< John 8 >

1 But Jesus went [with us disciples] to Olive [Tree] Hill [and we stayed near there that night].
Men Jesus gik til Oliebjerget.
2 Early the next morning, we returned to the Temple [courtyard]. Many people gathered around Jesus, so he sat down to teach them.
og årle om Morgenen kom han igen i Helligdommen, og hele Folket kom til ham; og han satte sig og lærte dem.
3 Then men who taught the [Jewish] laws and some of [SYN] the Pharisee [religious group] brought a woman to him. She was seized {[They] had [arranged to] seize her} while she was having sex with a man who was not her husband. They made her stand up in front of the group [that was listening to Jesus].
Men de skriftkloge og Farisæerne føre en Kvinde til ham, greben i Hor, og stille hende frem i Midten.
4 Then they said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was seized {[we] seized this woman} while she was having sex with a man who is not her husband.
Og de sige til ham: "Mester! denne Kvinde er greben i Hor på fersk Gerning.
5 Moses commanded us in the laws that [he gave us] that we should throw stones at such women [and kill them]. So what do you say [we should do]?”
Men Moses bød os i Loven, at sådanne skulle stenes; hvad siger nu du?"
6 They asked this question as a trap so that they could accuse him. [If he said that they should not kill her, they would shame him for disobeying the law of Moses. If he said that they should kill her, they could accuse him to the Roman governor]. But Jesus bent down and wrote something on the ground with his finger.
Men dette sagde de for at friste ham, for at de kunde have noget at anklage ham for. Men Jesus bøjede sig ned og skrev med Fingeren på Jorden.
7 While they continued to question him, he stood up and said to them, “Whichever one of you has never sinned can be the first one to start throwing stones at her.”
Men da de bleve ved at spørge ham, rettede han sig op og sagde til dem: "Den iblandt eder, som er uden Synd, kaste først Stenen på hende!"
8 Then he stooped down and wrote [some more] on the ground.
Og han bøjede sig atter ned og skrev på Jorden.
9 After they heard what he said, those [who were questioning him] went away, one by one, the older ones first [and then the younger ones, knowing they were all sinners]. Finally only Jesus was there, along with the woman.
Men da de hørte det, gik de bort, den ene efter den anden, fra de ældste til de yngste, og Jesus blev alene tilbage med Kvinden, som stod der i Midten.
10 Jesus stood up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one said you must die for your sin?”
Men da Jesus rettede sig op og ingen så uden Kvinden, sagde han til hende: "Kvinde! hvor ere de henne? Var der ingen, som fordømte dig?,"
11 She said, “No, sir, no one.” Then Jesus said, “I do not condemn you either. Go [home] now, and do not continue your sinful [life] any longer!”]
Men hun sagde: "Herre! ingen." Da sagde Jesus: "Heller ikke jeg fordømmer dig; gå bort, og synd ikke mere!"
12 Jesus spoke to the people again. He said, “I am [like] a light [MET] for [all the people in] [MTY] the world. [Just like a light reveals what has been in the darkness] [MET], [I reveal God’s truth to them]. Those who walk in the darkness [are unaware of what is around them]. But those who become my disciples will always be aware [of God’s truth] [MET]. They will have my light [which shows them how to have eternal] life.”
Jesus talte da atter til dem og sagde: "Jeg er Verdens Lys; den, som følger mig, skal ikke vandre i Mørket, men have Livets Lys."
13 So the Pharisees said to him, “You are just telling about yourself! [Since there is no one else to verify these things that you say about yourself], [we] do not [need to accept that] what you say is true.”
Da sagde Farisæerne til ham: "Du vidner om dig selv; dit Vidnesbyrd er ikke sandt."
14 Jesus replied, “Even if I were the [only one to] say these things about myself, what I say is true, because I know that I came from [heaven], and I know that I am going [back to heaven]. But you do not know where I came from or where I am going.
Jesus svarede og sagde til dem: "Om jeg end vidner om mig selv. er mit Vidnesbyrd sandt; thi jeg ved, hvorfra jeg kom, og hvor jeg går hen; men I vide ikke, hvorfra jeg kommer, og hvor jeg går hen.
15 You judge people according to human standards. [The reason] that I am [here is] not (to condemn people/to say that I will punish people) [for their sins].
