< Joshua 13 >

1 When Joshua was very old, Yahweh said to him, “Joshua, you are now an old man, but there is still a lot of land [for your army] to capture.
Josue senex provectæque ætatis erat, et dixit Dominus ad eum: Senuisti, et longævus es, terraque latissima derelicta est, quæ necdum sorte divisa est:
2 Here is a list of the land that remains: The Geshur region and all the area where the Philistia people-group live;
omnis videlicet Galilæa, Philisthiim, et universa Gessuri.
3 the area where the Canaan people-group live, from the Shihor River [in the south] at the [eastern] border of Egypt, to Ekron [city] in the north; the rulers of the five [cities] of Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath, and Ekron; the area where the Avva people-group live,
A fluvio turbido, qui irrigat Ægyptum, usque ad terminos Accaron contra aquilonem: terra Chanaan, quæ in quinque regulos Philisthiim dividitur, Gazæos, et Azotios, Ascalonitas, Gethæos, et Accaronitas.
4 which is south of the area where the Canaan people-group live;
Ad meridiem vero sunt Hevæi, omnis terra Chanaan, et Maara Sidoniorum, usque Apheca et terminos Amorrhæi,
5 the area where the Gebal people-group live; and all the Lebanon area east of Baal-Gad [city] at the bottom of Hermon Mountain, as far as Lebo-Hamath.
ejusque confinia. Libani quoque regio contra orientem, a Baalgad sub monte Hermon, donec ingrediaris Emath;
6 All the people of the Sidon people-group live in the hilly area from Lebanon to Misrephoth-Maim, but I will force them to leave that area before you Israelis arrive there. Be sure to give that area to the Israeli people when you divide the land among them, like I told you to do.
omnium qui habitant in monte a Libano usque ad aquas Maserephoth, universique Sidonii. Ego sum qui delebo eos a facie filiorum Israël. Veniat ergo in partem hæreditatis Israël, sicut præcepi tibi.
7 Divide all that land among the nine Israeli tribes and half of the tribe of Manasseh, [the tribes that do not have land on the east side of the Jordan River].”
Et nunc divide terram in possessionem novem tribubus, et dimidiæ tribui Manasse,
8 Half of the tribe of Manasseh and the tribes of Reuben and Gad had already been told what land they would receive, because Moses, the man who served Yahweh [well], had already assigned to them the land on the east side of the Jordan [River].
cum qua Ruben et Gad possederunt terram, quam tradidit eis Moyses famulus Domini trans fluenta Jordanis, ad orientalem plagam.
9 Their land extended from Aroer [town] at the Arnon River gorge to the town in the middle of the gorge. It included the whole plain from Medeba [town south] to Dibon [town].
Ab Aroër, quæ sita est in ripa torrentis Arnon, et in vallis medio, universaque campestria Medaba, usque Dibon,
10 All the towns ruled by King Sihon were in that area. The land extended to where the Ammon people-group lived.
et cunctas civitates Sehon regis Amorrhæi, qui regnavit in Hesebon, usque ad terminos filiorum Ammon,
11 The Gilead area was also there, and the regions where the people of the Geshur and Maacah people-groups lived, and all of Hermon Mountain and all the Bashan region [south] to Salecah.
et Galaad, ac terminum Gessuri et Machati, et omnem montem Hermon, et universam Basan, usque ad Salecha,
12 All the land ruled by Og, the king who ruled the Bashan [region], was in that land. Og was one of the last descendants of Repha; previously he had ruled in Ashtaroth and Edrei [cities], but [the armies of] Moses had defeated their armies and had taken their land from them.
omne regnum Og in Basan, qui regnavit in Astaroth et Edrai, ipse fuit de reliquiis Raphaim: percussitque eos Moyses, atque delevit.
13 But the Israelis did not force the people of the Geshur and Maacah [people-groups] to leave their land, so they still live among the Israeli people.
Nolueruntque disperdere filii Israël Gessuri et Machati: et habitaverunt in medio Israël usque in præsentem diem.
14 The tribe of Levi was the only tribe that did not get any land. Instead, just like Yahweh promised, they continued to receive [food from] the sacrifices that were given to Yahweh, the God whom the Israelis [worship], the sacrifices that were burned [on the sacred altar].
Tribui autem Levi non dedit possessionem: sed sacrificia et victimæ Domini Dei Israël, ipsa est ejus hæreditas, sicut locutus est illi.
15 Moses had allotted land to each clan in the tribe of Reuben.
Dedit ergo Moyses possessionem tribui filiorum Ruben juxta cognationes suas.
16 Their land extended from Aroer [town] near the Arnon River gorge to Medeba [town]. That included all of the plain [that is near Medeba] and the town in the middle of the gorge.
