< Judges 1 >

1 After Joshua died, the Israeli people asked Yahweh, “Which [of our tribes] should attack the Canaan people-group first?”
Post mortem Josue, consuluerunt filii Israël Dominum, dicentes: Quis ascendet ante nos contra Chananæum, et erit dux belli?
2 Yahweh replied, “I will enable the tribe of Judah to defeat [IDM] the Canaan people-group.”
Dixitque Dominus: Judas ascendet: ecce tradidi terram in manus ejus.
3 The men of Judah went to their fellow Israelis, [the men] from the tribe of Simeon, and said to them, “Come and help us to fight the Canaan people-group [in order that we can take from them] the land [that Yahweh] allotted to us. If you do that, we will go with you [and help you] conquer the people in the land [that Yahweh promised to give to] you.” So the men from the tribe of Simeon went with the men of the tribe of Judah.
Et ait Judas Simeoni fratri suo: Ascende mecum in sortem meam, et pugna contra Chananæum, ut et ego pergam tecum in sortem tuam. Et abiit cum eo Simeon.
4 When the men of those two tribes attacked, Yahweh enabled them to defeat 10,000 men of the Canaan people-group and the Periz people-group [DOU] at Bezek [city].
Ascenditque Judas, et tradidit Dominus Chananæum ac Pherezæum in manus eorum: et percusserunt in Bezec decem millia virorum.
5 During the battle they found Adoni-Bezek, the leader of the city,
Inveneruntque Adonibezec in Bezec, et pugnaverunt contra eum, ac percusserunt Chananæum et Pherezæum.
6 but he [tried to] run away. The Israelis pursued him and caught him. Then they cut off his thumbs and his big toes.
Fugit autem Adonibezec: quem persecuti comprehenderunt, cæsis summitatibus manuum ejus ac pedum.
7 Adoni-Bezek said, “[My army captured] 70 kings. We cut off their thumbs and big toes. After that, [we forced] those kings to eat scraps that fell from our table. Now God has (paid me back for/done to me like) [what we did to them].” Then the men of Judah took Adoni-Bezek to Jerusalem, and he died there.
Dixitque Adonibezec: Septuaginta reges amputatis manuum ac pedum summitatibus colligebant sub mensa mea ciborum reliquias: sicut feci, ita reddidit mihi Deus. Adduxeruntque eum in Jerusalem, et ibi mortuus est.
8 The army of Judah fought against the men of Jerusalem, and they captured the city. With their swords they killed [the people who lived there] and they burned [the houses in] the city.
Oppugnantes ergo filii Juda Jerusalem, ceperunt eam, et percusserunt in ore gladii, tradentes cunctam incendio civitatem.
9 Later, the men of Judah went down to fight the Canaan people-group who lived in the hilly area, in the desert to the south, and in the foothills [to the west].
Et postea descendentes pugnaverunt contra Chananæum, qui habitabat in montanis, et ad meridiem, et in campestribus.
10 The men of Judah also went to fight against the Canaan people-group who lived in Hebron [city], which at that time was named Kiriath-Arba. They defeated [the armies of kings] Sheshai, Ahiman, and Talmai.
Pergensque Judas contra Chananæum, qui habitabat in Hebron (cujus nomen fuit antiquitus Cariath Arbe), percussit Sesai, et Ahiman, et Tholmai:
11 Then they left that area and went to fight against the people living in Debir [city], which was previously named Kiriath-Sepher.
atque inde profectus abiit ad habitatores Dabir, cujus nomen vetus erat Cariath Sepher, id est, civitas litterarum.
12 [Before they attacked the city], Caleb said to them, “If one of you attacks and captures Kiriath-Sepher, I will allow him to marry my daughter.”
Dixitque Caleb: Qui percusserit Cariath Sepher, et vastaverit eam, dabo ei Axam filiam meam uxorem.
13 Othniel, who was the son of Caleb’s younger brother Kenaz, captured the city. So Caleb gave his daughter Acsah to him, to become his wife.
Cumque cepisset eam Othoniel filius Cenez frater Caleb minor, dedit ei Axam filiam suam conjugem.
14 When Acsah married Othniel, she told him to ask her father to give him a field. [But she decided to ask him herself. She rode to Caleb’s house on her donkey], and when she got off the donkey, Caleb [could see that something was troubling her. So he] asked her, “What do you want?”
Quam pergentem in itinere monuit vir suus ut peteret a patre suo agrum. Quæ cum suspirasset sedens in asino, dixit ei Caleb: Quid habes?
15 She replied, “I want you to do a favor for me. You have given me some land in the southern desert, [but it is very dry there]. So please also give me some [land that has] springs of water.” So Caleb gave her some land on higher ground that had a spring, and some land on lower ground that also had a spring.
At illa respondit: Da mihi benedictionem, quia terram arentem dedisti mihi: da et irriguam aquis. Dedit ergo ei Caleb irriguum superius, et irriguum inferius.
16 The people of the Ken people-group who were descendants of Moses’ father-in-law left Jericho, which was called ‘The City of Palm Trees’. They went with some of the men of Judah to live with them in the southern desert area, near Arad [city].
Filii autem Cinæi cognati Moysi ascenderunt de civitate palmarum cum filiis Juda, in desertum sortis ejus, quod est ad meridiem Arad, et habitaverunt cum eo.
17 The men of Judah and their fellow Israelis from the tribe of Simeon defeated the people of the Canaan people-group who lived in Zephath [city]. They completely destroyed the city and gave it a new name, Hormah, [which means ‘complete destruction’].
