< Jude 1 >
1 [I am] Jude. I [serve] Jesus Christ [like] a voluntary slave [MET]. I am a [younger] brother of James, [the leader of all the congregations. I am writing] to you whom [God] has chosen [to belong to him. You are] loved by God [our] Father and protected by Jesus Christ (OR, whom [God] has protected [to present] to Jesus Christ).
Iuda, rob al lui Isus Hristos și frate al lui Iacov, către cei chemați, sfințițiți de Dumnezeu Tatăl și păstrați pentru Isus Hristos:
2 [I pray that] you will continue to [experience] very much [God acting] mercifully toward you, [causing you to have inner] peace, and loving [you].
Fie ca mila, pacea și dragostea să vă fie înmulțite.
3 You whom I love, I (was very eager/very much wanted) to write to you about that which we all (share/have in common), which is how ([God/Jesus Christ]) [has] saved [us]. But now I realize that it is necessary [for me] to write to you in order to exhort you to defend the [truth about Christ] that we believe. [Jesus and his apostles] gave that truth once and for all to us who belong to God, [and we must not let it be changed] {[anyone revise/change it]}.
Preaiubiților, deși eram foarte nerăbdător să vă scriu despre mântuirea noastră comună, am fost silit să vă scriu pentru a vă îndemna să vă luptați cu tărie pentru credința care a fost dată sfinților o dată pentru totdeauna.
4 Some people falsely [teach that because] God kindly does for us what we do not deserve, it (does not matter/is all right) if we continue to sin. [Those people show by the way that they conduct their lives] that they do not want to admit/accept that Jesus Christ [is] our only Master and Lord. [It was written] long ago {[Someone] long ago wrote} that [God] would condemn (such ungodly people/people like that whose lives are displeasing to him). But some [of those] people have entered [MET] [like crawling snakes] into your congregations [and oppose the truth about Christ, so you must resist/oppose them].
Pentru că sunt unii oameni care s-au strecurat pe ascuns, chiar cei despre care s-a scris demult pentru această condamnare: oameni nelegiuiți, care transformă harul Dumnezeului nostru în indecență și neagă pe singurul nostru Stăpân, Dumnezeu și Domn, Isus Hristos.
5 Although you previously knew all these things, [there are certain things about] which I desire to remind you. [Do not forget that although] the Lord rescued [his people] from Egypt, he later destroyed most of those same people, ones who did not believe [in him].
Vreau să vă amintesc, deși știți deja, că Domnul, după ce a izbăvit un popor din țara Egiptului, a nimicit pe cei ce nu au crezut.
6 And there were [many] angels to [whom God assigned/gave positions of authority in heaven]. But many did not continue to rule with authority [in those positions]. Instead, they abandoned the place that [God] gave them to live [in heaven]. So God has put those angels in chains forever in the darkness [in hell. They will stay there] until the great day when [God] will judge [and punish] them. (aïdios , questioned)
Pe îngerii care nu și-au păstrat primul domeniu, ci și-au părăsit propria locuință, i-a ținut în legături veșnice, sub întuneric, pentru judecata din ziua cea mare. (aïdios )
7 Similarly, the people who lived [MTY] in Sodom and Gomorrah [cities] and the nearby cities committed sexual immorality. They sought all kinds of sexual relations that differ [from what God permits. So God destroyed their cities. What happened to those people and those angels] shows that [God will] punish [people, such as the ones who teach false doctrine], in the eternal fire [of hell]. (aiōnios , questioned)
La fel ca Sodoma și Gomora și orașele din jurul lor, care, la fel ca acestea, s-au dedat la imoralitate sexuală și au umblat după trupuri străine, sunt arătate ca exemplu, suferind pedeapsa focului veșnic. (aiōnios )
8 Similarly, these [ungodly people in your midst] also defile their own bodies [by living immorally], because [they claim/say that God revealed] in visions [that they should act that way]. They refuse to [allow] anyone to have authority over them, and they (revile/speak evil about) [God’s] glorious/wonderful [angels].
