< John 6 >

1 Some time later, when Jesus was in Galilee district, near the time of the Jewish Passover celebration, Jesus went [with us disciples by boat] and crossed to another place along Galilee Lake. This lake is [also called] Tiberias Lake.
Anyimo anime yeso makafa u teku ugalili, a gusan uni uteki utibariya.
2 A large crowd of people kept following Jesus [on land] because they had been seeing the miracles he performed [by healing] sick people.
Ni gura gbardang ni tarsime barki wa iri katuma ka biyyau sa mazi unu wuza ana tikoni.
3 Jesus went up on the hillside and sat down with [us] disciples [to teach us].
Yeso ma nyane anipo macukuno abirko nan na hana a katuma kameme.
4 Then he looked up and saw a great crowd of people coming toward him.
(U idi wa yahudawa wa mu aye mamamu.)
5 He said to Philip, “Where will we buy food for all these people to eat?”
Sa yeso mavanki nicce ma iri ni gura ni gbardang ni haza ahira ameme, magun in filibus, “Abani tidi kem immu'are be sa anu age me wadi ree.”
6 He asked this only to find out if Philip believed what [Jesus could do], because Jesus already knew what he himself was going to do.
Mabuki anime bati madari me ma iri, barki meme nicce ni meme marusa imumbe sa madi wuu.
7 Philip replied to him, “[Even if we had] the amount of money a man earns in eight months, that would not be enough to buy bread so that each person could have a little bit!”
Filibus ma kabirka magu, immare dinari a ino ana akure ida barime kode vi makem ma re cingiln ba ma.
8 Another one of [us] disciples, Andrew, who was Simon Peter’s [younger] brother, said to Jesus,
Abini me andarawas uhenu u bitrus debe sa mazi vana u katuma me, magun me ana.
9 “There is a boy here who has five small barley loaves and two [cooked] fish. But (they will not help much among so many people!/what good will that do among so many people?) [RHQ]”
Ira kure ku kpana kuinta immare ma mara u cibi musha'ir, nan ni cere ini-re idi wuzi ane ni ibari anabu gbardang ana me.
10 Jesus said, “Tell the people to sit down!” There was plenty of grass there, so they all sat down [comfortably]. There were about 5,000 men [among the crowd].
Yeso magu bukan anabu wacukono ahira me azin ukpe. A hana ruma wa cukuno ahiranawwe wazi we udabu cibi.
11 Then Jesus took the small loaves and the fish and thanked [God] for them. Then he [gave them to us, and we] distributed the small loaves and the fish to all the people sitting on the ground. [Because God caused the food to keep increasing], everyone ate as much as they wanted.
Yeso mazeki ugurasa me, sa bezi a puru aram a meme ahira Asere ma hari andebe sa cicaki ani mani makuri mawun in nicere me, ubinani imumbe sa wa bari we.
12 When everyone had all the food they wanted, he said to [us] disciples, “Gather up the pieces that are left over. Do not let anything be wasted!”
Sa ware watii magun na hana aatuma kameme, orsoni ukasume sawade kati iremum ihun neme.
13 So we gathered up the pieces of the small loaves that were left over by those who had eaten. We filled twelve baskets with those pieces!
Wanno wa orso ukasu ugurasa ugino unu cibi usha'ir uge sawa din sa koda vi mari matii, ukasume wa minca mugira kirau in mure.
14 After the people saw that miracle that Jesus had performed, [many of] them started to say, “Surely this is the prophet [like Moses] that [God promised] to send to the world!”
Sa anabu wa iri ubari sa ma wuzi, wa gu ani mani, unu ugeme memani una kadura kasere ugino sa ma eze unee.
15 So, because Jesus realized that they were about to come and seize him to make him [their] king, he left them again and went up into the hills by himself.
Sa yeso marusa wa nyarsa uzika ume inni kafa nan nu binani urusa abanga aweme wa tirzi me tigomo, madusa makuri anipo me in sissi ume.
16 When it was evening, [we] disciples went down to [Galilee] Lake.
Unu wonjoro a hana akatuma kameme wattu uhana uteku.
