< Jonah 4 >

1 But Jonah was very distressed [that God had not destroyed Nineveh]. He became very angry. [The people of Nineveh were non-Jews, and Jonah did not think that God should act mercifully toward anyone who was not a Jew].
Men det gjorde Jonas overmaade meget ondt, og hans Vrede optændtes.
2 He prayed to Yahweh, “O Yahweh, what you have done is what I thought that you would do, before I left home [RHQ]. That is why I [decided] immediately to run away, and go to Tarshish [city], because I knew that you, O God, act very kindly and compassionately [toward all people]. You do not quickly become angry with people who do evil things. You love people very much, and you change your mind about punishing [people who sin].
Og han bad til Herren og sagde: Ak, Herre! var dette ikke mit Ord, der jeg endnu var i mit Land? derfor har jeg villet forekomme det ved at fly til Tharsis; thi jeg ved, at du er en naadig og barmhjertig Gud, langmodig og af stor Miskundhed, og angrer det onde.
3 [So] now, O Yahweh, [since you will not destroy Nineveh city as you said you would], allow me to die, because it would be better for me to die than to [continue to] live.”
Og nu, Herre! tag dog min Sjæl fra mig; thi det er mig bedre at dø end at leve.
4 Yahweh replied, “(Why is it right for you to be angry [about my not destroying the city]?/It is not right for you to be angry [about my not destroying the city]!) [RHQ]”
Og Herren sagde: Mon det er ret, at din Vrede optændes?
5 Jonah [did not reply]. He went out of the city to the east [side of it]. He made a small shelter in order that he could sit under it and be protected from the sun. He sat under the shelter and waited to see what would happen to the city.
Og Jonas gik ud af Staden og tog Ophold Østen for Staden, og han gjorde sig der en Hytte og satte sig under den i Skyggen, indtil han kunde se, hvad der vilde ske med Staden.
6 Then Yahweh God caused a vine to grow up [immediately] to shade Jonah’s head from the sun and make him [feel] more comfortable. Jonah was very happy about [having] the vine [over his head].
Da beskikkede Gud Herren et Kikajon, og det voksede op over Jonas til at give Skygge over hans Hoved, at fri ham fra hans Onde; og Jonas glædede sig over dette Kikajon med stor Glæde.
7 But before dawn the next day, God sent a worm that chewed the vine, with the result that the vine withered.
Men Gud beskikkede, da Morgenrøden den næste Dag oprandt, en Orm, og den stak Kikajonet, og det visnede.
8 Then, when the sun rose [high in the sky], God sent a very hot wind from the east, and the sun shone very strongly on Jonah’s head, with the result that he felt faint. He wanted to die, and he said, “It would be better for me to die than to [continue to] live!”
Og det skete, der Solen gik op, da beskikkede Gud en lummer Østenvind, og Solen stak Jonas paa Hovedet, saa han blev afmægtig; da bad han, at hans Sjæl maatte dø, og sagde: Det er bedre, at jeg dør end lever.
9 But God asked Jonah, “Is it right for you to be angry about [what happened to] the vine?” Jonah replied, “[Yes], it is right! [Now] I am very angry and I want to die!”
Men Gud sagde til Jonas: Mon det er ret, at din Vrede optændes for dette Kikajons Skyld? og han sagde: Ja, det er ret, at min Vrede er optændt indtil Døden.
10 But Yahweh said [to him], “You have been concerned about my [causing] that vine [to wither], even though you did not take care of it, and you did not make it grow. It just grew up during one night, and it completely withered [at the end of] the next night.
Og Herren sagde: Du ynkes over Kikajonet, som du ikke har arbejdet for og ej faaet til at vokse, det, som blev til paa een Nat og blev ødelagt paa een Nat;
11 But there are more than 120,000 people in Nineveh who [are very young, and because of that], they cannot tell which is their right hand and which is their left hand, and there are also many cattle, [and none of these have done anything to displease me]. So (is it not right for me to be concerned about the people of that huge city, [and not want to destroy them]?/it is certainly right for me to be concerned about the people of that huge city [and not want to destroy them]!) [RHQ]”
og jeg skulde ikke ynkes over Ninive, den store Stad, i hvilken der er mange flere end tolv Gange ti Tusinde Mennesker, som ikke vide Forskel paa højre og venstre, og mange Dyr?

< Jonah 4 >