I dømme efter Kødet; jeg dømmer ingen.
16 But if I did judge [people], what I decided would be correct, because I am not the [only] one [who will decide those things]. I and the one who sent me will both decide.
Men om jeg også dømmer, er min Dom sand; thi det er ikke mig alene, men mig og Faderen, han, som sendte mig.
17 It is written {[Moses] wrote} in your law that if [at least] two people testify that [some event has happened], [people should consider] that what they say is true.
Men også i eders Lov er der skrevet, at to Menneskers Vidnesbyrd er sandt.
18 I am telling you about myself, and the other one who is telling you about me is [my] Father who sent me. [So you should believe that what we declare is true].”
Jeg er den, der vidner om mig selv, og Faderen, som sendte mig, vidner om mig."
19 Then they asked him, “[If you have a] father whom [we can question about you], where is he?” Jesus replied, “You do not know [who] I [really am]. If you knew who I [really am], you would know who my Father is also.”
Derfor sagde de til ham: "Hvor er din Fader?" Jesus svarede: "I kende hverken mig eller min Fader; dersom I kendte mig, kendte I også min Fader."
20 He said these things when he was in the Temple [courtyard], near the place where the people put their offerings. [This was also very close to the place where the Jewish council met]. But no one seized him to arrest him, because it was not yet time [MTY] [for him to suffer and die].
Disse Ord talte Jesus ved Tempelblokken, da han lærte i Helligdommen; og ingen greb ham, fordi hans Time endnu ikke var kommen.
21 Jesus also said to them, “I [will soon be] going away. Then [at the end of your life] you will seek me, but you will die [without God forgiving] your sins. Where I will go, you will not be able to come.”
Da sagde han atter til dem: "Jeg går bort, og I skulle lede efter mig, og I skulle dø i eders Synd; hvor jeg går hen, kunne I ikke komme."
22 So the Jewish [leaders] said among themselves, “Is he going to kill himself? Is that the reason that he said, ‘Where I go, you will not be able to come’?”
Da sagde Jøderne: "Mon han vil slå sig selv ihjel, siden han siger: Hvor jeg går hen, kunne I ikke komme?"
23 But Jesus continued by saying to them, “You were born here in this world, but I came from heaven. You belong to those who are opposed to God [MTY]. I do not belong to them.
Og han sagde til dem: "I ere nedenfra, jeg er ovenfra; I ere af denne Verden, jeg er ikke af denne Verden.
24 I told you that you will die [without God forgiving] your sins. If you do not believe that I am [who I say that I am], you will die [without God forgiving] your sins.”
Derfor har jeg sagt eder, at I skulle dø i eders Synder; thi dersom I ikke tro, at det er mig, skulle I dø i eders Synder."
25 So they said to him, “You! Who do you think you are?” Jesus said to them, “Ever since I began [teaching], I have been telling you who I am!
De sagde da til ham: "Hvem er du?" Og Jesus sagde til dem: "Just det, som jeg siger eder.
26 I could judge you and say that [you are guilty of] many things. But instead, [I will say only] what the one who sent me tells me to say. [What he says] is true, and I tell the people in the world [MTY] what I have heard from him.”
Jeg har meget at tale og dømme om eder; men den, som sendte mig, er sanddru, og hvad jeg har hørt af ham, det taler jeg til Verden."
27 They did not understand that he was talking about his Father [in heaven].
De forstode ikke, at han talte til dem om Faderen.
28 So Jesus said, “I am the one who came down from heaven, but when you lift me up [on a cross to kill me], you will know who I am. You will also know that I do not do anything with my own [authority]. Instead, I say just what [my] Father has taught me.
Da sagde Jesus til dem: "Når I få ophøjet Menneskesønnen, da skulle I kende, at det er mig, og at jeg gør intet af mig selv; men som min Fader har lært mig, således taler jeg.
29 He is the one who sent me, and he helps me. Because I always do the things that please him, he has never abandoned me.”
Og han, som sendte mig, er med mig; han har ikke ladet mig alene, fordi jeg; gør altid det, som er ham til Behag."
30 As Jesus was saying these things, many people believed that he [was] ([from God/the Messiah]).
Da han talte dette, troede mange på ham.
