< John 7 >

1 After those things happened, Jesus went around in Galilee [province]. He did not want to travel in Judea [province], because he knew that the Jewish [leaders there] were wanting to kill him.
Sesudah itu Yesus berjalan keliling provinsi Galilea. Dia tidak mau ke provinsi Yudea karena para pemimpin Yahudi di sana hendak membunuh Dia.
2 But when the time of the Jewish celebration [called] ‘Celebration of [Living in] Shelters’ was near,
Pada waktu itu, hampir tiba waktunya orang-orang Yahudi merayakan Hari Raya Pondok Cabang-cabang Berdaun, yang berlangsung selama tujuh hari.
3 Jesus’ [younger] brothers said to him, “[Since many people] here [have left you], you should leave and go to Judea [province and perform] some miracles there, so that your disciples may see them!
Lalu saudara-saudara Yesus berkata kepada-Nya, “Pergilah ke Yudea supaya orang banyak yang selalu mengikutimu bisa melihat keajaiban-keajaiban yang kamu lakukan.
4 No one who wants to become famous does things secretly. [You say] you are doing these miracles, [so do some miracles there] so that everyone [MTY] can see them!”
Karena kalau seseorang ingin menjadi terkenal, dia tidak akan menyembunyikan apa yang dia lakukan. Jadi kalau kamu mampu melakukan keajaiban-keajaiban, tunjukkanlah dirimu kepada semua orang.”
5 [They said this critically], because even [though they were] his own [younger] brothers, they did not believe he [was from God].
Saudara-saudara Yesus berkata begitu karena mereka juga tidak percaya bahwa Dia adalah Kristus.
6 So Jesus said to them, “It is not yet time for me [MTY] [to go to the celebration]. For you, any time is right [to go to the celebration].
Jawab Yesus kepada mereka, “Sekarang belum waktunya Aku pergi ke Yerusalem. Tetapi kalian bisa pergi kapan pun,
7 [The people] [MTY] [who] ([do not believe in me/do not belong to God]) cannot hate you, but they hate me because I tell them that what they are doing is evil.
karena manusia duniawi tidak bisa membenci kalian. Namun mereka membenci Aku karena Aku selalu berterus terang memberitahukan bahwa perbuatan-perbuatan yang mereka lakukan adalah jahat.
8 You [(pl)] go ahead to the celebration. I am not going up [to Jerusalem] to the celebration [yet], because now is not the right time for me [to go].”
Biarlah kalian saja yang pergi ke perayaan itu. Aku tidak akan pergi sekarang, karena belum tiba waktu-Ku untuk pergi ke sana.”
9 After he said that, Jesus stayed [a little longer] in Galilee.
Sesudah berkata begitu, Yesus tetap tinggal di Galilea.
10 However, [a few days] after his younger brothers left to go up to the celebration, he went also. He went, along with [us] disciples, but no others went with us.
Tetapi sesudah saudara-saudara-Nya pergi ke perayaan itu, Yesus pun pergi secara diam-diam supaya tidak diketahui orang banyak.
11 At the celebration, the Jewish [leaders] were looking for him. They were asking people, “Has Jesus come?”
Pada perayaan itu, para pemimpin Yahudi mencari Yesus dan bertanya ke sana kemari, “Di mana orang itu?”
12 Among the crowds, many people were whispering about Jesus. Some were saying, “He is a good man!” But others were saying instead, “No! He is deceiving the crowds!”
Di antara orang banyak yang ada di pesta itu mulai terdengar bisik-bisik tentang Yesus. Ada yang berkata, “Dia orang baik.” Tetapi ada juga yang berkata, “Bukan, dia penyesat yang menyesatkan banyak orang!”
13 But no one was speaking so that others could hear them, because they were afraid of the Jewish [leaders] [SYN].
Namun tidak seorang pun yang berani berbicara terang-terangan tentang Dia, karena mereka takut kepada para pemimpin Yahudi.
14 In the middle of the days of the celebration, Jesus went to the Temple [courtyard] and began to teach people.
Pada hari keempat dari perayaan tersebut, Yesus masuk ke dalam salah satu teras rumah Allah lalu mengajar orang banyak yang ada di situ.
15 The Jewish [elders] were amazed [at what he was saying]. They said, “This man never studied [in one of our religious schools]! So (how can he have learned [so much about Scripture]?/it is difficult for us to believe that he has learned [so much about Scripture]!) [RHQ]”
Para pemimpin Yahudi menjadi heran dan berkata, “Bagaimana orang ini bisa tahu banyak hal? Dia bukan orang yang berpendidikan seperti kita!”
