< Joshua 16 >

1 The land that was allotted to [the two tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh that were descended from] Joseph started at the Jordan [River], east of the springs at Jericho.
Mugove waJosefa waitangira paJorodhani paJeriko kumabvazuva kwemvura zhinji yeJeriko, ndokukwidza uchibva ikoko nomugwenga uchienda kunyika yezvikomo yeBheteri.
2 It extended west from Jericho to the hilly area near Bethel, which is also called Luz. It extended as far as Ataroth, at the border of the land where the Arki people-group lived.
Waienderera mberi uchibva paBheteri (iro Ruzi), ndokuyambukira kunyika yavaAriki muAtaroti,
3 From there it extended west to the border of the land where the Japhleti people-group lived, and then it extended west to the area near Lower Beth-Horon. From there it extended west to Gezer [city] and from there to the [Mediterranean] Sea.
ndokuburukira kumabvazuva kunyika yavaJafereti uchindosvika kunyika yeBheti Horoni reZasi nokuGezeri, uchigumira pagungwa.
4 That is the land that the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh were allotted.
Saka Manase naEfuremu zvizvarwa zvaJosefa, vakagamuchira nhaka yavo.
5 The border of the land that was allotted to the clans of the tribe of Ephraim started at Ataroth-Addar [city] in the east. It extended to Upper Beth-Horon
Iyi ndiyo yaiva nyika yaEfuremu, mhuri nemhuri: Muganhu wenhaka yavo waibvira paAtaroti Adhari kumabvazuva uchisvika kuBheti Horoni yoKumusoro
6 and from there to the [Mediterranean] Sea.
uye uchindosvika kugungwa, kubva kuMikimetati nechokumusoro waikombamira kumabvazuva uchindosvika paTaanati Shiro, ndokupfuura ipapo wakananga kuJanoa nechokumabvazuva.
7 From Michmethath [on the north] it extended east to Taanath and from there on to Janoah. From there it extended [south] to Ataroth [city] and to Naarah [town]. From there it extended to Jericho and from there to the Jordan [River].
Ipapo wakadzika uchibva kuJanoa uchienda kuAtaroti nokuNaara, ndokundobata Jeriko, ndokubudira paJorodhani.
8 The [northern] border extended from Tappuah west to Kanah Ravine, and ended at the [Mediterranean] Sea. That was the land that was allotted to the tribe of Ephraim.
Kubva paTapuwa muganhu waienda kumavirazuva kuRwizi rweKana uchindogumira pagungwa. Iyi ndiyo yaiva nhaka yorudzi rwavaEfuremu mhuri nemhuri.
9 Many of those towns were really within the area allotted to the tribe of Manasseh.
Waisanganisirawo maguta ose nemisha yawo yakanga yakatsaurirwa vaEfuremu pakati penhaka yavaManase.
10 The people of the tribe of Ephraim could not force the Canaan people-group to leave Gezer, so the Canaan people-group still live among the people of the tribe of Ephraim, but the Israelis forced the people of the Canaan people-group to become their slaves.
Havana kudzinga vaKenani vakanga vagere muGezeri; nanhasi vaKenani vagere pakati pavaEfuremu asi vanoshandiswa mabasa echibharo.

< Joshua 16 >