< Jonah 4 >

1 But Jonah was very distressed [that God had not destroyed Nineveh]. He became very angry. [The people of Nineveh were non-Jews, and Jonah did not think that God should act mercifully toward anyone who was not a Jew].
Laakiinse Yoonis taas aad buu uga calool xumaaday, wuuna xanaaqay.
2 He prayed to Yahweh, “O Yahweh, what you have done is what I thought that you would do, before I left home [RHQ]. That is why I [decided] immediately to run away, and go to Tarshish [city], because I knew that you, O God, act very kindly and compassionately [toward all people]. You do not quickly become angry with people who do evil things. You love people very much, and you change your mind about punishing [people who sin].
Kolkaasuu wuxuu baryay Rabbiga oo ku yidhi, Rabbiyow, waan ku baryayaaye, sow kanu ma aha hadalkii aan idhi intaan weli dalkaygii joogay? Oo taas daraaddeed ayaan u degdegay si aan xagga Tarshiish ugu cararo, waayo, waan ogaa inaad tahay Ilaah nimco miidhan ah, oo raxmadu ka buuxdo, oo cadhada u gaabiya, oo naxariis badan, iyo inaad sharka ka noqotid.
3 [So] now, O Yahweh, [since you will not destroy Nineveh city as you said you would], allow me to die, because it would be better for me to die than to [continue to] live.”
Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed, Rabbiyow, waan ku baryayaaye naftayda iga qaad, waayo, intii aan noolaan lahaa waxaa iiga roon inaan dhinto.
4 Yahweh replied, “(Why is it right for you to be angry [about my not destroying the city]?/It is not right for you to be angry [about my not destroying the city]!) [RHQ]”
Markaasaa Rabbigu wuxuu ku yidhi, War inaad xanaaqdid ma kuu wanaagsan tahay?
5 Jonah [did not reply]. He went out of the city to the east [side of it]. He made a small shelter in order that he could sit under it and be protected from the sun. He sat under the shelter and waited to see what would happen to the city.
Markaasaa Yoonis ka baxay magaaladii, oo wuxuu fadhiistay magaalada dhankeedii bari, oo halkaasuu waab ka dhistay. Markaasuu hadhkii hoos fadhiistay ilaa uu arko waxa magaalada ku dhacaya.
6 Then Yahweh God caused a vine to grow up [immediately] to shade Jonah’s head from the sun and make him [feel] more comfortable. Jonah was very happy about [having] the vine [over his head].
Kolkaasaa Rabbigu wuxuu diyaariyey geed ubbo ah, oo wuxuu ka dhigay inuu kor fuulo waabkii Yoonis, si uu hoos ugu noqdo, oo uu uga samatabbixiyo xaalkiisii xumaa. Sidaas daraaddeed Yoonis aad iyo aad buu ugu farxay geedkii ubbada ahaa aawadiis.
7 But before dawn the next day, God sent a worm that chewed the vine, with the result that the vine withered.
Laakiinse maalintii dambe markii waagii beryay ayaa Ilaah diyaariyey dixiri, oo isna geedkii ubbada ahaa ayuu gooyay ilaa uu engegay.
8 Then, when the sun rose [high in the sky], God sent a very hot wind from the east, and the sun shone very strongly on Jonah’s head, with the result that he felt faint. He wanted to die, and he said, “It would be better for me to die than to [continue to] live!”
Oo kolkii qorraxdii soo baxday ayaa Ilaah diyaariyey dabayl kulul oo bari ka timid; qorraxdiina Yoonis ayay madaxa kaga dhegtay ilaa uu itaal darnaaday, oo isna wuxuu ku baryootamay inuu dhinto, oo wuxuu yidhi, Intii aan noolaan lahaa waxaa iiga roon inaan dhinto.
9 But God asked Jonah, “Is it right for you to be angry about [what happened to] the vine?” Jonah replied, “[Yes], it is right! [Now] I am very angry and I want to die!”
Markaasaa Ilaah wuxuu Yoonis ku yidhi, War inaad geedkii ubbada ahaa u xanaaqdid ma kuu wanaagsan tahay? Oo isna wuxuu yidhi, Haah, oo inaan cadhoodo way ii wanaagsan tahay xataa ilaa dhimasho.
10 But Yahweh said [to him], “You have been concerned about my [causing] that vine [to wither], even though you did not take care of it, and you did not make it grow. It just grew up during one night, and it completely withered [at the end of] the next night.
Markaasaa Rabbigu wuxuu ku yidhi, Waxaad u jixinjixday geedkii ubbada ahaa oo aadan u hawshoon oo aadan korinin oo habeen iska soo baxay oo habeen ku baabba'ay.
11 But there are more than 120,000 people in Nineveh who [are very young, and because of that], they cannot tell which is their right hand and which is their left hand, and there are also many cattle, [and none of these have done anything to displease me]. So (is it not right for me to be concerned about the people of that huge city, [and not want to destroy them]?/it is certainly right for me to be concerned about the people of that huge city [and not want to destroy them]!) [RHQ]”
Haddaba sow iima eka inaan u jixinjixo magaalada weyn oo Nineweh, taasoo ay gudaheeda ku jiraan dad ka badan boqol iyo labaatan kun oo qof oo aan kala garan karin gacantooda midig iyo gacantooda bidix, iyo weliba xoolo badan?

< Jonah 4 >