17 When it became dark and Jesus had still not joined us, [we] got into a boat and went across the lake towards Capernaum [city].
Wa ribe uzirgi me wa dusa ukafa uhana ukafarna hum, uganiya me mareu mamu wuna Yeso mada sarku u aye.
18 A strong wind started to blow and caused the water (to become very rough/to have high waves).
Ine ini uteku utubi ranza barki upebu wa hiiri ini nikara.
19 After we had rowed (three or four miles/five or six kilometers), we saw Jesus coming near the boat; he was walking on the water! So we were terrified!
Sa wazin in tanu wa biki gusi ma mei ma taru ahana manzi, wa dusa iri Yeso ma haka azezzere agmei me, ma aye mamamu nan nu zirgi me wanno wadiri urusa ahira me sa warani.
20 But he said to us, “Do not be afraid! It is I!”
Yeso manno magun we kati i kunna biyyau.
21 We were glad to take him into the boat. As soon as [we] did that, the boat reached the shore where [we] were going!
Abini me ani wa hem me maribe uzirgi me, uzirgi me uba dusa ubiki ukiri me sa wa hazan.
22 The next day the crowd of people that had stayed on the other side of the lake [were perplexed about how Jesus had left that area]. They knew that there had been only one boat there [the previous day]. They knew that we had gone away in it by ourselves. They knew that Jesus had not gone with us.
Sa ahira asana ukasu uni ori me sa wadii uhuru uteku me warusi uguna ure uzirgi usoni ahira me, kure ku ciniln kuni karani, iri daki Yeso maribe une nan na hana akatuma kameme, ahana a katuma kameme kani wa dusa cas.
23 Then some [men came] from Tiberias [city] in boats. [They were hoping to take some of the crowd back to Tiberias]. They arrived near the place where the people had eaten the food after Jesus had given thanks [and caused it to multiply].
Mure muzirgi mu nan na ahira sa a na ori ware immaren sa ugomo asere ma wu iriba irom men.
24 When the crowd realized that neither Jesus nor we disciples were there, [some of] them got into those boats and they sailed to Capernaum to find Jesus.
Sa niori na ira yeso mazoni, ahana akatuma wa zoni ahirame, wa dusa waribise a mu cinici mugino cangi, uhana ukafarna hum unyara u yeso.
25 When they found him [in Capernaum] further around the lake, they asked him, “Teacher, [since you(sg) did not come in a boat], when [and how] did you get here?”
Sa wa kem me uhuru utekum me, wagume hu unudang, “Wa aye abanname unu mayya uni?”
26 Jesus replied to them, “Listen to this carefully: Do you know why you are looking for me? It is not because you saw [me perform] miracles [and as a result have realized who I really am]. No! You are looking for me [only] because you had plenty of bread to eat [after I provided it for you by performing a miracle].
Yeso makabirka we magu, rep animami, in booshi izi na nyara um azo barki imum ibiyyau, barki immare ini sa yare ya tonii.
27 Stop desiring food that will soon spoil! Instead, desire to get [spiritual] food that will last forever! Yearn for eternal life! That is what I, the one who came from heaven, will give you. God [my] Father has shown that he approves of me [enabling me to do that].” (aiōnios g166)
Kati iziti unu nyara immare ige be sa idi corno me, inki immare ido-dongino uhana uvenke uka biki uvenke uzatu umara, uge sa vana unubo mani madi nya shiBarki me mani unu be sa acco, mamani Asere, ma nya me likara ni wuna ugino.” (aiōnios g166)
28 Then the people asked him, “What things should we do [to please] God?”
Wanno imum be sa asere ma nyara?
29 Jesus replied, “What God [wants you] to do is this: He wants you to believe that [I am] the one he has sent.”
Yeso makabirka we magu, katuma ka gino kane kani Asere nyara, ine ini ihem in de sa ma matuma me.”
30 So they said to him, “Then perform [another] miracle so that we may see it and believe that [you came from God]. What miracle would you like to perform?