16 Jesus replied to them, “What I teach does not come from myself. It comes from [God], the one who sent me.
Yesus menjawab mereka, “Apa yang Aku ajarkan ini bukan berasal dari diri-Ku sendiri, melainkan dari Bapa yang mengutus Aku kepada manusia di dunia ini.
17 Those who choose to do what God wants will find out whether what I teach comes from God or whether I am speaking with [only] my own [authority].
Setiap orang yang mau melakukan kehendak Allah akan bisa membedakan apakah ajaran-Ku benar-benar berasal dari Allah atau hanya dari pikiran-Ku sendiri.
18 Those who speak with [only] their own [authority] do that [only] so that others will honor them. But I am [doing things so that others] will honor the one who sent me, and I am someone who speaks the truth. I never lie.
Kalau ajaran seseorang berasal dari pikirannya sendiri, berarti dia mencari hormat untuk dirinya sendiri. Tetapi ajaran-Ku mendatangkan hormat bagi Bapa yang mengutus Aku. Itulah tandanya bahwa Aku tidak menipu, dan kalian boleh percaya apa yang Aku ajarkan.
19 [Think about] the laws that Moses gave you [RHQ]. None of you [completely] obeys those laws. So why are you trying to kill me, [saying I do not obey the laws concerning] ([the Sabbath/the Jewish day of rest])?”
Percuma saja Musa memberikan hukum Taurat kepada kalian! Karena tidak seorang pun dari kalian yang mengikuti hukum Taurat itu! Buktinya kalian melanggar hukum Taurat dengan berusaha membunuh-Ku!”
20 Someone in the crowd answered, “[By saying this you show that] you are crazy (OR, A demon is controlling you)! Certainly no one is trying to kill you!”
Lalu orang banyak itu menjawab, “Engkau sudah gila karena kerasukan setan! Tidak ada orang yang berusaha membunuhmu!”
21 Jesus replied to them, “Because I did a miracle [of healing someone] (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day), you are all shocked.
Jawab Yesus kepada mereka, “Aku sudah melakukan satu keajaiban pada hari Sabat dan kalian menjadi heran.
22 Moses gave you [a law that you must] circumcise [the male children and that you must do that exactly seven days after they are born. Actually], it was your ancestors, [Abraham and Isaac and Jacob], not Moses, who [started that ritual]. But because of that law, you sometimes circumcise them (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day), [but that is working, too]
Tentang pekerjaan pada hari Sabat, kalian harus ingat bahwa kalian juga menyunat anak laki-lakimu pada hari Sabat apabila anak itu lahir pada hari Sabat sebelumnya. Hal itu sesuai dengan hukum Taurat, tetapi sebenarnya adat sunat bukan berasal dari ajaran Musa melainkan dari nenek moyang kita.
23 You [sometimes] circumcise boys (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day) so that the law of Moses is not disobeyed {[you] do not disobey the law of Moses}, so (it is ridiculous that you are angry with me, saying [I worked] (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day) by healing a man!/why are you angry with me, saying [I worked] (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day) by healing a man?) [RHQ] [Healing someone is far more helpful than circumcising a baby boy]!
Jadi untuk menaati hukum Taurat, kalian menyunat alat kelamin anak laki-laki pada hari Sabat. Kalau begitu, jangan marah bila Aku menyembuhkan seluruh tubuh orang sakit pada hari Sabat!
24 Stop deciding whether my healing this man is wrong according to what you see! Instead, decide according to what is really the right action [to help people]”!
Jangan menuduh siapa pun tanpa berpikir baik-baik, tetapi pertimbangkanlah perbuatan orang dengan benar dan adil.”
25 Some of the people from Jerusalem were saying, “(This is the man that they are trying to kill!/Isn’t this the man that they are trying to kill?) [RHQ]
Kemudian beberapa orang Yerusalem berkata, “Bukankah dia ini yang sedang dicari-cari untuk dibunuh?
26 He is saying these things (publicly/in front of many people), but our [Jewish] rulers are not saying anything to [oppose] him. Is that because they have decided that he is truly (the Messiah/God’s chosen king)?
Tetapi lihat! Sekarang dia mengajar dengan bebas di depan umum, dan mereka tidak berbuat apa-apa kepadanya! Apa mungkin para pemimpin kita sekarang sudah berubah pikiran dan menyadari bahwa dia benar-benar Kristus?”
27 But [he cannot be the Messiah, because] we know where this man came from. When the Messiah really comes, no one will know where he comes from.”
Tetapi ada juga yang berkata, “Kemungkinan orang Nazaret ini bukan Kristus, sebab kalau Kristus datang, tidak akan ada seorang pun yang tahu dari mana asal-Nya. Jika Yesus itu memang diutus dari surga, tidak mungkin kita menyebutnya ‘orang Nazaret.’”
