< Jonah 2 >
1 [While he was] inside the huge fish, Jonah prayed to Yahweh God, [whom] he [worshiped. After Yahweh told him that he would answer his prayer, ]
2 Jonah said, “Yahweh, when I was greatly distressed [here], I prayed to you, and you heard what I [prayed]. When I was [about to descend way down into] the place where dead people go, you heard me when I called out [for you to help/save me]. (Sheol )
曰けるは われ患難の中よりヱホバを呼びしに彼われこたへたまへり われ陰府の腹の中より呼はりしに汝わが聲を聽たまへり (Sheol )
3 You threw me [down] into the deep [water], into the bottom [DOU] of the sea. The currents of the sea swirled around me, and the huge waves crashed above me.
4 Then I thought, ‘You have banished me, and I will never be able to enter your presence again. I will never see your holy temple [in Jerusalem] again!’
5 The water surrounded me, and threatened to drown me. Seaweed was wrapped around my head.
水われを環りて 魂にも及ばんとし淵我をとりかこみ海草わが頭に纒へり
6 I sank down to where the mountains start rising [MET] [from the bottom of the sea]. I thought that forever [it would be as though] my body would be in a prison [MTY] [inside the earth] below me. But you, Yahweh God, whom I [worship], rescued me from going down to the place of the dead.
われ山の根基にまで下れり 地の關木いつも我うしろにありき しかるに我神ヱホバよ汝はわが命を深き穴より救ひあげたまへり
7 When I was almost dead [EUP], Yahweh, I (thought about/prayed to) you. You [heard] my prayer, up [there where] you [are, in] your holy temple.
わが靈魂衷に弱りしとき我ヱホバをおもへり しかしてわが祈なんぢに至りなんぢの聖殿におよべり
8 All those who worship worthless idols are rejecting [you], the one who [could] act kindly toward them.
9 But I will sing to thank [you], and I will offer a sacrifice to you. I will [surely] do what I have solemnly promised [to do]. Yahweh, you are the one who is [able to] save [us].”
されど我は感謝の聲をもて汝に獻祭をなし 又わが誓願をなんぢに償さん 救はヱホバより出るなりと
10 Then Yahweh commanded the huge fish to vomit out Jonah, [and the fish did that], and [Jonah was able to get] to the land.