< John 10 >

1 [Jesus continued by saying to us], “Listen carefully to what I say. Anyone who does not enter [the sheep pen] through the gate, if he climbs in some other way, he is a thief or a bandit.
«Det segjer eg dykk for visst og sant: Den som ikkje gjeng inn i sauekvii gjenom døri, men stig yver ein annan stad, han er ein tjuv og ein røvar;
2 The man who enters [the pen] through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep.
Men den som gjeng inn gjenom døri, er hyrding åt sauerne.
3 The man who watches the gate at [night] opens the gate for him. The sheep recognize the shepherd’s voice. He summons his own sheep by [calling out] the names [he has given] them. Then he leads them outside [the pen].
Honom let dørvaktaren upp åt, og sauerne høyrer målet hans, og han kallar sine sauer på namn, og leider deim ut.
4 After he has brought out all his own [sheep], he goes in front of them. His sheep follow him because they recognize [and pay attention to] his voice.
Når han hev fenge ut alle sauerne sine, gjeng han fyre deim, og sauerne fylgjer honom; for dei kjenner målet hans.
5 But they will never follow a stranger. Instead, they will run away from him, because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.”
Ein framand vilde dei aldri fylgja; dei vilde røma for honom, av di dei ikkje kjenner målet åt dei framande.»
6 Jesus said that [MET] [to illustrate the difference between himself and the Pharisees, who were deceiving the people]. But they did not understand what he was telling them.
Denne likningi fortalde Jesus deim, men dei skyna ikkje kva det var han tala til deim um.
7 So Jesus spoke to them again. He said, “Listen carefully to what I am saying. I am [like] [MET] a gate for the sheep [to enter the sheepfold, because I am the one who allows people to enter God’s presence].
So tala Jesus atter til deim og sagde: «Det segjer eg dykk for visst og sant: Eg er døri som ber inn til sauerne.
8 All of [your religious leaders] who have come previously [without my authority] are [like] [MET] thieves and bandits [because they act violently and dishonestly for their own benefit]. But [just like] sheep do not [obey strangers, God’s people do not] pay attention to them.
Alle dei som er komne fyre meg, er tjuvar og røvarar; men sauerne høyrde ikkje på deim.
9 I am [like] a gate. Those will be saved {[God] will save all those} who come [to God] by [trusting in] me. [Just like sheep] go in and out [through the gate safely] to find pasture [MET], [I will provide for them and protect them].
Eg er døri; den som gjeng inn gjenom meg, skal verta berga, og skal ganga inn og ganga ut og finna beite.
10 Thieves come [to a sheep pen] only to steal or kill or destroy [sheep] [MET]. [Similarly, your religious leaders injure God’s people spiritually]. But I have come in order that people may have [eternal/spiritual] life, and that they may have abundantly [all they need to sustain them spiritually].
Tjuven kjem ikkje for anna enn for di han vilde stela og slagta og øyda; eg er komen for dei skal hava liv og hava nøgdi.
11 I am [like] a good shepherd. A good shepherd [is willing to] die to save the sheep [MET]. [Similarly, I am ready to sacrifice myself to save those who belong to me].
Eg er den gode hyrdingen; den gode hyrdingen set livet sitt til for sauerne.
12 A worker whom someone has hired [to look after the sheep] is not [like] the shepherd or the one who owns the sheep. So when he sees a wolf coming, he leaves the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock of sheep and [seizes one sheep and] causes [the others] to scatter.
Leigekaren, som ikkje er hyrding, og som sauerne ikkje høyrer til, ser ulven koma, men let sauerne vera der dei er, og rømer, og ulven røvar deim og jagar deim frå einannan;
13 The worker runs away because he is [only] a man whom someone has hired. He is not [really] concerned about [what happens to] the sheep [MET]. [Similarly, your religious teachers do not really care what happens to you].
so gjer leigekaren av di han er ein leigekar, og ikkje hev umsut for sauerne.
14 I am [like] a good shepherd. [Just like a good shepherd knows his] sheep [MET], I know those who belong to me, and they know me
Eg er den gode hyrdingen, og eg kjenner mine, og mine kjenner meg,
15 in the same way as [my] Father knows me and I know [my] Father. Furthermore, I am [ready to] sacrifice myself for [those who belong to me].
liksom Faderen kjenner meg, og eg kjenner Faderen; og eg set livet til for sauerne.
16 And I have other people [who are not Jews] who [will some day] belong to me. They will be [like] [MET] sheep from another sheep pen. I must bring them [to God/myself] also. They will pay attention to what I say, and eventually [all those who belong to me] will be [like] one flock, and [I] will be [like] [MET] their one shepherd.
Eg hev andre sauer og, som ikkje høyrer til denne kvii; deim og lyt eg leida, og dei skal lyda røysti mi, og det skal vera ei hjord og ein hyrding.
17 The reason [my] Father loves me is that I will sacrifice my life. But [after I do that], I will become alive again.
Difor er det Far min elskar meg, for di eg set livet mitt til so eg kann taka det att.
18 No one is causing me to die. Instead, I [have chosen to] sacrifice myself. I have authority to sacrifice myself and I have authority to become alive again. That is what my Father has commanded me to do.”
Ingen tek det frå meg, eg set det til av meg sjølv. Eg hev magt til å setja det til, og eg hev magt til å taka det att; det bodet fekk eg av far min.»
19 After hearing these words [that Jesus said], the Jews were divided again.
Um desse ordi var det på nytt skilde meiningar millom jødarne.
20 Many of them said, “A demon is [controlling] him and has caused him to become crazy. (It is useless to listen to him!/Why should we listen to him?) [RHQ]”
Mange av deim sagde: «Han er forgjord, han er frå vitet! Kvi lyder de på honom?»