28 [They said that because they thought Jesus was born in Nazareth]. So while Jesus was teaching [people] in the Temple [courtyard], he shouted, “Yes, [you say that] you know me, and [you think] you know [IRO] where I am from. But I have come here not (because I appointed myself/with my own authority). Instead, [God] is the one who truly sent me. You do not know him.
Karena itu, waktu Yesus masih mengajar di dalam salah satu teras rumah Allah, Dia berkata kepada orang banyak itu dengan lantang, “Memang kalian mengenal Aku dan kalian tahu tempat asal-Ku. Tetapi Aku datang bukan karena kemauan-Ku sendiri. Aku diutus oleh Bapa-Ku, yaitu Dia yang selalu dapat dipercaya. Kalian belum mengenal Dia,
29 But I know him, because I have come from him. He is the one who sent me!”
tetapi Aku mengenal Dia, sebab Aku datang dari-Nya. Dia jugalah yang sudah mengutus Aku.”
30 Then they tried to seize him [because he said that he had come from God]. But no one put their hands on him [to do that], because it was not yet the time [MTY] [for him to die].
Waktu Yesus berkata begitu, para pemimpin Yahudi berusaha menangkap Dia. Tetapi tidak ada satu pun dari antara mereka yang sampai berbuat apa-apa kepada-Nya, karena belum tiba waktunya untuk menangkap Dia.
31 But many of the crowd believed that he [had come from God]. They said, “When the Messiah comes, he certainly will not do more miracles than this man has done, will he?”
Tetapi dari antara kumpulan orang itu, banyak yang percaya kepada-Nya. Mereka berkata, “Yesus ini sudah membuat begitu banyak keajaiban. Jadi, pasti Dialah Kristus, tidak mungkin tidak!”
32 The Pharisees heard them whispering these things about him. So they and the chief priests sent some Temple guards to seize him.
Orang-orang Farisi mendengar apa yang dibicarakan orang banyak itu tentang Yesus. Maka mereka bersama para imam kepala menyuruh tentara penjaga rumah Allah untuk menangkap Dia.
33 Then Jesus said, “I will be with you for only a short time. Then I will return to the one who sent me.
Lalu Yesus berkata kepada orang banyak itu, “Hanya sebentar lagi Aku bersama kalian. Aku akan kembali kepada Bapa yang sudah mengutus Aku.
34 Then you will search for me, but you will not find me. And you will not be able to come to the place where I am.”
Kalian akan mencari-Ku, tetapi kalian tidak akan dapat menemukan Aku, karena kalian tidak mungkin bisa datang ke tempat Aku berada.”
35 So the Jewish [leaders] [SYN] said to themselves, “Where is this man about to go with the result that we will not be able to find him? [Some Jewish people have] dispersed [and live] among Greek people. He is not intending to go [and live among them] and teach them, is he?
Para pemimpin Yahudi itu pun berkata satu sama lain, “Dia ini mau pergi ke mana sehingga kita tidak bisa menemukannya? Apakah dia mau pergi ke negara-negara di mana orang Yahudi sudah tersebar? Apa mungkin dia mau mengajar mereka yang berbahasa Yunani di sana?
36 When he said ‘You will search for me, but you will not be able to find me,’ and when he said ‘You will not be able to come to the place where I am,’ what [did he mean]?”
Apa maksud perkataannya ini?— ‘Kalian akan mencari aku, tetapi kalian tidak akan dapat menemukan aku.’ Dan kenapa dia berkata, ‘Kalian tidak mungkin bisa datang ke tempat aku berada’?”
37 [On each of the seven days of the celebration, the high priest poured out some water on the altar in the Temple to remember how God provided water for the people in the desolate area long ago. But the water he poured did not help anyone who was thirsty. So] on the last day of the festival, which was the most important day, Jesus stood up [in the Temple courtyard] and said with a loud voice, “Those who are thirsty should come to me to drink [what I will give them].
Pada puncak perayaan pesta tersebut, yaitu hari ketujuh, Yesus berdiri dan berseru kepada orang banyak yang ada di dalam teras rumah Allah itu, “Siapa saja yang haus di antara kalian, datanglah kepada-Ku untuk minum!
38 Just like the Scriptures teach, streams of water shall flow out from within those who believe in me, and that water will cause them to live [eternally].”
Seperti tertulis dalam Firman Allah, orang yang percaya kepada-Ku, ‘dari dalam hatinya akan mengalir aliran-aliran air yang memberi hidup.’”
39 When Jesus said that, he was referring to [God’s] Spirit, whom those who believed in Jesus would receive later. Up to that time God had not sent the Spirit [to live within believers], because Jesus had not yet [died and returned to his] glorious [home in] heaven, [from where he would send the Spirit].
