< John 19 >
1 Then Pilate took Jesus [inside and had soldiers] (scourge Jesus/strike Jesus with a whip that had pieces of metal or bone fastened to it).
Maka Pilatus menyuruh para tentaranya membawa Yesus untuk dicambuk. Mereka membawa Dia masuk ke bagian istana yang berfungsi sebagai markas tentara.
2 The soldiers also took [some branches with] thorns and wove them to make [something like] a crown. Then they put it on his head. They also put a purple robe on him. [They did these things to ridicule him by pretending that he was a king].
Sesudah mencambuki Dia, mereka mulai mengejek-Nya, karena ada yang menyebut Yesus sebagai raja Yahudi. Mereka memahkotai Dia dengan mahkota berduri yang mereka buat dari ranting-ranting tumbuhan merambat yang berduri. Mereka juga memakaikan baju berwarna ungu kepada Yesus,
3 Then they kept coming to him and saying, “Hooray for the King of the Jews [IRO]!” and slapping him [on his face].
lalu berkata kepada-Nya berulang kali, “Hormat bagimu, raja orang Yahudi!” Dan mereka bergantian menampar muka-Nya.
4 Once more Pilate came outside and said to the crowd, “Look! I am bringing him out to you so that you may know that I do not find that he has done anything for which we should punish him [any more].”
Kemudian Pilatus keluar dari istananya lagi dan berkata kepada para pemimpin Yahudi dan orang banyak yang sudah terkumpul di situ, “Lihat, saya membawa orang ini ke luar kepada kalian. Saya mau supaya kalian tahu bahwa saya sama sekali tidak menemukan kesalahan apa pun pada orang ini.”
5 When Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, Pilate said to them, “Look at this [wretched] man!”
Lalu Yesus keluar dengan masih memakai mahkota duri dan baju ungu tadi. Pilatus berkata kepada mereka, “Inilah dia!”
6 When the chief priests and Temple guards saw him, they shouted, “Command your soldiers to kill him by nailing him to a cross! Crucify him!” Pilate, [knowing that they could not legally do it themselves], said to them, “You yourselves take him and nail him to a cross! As for me, I do not find that he has done anything for which we should punish him.”
Begitu para imam kepala dan penjaga rumah Allah melihat Yesus, mereka berteriak-teriak, “Salibkan dia! Salibkan dia!” Tetapi Pilatus berkata kepada mereka, “Kalau begitu bawa dia dan salibkanlah sendiri, karena saya tidak menemukan kesalahan apa pun padanya!”
7 The Jewish [leaders] [SYN] replied, “[Our ancestor Moses gave us] the law that says we must kill anyone [who claims to be God]. This man claims that he is (the Son of/the man who is also) God, [so you must have him killed] {[command your soldiers to kill him]}.”
Jawab orang-orang Yahudi itu, “Menurut hukum kami, dia harus dihukum mati karena sudah mengaku-ngaku sebagai Anak Allah.”
8 When Pilate heard that, he was more afraid [of what would happen to himself if he commanded the soldiers to kill Jesus].
Mendengar perkataan mereka itu, Pilatus semakin takut.
9 So he [took Jesus] back inside the headquarters. He said to Jesus, “Where do you [really] come from?” But Jesus did not answer him.
Jadi dia kembali ke dalam istana dan menyuruh agar Yesus dibawa masuk. Kemudian dia bertanya kepada-Nya, “Kamu berasal dari mana?” Tetapi Yesus tidak menjawab.
10 So Pilate said to him, “Are you refusing to answer me? Do you not know that I have authority to release you, and I [also] have authority to [have] you crucified {command my soldiers to crucify you}?”
Lalu Pilatus berkata, “Kenapa kamu diam?! Apakah kamu tidak tahu bahwa saya mempunyai kuasa untuk membebaskanmu dan juga untuk menyalibkan kamu?”
11 Jesus replied, “The only authority you have is what has been given to you by God [MTY] {what God [MTY] has given you}. The [high priest] put me into your hands. [He has done to me what he wanted to do, and you do not really want to do it]. So he is guilty of committing a greater sin than you are.”
Yesus menjawab, “Kuasa yang kamu miliki atas diri-Ku itu hanya karena Allah yang memberikannya kepadamu. Kalau tidak demikian, kamu tidak mempunyai kuasa apa-apa atas Aku. Karena itulah orang yang menyerahkan Aku kepadamu sudah melakukan dosa yang lebih besar daripada dosa yang akan kamu lakukan ketika kamu menjatuhkan hukuman pada-Ku.”
