< John 13 >
1 When it was the evening before the Passover celebration, Jesus knew that it was time for him to leave this world and [to return] to [his] Father [in heaven]. He loved us who [were his disciples]. He knew [we would continue to live here] in this world, so now he [showed us] how completely he loved us.
A-raok gouel ar Pask, Jezuz, oc'h anavezout e oa deuet e eur evit tremen eus ar bed-mañ d'an Tad, evel m'en devoa karet e re a oa er bed, o c'haras betek ar fin.
2 We were eating [the Passover meal]. (The devil/Satan) had already suggested to Judas Iscariot (OR, Judas, the man from Kerioth [Town]), the son of Simon, that he should (betray Jesus/enable Jesus’ enemies to seize him).
Ha da goulz koan (an diaoul o vezañ lakaet e kalon Judaz Iskariod, mab Simon, e werzhañ),
3 But Jesus knew that his Father had given to him complete authority [to control the situation]. He knew that he had come from God and would soon return to God.
Jezuz, oc'h anavezout en devoa an Tad lakaet pep tra etre e zaouarn, hag e oa deuet eus Doue, hag e tistroe da Zoue,
4 [But before he left us, he wanted to show us how we should love each other]. [So] he got up from where he was eating. He took off his [outer] cloak and wrapped a [long] towel around his waist, [as a slave would do].
a savas diouzh koan, a lamas e vantell, hag o vezañ kemeret ul lienenn, en em c'hourizas ganti.
5 Then he poured some water in a basin. He began to wash our feet, and then dry them with the towel that he had wrapped around himself.
Goude-se e lakaas dour en ur billig, hag en em lakaas da walc'hiñ treid e ziskibien, ha d'o zorchañ gant al lienenn a oa en-dro dezhañ.
6 When he came to Simon Peter, Peter said to him, “Lord, it is not right for you [RHQ] to [humble yourself by] washing my feet!”
Dont a reas eta da Simon-Pêr, hag hemañ a lavaras dezhañ: Te, Aotrou, te a walc'hfe din va zreid!
7 Jesus replied to him, “Now you do not understand [the meaning of] what I am doing, but you will understand later.”
Jezuz a respontas hag a lavaras dezhañ: Te n'ouzout ket bremañ ar pezh a ran; met e c'houzout a ri diwezhatoc'h.
8 Peter said, “I will never, ever, [allow you to] wash my feet!” Jesus replied to him, “If I do not wash you, you cannot continue (to be my [disciple/to belong to] me).” (aiōn )
Pêr a lavaras dezhañ: Biken ne walc'hi din va zreid. Jezuz a respontas dezhañ: Ma ne walc'han ket ac'hanout, ne'z po ket a lod ganin. (aiōn )
9 So Simon Peter said to him, “Lord, [in that case], do not wash only my feet. Wash my hands and my head, [too]!”
Neuze Simon-Pêr a lavaras dezhañ: Aotrou, nann hepken va zreid, met ivez va daouarn ha va fenn.
10 [Then, to show him that after God had cleansed people from being guilty for sin, they needed only for God to forgive their daily sins] [MET], Jesus said to him, “Those who have recently bathed need only to have their feet washed, [because they get dirty very quickly on the dusty roads]. The [rest of their bodies are] clean. Similarly, I have made you [disciples] free/clean [from the guilt of your sins], although not all of you are free from guilt.”
Jezuz a lavaras dezhañ: An hini a zo bet gwalc'het en deus ezhomm e vefe gwalc'het dezhañ e zreid hepken, hag emañ glan penn-da- benn. Ha c'hwi a zo glan, met n'oc'h ket holl.
11 He knew which one [of us] was going to betray him. That is the reason he said, “Not all of you are free from guilt.”
Rak gouzout a rae piv oa an hini a werzhje anezhañ; abalamour da-se e lavaras: C'hwi n'oc'h ket glan holl.
12 After he finished washing our feet, he put his cloak back on. Then he sat down and said to us, “Do you understand what I have done for you?
