] if we do not do everything that you tell us to do.”
A starješine Galadske rekoše Jeftaju: Gospod neka bude svjedok meðu nama, ako ne uèinimo kako si kazao.
11 So Jephthah went with them back to [the] Gilead [region], and the people appointed him to be their leader and the commander of their army. And Jephthah solemnly promised to Yahweh there at Mizpah [to serve him well].
Tada otide Jeftaj sa starješinama Galadskim, i narod ga postavi poglavarem i vojvodom nad sobom; i Jeftaj izgovori pred Gospodom u Mispi sve rijeèi koje bješe rekao.
12 Jephthah sent some messengers to the king of the Ammon people-group. They asked the king, “What have we [done to make you angry, with the result] that your army is coming to fight [against the people] in our land?”
Potom posla Jeftaj poslanike k caru sinova Amonovijeh, i poruèi: šta imaš ti sa mnom, te si došao k meni da ratuješ po mojoj zemlji?
13 The king replied, “[We have come to fight against you Israelis because] you took our land when you came here from Egypt. You took all our land east of the Jordan [River], from the Arnon [River in the south] to the Jabbok [River in the north]. So if you now give it back to us, there (will be peace between us/we will not fight against you).”
A car sinova Amonovijeh reèe poslanicima Jeftajevim: što je uzeo Izrailj moju zemlju kad doðe iz Misira, od Arnona do Javoka i do Jordana; sada dakle vrati mi je s mirom.
14 [The messengers returned to Jephthah and told him what the king had said]. So Jephthah sent the messengers to the king again.
Ali Jeftaj posla opet poslanike k caru sinova Amonovijeh,
15 They said to him, “This is what Jephthah says: ‘It is not [true] that we Israelis took the land from the Moab people-group and the Ammon people-group.
I poruèi mu: ovako veli Jeftaj: nije uzeo Izrailj zemlje Moavske ni zemlje sinova Amonovijeh.
16 When the Israeli people came out of Egypt, they walked through the desert to the Red Sea, and then [walked across it and traveled to Kadesh town at the border of the Edom region].
Nego izašavši iz Misira prijeðe Izrailj preko pustinje do Crvenoga Mora i doðe do Kadisa.
17 They sent messengers to the king of the Edom people-group, to say to him, “Please allow us Israelis to walk across your land.” But the king of the Edom people-group refused. Later we sent the same message to the king of the Moab people-group, but he also refused to allow the Israelis to go through his land. So the Israelis stayed at Kadesh [for a long time].
I posla Izrailj poslanike k caru Edomskomu i reèe: pusti da proðem kroz tvoju zemlju. Ali ne posluša car Edomski. Posla takoðe k caru Moavskomu; ali ni on ne htje. I tako staja Izrailj u Kadisu.
18 Then the Israelis went into the desert and walked outside the borders of the Edom and Moab regions. They walked east of the Moab region, east of the Arnon [River, which is the eastern border of the Moab region]. They did not cross that river to enter [the] Moab [region].
Potom iduæi preko pustinje obide zemlju Edomsku i zemlju Moavsku, i došavši s istoka zemlji Moavskoj stade u oko s onu stranu Arnona; ali ne prijeðoše preko meðe Moavske, jer Arnon bješe meða Moavska.
19 ‘Then the Israelis sent a message to Sihon, the king of the Amor people-group, who lived in Heshbon [city]. They asked him, “Will you please allow us Israeli people to cross through your land to arrive at the land to which we [are going].”
Nego posla Izrailj poslanike k Sionu caru Amorejskomu, caru Esevonskomu, i reèe mu Izrailj: dopusti nam da proðemo kroz tvoju zemlju do svojega mjesta.
20 But Sihon did not trust the Israelis; [he thought that they would steal some of the things in his land]. So he gathered all his troops and they set up their tents at Jahaz [village] and then they attacked the Israelis.
Ali Sion ne vjerova Izrailju da ga pusti da prijeðe preko meðe njegove, nego Sion skupi sav svoj narod i stadoše u oko u Jasi, i pobi se s Izrailjem.
21 But Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship], enabled the Israeli army to defeat [IDM] Sihon and his army. Then they (took possession of/started to live in) all the land where the Amor people-group had lived.
A Gospod Bog Izrailjev predade Siona i sav narod njegov u ruke sinovima Izrailjevijem, te ih pobiše; i zadobi Izrailj svu zemlju Amoreja, koji življahu u onoj zemlji.
22 The Israelis took all the land that belonged to the Amor people-group, from the Arnon [River in the south] to the Jabbok [River in the north], and from the desert [in the east] to the Jordan [River in the west].
Zadobiše svu zemlju Amorejsku od Arnona do Javoka, i od pustinje do Jordana.
23 ‘It was Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship], who forced the Amor people-group to leave as the Israelis advanced. So do you now think that you can force the Israelis to leave [RHQ]?
Tako je dakle Gospod Bog Izrailjev otjerao Amoreje ispred naroda svojega Izrailja, pa ti li hoæeš da je zemlja njihova tvoja?
24 You take the land that your god Chemosh has given to you. And we will live in the land that Yahweh our God has given to us!
Nije li tvoje ono što ti da da je tvoje Hemos bog tvoj? tako koga god Gospod Bog naš otjera ispred nas, onoga je zemlja naša.
25 (You are no/Are you) better than Zippor’s son Balak, who was the king of the Moab people-group? He never [RHQ] quarreled with the Israeli people, and he never started to fight against us [RHQ]!
