< Jonah 2 >

1 [While he was] inside the huge fish, Jonah prayed to Yahweh God, [whom] he [worshiped. After Yahweh told him that he would answer his prayer, ]
et oravit Iona ad Dominum Deum suum de utero piscis
2 Jonah said, “Yahweh, when I was greatly distressed [here], I prayed to you, and you heard what I [prayed]. When I was [about to descend way down into] the place where dead people go, you heard me when I called out [for you to help/save me]. (Sheol h7585)
et dixit clamavi de tribulatione mea ad Dominum et exaudivit me de ventre inferni clamavi et exaudisti vocem meam (Sheol h7585)
3 You threw me [down] into the deep [water], into the bottom [DOU] of the sea. The currents of the sea swirled around me, and the huge waves crashed above me.
et proiecisti me in profundum in corde maris et flumen circumdedit me omnes gurgites tui et fluctus tui super me transierunt
4 Then I thought, ‘You have banished me, and I will never be able to enter your presence again. I will never see your holy temple [in Jerusalem] again!’
et ego dixi abiectus sum a conspectu oculorum tuorum verumtamen rursus videbo templum sanctum tuum
5 The water surrounded me, and threatened to drown me. Seaweed was wrapped around my head.
circumdederunt me aquae usque ad animam abyssus vallavit me pelagus operuit caput meum
6 I sank down to where the mountains start rising [MET] [from the bottom of the sea]. I thought that forever [it would be as though] my body would be in a prison [MTY] [inside the earth] below me. But you, Yahweh God, whom I [worship], rescued me from going down to the place of the dead.
ad extrema montium descendi terrae vectes concluserunt me in aeternum et sublevabis de corruptione vitam meam Domine Deus meus
7 When I was almost dead [EUP], Yahweh, I (thought about/prayed to) you. You [heard] my prayer, up [there where] you [are, in] your holy temple.
cum angustiaretur in me anima mea Domini recordatus sum ut veniat ad te oratio mea ad templum sanctum tuum
8 All those who worship worthless idols are rejecting [you], the one who [could] act kindly toward them.
qui custodiunt vanitates frustra misericordiam suam derelinquunt
9 But I will sing to thank [you], and I will offer a sacrifice to you. I will [surely] do what I have solemnly promised [to do]. Yahweh, you are the one who is [able to] save [us].”
ego autem in voce laudis immolabo tibi quaecumque vovi reddam pro salute Domino
10 Then Yahweh commanded the huge fish to vomit out Jonah, [and the fish did that], and [Jonah was able to get] to the land.
et dixit Dominus pisci et evomuit Ionam in aridam

< Jonah 2 >