12 Because of that, Pilate kept trying to release Jesus. But the Jewish [leaders][SYN], [threatening to report to the Emperor that Pilate was not going to punish a man who claimed he was a king], continued to shout, “Anyone who claims that he is a king is opposing the Emperor! So if you release this man, [we will make sure that] the Emperor [learns about it, and then he will not consider you as] his friend!”
Mendengar itu, Pilatus berusaha membebaskan Yesus. Tetapi para pemimpin Yahudi berteriak, “Orang yang mengaku sebagai raja berarti melawan raja tertinggi di Roma. Kalau engkau membebaskan dia, berarti engkau juga melawan raja tertinggi!”
13 When Pilate heard that, he brought Jesus out again. He sat down at the place where he made decisions [about punishing people]. The place was called {People called it} The Stone Pavement. In the Aramaic language its name was Gabbatha.
Mendengar perkataan itu, Pilatus menyuruh supaya Yesus dibawa keluar, lalu dia duduk di kursi pengadilan. Tempat itu disebut Lantai Batu, dan dalam bahasa Ibrani disebut Gabata.
14 It was almost noontime, on the day that they prepared [things for] the Passover [celebration] (OR, the day before the [Sabbath during] the Passover [celebration]). Pilate said to the Jewish [leaders] [SYN], [ridiculing them], “Look at your king!”
Waktu itu kira-kira tengah hari, dan ternyata hari itu adalah hari persiapan sebelum hari terpenting dalam perayaan Paskah. Di sana Pilatus mengejek para pemimpin Yahudi dengan berkata, “Lihatlah raja kalian ini!”
15 They shouted, “Take him away! Take him away! [Have] him crucified {Command your soldiers to nail him to a cross}!” Pilate said to them, “[He is] your king! Do you really want me to [tell my soldiers to] nail him to a cross?” The chief priests replied, “The Emperor is our king! We do not have any other king!”
Lalu mereka berteriak, “Lenyapkanlah dia! Lenyapkan dia! Salibkan dia!” Pilatus berkata lagi kepada mereka, “Apakah kalian mau saya menyalibkan raja kalian?” Para imam kepala menjawab, “Kami tidak mempunyai raja yang lain selain raja tertinggi di Roma!”
16 Then [at last] Pilate agreed to do [what they wanted, and he told the soldiers] to crucify Jesus. John 19:16b-24 Then the soldiers took Jesus away.
Akhirnya Pilatus mengikuti kemauan mereka dan menyerahkan Yesus kepada tentara-tentaranya untuk disalibkan. Lalu mereka menggiring Dia
17 [As they left], he himself was carrying the cross [on which they were going to nail him]. They went to a place called The Place of a Skull. In the Aramaic language it is called {they call it} Golgotha.
ke tempat yang bernama Tempat Tengkorak, dan dalam bahasa Ibrani disebut Golgota. Ke sana Yesus berjalan sambil memikul salib-Nya sendiri.
18 There, [after removing most of his clothes], the soldiers nailed him to the cross. They also [nailed] two other [criminals to crosses]. There was one on each side, and Jesus was in the middle.
Di situlah mereka menyalibkan Dia. Bersama Yesus, disalibkan juga dua orang penjahat di sebelah kanan dan kiri-Nya. Jadi salib Yesus berada di tengah-tengah.
19 Pilate also [had them] write [on a board] a notice [that stated why they were executing him], and fasten it to the cross. But all they wrote was ‘Jesus from Nazareth, the King of the Jews’.
Pilatus sudah menyuruh untuk memasang pada salib Yesus suatu papan yang bertuliskan “Yesus orang Nazaret, raja orang Yahudi”— sebagai keterangan alasan Dia dihukum mati.
20 Many Jews were [able to] read this sign, because the place where Jesus was nailed {where they nailed Jesus} to the cross was very close to [Jerusalem, where many people had come for the celebration], and because it was written {they wrote it} in three languages: Hebrew, Latin, and Greek.
Banyak orang Yahudi membaca tulisan itu karena tempat Yesus disalibkan tidak jauh dari kota. Keterangan itu ditulis dalam tiga bahasa, yaitu Ibrani, Yunani, dan Latin.
21 So the Jewish priests went back to Pilate and protested, saying to him, “Change what they have written from ‘The King of the Jews’ to ‘This man said that he is the King of the Jews’!”
Lalu para imam kepala protes kepada Pilatus, “Suruhlah mereka mengganti tulisan itu! Jangan ‘Raja orang Yahudi.’ Tetapi harus seperti ini: ‘Orang yang mengaku, saya raja orang Yahudi.’”