Wanno wagumme nyanini udi wu i biyyau sa tidi iri ti hem in huu? uyanini udi wu?
31 Our ancestors ate the [food called] manna [that God provided for them by a miracle] in the desolate area. This is written {[The Psalmist] wrote this} [in the Scriptures] about [what Moses caused to happen: ] ‘He gave them food from heaven to eat.’ [Will you perform a miracle like that]?”
acokoro aka cokoro aru ware inama anijaa, sa anyetike unuguna, ma nyawe immare usuro azesere warii.”
32 So Jesus said to them, “The truth is that it was not Moses who gave your [ancestors] that food from heaven. No, it was my Father [who gave it to them. And my Father is the one] who gives you the true food from heaven.
Ine ini yeso magun we, inzinnu buka ushi, izome musa mani manya shi immare me sa asuso ini azesere me ba, acco am mani manyin shi immare me.
33 The true bread from God came down from heaven, and he is the one who will give [eternal] life to [the people of] the world [MTY].”
Ya ira immare igomo Asere ine ini i suso azesere, unu nya unee uvenke.
34 [Not understanding what he meant], they said to him, “Sir, give us that kind of bread all the time!”
Wanno wagumme ugomo Asere uyan duru immare igino-koya uwui.
35 Jesus said to them, “[Just like] food [MET] [sustains physical life], I am the [one who enables you to have spiritual] life. Those who [eat ordinary food and drinks will later be hungry and thirsty]. But those who come to me [to receive that life] will never again [lack anything spiritually].
Yeso magum we, mimani immare nyinza uvenke me, desa ma aye ahire am, madi kunna ikomo ba desa manya kadura madi kunna niwe ni gmei ba.
36 I told you before that you have seen my [miracles, but after seeing them, instead of understanding who I am], you have not believed in me.
Ma mabuka shi ya ira vat ani ma daki yanya kadura me ba.
37 All the people that [my] Father entrusts to me will come to me, and I will certainly (welcome/never send away) [LIT] anyone who comes to me.
Vat desa acco me manyan, madi eh ahira am, desa ma aye ahira am mi inda gido me ba.
38 When I came down from heaven, it was not to do what I want. Instead, I came to do what ([God/my Father]), who sent me, wants.
Barki matino azezsere azo gunna intarsi iriba ini cce num neneba, sai intarsi ireba idesa matumam.
39 What the one who sent me wants is that I (keep forever all/never lose any) [LIT] of those whom he has entrusted to me. He wants me to cause all of them to become alive again (on the last day/on the day [when I judge everyone]) [MTY].
Iriba idesa matumam, ine ini in hem nan kodevi anyimo aninonzo nan desa manyam, indi hirza we rono aye umeme.
40 [Long ago in the desolate area when those who were bitten by snakes looked at the bronze replica of a snake, they were healed] [MET]. What my Father wants is that [similarly] everyone who looks at [what] I [have done] and believes in me will have eternal life. I will cause them to become alive again (on the last day/on the day [when I judge everyone]) [MTY].” (aiōnios g166)
Iriba yaco am, vat desa mahira vaname, manya kadura nanmi, madi kem uvenke udadankino, mi indi hirzame rono aye ugomo asere. (aiōnios g166)
41 The Jewish [leaders] [SYN] began to grumble about him because he said, “I am the one who is [like] true bread who came down from heaven.”
A Yahudawa wa meki ugbejere agi Yeso maguna memani immare iginome saya suro azezsere.
42 They said, “(This man is Jesus, the son of Joseph!/Isn’t this man the son of Joseph?) [RHQ] We know [the names of] both his father and his mother. [He certainly did not come from heaven], so (he is [lying] by saying ‘I came from heaven.’/why is he now saying, ‘I came from heaven?’) [RHQ]”
Wanno wagu, “Ingusa Yeso mani, vana u Yusufu, desa ainome nan ka come. Ingusa tirusa we? Nyanini yawuna me maguna, masuro azizsere ani?”