Abiit autem Judas cum Simeone fratre suo, et percusserunt simul Chananæum qui habitabat in Sephaath, et interfecerunt eum. Vocatumque est nomen urbis, Horma, id est, anathema.
18 The men of Judah also captured Gaza, Ashkelon, and Ekron [cities] and all the land that is near those cities.
Cepitque Judas Gazam cum finibus suis, et Ascalonem, atque Accaron cum terminis suis.
19 Yahweh helped the men of Judah to capture the hilly area, but they could not force the people who were living in the plains to leave, because [those people had better weapons—] had iron chariots.
Fuitque Dominus cum Juda, et montana possedit: nec potuit delere habitatores vallis, quia falcatis curribus abundabant.
20 Hebron [city] was given to Caleb because Moses had promised him that he could have that city. And Caleb forced the three clans descended from Anak to leave that area.
Dederuntque Caleb Hebron, sicut dixerat Moyses, qui delevit ex ea tres filios Enac.
21 But the people of the tribe of Benjamin could not force the people of the Jebus people-group to leave Jerusalem. So, since that time the people of the Jebus people-group have lived in Jerusalem with the people of the tribe of Benjamin.
Jebusæum autem habitatorem Jerusalem non deleverunt filii Benjamin: habitavitque Jebusæus cum filiis Benjamin in Jerusalem, usque in præsentem diem.
22 The men of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh went to fight against [the men of] Bethel [city], and Yahweh helped them.
Domus quoque Joseph ascendit in Bethel, fuitque Dominus cum eis.
23 They sent some spies to [find out everything that they could find out about] Bethel, which was previously called Luz.
Nam cum obsiderent urbem, quæ prius Luza vocabatur,
24 The spies saw a man who was coming out of the city. They said to him, “If you show us a way to get into the city, we will be kind to you [and we will not kill you].”
viderunt hominem egredientem de civitate, dixeruntque ad eum: Ostende nobis introitum civitatis, et faciemus tecum misericordiam.
25 So the man showed them a way to enter the city. The men of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh entered the city and killed all the people with their swords, but they did not kill the man [who showed them how to get into the city], and they did not kill his family.
Qui cum ostendisset eis, percusserunt urbem in ore gladii: hominem autem illum, et omnem cognationem ejus, dimiserunt.
26 That man went to the area where the descendants of Heth lived, and built a city. He named the city Luz, and that is still the name of that city.
Qui dimissus, abiit in terram Hetthim, et ædificavit ibi civitatem, vocavitque eam Luzam: quæ ita appellatur usque in præsentem diem.
27 There were people of the Canaan people-group who lived in Beth-Shan, Taanach, Dor, Ibleam, and Megiddo [cities] and in the surrounding villages. [The men of] the tribe of Manasseh did not force those people to leave those towns, because the people of the Canaan people-group were determined to stay there.
Manasses quoque non delevit Bethsan, et Thanac cum viculis suis, et habitatores Dor, et Jeblaam, et Mageddo cum viculis suis, cœpitque Chananæus habitare cum eis.
28 Later, the Israelis became (stronger/more numerous), and they forced the people of the Canaan people-group to work for them [as their slaves], but they did not force all the people of the Canaan people-group to leave their land.
Postquam autem confortatus est Israël, fecit eos tributarios, et delere noluit.
29 [The men of] the tribe of Ephraim did not force the people of the Canaan people-group to leave Gezer [city]. So the people of the Canaan people-group continued to live with the people of the tribe of Ephraim.
Ephraim etiam non interfecit Chananæum, qui habitabat in Gazer, sed habitavit cum eo.
30 [The men of] the tribe of Zebulun did nor compel the people of the Canaan people-group who were living in Kitron and Nahalol [cities] to leave. They stayed there and lived among the people of the tribe of Zebulun, but the people of Zebulun forced them to work for them as their slaves.
Zabulon non delevit habitatores Cetron, et Naalol: sed habitavit Chananæus in medio ejus, factusque est ei tributarius.
31 [The men of] the tribe of Asher did not force the people of the Canaan people-group who lived in Acco, Sidon, Ahlab, Aczib, Helbah, Aphek and Rehob [cities] to leave.
Aser quoque non delevit habitatores Accho, et Sidonis, Ahalab, et Achazib, et Helba, et Aphec, et Rohob:
32 So the people of the tribe of Asher lived among them.
habitavitque in medio Chananæi habitatoris illius terræ, nec interfecit eum.
33 [The men of] the tribe of Naphtali did not compel the people who lived in Beth-Shemesh and Beth-Anath [cities] to leave, so the people in those two cities continued to live there, but the people of the Canaan people-group were forced to work as the slaves of the people of the tribe of Naphtali.
Nephthali quoque non delevit habitatores Bethsames, et Bethanath: et habitavit inter Chananæum habitatorem terræ, fueruntque ei Bethsamitæ et Bethanitæ tributarii.
34 The people of the Amor people-group forced the people of the tribe of Dan to live in the hills. They did not allow them to come down [and live] on the plain.
Arctavitque Amorrhæus filios Dan in monte, nec dedit eis locum ut ad planiora descenderent:
35 The people of the Amor people-group were determined to stay in Heres Mountain and in Aijalon and Shaalbim [cities]. But when the Israelis became (stronger/more numerous), they forced the people of the Amor people-group to work as their slaves.
habitavitque in monte Hares, quod interpretatur testaceo, in Ajalon et Salebim. Et aggravata est manus domus Joseph, factusque est ei tributarius.
36 The land where the Amor people-group lived extended from Scorpion Pass [toward the west] beyond Sela [town], up into the hilly area.
Fuit autem terminus Amorrhæi ab ascensu Scorpionis, petra, et superiora loca.

< Judges 1 >