Și totuși, în același mod, și aceștia, în visteria lor, spurcă carnea, disprețuiesc autoritatea și calomniază ființele cerești.
9 When (the devil/Satan) argued with the chief angel, Michael, about [who would take away] the body of [the prophet] Moses [to bury it], Michael did not [do as these teachers of false doctrine do. Even though Michael has much more authority than they do], he did not disrespectfully (revile/say evil things to) Satan and accuse/condemn him. Instead, he [only] said, “[I desire that] the Lord [God] will rebuke you!”
Dar Mihail, arhanghelul Mihail, când se certa cu diavolul și discuta despre trupul lui Moise, nu a îndrăznit să aducă împotriva lui o condamnare abuzivă, ci a spus: “Domnul să te certe!”.
10 But the [ones in your midst] who teach false doctrine (revile/speak evil against) the [spiritual] beings that they do not understand. They also [do the evil things that they desire], things that they know about (naturally/without needing to think), things that they just do without considering [the consequences/results], like animals. So they destroy themselves. [But they will also be punished by God] {[God will also] punish them}.
Aceștia însă vorbesc de rău despre orice lucru pe care nu-l cunosc. Ei sunt distruși în aceste lucruri pe care le înțeleg în mod natural, asemenea creaturilor fără rațiune.
11 [God will do] terrible things to those who teach false doctrine! They conduct their lives [wickedly] like Cain, [who murdered his brother because he was] ([jealous/angry because God accepted his brother’s sacrifice and did not accept his]). These false teachers (devote themselves to [MET] [doing] wrong things [like] Balaam, who [tried to induce God’s people to sin in order to get the money that was offered to him]. They will perish like Korah, who rebelled [against the authority that God gave to Moses].
Vai de ei! Pentru că au mers pe calea lui Cain, au alergat cu destrăbălare în rătăcirea lui Balaam, pentru a fi plătiți, și au pierit în răzvrătirea lui Core.
12 Those teachers of false doctrine are [as dangerous to you as] [MET] (hidden rocks on a reef/rocks underneath the surface of the ocean) [are to a boat]. When you gather together [to eat the meals that] help you believers to love each other more and have a closer relationship with each other, they [join you and] carouse shamelessly, caring [only] for themselves [and not for others. Because they do not do anything to help others] [MET], they are [as useless as] clouds that are blown along by the wind {that the wind blows along} but that do not [produce/give] any rain. [They are as disappointing as] [MET] trees that do not produce fruit in the autumn [as we expect them to]. They are not only [spiritually] [MET] dead themselves, [but they are] not [able to cause others to be] alive [spiritually, just like] [MET] trees that have been {that [someone] has} uprooted and [as a result] are unable to produce any fruit.
Aceștia sunt recife stâncoase ascunse în ospețele voastre de dragoste, când se ospătează cu voi, păstori care fără teamă se hrănesc singuri; nori fără apă, purtați de vânturi; pomi de toamnă fără rod, morți de două ori, smulși din rădăcini;
13 They are [restless] [MET], [like] the pounding waves of the ocean. [Just like] waves [produce foul-smelling] foam on the shore, [those teachers of false doctrine do] shameful [MTY] [deeds. We cannot depend/rely on them to show us how to conduct our lives] [MET], [just like we cannot depend/rely on] (meteors/falling stars) [to show us the way when we travel]. [God] has reserved intense darkness for them forever [in hell]. (aiōn , questioned)
valuri sălbatice ale mării, care își scot spuma rușinii lor; stele rătăcitoare, cărora le-a fost rezervată pentru totdeauna negura întunericului. (aiōn )
14 Enoch, the sixth [person in the line of people who descended] from Adam, prophesied this about those [teachers of false doctrine]: “Listen carefully to this: The Lord will certainly come with a countless number of his holy [angels] in order
Despre acestea a profețit și Enoh, al șaptelea de la Adam, care a spus: “Iată, Domnul a venit cu zece mii de sfinți ai săi,
15 to judge everyone, and to punish all wicked and (ungodly people/people whose lives are displeasing to God) for all the (ungodly things/things that displease God) that they did in (an ungodly way/a way that displeases God), and for all the harsh things that ungodly sinful people have spoken against him.”
pentru a judeca pe toți și pentru a-i condamna pe toți cei nelegiuiți de toate faptele lor de impietate pe care le-au făcut în mod nelegiuit și de toate lucrurile grele pe care păcătoșii nelegiuiți le-au spus împotriva lui”.
