< Joshua 3 >
1 Joshua [and all the other Israelis] got up early [the next] morning. They left [their camp at] Acacia and went [down] to the Jordan [River]. They camped there for two nights.
И воста заутра Иисус, и воздвигошася из Саттина, и приидоша до Иордана той и вси сынове Израилевы, и сташа тамо прежде неже прейти.
2 Then the leaders went throughout the camp,
И бысть по триех днех, проидоша книгочия чрез полк,
3 telling the people, “You will see some of the priests, who are descendants of Levi, carrying the chest that contains the Ten Commandments that Yahweh our God gave us. When you see them, leave the places where you are camped and follow them.
и заповедаша людем, глаголюще: егда узрите кивот завета Господа Бога нашего, и жерцы нашя, и левиты воздвизающыя его, да воздвигнетеся и вы от мест ваших и пойдете вслед его:
4 You have not been (here/along this road) before, [so you must follow the priests]. But do not walk close to the chest. Stay (1,000 yards/900 meters) from the chest. [The chest is sacred, so (God will punish you/you will be punished) if you come close to it].”
но подалее да будет между вами и оным, елико две тысящы лакот станете: не приближитеся к нему, да увесте путь, по немуже пойдете: не ходисте бо путем тем ни вчера, ни третияго дне.
5 Then Joshua told the people, “Perform the ceremonies needed to make yourselves acceptable to Yahweh, because tomorrow he is going to do things for you that will amaze you!”
И рече Иисус к людем: очиститеся наутрие, яко заутра сотворит в вас Господь чудная.
6 Then Joshua said to the priests, “Carry the chest and go in front of the [rest of the] people.” So they lifted up the chest and went ahead.
И рече Иисус к жерцем: воздвигните кивот завета Господня и предидите пред людьми. И взяша жерцы кивот завета Господня и идоша пред людьми.
7 Then Yahweh said to Joshua, “This is the day that I will begin to show all the Israeli people that you are a great leader. Then they will honor you, and know that I am with/helping you as I (was with/helped) Moses.
И рече Господь ко Иисусу: в сей день начинаю возвышати тя пред всеми сынми Израилевыми, да уведят, якоже бех с Моисеом, тако буду и с тобою:
8 Tell the priests who are carrying the chest that contains the Ten Commandments, ‘When you come to the edge of the Jordan [River], stand in the water.’”
и ныне заповеждь жерцем воздвизающым кивот завета, глаголя: егда внидете на часть воды Иордана, и во Иордане станете.
9 Then Joshua said to the Israeli people, “Come close to me in order that you can listen to what Yahweh, your God, is saying.”
И рече Иисус сыном Израилевым: приступите семо, и слышите слово Господа Бога вашего:
10 [When they came near], he said to them, “This is how you will know that God, who is all-powerful, is among you, and that he will expel for you the descendants of Canaan, Heth, Hiv, Periz, Girgash, Amor, and Jebus [who are now living in that land].
в сих увесте, яко Господь живяй в вас и потребляяй потребит от лица вашего Хананеа и Хеттеа, и Ферезеа и Евеа, и Гергесеа и Аморреа и Иевусеа:
11 Keep in mind that Yahweh is the one who rules over all the earth. The chest belongs to him, and it will be carried into the Jordan River ahead of you.
се, кивот завета Господа всея земли преходит Иордан:
12 So choose twelve men, [one from each] of the tribes of Israel, [and I will tell you later what I want them to do].
изберите себе дванадесять мужей от сынов Израилевых, единаго от коегождо племене,
13 As for the priests who are carrying the chest, as soon as they put their feet into the Jordan [River], the water will stop flowing. It will pile up because I will cause it to be blocked upstream.”
и будет егда почиют нози жерцев воздвизающих кивот завета Господа всея земли в воде Иордана, вода Иорданова оскудеет, вода же низтекущая станет.
14 So when the [Israeli] people packed up their tents in order to cross the river, the priests who were carrying the chest containing the Ten Commandments went in front of them.
И бысть егда воздвигнушася людие от кущ своих прейти Иордан, жерцы же воздвигоша кивот завета Господня пред людьми:
15 [It was springtime], when people harvest their crops, [and] at that time the river floods over its banks. But as soon as the priests reached the edge of the river and stepped into the water,
егда же внидоша жерцы воздвижуще кивот завета Господня во Иордан, и нози жерцев воздвизающих кивот завета Господня омочишася в части воды Иордана, Иордан же наполняшеся во вся краи своя, якоже во дни жатвы пшеницы:
16 the water stopped flowing. The water piled up far [upstream], at a town named Adam, near Zarethan. The water stopped flowing down to the Dead Sea. So the people were able to cross the river near Jericho.
и сташа воды текущыя свыше, ста огустение едино отлучившееся далече зело зело от Адами града даже до страны Кариафиарима: низтекущая же низтече в море Аравско, в море Сланое, дондеже до конца оскуде.
17 The priests who were carrying the chest containing the Ten Commandments that Yahweh [had given them] stood on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan [riverbed], while the rest of the Israeli people crossed the river [as though they were crossing] dry ground.
И людие стояху прямо Иерихону. И сташа жерцы воздвизающии кивот завета Господня на сусе посреде Иордана: и вси сынове Израилевы прехождаху по суху, дондеже скончаша вси людие преходяще Иордан.