< Judges 10 >

1 After Abimelech died, Tola the son of Puah and grandson of Dodo became the leader to rescue the Israeli people [from their enemies]. He belonged to the tribe of Issachar, but he lived in Shamir [city] in the hilly area where the descendants of Ephraim live.
Post Abimelech surrexit dux in Israël Thola filius Phua patrui Abimelech, vir de Issachar, qui habitavit in Samir montis Ephraim:
2 He ruled the Israeli people for 23 years. Then he died and was buried in Shamir.
et judicavit Israëlem viginti et tribus annis, mortuusque est, ac sepultus in Samir.
3 After Tola died, Jair, from [the] Gilead [region], became the Israelis’ leader, and he ruled them for 22 years.
Huic successit Jair Galaadites, qui judicavit Israël per viginti et duos annos,
4 He had thirty sons, and each of them had his own donkey to ride on. They each controlled a different town in [the] Gilead [region]. That region is still named ‘The Towns of Jair’.
habens triginta filios sedentes super triginta pullos asinarum, et principes triginta civitatum, quæ ex nomine ejus sunt appellatæ Havoth Jair, id est, oppida Jair, usque in præsentem diem, in terra Galaad.
5 When Jair died, he was buried in Kamon [city].
Mortuusque est Jair, ac sepultus in loco cui est vocabulum Camon.
6 Again the Israelis did things that Yahweh said were wrong/evil. They worshiped [the idols of their god] Baal and [their goddess] Astarte. They also worshiped the gods of the Aram, Sidon, Moab, and Ammon people-groups, and the gods of the Philistia people-group. They abandoned Yahweh and stopped worshiping him.
Filii autem Israël peccatis veteribus jungentes nova, fecerunt malum in conspectu Domini, et servierunt idolis, Baalim et Astaroth, et diis Syriæ ac Sidonis et Moab et filiorum Ammon et Philisthiim: dimiseruntque Dominum, et non coluerunt eum.
7 So Yahweh was very angry with them, and he allowed the Philistia and Ammon people-groups to defeat [IDM] the Israelis.
Contra quos Dominus iratus, tradidit eos in manus Philisthiim et filiorum Ammon.
8 In that same year, those people started to oppress the Israelis who lived in [the] Gilead [region] on the east side of the Jordan [River]. That was where the Amor people-group also lived. were They caused the Israelis who lived in that region to suffer for 18 years.
Afflictique sunt, et vehementer oppressi per annos decem et octo, omnes qui habitabant trans Jordanem in terra Amorrhæi, qui est in Galaad:
9 Then the people of the Ammon people-group crossed the Jordan [River] to fight against the people of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Ephraim. They caused the Israelis’ lives to be very miserable.
in tantum ut filii Ammon, Jordane transmisso, vastarent Judam et Benjamin et Ephraim: afflictusque est Israël nimis.
10 So the Israelis cried out to Yahweh, saying “We have sinned against you. We have abandoned you, and we have been worshiping [the idols of their god] Baal.”
Et clamantes ad Dominum, dixerunt: Peccavimus tibi, quia dereliquimus Dominum Deum nostrum, et servivimus Baalim.
11 Yahweh answered them, saying, “When the people of Egypt, and the Amor and Ammon and Philistia people-groups
Quibus locutus est Dominus: Numquid non Ægyptii et Amorrhæi, filiique Ammon et Philisthiim,
12 and the Sidon and Amalek and Maon people-groups were cruel to you, you cried out to me, and then I rescued you.
Sidonii quoque et Amalec et Chanaan oppresserunt vos, et clamastis ad me, et erui vos de manu eorum?
13 But now you have abandoned me again, and you have been worshiping other gods. So I will not rescue you again.
Et tamen reliquistis me, et coluistis deos alienos: idcirco non addam ut ultra vos liberem:
14 You have chosen those gods [to be the ones that you worship]. So call to them to help you. Allow them to rescue you when you have a lot of trouble!”
ite, et invocate deos quos elegistis: ipsi vos liberent in tempore angustiæ.
15 But the Israeli people said to Yahweh, “Truly we have sinned. Punish us in whatever way you wish to, but please rescue us now!”
Dixeruntque filii Israël ad Dominum: Peccavimus, redde tu nobis quidquid tibi placet: tantum nunc libera nos.
16 Then the Israelis threw away the [idols of the] gods that belonged to other people-groups, and they worshiped Yahweh again. He saw that they were suffering very much, and he felt sorry [IDM] for them.
Quæ dicentes, omnia de finibus suis alienorum deorum idola projecerunt, et servierunt Domino Deo: qui doluit super miseriis eorum.
17 The Ammon people-group gathered to fight [against the Israelis], and they set up their tents in [the] Gilead [region]. The Israeli men also gathered and set up their tents at Mizpah, [which was a city in Gilead].
Itaque filii Ammon conclamantes in Galaad fixere tentoria, contra quos congregati filii Israël in Maspha castrametati sunt.
18 The Israeli leaders said, “Who will lead our soldiers to attack the Ammon people-group? The one who will lead us will become the leader of all us who live in this Gilead [region].”
Dixeruntque principes Galaad singuli ad proximos suos: Qui primus ex nobis contra filios Ammon cœperit dimicare, erit dux populi Galaad.

< Judges 10 >