< John 20 >

1 Early on Sunday morning, while it was still dark, Mary, the woman from Magdala [village], went to the [burial] cave [with some other women]. They saw that the stone had been removed {that someone had removed the stone} from the [entrance to the] cave.
Wooga gaalas wontta malado buroo sosey zoishshin Magidale marama Yesussa dufooko badusu. Iza he gakkishin kase Yesussa dufoo izara goordida shuuchay dufooza duunape denddidi gendderidaysa beeyadusu.
2 So Mary ran to where Simon Peter and I [were staying in Jerusalem]. She said to us, “They have taken the Lord’s [body] out of the burial cave, and we do not know where they have put it!”
Hessa gish iza Yesussa kaallizaytape Simmoona geetetiiza Pixirosakko Yesuyssay dosiza hankko iza kaallizaysako woxxa bada “Goda dufooppe keesi ekkidi awan woththidakone nu erroko” gadusu.
3 So Peter and I started going to the cave.
Heraka Pixxrossayne Yesussa kaalliza hinkko issay kezzidi gede duhaaththaoy dizasoo bida.
4 We were both running, but I ran faster than Peter and got there first.
Namm7eyka ishaaththaee woxxida, gido attin Yesussa kaalliza hinkkoysi Pixxrossape pilatii woxxidi kaseti dufooy dizasoo gakkides.
5 I stooped down [at the entrance] and looked inside. I saw the strips of linen cloth lying there [where his body had been laid], but I did not go inside.
Dufooza hookii xeelidi ahay xaxxetida mayoo xala dizayssa beeydes. Gido attin gede dufoo giido gellibeeyna.
6 Then Simon Peter, who was running behind me, arrived. He went inside the cave. He, too, saw the strips of linen cloth lying there.
Simmoona geetettiza Pixxrossayka iza kaalli gakkidi dufooza giido gellidees, ahay izan xaxxetida cariqqay hen dizayssa beeydes.
7 He also [saw the] cloth that they had [wrapped] around Jesus’ head. It had been folded and put {Someone had folded it and put it} aside, separate from the linen strips.
Yesussa hu77ey xaxxetida carqqay hankko xaththa carqqatara gidoontta duuma harasson xaxxeti dizayssa beeydees.
8 Then I also went inside. I saw [those things] and I believed [that Jesus had truly become alive again].
Koyroti gakkida Yesussa kaallizzaysika dufooza giido geli beeydi ammanides.
9 Before this happened, we did not understand from [what the prophets had written in] the Scriptures, that he had to become alive again after he died.
Gasooyka “Izi hayqqope denddana beeses” giza maaxxafe qaala istti buroo hasa7ibeeytena.
10 Then [we two] disciples went back to where we were staying. [In the meantime], Mary [returned to the cave].
Hessafe guye namm7etika simmidi besso besso bida.
11 As she stood outside the cave crying, she stooped down to look inside the cave.
Magidale marama yeekashshe Yesussa dufoope kareera eqqada hokka dufooza giido xeelladus.
12 She saw two angels in very white [clothing], sitting at the place where Jesus’ body had been laid. One was where his head had been, and the other was where his feet had been.
Yesussa Ahay dizasson boththa mayoo mayda namm7u kitanchatape issay hu7eson issay toson uttidayta beeyadus.
13 They said to her, “Woman, why are you crying?” She said to them, “They have taken away [the body of] my Lord, and I do not know where they have put it!”
Isttika Maramo “Hane maccashshayee azaas yeekazii?” gida, izaka “Istti ta Goda ehaaththaidii awan woththidakoone ta errike gadus.
14 After she said that, she turned around and saw Jesus standing [there], but she did not know that it was Jesus.
Iza hiino gada guye yuyshshin Yesussay eqqidayssa demaduus shin izi Yesussa gididayssa errabeykku.
15 He said to her, “Woman, why are you crying? Who are you looking for?” Thinking that he was the gardener, she said to him, “Sir, if you have taken his [body] away, tell me where you have put it. Then I will get it [and bury it properly].”
Yesussay izo “Hanne maccashshayee! azass yeekazzi? Qasse oonna kooyazzi?” ) gides, izika iziis akakkiltte nagizzadee millatiin “Godo! ne ekkida gidikoo ne woththidasso tass yootarkki, ta iza tass ekkana” gaduus.
16 Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned toward him [again and recognized him]. Then she exclaimed in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” which means ‘Teacher’.
Yesussay izo “Marame!” gides, izakka gede izakko simmada ayhudata qaalara “Rebuune!” gaduus, hessa birshechchi “asttamaree” guusa.
17 Jesus said to her, “Stop clinging to me, because I have not yet returned to my Father. Go to my disciples and tell them, ‘I am about to return to my Father and your Father, to the one who is my God and your God’.”