Fuitque terminus eorum ab Aroër, quæ sita est in ripa torrentis Arnon, et in valle ejusdem torrentis media: universam planitiem, quæ ducit Medaba,
17 It also included Heshbon [city] and all the nearby towns on the plain—Dibon, Bamioth-Baal, Beth-Baal-Meon,
et Hesebon, cunctosque viculos earum, qui sunt in campestribus: Dibon quoque et Bamothbaal, et oppidum Baalmaon,
18 Jahaz, Kedemoth, Mephaath,
et Jassa, et Cedimoth, et Mephaath,
19 Kiriathaim, Sibmah, Zereth-Shahar on the hill overlooking the valley,
et Cariathaim, et Sabama, et Sarathasar in monte convallis.
20 Beth-Peor, the hills in the Pisgah area, and Beth-Jeshimoth.
Bethphogor et Asedoth, Phasga et Bethiesimoth,
21 That land included all the towns on the plain and all the area that King Sihon had previously ruled. But [the army of] Moses had defeated him and the rulers of the Midian people-group: Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba. The armies of all those rulers fought battles along with the army of Sihon, and they lived in that country.
et omnes urbes campestres, universaque regna Sehon regis Amorrhæi, qui regnavit in Hesebon, quem percussit Moyses cum principibus Madian: Hevæum, et Recem, et Sur, et Hur, et Rebe duces Sehon habitatores terræ.
22 The Israeli army killed many people during those battles, including Balaam, [the prophet] from Beor, who tried to use magic to predict/tell what would happen in the future.
Et Balaam filium Beor ariolum occiderunt filii Israël gladio cum ceteris interfectis.
23 The [western] boundary of the land that was allotted to the clans of the tribe of Reuben was the Jordan [River].
Factusque est terminus filiorum Ruben Jordanis fluvius. Hæc est possessio Rubenitarum per cognationes suas urbium et viculorum.
24 Moses also allotted some land to each clan in the tribe of Gad.
Deditque Moyses tribui Gad et filiis ejus per cognationes suas possessionem, cujus hæc divisio est.
25 Their land included the Jazer [area] and all the towns of the Gilead [area]; half of the land where the Ammon people-group lived, as far as Aroer [town which is] near Rabbah [town];
Terminus Jaser, et omnes civitates Galaad, et dimidiam partem terræ filiorum Ammon, usque ad Aroër, quæ est contra Rabba,
26 the area from Heshbon [city] to Ramath-Mizpah and Betonim [towns; the area] from Mahanaim [town] to the Debir region;
et ab Hesebon usque Ramoth, Masphe et Betonim: et a Manaim usque ad terminos Dabir.
27 Beth-Haram, Beth-Nimrah, Succoth, and Zaphon [cities] in the valley; and the other area that King Sihon had ruled on the east side of the Jordan River. That area extended [north] to the southern end of Galilee Lake.
In valle quoque Betharan, et Bethnemra, et Socoth, et Saphon reliquam partem regni Sehon regis Hesebon: hujus quoque finis, Jordanis est, usque ad extremam partem maris Cenereth trans Jordanem ad orientalem plagam.
28 All this land, including the towns and villages, was allotted to the tribe of Gad.
Hæc est possessio filiorum Gad per familias suas, civitates et villæ earum.
29 Moses also had allotted some of the land [on the east side of the Jordan River] to half of the tribe of Manasseh.
Dedit et dimidiæ tribui Manasse, filiisque ejus juxta cognationes suas, possessionem,
30 Their land extended [north] from Mahanaim [city]. It included all the Bashan region, all the land that King Og had ruled, and all the towns in the Jair area in Bashan. Altogether that area included 60 towns.
cujus hoc principium est: a Manaim universam Basan, et cuncta regna Og regis Basan, omnesque vicos Jair, qui sunt in Basan, sexaginta oppida:
31 Their area also included half of the Gilead region, and the cities of Ashtaroth and Edrei where King Og had ruled. All that area was allotted to the clans descended from Manasseh’s son Makir.
et dimidiam partem Galaad, et Astaroth, et Edrai, urbes regni Og in Basan: filiis Machir, filii Manasse, dimidiæ parti filiorum Machir juxta cognationes suas.
32 Moses had allotted to those tribes the land that was on the plain of the Moab [region], on the east side of the Jordan [River], across from Jericho.
Hanc possessionem divisit Moyses in campestribus Moab trans Jordanem contra Jericho ad orientalem plagam.
33 But Moses did not allot any land to the tribe of Levi because Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis worship, promised that he himself would always provide for them.
Tribui autem Levi non dedit possessionem: quoniam Dominus Deus Israël ipse est possessio ejus, ut locutus est illi.

< Joshua 13 >