< Joshua 23 >

1 Yahweh enabled the Israelis to live peacefully [for many years] with the people-groups that were around them.
Efter længere Tids Forløb, da HERREN havde skaffet Israel Ro for alle dets Fjender rundt om, og Josua var blevet gammel og til Aars,
2 Joshua was now very old. [One day] he summoned the leaders of the tribes of Israel, the leaders of the clans, the judges, and [other] officials. He said to them, “I am now very old.
lod Josua hele Israel, de Ældste, Overhovederne, Dommerne og Tilsynsmændene kalde til sig og sagde til dem: »Jeg er blevet gammel og til Aars.
3 You people have seen what Yahweh our God has done to help you defeat the people-groups [that lived in this land]. Yahweh our God has fought for you.
I har selv set alt, hvad HERREN eders Gud har gjort ved alle disse Folkeslag foran eder; thi det var HERREN eders Gud, som kæmpede for eder.
4 But do not forget that he has given to you all this land, from the Jordan [River in the east] to the Mediterranean Sea in the west, all this land that I have allotted to you.
Se, jeg har tildelt eders Stammer som Arvelod disse Folk, som er tilbage af alle de Folkeslag, jeg udryddede fra Jordan til det store Hav vestpaa;
5 Yahweh our God will compel the people who are still living there to leave. He will push them out as you advance. Then the land will be yours, as Yahweh has promised you.
og HERREN eders Gud vil trænge dem tilbage foran eder og drive dem bort foran eder, og I skal tage deres Land i Besiddelse, som HERREN eders Gud lovede eder.
6 “Be sure that you obey all the laws that are in the book that Moses wrote. Do not disobey any part of it [IDM].
Vær nu stærke og faste, saa I giver Agt paa og handler efter alt, hvad der staar skrevet i Moses's Lovbog, og ikke viger derfra til højre eller venstre
7 Do not associate with the people who live among us [who are not Israelis and who worship other gods]. Do not mention the names of their gods, and do not use the names of their gods when you promise to do something. Do not serve their gods or worship them.
og ikke indlader eder med disse Folk, som er tilbage iblandt eder; I maa ikke paakalde deres Guders Navne eller sværge ved dem, ikke dyrke eller tilbede dem,
8 You must continue to do what Yahweh our God wants us to do, as you have been doing.
men I skal holde fast ved HERREN eders Gud som hidtil.
9 “Yahweh has forced [many] very powerful people-groups to leave as you advanced. No people-group has been able to defeat you.
Derfor drev jo HERREN store og mægtige Folkeslag bort foran eder. Ingen har kunnet holde Stand over for eder til denne Dag;
10 Each of you will be able to cause 1,000 of them to run away, because Yahweh your God will fight for you, just like he promised to do.
een Mand iblandt eder jog tusinde paa Flugt; thi det var HERREN eders Gud, som kæmpede for eder, som han havde lovet eder.
11 So be sure that you continue to love Yahweh our God.
Vaag da for eders Livs Skyld omhyggeligt over, at I elsker HERREN eders Gud!
12 “If you turn away from doing what Yahweh desires and you associate with the people who are not Israelis, and if you marry them,
Thi dersom I falder fra og slutter eder til Levningerne af disse Folk, som er tilbage iblandt eder, og besvogrer eder med dem eller, indlader eder i Forbindelse med dem,
13 then you can be sure that Yahweh our God will not help you to expel those people-groups from your land. They will be [like] traps [DOU, MET] [that will catch you]. They will be [like] whips [that strike] your backs, and like thorns [that will scratch] your eyes. As a result, none of you will be left in this good land that Yahweh our God is giving to you.
saa skal I vide for vist, at HERREN eders Gud ikke mere vil drive disse Folkeslag bort fra eder, men de skal blive eder en Snare og en Fælde, en Svøbe i eders Sider og Torne i eders Øjne, indtil I selv bliver udryddet fra dette herlige Land, som HERREN eders Gud gav eder.
14 “It is almost time for me to die, like everyone does [EUP]. You know in your hearts [DOU] that Yahweh has done for you [LIT] everything that he promised to do.
Se, jeg gaar nu al Støvets Gang; saa betænk da med hele eders Hjerte og hele eders Sjæl, at ikke eet af alle de gode Ord, HERREN eders Gud talede til eder, faldt til Jorden; alle sammen er de gaaet i Opfyldelse for eder; ikke eet Ord deraf faldt til Jorden.
15 He has given to you all the good things that he promised. In the same way, the other things that he promised, [things that are not good], will also happen. He said that if you do what is evil, he will get rid of you and send you away from this good land that he has given to you.
Men ligesom alle de gode Ord, HERREN eders Gud talede til eder, gik i Opfyldelse paa eder, saaledes vil HERREN ogsaa lade alle sine Trusler gaa i Opfyldelse paa eder, indtil han har udryddet eder fra dette herlige Land, som HERREN eders Gud gav eder.
16 That will happen if you do not obey the commands that Yahweh our God told you to obey. If you serve other gods and worship them, Yahweh will become very angry with you. Very quickly [he will expel you from] this good land that he has given to you, [and] none of you will be left here.”
Naar I overtræder HERREN eders Guds Pagt, som han paalagde eder, og gaar hen og Dyrker andre Guder og tilbeder dem, saa vil HERRENS Vrede blusse op imod eder, og I vil hastelig blive udryddet fra det herlige Land, han gav eder!«

< Joshua 23 >