22 Pilate replied, “What I [told them to] write is what they have written, [and I] will not [change it].”
Tetapi Pilatus menjawab, “Apa yang sudah saya perintahkan untuk ditulis tidak akan saya ubah!”
23 After the soldiers nailed Jesus to the cross, they took his clothes and divided them into four parts, one part for each soldier. But they kept his cloak [separate]. This cloak was without seam, woven [from top to bottom], one piece of cloth.
Yesus disalibkan oleh empat orang tentara. Lalu mereka membagi-bagi pakaian-Nya di antara mereka, dan masing-masing mendapat sebagian. Jubah-Nya panjang tanpa ada sambungan jahitan, karena ditenun dari atas ke bawah.
24 So they said to each other, “Let’s not tear it. Instead, let’s [decide] ([by] throwing lots/[by] gambling) who will get it.” So that is what the soldiers did. As a result, these words were fulfilled {they fulfilled these words} that [the Psalmist had written] in Scripture, They divided [most of] my clothes among themselves. They cast lots for [one piece of] my clothing.
Oleh sebab itu mereka berkata satu sama lain, “Jangan kita robek-robek jubah ini. Kita buang undi saja untuk menentukan siapa yang akan mendapatkannya.” Maka terjadilah tepat seperti apa yang ditetapkan Allah, supaya ditepati apa yang sudah tertulis dalam Kitab Suci, “Mereka akan membagi-bagikan pakaian-Ku di antara mereka, dan mereka membuang undi untuk menentukan siapa yang akan mendapatkan jubah-Ku.” Tanpa sadar, para tentara itu sudah melakukan tepat seperti Firman TUHAN ini.
25 Near the cross where [they had nailed] Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the [wife] of Clopas, and [another] Mary, the woman from Magdala [village].
Ibu Yesus berdiri di dekat salib-Nya. Di situ juga berdiri saudara perempuan ibu-Nya bersama dua Maria yang lain, yaitu istri Klopas dan Maria yang dari kampung Magdala.
26 Jesus saw his mother standing there. He also saw me standing nearby. Then he said to his mother, “This man [will now be like] your son.”
Juga saya (murid Yesus yang sangat dikasihi-Nya) berdiri di situ. Jadi ketika Yesus melihat ibu-Nya dan saya, Dia berkata kepada ibu-Nya, “Lihat, dia itulah anakmu!”
27 And he said to me, “[Treat this] woman as [MET] your mother.” So from that time I took her to my home [and took care of her].
Lalu Yesus berkata kepada saya, “Dia itulah ibumu!” Jadi mulai hari itu saya membawa ibu Yesus tinggal di rumah saya.
28 Later, Jesus knew that everything [that God sent him to do] had now been completed {that he had now completed everything [that God sent him to do]}, [but he knew that something else that was written in] the Scriptures [had] to be fulfilled {[that he had] to fulfill [something else that they had written in] the Scriptures}. So he said, “I am thirsty!”
Ketika Yesus tahu bahwa Dia sudah selesai menjalankan semua tugas-Nya, maka sesuai dengan apa yang tertulis dalam Firman Allah Dia berkata, “Aku haus.”
29 There was a jar of sour wine there. So [someone took] a stalk of [a plant called] hyssop and [fastened] a sponge [to it. Then] he dipped [the sponge into the wine and] lifted it up to Jesus’ lips.
Di situ ada wadah yang penuh berisi air anggur asam. Waktu mereka mendengar ucapan Yesus itu, salah seorang yang ada di sana memasang sesuatu seperti spons pada ujung sebatang hisop, lalu mencelupkannya ke dalam anggur itu dan mengulurkannya ke mulut Yesus supaya Dia bisa mengecap.
30 When Jesus tasted the sour wine, he shouted, “[I] have finished [all that I came to do]!” Then he bowed his head and (died/handed over his spirit [to God]).
Setelah mengecap sedikit dari anggur asam itu, Dia berkata, “Sudah selesai.” Kemudian Yesus menundukkan kepala-Nya dan Dia pun mati.
31 That was the day that they prepared [everything for their] ([Sabbath/day of rest]). The next day was a special day of rest, [because it was the day of rest during the Passover celebration]. The Jewish [leaders] [SYN] did not want the bodies [of the three men] to remain on the cross during their (Sabbath/day of rest) [because leaving bodies hanging overnight would be contrary to their Jewish laws]. So they went to Pilate and asked him [to command that] the legs [of the three men on the crosses] be broken {the [soldiers] to break the legs [of the three men on the crosses]}, [so that they would die quickly]. Then their [bodies] could be taken down [and buried] {someone could take down their bodies [and bury them]}.
