< John 17 >
1 After Jesus said those things, he looked [up] toward heaven. Then he prayed, “[My] Father, it is now the time [MTY] [for me to suffer and die]. Honor me [as I do that], in order that I may honor you.
Kui Jeesus need sõnad oli öelnud, vaatas ta üles taeva poole ja ütles: „Isa, aeg on käes. Austa oma Poega, et Poeg võiks austada sind.
2 You gave me authority over all people, in order that I might enable all those whom you chose [to come] to me to live eternally. (aiōnios )
Sest sina andsid talle mõjuvõimu kõigi inimeste üle, et ta võiks anda igavese elu kõigile neile, kelle sa oled temale andnud. (aiōnios )
3 [The way for people] to live eternally is for them to know that you are the only true God, and to know that [I], Jesus, am the Messiah, the one you have sent. (aiōnios )
Igavene elu on see: tunda sind, ainsat tõelist Jumalat, ja Jeesust Kristust, kelle sa läkitasid. (aiōnios )
4 I have honored you here on this earth by completing all the work that you gave me to do.
Olen austanud sind siin maa peal ja lõpetanud töö, mille sa andsid mulle teha.
5 [My] Father, now honor me when I am with you [again], by causing me to have the greatness I had when I was with you before the world began.”
Nüüd, Isa, austa mind oma ligiolus auga, mis mul oli sinu juures enne maailma algust.
6 “I have revealed [what] you [are like] to the people whom you brought to me from among those who do not belong to you [MTY]. Those [who came to me] belonged to you, and you brought them to me. Now they have obeyed your message.
Ma olen ilmutanud sinu iseloomu neile, kelle sa mulle maailmast andsid. Nad kuulusid sulle; sina andsid nad mulle, ja nad on teinud, mida sa ütlesid.
7 Now they know that everything you have given me, [your message and your work], comes from you.
Nüüd nad teavad, et kõik, mille sa oled mulle andnud, on sinult pärit.
8 I gave them the message that you gave me, and they have accepted it. They now know for certain that I came from you. They now believe that you sent me.
Olen andnud neile sõnumi, mille sina mulle andsid. Nad võtsid selle vastu, nad veendusid täielikult, et ma olen sinu juurest tulnud, ning nad usuvad, et sina läkitasid mu.
9 I am praying for them. I am not praying for those [who do not belong to you] [MTY]. Instead, [I am praying] for those whom you have brought to me, because they belong to you.
Ma palvetan nende pärast; mitte maailma pärast, vaid nende pärast, kelle sa mulle andsid, sest nad on sinu omad.
10 All [the disciples] that I have belong to you, and all those who belong to you also belong to me. They have shown how great I am.
Kõik, kes kuuluvad mulle, on sinu omad, ja need, kes kuuluvad sulle, on minu omad, ning ma olen nende kaudu austatud.
11 I will not be [staying] in the world any longer. I will be coming back to you. They, however, will be [here] in the world [among those who are opposed to you]. [My] Holy Father, protect them from spiritual harm by your power [MTY], the power that you gave me, in order that they may be united as we are united.
Ma lahkun maailmast, kuid nemad jäävad maailma; ma tulen sinu juurde. Püha Isa, kaitse neid enda nimel, mille sa mulle andsid, et nad võiksid olla üks, nagu meie oleme üks.
12 While I have been with them, I have [completely] protected them by the power [MTY] that you gave me. As a result, only one of them will be eternally separated from you. He is the one who was doomed to be eternally separated from you. [That has happened] to fulfill [what a prophet wrote] in the Scriptures [would happen].
Sel ajal, kui ma olin nende juures, kaitsesin ma neid sinu nimel, mille sa mulle andsid. Ma valvasin nende üle, nii et ükski neist ei läinud kaotsi, välja arvatud hukule määratu, nii et Pühakiri läks täide.