Yesussay qass “Ta buroo pude ta aawako kezzabeykke tana oykoofa, gido attin ne ha7i ta ishatakko bada “Ta ta aawakone inte aawako, ta xoossakone inte xoossako kezana gides gada isttas yoota” gides.
18 So Mary went to where [we] disciples were and told us that she had seen the Lord [alive again]. She also told us what Jesus said that she [should tell us].
Hessa gish Magidale Marama Yesussa kaallizaytako bada iza Yesussa beeydaysane izi izis yootidaysa isttas yootadusu.
19 On that Sunday evening [we] disciples gathered together. The doors were locked {[We] locked the doors} because we were afraid that [the Jewish leaders] [SYN] [might arrest us. Suddenly] Jesus appeared [miraculously] and stood among us! He said to us, “May God give you [inner] peace!”
He gaalas wooga Omarss Yesussa kaallizayti Ayhudata dannatas babidii kare ba bolla goordidi keeththa giidon shiqoon dishshin karey dooyetoontta Yesussay iza kaallizayti shiqii diza keeththa gellidees. Istta gidoon eqqidii “Saaroy intes giidoo!” gides.
20 After he said that, he showed us [the wounds in] his hands and his side. We were very happy when we saw the Lord!
Hessa gi smmidi ba kushshistane ba miiye istta beesides. Iza kaallizaytika goda beeydii keezi uhaaththaa7etida.
21 Jesus said to us again, “May God give you peace! Just like [my] Father sent me, now I am sending you [to proclaim my message].”
Hessafe guye qasseka Yesussay istta “intes saaroy gido! ta aaway tana kittda mala taka intena kittays” gides.
22 After saying that, he breathed on us and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit!
Hessa gi simmidi istta bolla uuhaaththau gidi “inte Xiiloo Ayana ekkite.
23 If you forgive people for their having sinned, [God will already] have forgiven them. If you do not forgive them, [God] has not forgiven them.”
Inte asa nagara atto gikko isttas atto geteettana, inte asa nagara attoo gontta ixxiko qass isttas attoo geteteena” gides.
24 One of us disciples, Thomas, the one whom we called The Twin, was not with us when Jesus appeared to us.
Yesussay bena kaallizaytako yida wode tammane namm7istape issay Didimossa geteetiiza Toomassy isttara denna.
25 When the rest of us told him that we had seen the Lord, he said to us, “If I do not see the marks of the nails in his hands and put my fingers in the place where the nails were, and put my hands into the place in his side [where the soldier thrust the spear], I will certainly not believe [that he was the one you saw]!”
Hessa gish hankko Yseussa kaallizayti Toomassa “Nu Goda beeydooskko” gida. Toomassay qass “Miismmaren cadeetida iza kushshista ta ta ayfeera beeyoontta dahshene qasseka ta birdhdhe miismmarey gelidason gelitha xeelontta dashshene ta kushshe iza miiye maddunththan gelththa xeelontta dashshe ammanikke” gides.
26 A week later we were in [the house] again. This time Thomas was with us. Although the doors had been locked {[we] had locked the doors}, Jesus [again] appeared [miraculously] and stood among us. He said, “May God give peace to you!”
Hessafe kaallin osppun gaalasafe guye iza kaallizayti qasseka keeththa gidoon dishshin Tommssayka isttara isife dishshin kareyka goordana dishshin Yesussay yiidi istta gidoon eqqidi “s saarotethth intes gido” gides.
27 Then he [showed] Thomas [his hands] and said to him, “Put your finger here! Look at [the wounds in] my hands! Reach out your hand and put it in [the wound in] my side! Stop doubting [LIT/DOU]! Instead, believe [that I am alive again]!”
Hessafe guye Toomassa “Ne biradhdhe ha ehada ta kushshista beeya. Ne kushshe ha ehada ta miiyeen gelitha ammana attin ammanonttade gidoopa” gides.
28 Thomas answered him, “[You are truly] my Lord and my God!”
Toomassay “Ta Godoo! Ta Xoosso!” gides.
29 Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed [that about me]. But God [is truly] pleased with those who have believed [that about me], even though they have not seen me!”
Yesussayka Toomassa “Neni tana beeyda gish ammanddassa, tana beeyoontta ammanizayti gidiko istti galateetidayta” gides.
30 [We] disciples saw Jesus perform many other miracles, but [I] have not written about them in this book.
Hayssa maaxfan xaafetontta daroo malatata bena kaallizayta sinththan Yesussay oththides.
31 But these [that I have written about, I] have written about them in order that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, (the Son of God/the man who is also God), and in order that you may have [eternal] life [by trusting] (in him/ in what he [has done for you]) [MTY].
Gido attin Yesussay ha yana kittetida Xoossa nay iza gididaysa inte errana malane ammanidi inte iza sunththan deyoo demana mala haysi xaafettdes.

< John 20 >