< Joel 1 >

1 [I am] Joel, the son of Pethuel. [This is] a message that Yahweh gave to me.
Shoko raJehovha rakasvika kuna Joere mwanakomana waPetueri.
2 You leaders [of Israel], and everyone else who lives in this country, listen [to this message]! Nothing [RHQ] like this has ever happened during the time that we have lived or the time when our ancestors lived.
Inzwai izvi, imi vakuru; teererai imi mose vagere munyika. Ko, zvakadai zvakamboitika here pamazuva enyu, kana pamazuva amadzitateguru enyu?
3 Tell your children about it, and tell your children to tell it to their children, and tell your grandchildren to tell it to their children.
Zvinhu izvi zviudzei vana venyu, uye vana venyu ngavaudzewo vana vavo, vana vavowo vaudze chizvarwa chinotevera.
4 [I am talking about] the locusts that have eaten our crops. The first swarm of locusts came and cut [many of the leaves of the crops]; then another swarm came and ate [the rest of the leaves], then another swarm came hopping along, and finally another swarm came and they destroyed [everything else].
Zvakasiyiwa nefararira remhashu zvakadyiwa nemhashu dzemagutaguta; zvakasiyiwa nemhashu dzemagutaguta zvakadyiwa negwatagwata; zvakasiyiwa negwatagwata zvakadyiwa nedzimwewo mhashu.
5 You people who are drunk, wake up! Wake up and wail loudly, because all the grapes are ruined, and so there will be no new wine [MTY]!
Mukai imi zvidhakwa, chemai! Ungudzai imi vanwi vewaini; ungudzai nokuda kwewaini itsva, nokuti yabvutwa pamiromo yenyu.
6 [Huge swarms of] locusts have entered our country. [They are like] [MET] a powerful army [that has very many soldiers], [with the result that] no one can count them. The locusts have teeth that are [as sharp as] the teeth of lions [DOU]!
Rudzi rwarwisa nyika yangu, rune simba uye haruverengeki; rune meno eshumba nameno makuru eshumbakadzi.
7 They have destroyed our grapevines and our fig trees [by] stripping off [and eating all] the bark, with the result that the branches are white [and (bare/have no leaves on them)].
Rwakaparadza mizambiringa yangu yose, rukaparadza mionde yangu yose. Rwakasvuura makwati ose emiti, rukaarasira kure, ndokusiya mapazi awo achena kuti mbe-e.
8 Cry like [SIM] a young woman cries when the young man to whom she was (engaged/promised to marry) has died.
Chemai semhandara yakapfeka masaga inochema murume wouduku hwayo.
9 There is no grain or wine for us to offer [as sacrifices] at the temple, [so] the priests who serve Yahweh are mourning/weeping.
Zvipiriso zvezviyo nezvipiriso zvokunwa hazvichawanikwi muimba yaJehovha. Vaprista vari kuungudza, vaya vanoshumira pamberi paJehovha.
10 [The crops in] the fields have been ruined; [it is as though] [PRS] the ground is mourning. The grain has been destroyed, there are no [grapes to make] wine, and there is no [more olive] oil.
Minda yaparadzwa, pasi paoma; zviyo zvaparadzwa, waini itsva yapera, mafuta hakuchina.
11 You farmers, grieve! You who take care of grapevines, wail, because the grain has been destroyed; there is no wheat or barley growing.
Pererwai nezano, imi varimi, ungudzai, imi varimi vemizambiringa, chemerai gorosi nebhari, nokuti mukohwo weminda waparadzwa.
12 The grapevines and the fig trees have withered, and the pomegranate [trees] and palm [trees] and apricot [trees] have also dried up. The people are no longer joyful.
Muzambiringa waoma, uye muonde wasvava; mutamba, muchindwi nomuti womuapuro, miti yose yesango, yaoma. Zvirokwazvo, mufaro wavanhu wasvava.
13 You priests, put on [rough] sack clothes and wail. You who serve God [by offering sacrifices] on the altar, wear those rough sack clothes all night [to show that you are mourning], because there is no grain or wine to be offered at the temple of your God.
Pfekai masaga mucheme, imi vaprista; ungudzai, imi munoshanda paaritari. Uyai muvate usiku hwose makapfeka masaga, imi munoshumira pamberi paMwari wangu; nokuti zvipiriso zvezviyo nezvokunwa zvadziviswa muimba yaMwari wenyu.
14 Tell the people that they should (fast/abstain from eating food). Tell the leaders and the other people to gather at the temple and to cry [out] to Yahweh [there].
Tsaurai nguva yokutsanya kutsvene; danai vanhu kuungano tsvene. Kokai vakuru navose vanogara munyika kuimba yaJehovha Mwari wedu, mugodana kuna Jehovha.
15 Terrible things are happening to us! It will soon be the time when Yahweh, [who is] the Almighty God, [will really punish us], [when he] will cause us to experience more disasters.
Rinotyisa sei zuva iro! Nokuti zuva raJehovha rava pedyo; richauya sokuparadza kunobva kuna Wamasimba Ose.
16 Our crops are already gone, and no [one is] rejoicing at all [DOU] at the temple of our God.
Ko, zvokudya hazvina kubviswa here pamberi pedu chaipo, mufaro nokufarisisa kubva mumba maMwari wedu?
17 [When we plant] seeds, [they do not grow]; they dry up in the ground, so there are no crops to harvest. Our barns/storehouses are empty; there is no grain [to store in them].
Mbeu dzinopetana dzisati dzamera pasi pevhu, matura aparara, tsapi dzaputswa nokuti hapachina zviyo.
18 Our cattle groan, searching for a pasture with some grass to eat, and the sheep bleat because they are suffering.
Mombe dzinogomera sei! Matanga emombe odzungaira nokuda kwokushayiwa mafuro. Kunyange mapoka amakwai ari kutambudzika.
19 Yahweh, I cry [out] to you, because our pastures and our forests have dried up in the hot sunshine [MET].
Haiwa Jehovha, ndinodana kwamuri, nokuti moto wapisa mafuro, uye mirazvo yemoto yapisa miti yose musango.
20 [It is as though] even the wild animals cry [out] to you because all the streams have dried up. The rivers and streams are all dry, and the grass in the pastures is all parched.
Kunyange mhuka dzesango dzinochema kwamuri; nokuti hova dzesango dzapwa uye moto waparadza mafuro ose.

< Joel 1 >