21 But others said, “What he is saying is not something a man whom a demon is controlling would say. (No demon could enable a blind man to see [like he did!/] How could a demon enable a blind man to see [like he did]?) [RHQ]”
Andre sagde: «Dette er ikkje forgjord manns tale! Kann ei vond ånd opna augo på blinde?»
22 Then it was time for the celebration [to remember when our ancestors] rededicated [the Temple in Jerusalem]. It was in winter.
So høgtida dei tempelvigsle-helgi i Jerusalem. Det var vinter,
23 Jesus was in the Temple [courtyard], walking in [the place that people called King] Solomon’s porch.
og Jesus gjekk ikring i templet i Salomons-halli.
24 The Jewish [leaders] [SYN] gathered around him and said, “How long will you keep us from knowing for sure [if you are the Messiah]? If you are the Messiah, tell us clearly!”
Då flokka jødarne seg rundt ikring honom og sagde til honom: «Kor lenge vil du halda oss i uvissa? Er du Messias, so seg oss det beint ut!»
25 Jesus answered them, “I have told you [that I am the Messiah], but you do not believe me! You should know who I am because of the miracles I do with my Father’s authority [MTY].
Jesus svara: «Eg hev sagt dykk det, og de trur ikkje. Dei verki eg gjer i far min’s namn, dei vitnar um meg,
26 But instead, you do not believe in me because you do not belong to [me. You are like] [MET] sheep [who belong to a different shepherd].
men de trur ikkje, for de høyrer ikkje til mine sauer.
27 [Just like sheep] heed the voice [of their true shepherd] [MET], my [people pay attention to what I say]. I know them, and they have become my disciples.
Mine sauer lyder røysti mi, og eg kjenner deim, og dei fylgjer meg,
28 I will give them eternal life. No one will separate them from me, not ever. No one shall ever pull them away from belonging to me. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
og eg gjev deim eit ævelegt liv; dei skal ikkje i all æve forkomast, og ingen skal riva dei ut or handi mi. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
29 [Those] that my Father has given to me are more precious than anything else (OR, My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than anything that opposes them). So no one can pull them away from belonging to him [MTY].
Far min, som hev gjeve meg deim, er større enn alle, og ingen kann riva deim ut or handi åt Far min.
30 [My] father and I are equal.”
Eg og Faderen er eitt.»
31 The Jewish [leaders] [SYN] again picked up stones to throw at Jesus [and kill him because they were angry at his saying that he was equal with God].
På nytt lag tok jødarne upp steinar og vilde steina honom.
32 But Jesus said to them, “You have seen me perform many miracles that my Father [told me to do. You should realize from seeing them that I am equal with God]. So, because of which of these miracles [IRO] are you wanting to [kill me by] throwing stones at me?”
Då tok Jesus til ords og sagde: «Mange gilde verk hev eg synt dykk frå far min; - kva for eitt av deim er det de steinar meg for?»
33 The Jewish [leaders] [SYN] replied, “We are [wanting to] throw stones at you not because you performed a great miracle. Instead, [we are wanting to do it] because you are dishonoring God. You are just a man, but you are saying that you are God!”
«For eit gildt verk steinar me deg ikkje, » svara jødarne, «men for gudsspotting, for di du som er eit menneskje, gjer deg sjølv til Gud.»
34 Jesus replied to them, “In the Scriptures it is written {([someone/the Psalmist]) has written} [RHQ] [what God said to the rulers whom he had appointed], ‘I have said that you are [like] gods.’
Jesus svara: «Stend det’kje skrive i lovi dykkar: «Eg hev sagt: «De er gudar?»»
35 God said that [to those leaders when he appointed them. No one objected to that]. And nothing that is in Scripture can be set aside {no one can set aside anything that is in Scripture}.
Når no lovi kallar deim som Guds ord kom til, for gudar - og Skrifti kann ikkje gjerast um inkje -
36 But I am the one [my] Father set apart to completely belong to him. He sent me here into this world. So (why are you angry with me for saying that [I am equal with God when I say] that I am the man who is also God?/you should not be angry with me for saying that [I am equal with God when I say] that I am the person who is both God and man!) [RHQ]
segjer då de til den som Faderen hev helga og sendt til verdi: «Du spottar Gud, » for di eg sagde: «Eg er Guds son?»
37 If I were not doing the miracles that my Father [told me to do, I would not expect] you to believe in me.
Gjer eg ikkje verki åt Far min, so tru meg ikkje!
38 But because I perform these miracles, believe [what] these miracles [show about me], even though you do not believe what I [say]. If you do that, then you will know and understand that [my] Father has a close relationship with me, and I have a close relationship with [my] Father.”
Men gjer eg det, so tru verki, um de ikkje trur meg; so skal de skyna og sjå at Faderen er i meg, og eg i honom!»
39 After they heard that, they tried to seize him again, but he got away from them.
Då freista dei atter å gripa honom, men han slapp utor henderne deira.
40 Then Jesus went, along [with us], back across [to the east side of] the Jordan [River]. We went to the place where John was previously baptizing [people]. He/We stayed there [for a few weeks].
So for han attende til hi sida av Jordan, til den staden der Johannes fyrst hadde vore og døypt, og der vart han verande ei tid.
41 Many people came to Jesus. They were saying, “John never performed a miracle, [but this man has performed many miracles]! Everything that John said about this man is true!”
Og kom mange til honom, og dei sagde: «Johannes gjorde fulla ikkje noko teikn, men alt det Johannes sagde um denne mannen, var sant.»
42 Many people [who came] there believed ([that Jesus was the Messiah/that Jesus truly had come from God]).
Og mange trudde på honom der.

< John 10 >