Goude eta m'en devoa gwalc'het dezho o zreid, ha m'en devoa adkemeret e vantell, o vezañ en em lakaet ouzh taol, e lavaras dezho: Ha gouzout a rit ar pezh am eus graet deoc'h?
13 You [show that you respect me by] calling me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord’. You are right to say that, because I am your teacher and your Lord.
Va c'hervel a rit Mestr hag Aotrou, ha gwir a lavarit, rak bez' ez on.
14 But if I, who am your teacher and your Lord, have washed your feet, you ought to [serve each other by doing things like] washing each other’s feet.
Mar em eus eta gwalc'het deoc'h ho treid, me an Aotrou hag ar Mestr, c'hwi a dle ivez gwalc'hiñ ho treid an eil d'egile.
15 I have made myself an example for you in order that you should [humbly serve each other] as I have done for you.
Rak roet em eus deoc'h ur skouer, abalamour ma reot evel ma em eus graet deoc'h.
16 Listen to this carefully: A servant is not greater than his master. A messenger is not greater than the one who has sent him. [So, since you are not greater than I am, you should not be proud and unwilling to serve each other].
E gwirionez, e gwirionez, me a lavar deoc'h, ar servijer n'eo ket brasoc'h eget e vestr, nag an hini kaset brasoc'h eget an hini en deus e gaset.
17 Since you now know these things, [God will] be pleased with you if you do them.”
Mar gouzoc'h an traoù-se, ez oc'h eürus, mar sentit outo.
18 “I am not saying that [God will bless] all of you. I knew [what all of you were like when] I chose you. But [I also chose the one who will betray me], in order that what is written in Scripture might be fulfilled {to fulfill what someone/the psalmist wrote in Scripture}, ‘The one who is [acting like he is my friend by] eating with me has become my enemy [IDM].’
Ne gomzan ket ac'hanoc'h holl; gouzout a ran ar re am eus choazet. Met ret eo d'ar Skritur bezañ peurc'hraet: An hini a zebr bara ganin en deus savet e droad em enep.
19 I am telling you [about someone betraying me] before it happens, in order that when it happens, you may continue to believe that I am ([the Messiah/who I say I am]).
Me en lavar deoc'h adalek bremañ, a-raok ma'c'h erruo an dra, abalamour, pa vo erruet, e kredot ar pezh emaon.
20 Listen to this carefully: Those who accept any one of you whom I am sending out, [God will consider that] they are accepting me. And those who accept me, [God will consider that] they are accepting [my Father], who sent me.”
E gwirionez, e gwirionez, me a lavar deoc'h: an hini a zegemer an hini am bo kaset, a zegemer ac'hanon; hag an hini a zegemer ac'hanon, a zegemer an hini en deus va c'haset.
21 After Jesus said this, he was very troubled. He solemnly declared, “Listen to this carefully: One of you is going to enable [my enemies] to seize me.”
P'en devoe Jezuz lavaret kement-se, e voe poaniet en e spered, hag e roas an testeni-mañ: E gwirionez, e gwirionez, me a lavar deoc'h, unan ac'hanoc'h am gwerzho.
22 We looked at each other. We had no way [to know] whom he was talking about.
Hag an diskibien a selle an eil ouzh egile, o vezañ ne ouient ket a biv eo e komze.
23 [I], the [man other people call] ‘the one Jesus loved’, was sitting very close to Jesus.
Met, unan anezho, an hini a oa karet gant Jezuz, a oa kousket ouzh taol war-zu askre Jezuz.
24 Simon Peter motioned to me to indicate that I should ask Jesus whom he was talking about.
Simon-Pêr a reas sin dezhañ da c'houlenn eus piv e komze.
25 So I leaned close to Jesus and asked him, “Lord, who is it?”
Eñ, o vezañ pleget a-us kerc'henn Jezuz, a lavaras dezhañ: Aotrou! Piv eo?
26 Jesus answered, “It is the one to whom I will give this piece of bread after I dip it [in the sauce in the dish].” Then, [to show us that he knew who would enable his enemies to seize him], after he dipped the bread [in the sauce], he gave it to Judas Iscariot (OR, Judas, the man from Kerioth [Town]).