13 [Father], now I am about to return to you. I have said these things while I am still [here] in the world in order that my [disciples] may fully experience being joyful, as I have been joyful.
Nüüd ma tulen sinu juurde; ma räägin seda kõike ajal, mil olen veel siin maailmas, et nad võiksid täielikult minu rõõmust osa saada.
14 I have given them your message. As a result, those who are opposed to you [MTY] have hated them, because [my disciples] do not belong to those who oppose you [MTY], just like I do not belong to those who oppose you [MTY].
Ma andsin neile sinu sõnumi ja maailm vihkab neid sellepärast, et nad ei ole maailmast, nagu minagi ei ole maailmast.
15 I am asking you, not that you take them out of this world, but instead that you protect them from [Satan], the evil one.
Ma ei palu, et sa võtaksid nad maailmast ära, vaid et sa kaitseksid neid kurja eest.
16 They do not belong to those who are opposed to you [MTY], just like I also do not belong to them.
Nad ei ole maailmast, nagu minagi ei ole maailmast.
17 Set [my disciples] apart so that they may (completely belong to/serve) you, by [enabling them to live in accordance with] what is true. Your message is true.
Pühitse neid tões − sinu sõna on tõde.
18 Just like you sent me here into this world, now I surely will be sending them [to other places] in [MTY] the world.
Samamoodi nagu sina läkitasid mu maailma, läkitan mina nemad maailma.
19 I dedicate myself to completely belong to you, in order that they also may truly be dedicated {dedicate themselves} completely to you.”
Ma pühitsen end nende eest, et ka nemad võiksid olla tõeliselt pühad.
20 “I am praying not only for these [eleven disciples]. I am praying also for those who [will] believe in me as a result of [hearing] their message.
Ma ei palveta üksnes nende eest, vaid ma palun ka nende eest, kes nende kuulutuse tõttu minusse usuvad.
21 [My] Father, [I want] all of them to be united, just like I am united with you because of my relationship with you, and as you are united with me because of your relationship with me. I also want them to be united with us. [I want that to happen] so that those who do not know you [MTY] may know that you sent me.
Ma palun, et nad kõik võiksid olla üks, just nagu sina, Isa, elad minus, ja mina elan sinus, et ka nemad võiksid meis elada, nii et maailma usuks, et sina läkitasid mu.
22 I have honored my disciples just like you honored me, in order that they may be united, as we are united.
Olen andnud neile au, mille sa andsid mulle, et nad võiksid olla üks, nagu meie oleme üks.
23 I want them to be united just like they are united with me and as you are united with me. May they be completely united, in order that those who do not belong to you [MTY] may know that you sent me and that you have loved them just like you have loved me.
Mina elan neis ja sina elad minus. Et nad võiksid olla täielikult üks, nii et kogu maailm teaks, et sina läkitasid mu, ja et sa armastad neid, nagu sa armastad mind.
24 [My] Father, I want [the disciples] you have brought to me to [some day] be with me [in heaven], where I will be. I want them to see my greatness. I want them to see the greatness you gave me because you loved me. You gave me that greatness before you created the world.
Isa, ma tahan, et need, kelle sa oled mulle andnud, oleksid koos minuga seal, kus olen mina, et nad näeksid au, mille sa oled mulle andnud, sest sa armastasid mind enne maailma loomist.
25 [My] righteous Father, although the people who do not belong to you [MTY] do not know what you [are like], I know what you [are like], and my disciples know that you sent me.
Hea Isa, maailm ei tunne sind, aga mina tunnen sind, ja nemad siin minu juures teavad, et sina mu läkitasid.
26 I have revealed to them [what] you [are like], and I will continue to reveal to them [what] you [are like]. I will do that in order that they may love [others] just like you love me, and in order that I may be in them [by my Spirit].”
Ma olen ilmutanud neile sinu iseloomu ja näitan seda jätkuvalt, et armastus, mis sul on minu vastu, oleks neis, ja mina elaksin neis.“