31 Then Jesus said to the Jews who now said they believed in him, “If you continue to [live in accordance with] my message, you will truly be my disciples.
Jesus sagde da til de Jøder, som vare komne til Tro på ham: "Dersom I blive i mit Ord, ere I sandelig mine Disciple,
32 Then you will know [God’s] truth, and as a result of [your believing his] truth, he [PRS] will free you [from being controlled by the one who has made you his slaves].”
og I skulle erkende Sandheden, og Sandheden skal frigøre eder."
33 They replied to him, “We are descendants of Abraham. We have never been anyone’s slaves. So why do you say [we will] be freed [from being someone’s slaves]?”
De svarede ham: "Vi ere Abrahams Sæd og have aldrig været nogens Trælle; hvorledes siger du da: I skulle vorde frie?"
34 Jesus replied, “Listen carefully to what I am going to tell you. All those who continue to sin are [forced to obey] their sinful desires [MET], [just like] a slave [is forced to obey his master].
Jesus svarede dem: "Sandelig, sandelig, siger jeg eder, hver den, som gør Synden, er Syndens Træl.
35 A slave is not a permanent member of a family. But a son is a member of a family forever. [Similarly, you say you are members of God’s family because you are descendants of Abraham, but really, because you are like slaves of your sinful desires, you are no longer permanent members of God’s family]. (aiōn g165)
Men Trællen bliver ikke i Huset til evig Tid, Sønnen bliver der til evig Tid. (aiōn g165)
36 So if you allow me to free you, you will truly be free.
Dersom da Sønnen får frigjort eder, skulle I være virkelig frie.
37 I know that you are Abraham’s descendants. But you are trying to kill me because [you are not] allowing [PRS] my message to continue [to change] your inner being.
Jeg ved, at I ere Abrahams Sæd; men I søge at slå mig ihjel, fordi min Tale ikke finder Rum hos eder.
38 I am telling you what I saw when I was with [my] Father. But you do the things that you have heard from your father.”
Jeg taler det, som jeg har set hos min Fader; så gøre også I det, som I have hørt af eders Fader."
39 They replied to him, “Abraham is our ancestor.” Jesus said to them, “If you were Abraham’s descendants, [your character would be like Abraham’s character, and] you would do [good] things like Abraham did.
De svarede og sagde til ham: "Vor Fader er Abraham." Jesus sagde til dem: "Dersom I vare Abrahams Børn, gjorde I Abrahams Gerninger.
40 I have been telling you the truth that I heard from God, but you are trying to kill me. Abraham did not do things like that.
Men nu søge I at slå mig ihjel, et Menneske, der har sagt eder Sandheden, som jeg har hørt af Gud; dette gjorde Abraham ikke.
41 No! You are doing the things that your [real] father does.” They said to him, “[We do not know about you, but] we are not illegitimate children. And [spiritually], we have only one Father. That is God, and you do not know who your father is!”
I gøre eders Faders Gerninger." De sagde til ham: "Vi ere ikke avlede i Hor; vi have een Fader, Gud."
42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your father, you would love me, because I came from God, and now I have come here [to this world]. My coming was not (because I [appointed] myself/with my own [authority]). He sent me.
Jesus sagde til dem: "Dersom Gud var eders Fader, da elskede I mig; thi jeg er udgået og kommen fra Gud; thi jeg er heller ikke kommen af mig selv, men han har udsendt mig.
43 (And I will tell you why you do not understand what I say./Do you know why you do not understand what I say?) [RHQ] It is because you do not want to accept my message.
Hvorfor forstå I ikke min Tale? fordi I ikke kunne høre mit Ord.
44 You belong to your father, (the devil/Satan), and you desire to do what he wants. He has [caused people to become] murderers from the time when [people] first [sinned]. He has abandoned [God’s] truth because he is a liar by his nature. Whenever he lies, he is speaking according to his [nature], because he is a liar and is the one who originates [MET] all lies.
I ere af den Fader Djævelen, og eders Faders Begæringer ville I gøre. Han var en Manddraber fra Begyndelsen af, og han står ikke i Sandheden; thi Sandhed er ikke i ham. Når han taler Løgn, taler han af sit eget; thi han er en Løgner og Løgnens Fader.