Jezuz a respontas: An hini a roin dezhañ un tamm soubet. Hag, o vezañ soubet un tamm, e roas anezhañ da Judaz Iskariod, mab Simon.
27 As soon as [Judas ate] the bread, Satan took control of him. Then Jesus said to him, “What you are going to do, do quickly.”
Ha goude m'en devoe Judaz kemeret an tamm, Satan a yeas ennañ. Jezuz a lavaras dezhañ: Gra raktal ar pezh ac'h eus d'ober.
28 But none of the rest of us who were sitting there knew why Jesus said that to him.
Met hini ebet eus ar re a oa ouzh taol ne gomprenas perak en devoa lavaret kement-se dezhañ.
29 Since Judas took care of the money [people gave us to help us], some thought Jesus was telling him to [go and] buy some things we needed for the [Passover] celebration. [Some thought he was telling him] to give some money to poor people.
Rak hiniennoù a soñje penaos, evel ma oa ar yalc'h gant Judaz, en devoa Jezuz lavaret dezhañ: Pren ar pezh hon eus ezhomm evit ar gouel; pe, ro un dra bennak d'ar beorien.
30 As soon as Judas had eaten the bread, he left. It was dark [outside], and it was dark [MET] [in his soul, too].
O vezañ eta kemeret an tamm, Judaz a yeas kuit raktal. Noz e oa.
31 After Judas left, Jesus said, “Now it will be shown {[my Father] will show} how wonderful I, the one who came from heaven, am. And by what I do it will be seen {people will see} how great God is.
Pa voe aet kuit, Jezuz a lavaras: Bremañ, roet eo bet gloar da Vab an den, ha roet eo bet gloar da Zoue ennañ.
32 Since by what I do people will see how awesome God is, God himself will show people how awesome I am. And he will do that very soon.
Mar deo bet roet gloar da Zoue ennañ, Doue a roio gloar dezhañ ivez ennañ e-unan, hag e roio gloar dezhañ prest.
33 [You whom I love as though you were] my children, I will continue with you only a short time longer. Then you will look for me, but I will not be here. Just like I told the Jewish [leaders] [SYN], I am telling you now, that where I am going, you cannot come [yet].
Va bugale vihan, me a zo c'hoazh ganeoc'h evit un nebeut amzer. C'hwi am c'hlasko, hag, evel ma em eus lavaret d'ar Yuzevien, me en lavar deoc'h-hu ivez bremañ: E-lec'h ma'z an, ne c'hellit ket dont.
34 Now I am giving you a new commandment: You must love each other. You must love each other in the way that I have loved you.
Reiñ a ran deoc'h ur gourc'hemenn nevez: Ma en em garot an eil egile; evel ma em eus ho karet, ma en em garot ivez an eil egile.
35 If you keep loving each other, everyone [who is aware of that] [HYP] will know that you are my disciples.”
Eus kement-mañ ec'h anavezo an holl penaos oc'h va diskibien, ma hoc'h eus karantez an eil evit egile.
36 Simon Peter said to him, “Lord, where are you going?” Jesus replied, “The place where I am going, you cannot come with me now, but you will come there later.”
Simon-Pêr a lavaras dezhañ: Aotrou, da belec'h ez ez-te? Jezuz a lavaras dezhañ: E-lec'h ma'z an, ne c'hellez ket va heuliañ bremañ; met te am heulio diwezhatoc'h.
37 Peter said, “Lord, why can I not come with you now? I [am ready] to die for you!”
Pêr a lavaras dezhañ: Aotrou, perak ne c'hellan ket da heuliañ bremañ? Me a rofe va buhez evidout-te.
38 Jesus answered, “[You say] [RHQ] that you [are ready] to die for me. But the truth is that before the rooster crows [early tomorrow morning], you will say three times that you do not [know] me!”
Jezuz a respontas dezhañ: Te a rofe da vuhez evidon-me! E gwirionez, e gwirionez, me a lavar dit, ne gano ket ar c'hilhog, na'z po va dinac'het teir gwech.