< Joshua 7 >

1 Yahweh had commanded that all the things [that they had captured in Jericho] should be [destroyed to show that they belong] to him. But there was a man from the tribe of Judah named Achan. He was the son of Carmi and grandson of Zabdi and great-grandson of Zerah. He disobeyed [what] Yahweh [had commanded] and took for himself some of those things. So Yahweh was very angry with the Israelis.
Les enfants d’Israël commirent une infidélité au sujet de l’anathème. Achan, fils de Charmi, fils de Zabdi, fils de Zaré, de la tribu de Juda, prit des choses dévouées, et la colère de Yahweh s’enflamma contre les enfants d’Israël.
2 Joshua told some of his men to go from Jericho to Ai [town], which was east of Bethel [city] and near Beth-Aven [town]. He said to them, “Go to Ai and (spy out the area/see what the area is like).” So the men went.
Josué envoya de Jéricho des hommes vers Haï, qui est près de Beth-Aven, à l’orient de Béthel; il leur dit: « Montez et explorez le pays. » Ces hommes montèrent et explorèrent Haï.
3 When they returned to Joshua they said, “There are only a few people in Ai. So we do not need to send all of our soldiers to defeat them. Send 2.000 or 3,000 men to attack them. That will be enough.”
Revenus auprès de Josué, ils lui dirent: « Que le peuple ne monte pas tout entier! Deux mille hommes ou trois mille hommes n’ont qu’à monter et ils battront Haï; ne fatigue pas tout le peuple pour cette ville, car ses habitants sont peu nombreux. »
4 So about 3,000 Israeli men went [to attack Ai]. But the men of Ai defeated them badly.
Environ trois mille hommes du peuple y montèrent, mais ils prirent la fuite devant les hommes d’Haï.
5 They killed about 36 Israelis and chased the rest of Israeli men from the city gate to the bottom of the hill. When the other Israelis saw that this had happened, they became very discouraged.
Les gens d’Haï leur tuèrent environ trente-six hommes; ils les poursuivirent depuis la porte jusqu’à Sabarim, et les battirent à la descente. Et le cœur du peuple se fondit et il perdit tout courage.
6 Joshua and the other Israeli leaders tore their clothes [because they were very sad about being defeated]. They prostrated themselves on the ground in front of [the Sacred Tent in which was] the sacred chest. They stayed there until that evening. They also threw dirt on their heads [to show that they were very sad about what had happened].
Josué déchira ses vêtements et se prosterna, le visage contre terre, devant l’arche de Yahweh, jusqu’au soir, lui et les anciens d’Israël, et ils jetèrent de la poussière sur leur tête.
7 Then Joshua prayed and said, “Lord God, you brought us Israelis [safely] across the Jordan River. So why are you now allowing the Amor people-group to defeat us [RHQ]? [This would not have happened] if we had stayed on the other side of the Jordan River!
Josué dit: « Ah! Seigneur Yahweh, pourquoi avez-vous fait passer le Jourdain à ce peuple, pour nous livrer entre les mains des Amorrhéens, afin de nous faire périr? Que n’avons-nous su rester de l’autre côté du Jourdain!
8 Lord, we Israelis have been defeated by our enemies, so I do not know what to say now [RHQ].
De grâce, Seigneur, que dirai-je, après qu’Israël a tourné le dos devant ses ennemis?
9 The Canaan people-group and all the other people who are living in this land will hear about this. Then they will surround us and kill all of us! Then what will you do (to defend your reputation [MTY]/to show that you are a powerful God)?”
Les Chananéens et tous les habitants du pays l’apprendront; ils nous envelopperont et feront disparaître notre nom de la terre. Et que ferez-vous pour votre grand nom? »
10 But Yahweh said to Joshua, “Stand up! Stop lying there with your face on the ground [RHQ]!
Yahweh dit à Josué: « Lève-toi! Pourquoi es-tu ainsi tombé sur ta face?
11 You Israelis have sinned! You have disobeyed the commands that I told you to obey. [One of] your men has taken some of the things that I told you to destroy. He has stolen them and taken them for himself and lied [about it].
Israël a péché, jusqu’à transgresser mon alliance que je leur ai prescrite d’observer, jusqu’à prendre des choses vouées par l’anathème, à les dérober, à mentir et à les cacher dans leurs bagages!
12 That is why you Israelis have been unable to be strong when you went to attack your enemies. That is why you have run away from them. And now you yourselves may be destroyed. If you do not do as I commanded you and destroy everything [that you captured in Jericho] I will not help you any more!”
Aussi les enfants d’Israël ne peuvent tenir devant leurs ennemis; mais ils tournent le dos devant leurs ennemis, car ils sont devenus anathème. Je ne serai plus avec vous désormais, si vous n’ôtez pas l’anathème du milieu de vous.
13 “Now go and tell this to the people: ‘Tomorrow you must [perform the rituals that will] cause yourselves to become acceptable to Yahweh again. Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship], says that one of you has kept things that he told you to destroy. You will never defeat your enemies until you get rid of those things.
Lève-toi, sanctifie le peuple et dis-leur: Sanctifiez-vous pour demain; car ainsi parle Yahweh, le Dieu d’Israël: Il y a un anathème au milieu de toi, Israël; tu ne pourras pas tenir devant tes ennemis, jusqu’à ce que vous ayez ôté l’anathème du milieu de vous.
