< Joshua 1 >

1 After Moses, who served Yahweh [well], died, Yahweh said to Nun’s son Joshua, who had been Moses’ assistant,
Zvino shure kwokufa kwaMozisi muranda waJehovha, Jehovha akataura naJoshua mwanakomana waNuni, muranda waMozisi achiti,
2 “[You know that] my servant Moses is [now] dead. So now get ready to lead all these [Israeli] people across the Jordan [River]. Enter the land that I will soon give to you.
“Mozisi muranda wangu afa. Zvino iwe navanhu ava chigadzirirai kuyambuka rwizi rweJorodhani mupinde munyika yandava kupa vana vaIsraeri.
3 I will give to you all the land that you walk on, as I promised Moses.
Ndakupai nzvimbo yose yose yamuchatsika netsoka dzenyu, sezvandakavimbisa Mozisi.
4 That land will extend from the desert [in the south], to the Lebanon [Mountains in the northwest], and to the big Euphrates River [in the northeast], and to the Mediterranean Sea on the west. [It will include] all the land where the descendants of Heth [live].
Nyika yenyu ichabva kugwenga ichisvika kuRebhanoni, uye ichabva kurwizi rukuru, Yufuratesi, nenyika yose yavaHiti, ichisvika kuGungwa Guru riri kumavirazuva.
5 No group will be able to oppose [and defeat] you during your life. I will help you as I helped Moses. I will always be with [LIT] you; I will never forsake you.
Hakuna achagona kurwisana newe kwamazuva ose oupenyu hwako. Sezvandaiva naMozisi, ndichava newe; handizokusiyi kana kukurasa.
6 “Be strong and courageous, because you are the one who will lead these Israeli people [and enable them] to possess the land that I solemnly promised to their ancestors that I would give them.
“Simba utsunge mwoyo, nokuti uchatungamirira vanhu ava kuti vatore nyika yandakapikira madzitateguru avo kuti ndivape senhaka yavo.
7 Just be strong and very courageous. Be sure to obey all the laws that my servant Moses gave to you. In order that you may be successful wherever you go, do not stop obeying any of them [IDM].
Simba ushinge kwazvo. Chenjerera kuti uteerere mirayiro yose yawakapiwa naMozisi muranda wangu; usatsaukira kurudyi kana kuruboshwe, kuti ubudirire kwose kwose kwaunoenda.
8 Make sure to habitually read [to the people some of] the laws [that God gave Moses]. Meditate on those laws [every] day and [every] night. And be sure to obey all those laws. If you do that, you will be successful in everything that you do [DOU].
Bhuku iri romurayiro harifaniri kubva pamuromo wako; fungisisa pamusoro paro usiku namasikati, kuti uchenjerere kuita zvose zvakanyorwa mariri uye ipapo uchabudirira kwazvo.
9 Do not forget [RHQ] that I have commanded you to be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, and do not be discouraged, because I, Yahweh, your God, will (be with/help) you wherever you go.”
Handina kukurayira here? Simba utsunge mwoyo. Usavhunduka; usaora mwoyo, nokuti Jehovha Mwari wako achava newe kwose kwaunoenda.”
10 Then Joshua commanded the leaders of the people of Israel,
Ipapo Joshua akarayira vatungamiri vavanhu achiti,
11 “Go throughout the camp and tell the people this: ‘Prepare all the food that you will take with you, because the day after tomorrow you will cross this Jordan [River], in order to possess the land that Yahweh, our God, is about to give you.’”
“Pindai mumusasa mutaurire vanhu kuti, ‘Gadzirirai mbuva yenyu. Mukati memazuva matatu muchayambuka Jorodhani urwu kuti mupinde mutore nyika yamunopiwa naJehovha Mwari wenyu kuti ive yenyu.’”
12 But to the [clans that were] descendants of Reuben and Gad, and to the half clan [that were descendants] of Manasseh, Joshua said,
Uye Joshua akati kurudzi rwaRubheni, norudzi rwaGadhi nokuhafu yorudzi rwaManase,
13 “Do not forget what Moses, the servant of Yahweh, commanded you: ‘Yahweh, your God, has given you this land in order that you can [live here] safely/peacefully.’
“Rangarirai shoko ramakapiwa naMozisi muranda waJehovha achiti: ‘Jehovha Mwari wenyu anokupai zororo uye akupai nyika iyi.’
14 Your wives and your children and your livestock may stay [here] in this land on the east side of the Jordan [River], but all your soldiers must cross [the river], ahead of the people of the other tribes. They must take all their weapons with them. You must continue to help your fellow Israelis
Vakadzi venyu, vana venyu nezvipfuwo zvenyu zvichasara munyika yamakapiwa naMozisi kudivi rino reJorodhani, asi varume venyu vose vehondo, vakabata zvombo, vanofanira kuyambukira mhiri mberi kwehama dzenyu. Munofanira kubatsira hama dzenyu
15 until they are able to live there safely/peacefully, as Yahweh has enabled you to do. You must help them until after they have conquered all the people in the land that Yahweh, your God, is giving them. After that, your soldiers may return to live in this land that Moses gave to you here on the east side of the Jordan [River].”
kusvikira Jehovha avapa zororo, sezvaakakuitirai, uye kusvikira vatorawo nyika yavari kupiwa naJehovha Mwari wavo. Mushure maizvozvo, munogona kudzokera munogara munyika yenyu, yamakapiwa naMozisi muranda waJehovha iri kumabvazuva kweJorodhani.”
16 The people answered Joshua, “We will do everything that you have commanded us to do, and we will go wherever you tell us to go.
Ipapo vakapindura Joshua vachiti, “Chipi nechipi chamuchatirayira tichaita, uye kwose kwose kwamuchatituma tichaenda.
17 As we obeyed all that Moses told us to do, we will obey all that you tell us to do. We pray that Yahweh will (be with/help) you as he (was with/helped) Moses.
Tichakuteererai zvizere sokuteerera kwatakaita Mozisi. Chete, Jehovha Mwari wenyu ngaave nemi sezvaaiva naMozisi.
18 Anyone who (rejects what you say/opposes you) and does not obey what you command [DOU], we will execute. But we want you to be strong and courageous!”
Ani naani achamukira shoko renyu uye asingateereri mashoko enyu, kana chipi nechipi chamungavarayira, achaurayiwa. Asi simbai mutsunge mwoyo!”

< Joshua 1 >