43 Jesus replied to them, “Stop grumbling among yourselves [about what I just said]!
Yeso makabirka magun we, “Kati ihummoro acce ashimi ba.
44 [My] Father, who sent me, makes people want to come to me. No others will come to me [to receive eternal life]. Those who come to me are the only ones who will believe in me. I will (cause them to be alive again/raise them [from the dead]) (on the last day/on the [judgment] day).
Unu rusa uhana ahira am mara niba, aco memani cas desa matumum, memani ma hungu kom madi hirza anaboo rono umara unee.
45 It was written ([by one of the prophets/by the prophet Isaiah]) {([One of the prophets/The prophet Isaiah]) wrote} [about all those who will trust in me], ‘God will teach them all.’ Everyone who listens to what [my] Father [says] and learns from him will (come to/believe in) me.
Anyentike anyimo atize ta sere, nanu bezi tize ta asere vat uwe asere ani adi beziwe, vat desa makaba mamanza ahira acome madi eh ahira am.
46 I came from God. I am the only one who has seen [my] Father. No one else has seen him.
Unu ira acco me mazoni abanna me desa marani ahira Asere memani maira a come.
47 Listen to this carefully: Everyone who believes ([my message/in me]) has eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
Mabuka shi makuri mabuka shi, desa ma nyara kadura mazinnu venke udandang. (aiōnios g166)
48 [Just like] food [MET] [sustains your physical life], I am the [one who enables you to have spiritual] life.
Mimani immare uninza uvenke.
49 Even though your ancestors ate the manna [while they were traveling] in the desolate area, they died [anyway].
Vat aka co ashi me wari umanna anijaa wanno wa wee.
50 But the bread [I am talking about] is something that came down from heaven. If people eat that bread, their [spirits] will never die.
Immare inno izinno tuzo azezsere kode vi marii kati kadevi ma wee.
51 I am the one who came down from heaven to enable people to have [spiritual] life. If people take what I will give them, they will live forever. What I will give them is my flesh, which I will give to [all the people in] [MTY] the world in order that they may have [spiritual] life.” (aiōn g165)
Mimane uzatu umara sa in zin nu tuzo azezsere desa mare immare me madi wii ba immare me sa manya inama inipum nom nini barki unee ukem uvenke. (aiōn g165)
52 Then the Jewish [leaders] [SYN] began to argue among themselves. They said, “(There is no way this man can give us his flesh to eat!/How can this man give us his flesh to eat?)” [RHQ]
A Yahudawa wa hiran initize acece aure me agi aneni unu ugene me madi nyam duru inama inipum nameme har tirii?”
53 So, [speaking figuratively of the need for them to accept for themselves the benefits of his sacrificing himself and shedding his blood to atone for their sins] [MET], Jesus said to them, “Listen carefully to this: [Although] I am the one who came from heaven, if you do not eat my flesh and drink my blood, you will not have eternal life.
Ine Yeso magun we ine ni mabuka shi, inki daki yare inama inepum ni vana unububa, ikuri isii maye mameme, izo shi unu venke ahira a shi me.
54 Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will cause them to become alive again at (the last day/the [judgment] day), (aiōnios g166)
Vat andesa wariza inama inipum num, wasii maye mam, maraa anyimo uvenke uzatu umarsa, mi indi hirzame rono umara unee. (aiōnios g166)
55 because my flesh and my blood are truly spiritual food.
Barki inama inipum immare ige be sa ahira ini, maye mam immare be sa ahirani ini.
56 Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood will have a close relationship with me, and I will have a close relationship with them.
Vat andesa wariza inama inipum num, amasii maye mam maciki anyimo am, mima ayimo ameme.
57 [My] Father, who is the [source of everything that] lives, sent me, and I live because [my] Father has [given me life]. Similarly those who eat my [flesh] will live [eternally] because of what I [do for them].
Gusi acco me sa ma ciki anyimo uvenke sa matumum, in raa anyimo ati cukum ta cco me tini, ani mani ahira unu ge be sa imani immare imeme madi venke barki mi.