16 Those [teachers] of [false doctrine] grumble [about] the [things that God does]. They complain [about what happens to them]. They do the sinful things that their [bodies] desire. They talk boastfully. They (flatter/say nice things to) people, only in order to get [those people to give them the] things that they want.
Aceștia sunt murmurători și plângăcioși, umblând după poftele lor — și gura lor vorbește lucruri mândre — arătând respect de persoane pentru a obține avantaje.
17 But you people whom I love need to remember the things that were predicted by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ {that the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ said would happen}.
Dar voi, preaiubiților, aduceți-vă aminte de cuvintele care au fost rostite mai înainte de apostolii Domnului nostru Isus Hristos.
18 They told you, “In the final period of time [in which we are now living] there will be people who will laugh at [the truths that God has revealed]. They will do the (ungodly things/things that are displeasing to God) that their [bodies] desire.”
Ei v-au spus: “În vremurile din urmă vor fi batjocoritori, care vor umbla după poftele lor nelegiuite.”
19 [That describes] the teachers of false doctrine [well, because] they are the ones who cause divisions among believers. They do what their own minds tell them to do. The Spirit [of God] does not live within them.
Aceștia sunt cei care provoacă dezbinare și sunt senzuali, neavând Duhul Sfânt.
20 But you people whom I love, (hold/continue to trust) firmly to the very sacred truths that you believe. Pray by [letting] the Holy Spirit enable/empower you.
Iar voi, iubiților, zidiți-vă pe credința voastră cea sfântă, rugându-vă în Duhul Sfânt.
21 Keep conducting your lives in [a way that is appropriate for those whom] God loves. Keep constantly expecting that our Lord Jesus Christ will [act] mercifully toward you. Keep expecting that until [the time when we begin] living eternally [with him]. (aiōnios )
Păstrați-vă în dragostea lui Dumnezeu, așteptând îndurarea Domnului nostru Isus Hristos pentru viața veșnică. (aiōnios )
22 Mercifully [help] those who are not certain [what teaching they should believe].
Pe unii îi compătimește, făcând distincție,
23 [Rescue] others from [the influence of those who teach what is false] [MET], [as you would rescue things by] snatching [them from] a fire. Pity those [whom the teachers of false doctrine have completely convinced], but beware that [you yourselves are not influenced by them] {that they do not influence you}. Detest [doing or even thinking about the sins that those people commit, just like you would detest] [MET] touching not only filthy things but the clothes that were stained by those things {that those things stained}.
iar pe alții îi mântuiește, smulgându-i cu frică din foc, urând chiar și hainele pătate de carne.
24 God is able to keep you from ceasing to trust in him (OR, from sinning), and he is able to bring you into his glorious presence. [As you stand before him], there will be nothing [for which] you [will] be condemned {[he can] condemn you}, and you will be rejoicing greatly.
Iar Celui ce poate să-i păzească de poticnire și să vă înfățișeze fără greșeală în fața slavei Lui, cu mare bucurie,
25 He is the only true God. He has saved us as a result of what Jesus Christ our Lord [did for us]. God was glorious and great and mighty and he [ruled] with great authority before time began. [He is still like that], and [he will remain like that] forever! (Amen!/That is true!) (aiōn )
lui Dumnezeu, Mântuitorul nostru, singurul înțelept, fie slava și maiestatea, stăpânirea și puterea, acum și pururea și în vecii vecilor. Amin. (aiōn )