< Joshua 16 >

1 The land that was allotted to [the two tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh that were descended from] Joseph started at the Jordan [River], east of the springs at Jericho.
cecidit quoque sors filiorum Ioseph ab Iordane contra Hiericho et aquas eius ab oriente solitudo quae ascendit de Hiericho ad montana Bethel
2 It extended west from Jericho to the hilly area near Bethel, which is also called Luz. It extended as far as Ataroth, at the border of the land where the Arki people-group lived.
et egreditur de Bethel Luzam transitque terminum Archiatharoth
3 From there it extended west to the border of the land where the Japhleti people-group lived, and then it extended west to the area near Lower Beth-Horon. From there it extended west to Gezer [city] and from there to the [Mediterranean] Sea.
et descendit ad occidentem iuxta terminum Ieflethi usque ad terminos Bethoron inferioris et Gazer finiunturque regiones eius mari Magno
4 That is the land that the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh were allotted.
possederuntque filii Ioseph Manasse et Ephraim
5 The border of the land that was allotted to the clans of the tribe of Ephraim started at Ataroth-Addar [city] in the east. It extended to Upper Beth-Horon
et factus est terminus filiorum Ephraim per cognationes suas et possessio eorum contra orientem Atharothaddar usque Bethoron superiorem
6 and from there to the [Mediterranean] Sea.
egrediunturque confinia in mare Machmethath vero aquilonem respicit et circuit terminus contra orientem in Thanathselo et pertransit ab oriente Ianoe
7 From Michmethath [on the north] it extended east to Taanath and from there on to Janoah. From there it extended [south] to Ataroth [city] and to Naarah [town]. From there it extended to Jericho and from there to the Jordan [River].
descenditque de Ianoe in Atharoth et Noaratha et pervenit in Hiericho et egreditur ad Iordanem
8 The [northern] border extended from Tappuah west to Kanah Ravine, and ended at the [Mediterranean] Sea. That was the land that was allotted to the tribe of Ephraim.
de Taffua pertransitque contra mare in valle Harundineti suntque egressus eius in mare Salsissimum haec est possessio tribus filiorum Ephraim per familias suas
9 Many of those towns were really within the area allotted to the tribe of Manasseh.
urbesque quae separatae sunt filiis Ephraim in medio possessionis filiorum Manasse et villae earum
10 The people of the tribe of Ephraim could not force the Canaan people-group to leave Gezer, so the Canaan people-group still live among the people of the tribe of Ephraim, but the Israelis forced the people of the Canaan people-group to become their slaves.
et non interfecerunt filii Ephraim Chananeum qui habitabat in Gazer habitavitque Chananeus in medio Ephraim usque in diem hanc tributarius

< Joshua 16 >