14 ‘Tomorrow morning you must present yourselves before Yahweh, tribe by tribe. Then Yahweh will indicate to which tribe [the man who took those things belongs]. Then Yahweh will indicate to which clan from that tribe [the guilty man belongs]. Then Yahweh will indicate to which family he belongs. And then he will indicate which person [in that family took those things].
Vous vous approcherez le matin selon vos tribus, et la tribu que Yahweh aura saisie s’approchera par familles, et la famille que Yahweh aura saisie s’approchera par maisons, et la maison que Yahweh aura saisie s’approchera par têtes.
15 Then the one who has taken some of the things that should have been destroyed will be destroyed in a fire. And everything he owns will be destroyed with him, because he has disobeyed the command that Yahweh gave us and has done something that is disgraceful to us Israeli people.’”
Celui qui sera saisi comme atteint par l’anathème sera consumé par le feu, lui et tout ce qui lui appartient, parce qu’il transgresse l’alliance de Yahweh et commet une infamie en Israël. »
16 Early the next morning, Joshua told all the Israeli people to stand before the Sacred Tent, tribe by tribe. [When they did that], Yahweh indicated that a man from the tribe of Judah [was the one who had taken the things].
Le lendemain, Josué se leva de bon matin et fit approcher Israël selon ses tribus, et la tribu de Juda fut saisie.
17 Then the clans of Judah presented themselves, and Yahweh indicated that someone from the clan of Zerah was the guilty one. Then the families of Zerah’s clan presented themselves, and Yahweh indicated that someone from the family of Zabdi [was the guilty one].
Il fit approcher les familles de Juda, et la famille de Zaré fut saisie. Il fit approcher la famille de Zaré par maisons, et Zabdi fut saisi.
18 Then Joshua told the men from that family to present themselves. And Yahweh indicated that Achan was guilty.
Il fit approcher la maison de Zabdi par têtes, et Achan, fils de Charmi, fils de Zabdi, fils de Zaré, de la tribu de Juda, fut saisi.
19 Then Joshua said to Achan, “Son, tell the truth [IDM]. Confess to Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship, what you have done]. And tell me what you did, and do not try to (conceal anything/prevent me from knowing what you did).”
Josué dit à Achan: « Mon fils, donne gloire, je te prie, à Yahweh, le Dieu d’Israël, et rends-lui hommage. Avoue-moi ce que tu as fait, ne me le cache point. »
20 Achan replied, “It is true. I have sinned against Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship].
Achan répondit à Josué et dit: « C’est la vérité; c’est moi qui ai péché contre Yahweh, le Dieu d’Israël; voici ce que j’ai fait:
21 Among the things [in Jericho] that I saw was a beautiful coat from Babylonia. I also saw 200 pieces of silver and some gold that weighed as much as 50 pieces of silver. I wanted those things very much for myself, so I took them. I buried them all in the ground under my tent. You will find them there. The silver is buried under the other things.”
J’ai vu parmi les dépouilles un beau manteau de Sennaar, deux cents sicles d’argent, et un lingot d’or du poids de cinquante sicles; je les ai convoités et je les ai pris; ils sont cachés dans la terre au milieu de ma tente, et l’argent est dessous. »
22 So Joshua sent some men [to find those things]. They ran to Achan’s tent and found all the things hidden there.
Josué envoya des messagers qui coururent à la tente, et voici, les objets étaient cachés dans la tente d’Achan, et l’argent était dessous.
23 The men brought them all out of the tent and took them to Joshua and the rest of the Israeli people. Then they spread/laid them out on the ground, where Yahweh could see them.
Les ayant pris du milieu de la tente, ils les apportèrent à Josué et à tous les enfants d’Israël, et les déposèrent devant Yahweh.
24 Then Joshua and the rest of the people led Achan down to the valley. They also took down there the silver, the coat, the gold, Achan’s [wife and] sons and daughters, and his cattle and donkeys and sheep, and his tent, and everything else that he owned.
Josué et tout Israël avec lui prirent Achan, fils de Zaré, l’argent, le manteau, le lingot d’or, les fils et les filles d’Achan, ses bœufs, ses ânes, ses brebis, sa tente et tout ce qui lui appartenait, et il les firent monter dans la vallée d’Achor.
25 Joshua said, “(I do not know why you caused so much trouble for us/You have caused a lot of trouble for us) [RHQ], but now Yahweh will cause trouble for you.” Then all the people threw stones at Achan and his family until they all died. Then the people burned their corpses.
Là Josué dit: « Pourquoi nous as-tu troublés? Yahweh te troublera aujourd’hui. » Et tout Israël le lapida. On les consuma par le feu, et on les lapida.
26 They piled rocks over [the ashes of] their [corpses], and those rocks are still there. That is why that valley is called Trouble Valley. After that, Yahweh was no longer angry [with the Israeli people].
Et on éleva sur Achan un grand monceau de pierres, qui subsiste encore aujourd’hui. Et Yahweh revint de l’ardeur de sa colère. — A cause de cet événement, on a appelé ce lieu vallée d’Achor jusqu’à ce jour.

< Joshua 7 >