Ili si ti po èem bolji od Valaka sina Seforova cara Moavskoga? Je li se on kad svaðao s Izrailjem? Je li kad vojevao s nama?
26 For 300 years the Israeli people have lived in Heshbon and Aroer [cities in your region], and in the surrounding towns, and in all the cities along the Arnon [River]. Why have you people of the Ammon people-group not taken back those cities during all those years [RHQ]?
Izrailj živi u Esevonu i u selima njegovijem i u Aroiru i selima njegovijem i po svijem gradovima duž Arnona tri stotine godina; zašto ne oteste za toliko vremena?
27 We have not sinned against you, but you are sinning against me by attacking me [and my army]. I trust that Yahweh, the great judge, will decide whether we Israelis are right, or whether you people of the Ammon people-group are right.’”
I tako nijesam ja tebi skrivio, nego ti meni èiniš zlo ratujuæi na me. Gospod sudija nek sudi danas izmeðu sinova Izrailjevijeh i sinova Amonovijeh.
28 But the king of the Ammon people-group did not pay attention to that message from Jephthah.
Ali car sinova Amonovijeh ne posluša rijeèi koje mu poruèi Jeftaj.
29 Then the Spirit of Yahweh took control of Jephthah. Jephthah went through [the] Gilead [region] and through the area where the tribe of Manasseh lived, [to enlist/gather men for his army]. [He finally gathered them together] in Mizpah [city] in [the] Gilead [region] to fight against the Ammon people-group.
I siðe na Jeftaja duh Gospodnji, te proðe kroz Galad i kroz Manasiju, proðe i Mispu Galadsku, i od Mispe Galadske doðe do sinova Amonovijeh.
30 There Jephthah made a solemn promise to Yahweh. He said, “If you will enable my army to defeat [IDM] the Ammon people-group,
I zavjetova Jeftaj zavjet Gospodu i reèe: ako mi daš sinove Amonove u ruke,
31 when I return from the battle, I will sacrifice to you the first person who comes out of my house [to greet me]. It will be a sacrifice that will be completely burned [on the altar].”
Što god izide na vrata iz kuæe moje na susret meni, kad se vratim zdrav od sinova Amonovijeh, biæe Gospodnje, i prinijeæu na žrtvu paljenicu.
32 Then Jephthah [and his men] went from Mizpah to attack the Ammon people-group, and Yahweh enabled his army to defeat them.
I tako doðe Jeftaj do sinova Amonovijeh da se bije s njima; i Gospod mu ih dade u ruke.
33 Jephthah and his men killed them, from Aroer [city] all the way to the area around the city of Minnith. They destroyed 20 cities, as far as [the city of] Abel Keramim. So the Israelis [completely] defeated the Ammon people-group.
I pobi ih od Aroira pa do Minita u dvadeset gradova i do ravnice vinogradske u boju vrlo velikom; i sinovi Amonovi biše pokoreni pred sinovima Izrailjevijem.
34 When Jephthah returned to his home in Mizpah, his daughter was the first one to come out of the house to meet him. She was [joyfully] playing a tambourine and dancing. She was his only child; he had no sons and no other daughters.
A kad se vraæaše Jeftaj kuæi svojoj u Mispu, gle, kæi njegova izide mu na susret s bubnjima i sviralama; ona mu bijaše jedinica, i osim nje ne imaše ni sina ni kæeri.
35 When Jephthah saw his daughter, he tore his clothes [to show that he was very sad about what he was going to do]. He said to her, “My daughter, you have caused me to become very sad [DOU] because I made a solemn promise to Yahweh [to sacrifice the first one who came out of my house], and I must do what I promised.”
Pa kad je ugleda, razdrije haljine svoje i reèe: ah kæeri moja! vele li me obori! ti si od onijeh što me cvijele; jer sam otvorio usta svoja ka Gospodu, i ne mogu poreæi.
36 His daughter said, “My father, you made a solemn promise to Yahweh. So you must do to me what you promised, because [you said that you would do that if] Yahweh helped you to defeat our enemies, the Ammon people-group.”
A ona mu reèe: oèe moj, kad si otvorio usta svoja ka Gospodu, uèini mi, kako je izašlo iz usta tvojih, kad te je Gospod osvetio od neprijatelja tvojih, sinova Amonovijeh.
37 Then she also said, “But allow me to do one thing. (First/before you do what you promised), allow me to go up into the hilly area and wander around for two months. Since I will never be married [and have children], allow me and my friends to go and cry together.”
Još reèe ocu svojemu: uèini mi ovo: ostavi me do dva mjeseca da otidem da se popnem na gore da oplaèem svoje djevojaštvo s drugama svojim.
38 Jephthah replied, “All right, you may go.” So she left for two months. She and her friends stayed in the hills and they cried for her because she would never be married.
A on joj reèe: idi. I pusti je na dva mjeseca, i ona otide s drugama svojim i oplakiva djevojaštvo svoje po gorama.
39 After two months, she returned to her father Jephthah, and he did to her what he had vowed. So his daughter never was married. Because of that, the Israelis now have a custom.
A kad proðoše dva mjeseca, vrati se k ocu svojemu, i on svrši na njoj zavjet svoj koji bješe zavjetovao. A ona ne pozna èovjeka. I posta obièaj u Izrailju
40 Every year the young Israeli women go [into the hills] for four days to remember [and cry about what happened to] the daughter of Jephthah.
Da od godine do godine idu kæeri Izrailjeve da plaèu za kæerju Jeftaja od Galada, èetiri dana u godini.

< Judges 11 >