45 But because I tell you the truth, you do not believe me!
Men mig tro I ikke, fordi jeg siger Sandheden.
46 [Since I have never sinned], (none of you can show that I have sinned./can anyone among you show that I have sinned?) [RHQ] So, since I tell you the truth, (there is no good reason for your not believing me!/why is it that you do not believe me?) [RHQ]
Hvem af eder kan overbevise mig om nogen Synd? Siger jeg Sandhed, hvorfor tro I mig da ikke?
47 Those who belong to God habitually obey God’s message. You do not belong to God, so you do not obey his message.”
Den, som er af Gud, hører Guds Ord; derfor høre I ikke, fordi I ere ikke af Gud."
48 The Jewish [leaders] [SYN] replied to him, “(We are certainly right by saying that you [believe what is false as] the Samaritans [do]!/Are we not right by saying that you [believe what is false as] the Samaritans [do]?) [RHQ] And that (a demon/an evil spirit) [controls] you!”
Jøderne svarede og sagde til ham: "Sige vi ikke med Rette, at du er en Samaritan og er besat?"
49 Jesus replied, “A demon does not [control] me! I honor my Father, and you do not honor me!
Jesus svarede: "Jeg er ikke besat, men jeg ærer min Fader, og I vanære mig.
50 I am not trying to honor myself. There is someone else who desires [to honor me], and he is the one who will judge [whether it is I who am telling the truth or whether it is you who are telling the truth].
Men jeg søger ikke min Ære; der er den, som søger den og dømmer.
51 But the truth is that anyone who obeys what I say will never die!” (aiōn g165)
Sandelig, sandelig, siger jeg eder, dersom nogen holder mit Ord, skal han i al Evighed ikke se Døden." (aiōn g165)
52 Then the Jewish [leaders] [SYN], [thinking that he was talking about ordinary death and not about spiritual death], said to him, “Now we are sure that a demon [controls] you! Abraham and the prophets died [long ago]! But you say that anyone who obeys what you teach will never die! (aiōn g165)
Jøderne sagde til ham: "Nu vide vi, at du et besat; Abraham døde og Profeterne, og du siger: Dersom nogen holder mit Ord, han skal i al Evighed ikke smage Døden. (aiōn g165)
53 (You are certainly not greater than our ancestor Abraham!/Do you think you are greater than our ancestor Abraham?) [RHQ] He died, and all the prophets died, so who do you think you are [by saying something like that]?”
Mon du er større end vor Fader Abraham, som jo døde? også Profeterne døde; hvem gør du dig selv til?"
54 Jesus replied, “If I were honoring myself, that would be worthless. My Father is the one who you say is your God. He is the one who honors me.
Jesus svarede: "Dersom jeg ærer mig selv, er min Ære intet; det er min Fader, som ærer mig, han, om hvem I sige, at han er eders Gud.
55 Although you do not know him, I know him [and have a close relationship with him]. If I said that I did not know him, I would be a liar like you are. But I know him, and I obey what he says.
Og I have ikke kendt ham, men jeg kender ham. Og dersom jeg siger: "Jeg kender ham ikke," da bliver jeg en Løgner ligesom I; men jeg kender ham og holder hans Ord.
56 Your ancestor Abraham was happy when he thought about what I would [do during] my life [MTY]. [It was as though] he saw that, and was happy.”
Abraham, eders Fader, frydede sig til at se min Dag, og han så den og glædede sig."
57 Then the Jewish [leaders] [SYN] said to him, “You are not 50 years old yet! So (you certainly did not see him!/how could you have seen him?) [RHQ] [Because he died long ago]!”
Da sagde Jøderne til ham: "Du er endnu ikke halvtredsindstyve År gammel, og du har set Abraham?"
58 Jesus said to them, “The truth is that I existed before Abraham was born!”
Jesus sagde til dem: "Sandelig, sandelig, siger jeg eder, førend Abraham blev til, har jeg været."
59 So, [because they were very angry about Jesus thus saying that he] ([had eternally existed/was equal with God]), they picked up stones to throw at him [to kill him]. But [Jesus] caused them not to be able to see him, and he left the Temple courtyard.
Så toge de Sten for at kaste på ham; men Jesus skjulte sig og gik ud af Helligdommen.

< John 8 >