58 [I am] the true bread that came down from heaven. Although our ancestors ate [manna], they [later] died [anyway]. But those who eat this bread will live forever.” (aiōn g165)
Ige me ine ini immare sa ya tuu usuro azezsere, azo ige sa acokoro anka cokoro ushi me sa warii, vat ani me wanno wa wii. Vat desa mare immare ige me madi madi venke ukabiki. (aiōn g165)
59 He said this while he was teaching people in (the synagogue/the Jewish meeting place) in Capernaum.
Mabuki anime anyimo udenge wasere, ahira me sa ma zinu bezi uwe tize ukafarnahu.
60 After they heard him say that, many of his disciples said, “What he is teaching is hard [to understand]; (it is very difficult for anyone to accept it!/how can anyone accept it?) [RHQ]”
Innu kunnu anime anugbardang anyimo ahana akatuma kameme. Wanno wagu tize tiginome tikuna, aveni madi kunna tini?”
61 Jesus was aware that his disciples were grumbling about it, so he said to them, “(I am sorry that this is offending you./Is this offending you?) [RHQ]
Yeso sammu rusa irba imeme ahana akatuma kameme wazennu humoro, mano magunwe eginome ini yacukono imum upilko?
62 ([Perhaps you will believe my message] if you see me, the one who came from heaven, ascending [there] to where I was before!/[(What will you think if you see me], the one who came from heaven, ascending [there] to where I was before)?) [RHQ]
Idi zi ani inkiya ira vana unubu mazinnu nyeze ahirame sama rani dati?
63 [God’s] Spirit is the one who gives people [eternal] life. Human efforts are no help at all [for giving people eternal life]. The message I have spoken to you [gives spiritual] life (OR, [comes from] God’s Spirit [and gives eternal] life.)
Abanna bibe sere bini bi eze nu venke nipum ni zin katuma ka hura, asap me sa mabuka shi abibe bi rere bini wannu, wannu venke.
64 But there are some of you who do not believe [my message.” Jesus said that] because he knew from the time he started [MTY] [his ministry] which of them would not believe his message. He also knew who would (betray him/enable his enemies to seize him).
Ayye ashi me sa warani wa nyarima kadura me, barki datti Yeso marusa ande sa nyara me unya acce in kadurame, nan de be sa madi vete wen.
65 Then he continued by saying, “That is why I told you that only those whom my Father has enabled [to believe in me] will come to me [and receive eternal life].”
Manno makuri magu ine ini mabukashi, unu aye ahira am ma, omi, inki acco am maceki me abine ani madi eh.
66 From that [time], many of his disciples left him and no longer went with him.
Barki tize gino me ahana akatuma ka meme gbardang wakuri madumo, daki wakuri wa haki nan me.
67 So he said to [us] twelve [apostles], “You do not want to leave me also, do you?”
Yeso magun nanu kirau in wa-re me, shi me cangi inyara udusa?
68 Simon Peter replied to him, “Lord, [we] will not [leave you], [because] (there is no other person [like you] to whom we can go!/what other person is there like [you] to whom we can go?) [RHQ] You have the message about eternal life! (aiōnios g166)
Bitrus makabirka magu, ugomo Asere ahira aveni tidihan? Hamani uzin tize tu venke uzatu marsa. (aiōnios g166)
69 We have come to believe for certain that you are the holy one [who has come] from God!”
Harume tanya kadura takuri taira hamani unu lau ugi wa Asere.”
70 Then Jesus replied to us, “[You are saying that as though all] you twelve [men] whom I have chosen [RHQ] believe that. But one of you is [under the control of] Satan!”
Yeso makabirka magunwe ingusa mimane mazauka shi kirau nanawarem? Unu inde ushi uburu mani.
71 He was talking about Judas, the [son] of Simon, from Kerioth [village]. [Even though] Judas was one of us twelve [apostles], he was about (to betray Jesus/to enable Jesus’ enemies to seize him).
Ma insi ani cce ni yahuza isicaroti usan usamanu barki memani nyam me, sa izi uye anyimo ashi me ukirau ina na ware.

< John 6 >