Hari itu adalah hari persiapan sebelum tiba hari Sabat yang istimewa dalam perayaan Paskah. Para pemimpin Yahudi tidak mau ada orang yang masih tergantung di kayu salib pada hari Sabat istimewa itu. Maka mereka memohon kepada Pilatus supaya kaki ketiga orang yang disalib itu dipatahkan agar mereka segera mati, dan mayat mereka bisa segera diturunkan sebelum malam tiba.
32 So, [after Pilate agreed], the soldiers went and broke the legs of the first man whom they had nailed on a cross near Jesus. Then they broke the legs of the second man.
Jadi para tentara mematahkan kaki kedua orang yang disalibkan di sebelah kiri dan kanan Yesus.
33 But when they came to Jesus, they saw that he was dead already. So they did not break his legs.
Ketika hendak mematahkan kaki Yesus, mereka melihat Dia sudah mati. Karena itu mereka tidak mematahkan kaki-Nya.
34 Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear [to make sure that Jesus was dead]. Immediately blood [clots] and [other] liquid flowed out, [which showed that Jesus was really dead].
Tetapi salah satu dari mereka menikam lambung-Nya dengan tombak. Seketika darah dan air pun mengucur dari luka tombak itu.
35 I, [John], saw this myself, and what I am writing is true. I [know that] I am telling the truth, and I am saying this in order that you may believe [in] (OR, [my testimony about]) [Jesus].
(Saya yang menulis buku ini melihat hal itu dengan mata kepala saya sendiri, dan saya tahu bahwa hal itu benar-benar terjadi. Saya menuliskan kesaksian saya ini supaya kalian semua juga percaya.)
36 These things happened in order that these words would be fulfilled {to fulfill these words} [that are written in] Scripture: “Not one of his bones will be broken {No one will break any of his bones}.”
Maka terjadilah tepat seperti apa yang ditetapkan Allah, supaya ditepati apa yang sudah tertulis dalam Kitab Suci, “Tidak ada tulang-Nya yang akan dipatahkan.”
37 And [they fulfilled] another Scripture passage [that has these words]: ‘They will look on the one whom they have pierced’.
Tindakan para tentara itu juga sesuai dengan ayat lain yang berkata, “Mereka akan memandang kepada Dia yang sudah mereka tikam.”
38 Later, Joseph, from Arimathea [town, went to Pilate and] asked Pilate [to allow him] to take Jesus’ body [down from the cross]. Joseph was a disciple of Jesus, but he did not tell anyone that, because he was afraid of the [other] Jewish [leaders] [SYN]. Pilate permitted him to take Jesus’ body, so he went, along [with others], and they took Jesus’ body [down from the cross].
Sesudah itu, seseorang bernama Yusuf datang memohon kepada Pilatus untuk diizinkan mengubur mayat Yesus. (Yusuf ini berasal dari kampung Arimatea. Dia adalah pengikut Yesus, tetapi tidak secara terang-terangan, sebab dia takut kepada para pemimpin Yahudi.) Setelah mendapat izin Pilatus, dia bersama beberapa orang lain datang dan membawa mayat Yesus.
39 Nicodemus was one of them. He was the man who previously went to visit Jesus at night. Nicodemus bought an [expensive] mixture of myrrh and aloe [spices to put on the body]. It weighed about (75 pounds/35 kilograms).
Nikodemus, yang dulu pernah datang menemui Yesus pada malam hari, juga ikut membantu Yusuf. Nikodemus membawa ramuan berbau harum, yaitu campuran mur dan gaharu, yang beratnya lebih dari tiga puluh kilogram.
40 They took the body of Jesus and wrapped strips of linen cloth around it, putting the spices in with the strips of cloth. They did this according to the Jewish customs [about burying bodies in tombs].
Mereka mengambil mayat Yesus dan membungkusnya dengan kain halus beserta ramuan itu, sesuai dengan tradisi Yahudi dalam menguburkan jenazah.
41 Close to the place where Jesus was crucified {where they nailed Jesus to the cross} there was a grove [of trees], and [at the edge of] that grove was a new burial cave. Nobody had ever been put in that cave [previously].
Di dekat tempat Yesus disalib ada sebuah taman. Di taman itu sudah dibuat sebuah lubang di sisi bukit batu yang disiapkan menjadi kuburan dan belum pernah dipakai.
42 The Jewish day of rest would start [at sunset, and they had to finish burying his body before then]. So, since that cave was nearby, they laid Jesus’ body there [and rolled a huge stone in front of the entrance].
Karena matahari nyaris terbenam dan malam Sabat sudah hampir tiba, mereka membaringkan mayat Yesus di dalam kuburan itu.