Maksud Yesus adalah Roh Kudus yang akan diterima dalam hati setiap orang yang percaya kepada-Nya. Tetapi pada waktu Dia berkata begitu, Roh Kudus belum diberikan kepada orang percaya, karena Yesus belum mengalami kematian dan belum diangkat ke tempat kemuliaan-Nya di surga.
40 When some of the crowd heard those words, they said, “Surely this man is the prophet [whom God promised to send who would be like Moses]!”
Sebagian dari orang banyak yang mendengar perkataan-perkataan Yesus itu berkata, “Dia benar-benar nabi yang kita nanti-nantikan, yang sudah dijanjikan untuk menggantikan Musa.”
41 Others said, “He is the Messiah!” But others, [thinking Jesus was born in Galilee], said, “The Messiah will not come from Galilee [province], will he?
Dan yang lain lagi berkata, “Dia adalah Kristus.” Orang-orang lainnya mengatakan, “Bukan! Kristus tidak akan datang dari Galilea,
42 (Did [a prophet] not write in the Scriptures that the Messiah will come from [King] David’s family, and be born in Bethlehem, where [King] David lived?/[It is written] in the Scriptures that the Messiah will come from [King] David’s family, and be born in Bethlehem, where [King] David lived!) [RHQ]”
karena dalam Firman TUHAN sudah tertulis bahwa Kristus akan berasal dari keturunan Daud, dari kampung Betlehem di mana Daud pernah tinggal.”
43 So the people were divided because of [what they thought about] Jesus.
Demikianlah orang banyak itu bertengkar satu sama lain tentang Yesus.
44 Some people wanted to seize him, but no one tried [to do that].
Sebagian dari antara mereka mau menangkap Dia, tetapi tidak seorang pun yang berani menyentuh-Nya.
45 So the Temple guards returned to the chief priests and the Pharisees, [the ones who had sent them to arrest Jesus]. They said to the guards, “Why did you not [seize him and] bring him [here]?”
Lalu tentara-tentara penjaga rumah Allah tadi kembali kepada para imam kepala dan orang-orang Farisi yang menyuruh mereka menangkap Yesus. Kemudian mereka ditanya, “Kenapa kalian tidak membawa dia?”
46 They replied, “No one ever spoke such [amazing things] as this man does!”
Jawab para tentara itu, “Belum pernah ada orang yang mengajar seperti dia!”
47 Then the Pharisees replied, “Have you been deceived {Has [he] deceived you}, too?
Lalu orang-orang Farisi menjawab mereka, “Wah! Ternyata kalian juga sudah disesatkan olehnya!
48 (None of our rulers nor any of us Pharisees have believed that (he [is the Messiah]!/he [came from God]!)/Have any of our [Jewish] rulers or any of us Pharisees believed that (he [is the Messiah]?/he [came from God]?)) [RHQ]
Belum ada dari antara kami para pemimpin dan orang Farisi yang percaya kepada dia, bukan?!
49 Not one! But, on the contrary, some of this crowd [have believed in him]. They do not know [the true teachings of] our laws! They will go to hell [for listening to him]!” (questioned)
Tetapi orang banyak yang mengikuti dia itu tidak tahu apa-apa tentang hukum Taurat. Biarlah Allah menghukum mereka!”
50 Then Nicodemus spoke. He was the one who earlier went to Jesus [at night]. He was also a member of the Jewish council. He said to [the rest of the Council members],
Namun di situ juga ada Nikodemus, yaitu salah satu pemimpin agama Yahudi yang sebelumnya pernah menemui Yesus malam hari. Dia berkata kepada mereka,
51 “[We] have not listened to what he says to find out what he is doing. (It is not permitted in our [Jewish] law [PRS] for us to say, before questioning someone, that we must punish him!/Is it permitted in our [Jewish] law [PRS] for us to say, before questioning someone, that we must punish him?) [RHQ]”
“Janganlah kita melanggar hukum Taurat! Sebelum kita menuduhnya menyesatkan orang banyak, kita harus mendengar langsung dari orang itu dan memeriksa apakah betul dia berbuat salah.”
52 They replied to him, “(Are you another [disgusting person] from Galilee?/[You talk like] another [disgusting person] from Galilee!) [RHQ] Read [what is written in the Scriptures] You will find that no prophet comes from Galilee [province, like he does]!”
Jawab mereka kepadanya, “Kenapa kamu membela dia?! Kamu bukan orang Galilea! Cari sendiri dalam Kitab Suci. Kamu akan melihat bahwa tidak ada tertulis kalau seorang nabi akan berasal dari Galilea.”
53 [Then they all left and went to their own homes.
Sesudah itu mereka semua pulang ke rumah masing-masing.

< John 7 >