< Joel 1 >

1 [I am] Joel, the son of Pethuel. [This is] a message that Yahweh gave to me.
Slovo Hospodinovo, kteréž se stalo k Joelovi synu Petuelovu:
2 You leaders [of Israel], and everyone else who lives in this country, listen [to this message]! Nothing [RHQ] like this has ever happened during the time that we have lived or the time when our ancestors lived.
Slyšte to starší, a pozorujte všickni obyvatelé této země, stalo-li se to za dnů vašich, aneb za dnů otců vašich?
3 Tell your children about it, and tell your children to tell it to their children, and tell your grandchildren to tell it to their children.
Vypravujte o tom synům svým, a synové vaši synům svým, synové pak jejich rodině potomní.
4 [I am talking about] the locusts that have eaten our crops. The first swarm of locusts came and cut [many of the leaves of the crops]; then another swarm came and ate [the rest of the leaves], then another swarm came hopping along, and finally another swarm came and they destroyed [everything else].
Co pozůstalo po housenkách, snědly kobylky, a co pozůstalo po kobylkách, snědli brouci, co pak pozůstalo po broucích, dojedli chroustové.
5 You people who are drunk, wake up! Wake up and wail loudly, because all the grapes are ruined, and so there will be no new wine [MTY]!
Prociťte opilci, a plačte a kvělte všickni, kteříž píjíte víno, proto že odtržen jest mest od úst vašich.
6 [Huge swarms of] locusts have entered our country. [They are like] [MET] a powerful army [that has very many soldiers], [with the result that] no one can count them. The locusts have teeth that are [as sharp as] the teeth of lions [DOU]!
Nebo přitáhl do země mé národ silný a nesčíslný, jehož zubové zubové lva, a střenovní zubové jeho lvoví.
7 They have destroyed our grapevines and our fig trees [by] stripping off [and eating all] the bark, with the result that the branches are white [and (bare/have no leaves on them)].
Přivedl vinné kmeny mé v pustinu, a fíkoví mé na zkázu; docela obnažil je a zporážel, zbělely ratolesti jejich.
8 Cry like [SIM] a young woman cries when the young man to whom she was (engaged/promised to marry) has died.
Kvěl jako mladice přepásaná žíní pro muže mladosti své.
9 There is no grain or wine for us to offer [as sacrifices] at the temple, [so] the priests who serve Yahweh are mourning/weeping.
Odjata jest suchá i mokrá obět z domu Hospodinova, kvílí kněží, služebníci Hospodinovi.
10 [The crops in] the fields have been ruined; [it is as though] [PRS] the ground is mourning. The grain has been destroyed, there are no [grapes to make] wine, and there is no [more olive] oil.
Zpustlo pole, kvílí země, proto že pohubeno obilé, vyschl mest, olej zhynul.
11 You farmers, grieve! You who take care of grapevines, wail, because the grain has been destroyed; there is no wheat or barley growing.
Stydí se oráči, kvílí vinaři z příčiny pšenice a ječmene; nebo zahynula žeň polní.
12 The grapevines and the fig trees have withered, and the pomegranate [trees] and palm [trees] and apricot [trees] have also dried up. The people are no longer joyful.
Vinný kmen usechl, a fík usvadl, strom zrnatých jablek, též i palma i jabloň, všecko dříví polní poschlo, a že odňato potěšení od synů lidských.
13 You priests, put on [rough] sack clothes and wail. You who serve God [by offering sacrifices] on the altar, wear those rough sack clothes all night [to show that you are mourning], because there is no grain or wine to be offered at the temple of your God.
Přepašte se a kvělte, ó kněží, úpějte přisluhující oltáři, vejděte a léhejte i v noci v žíních, služebníci Boha mého. Nebo nevnáší se do domu Boha vašeho suché ani mokré oběti.
14 Tell the people that they should (fast/abstain from eating food). Tell the leaders and the other people to gather at the temple and to cry [out] to Yahweh [there].
Uložte půst, svolejte shromáždění, shromažďte starší i všecky obyvatele země do domu Hospodina Boha vašeho, a volejte k Hospodinu:
15 Terrible things are happening to us! It will soon be the time when Yahweh, [who is] the Almighty God, [will really punish us], [when he] will cause us to experience more disasters.
Ach, nastojte na tento den; nebo blízký jest den Hospodinův, a jako poplénění od Všemohoucího přichází.
16 Our crops are already gone, and no [one is] rejoicing at all [DOU] at the temple of our God.
Ano před očima našima pokrm odjat jest, z domu Boha našeho veselé a plésání.
17 [When we plant] seeds, [they do not grow]; they dry up in the ground, so there are no crops to harvest. Our barns/storehouses are empty; there is no grain [to store in them].
Vyhynulo símě pod hrudami svými, zpustly stodoly, zbořeny jsou obilnice; nebo vyschlo obilé.
18 Our cattle groan, searching for a pasture with some grass to eat, and the sheep bleat because they are suffering.
Aj, jak vzdychá dobytek, svírají se stáda skotů, proto že nemají žádné pastvy, ano i stáda bravů hynou.
19 Yahweh, I cry [out] to you, because our pastures and our forests have dried up in the hot sunshine [MET].
K toběť, ó Hospodine, volám; nebo oheň sežral pastviska pouště; a plamen popálil všecka dříví polní.
20 [It is as though] even the wild animals cry [out] to you because all the streams have dried up. The rivers and streams are all dry, and the grass in the pastures is all parched.
Také i zvěř polní všecka lká k tobě, proto že vyschli potokové vod, a oheň sežral pastviska na poušti.

< Joel 1 >