< Job 9 >
Ipapo Jobho akapindura akati:
2 “Yes, I certainly know that [much of] what you said is true. But (how can anyone say to God, ‘I (am innocent/have not done what is wrong) and prove it?’/no one can say to God ‘I (am innocent/have not done what is wrong) and prove it.’) [RHQ]
“Zvirokwazvo ndinoziva kuti ichokwadi. Asi munhu anofa angava akarurama pamberi paMwari seiko?
3 If someone wanted to argue with God [about that], God could ask him 1,000 questions, and that person would not be able to answer any of them!
Kunyange dai mumwe aida kuita nharo naye, haaizogona kumupindura kamwe chete pamibvunzo chiuru.
4 God is very wise [IDM] and very powerful; no one who has tried to challenge God has been able to win.
Uchenjeri hwake hwakadzika, simba rake iguru kwazvo. Ndianiko akamudzivisa akabuda asina vanga?
5 He even moves mountains, without them (OR, anyone) knowing about it. When he is angry, he turns them upside down.
Anofambisa makomo iwo asingazivi agoapidigura mukutsamwa kwake kukuru.
6 He sends earthquakes that shake the ground; he causes the pillars that support the earth to tremble.
Anozungunusa nyika ikabva panzvimbo yayo uye anoita kuti mbiru dzayo dzidengenyeke.
7 [Some days] he speaks to the sun, and it does not rise, and [some nights] he prevents the stars from shining.
Anotaura kuzuva iro ndokurega kuvhenekera; anodzivira chiedza chenyeredzi.
8 He alone (stretched out/put in place) the sky; he alone puts his feet on the waves (OR, on the huge sea monster).
Iye oga anotambanudza matenga uye anofamba pamusoro pamafungu egungwa.
9 He put in their places [the clusters/groups of stars that are called] The Dipper/Bear, Orion, the Pleiades, and the stars in the southern sky.
Ndiye Muiti weNyeredzi dzeAkutiro neOrioni, dzeChimunomwe namapoka enyeredzi dzenyasi.
10 Only he does great things that we cannot understand; he does more marvelous things than we are able to count.
Anoita minana isingagoni kunzwisisiswa, nezvishamiso zvisingagoni kuverengwa.
11 He passes by where I am, but I do not see him; he moves further on, but I do not see him go.
Paanondipfuura, handigoni kumuona; paanoenda napo handingamuoni.
12 If he [wants to] snatch something away, no one [RHQ] can hinder him; no one dares to ask him, ‘Why are you doing that?’ [RHQ]
Kana achibvuta, ndiani angamudzivisa? Ndiani angati kwaari, ‘Unoiteiko?’
13 God will not very easily stop being angry; he defeated [MTY] those who [tried to] help Rahab, [the great sea monster].
Mwari haadzori kutsamwa kwake; kunyange boka ravarwi raRahabhi rakawira patsoka dzake nokutya.
14 “So, [if God took me to court], what could I say [MTY] to answer him?
“Zvino ndingakakavadzana naye seiko? Ndingawana seiko mashoko okuita nharo naye?
15 Even though I (would be innocent/would not have done what is wrong), I would not be able to answer him. All I could do would be to request God, my judge/accuser, to act mercifully toward me.
Kunyange ndakanga ndisina mhaka, handaigona kumupindura; ndaingokumbira hangu nyasha kuMutongi wangu.
16 If I summoned him to [come to the courtroom] and he said that he would come, I would not believe that he would pay attention to what I would say.
Kunyange dai ndaimudana hangu uye akandipindura, handitendi kuti aizowana nguva yokundinzwa.
17 He sends storms to batter me, and he bruises me many times (without any reason to do that/even though I am innocent).
Aizondiparadza nedutu uye achizowedzera maronda angu pasina mhosva.
18 [It is as though] he will not let me get/catch my breath, because he causes me to suffer all the time.
Haaizonditenderazve kuti nditure mafemo, asi aizondizadza namatambudziko.
19 If I would try to (wrestle with/fight against) him, [there is no way that I could defeat him, ] [because] he is stronger than I am. If I would request him to appear in court, there is no one who could [RHQ] force him to go there.
Kana zviri zvesimba, iye ane simba guru! Uye kana zviri zvokururamisira, ndianiko angamudana kuti amutonge?
20 Even though I was innocent, what I would say would cause him to say that I must be punished [MTY]; even though I had not done anything wrong, he would prove that I am guilty.
Kunyange dai ndisina mhosva, muromo wangu waizongondipa mhaka; dai zvangu ndakarurama, iwo waizongondipa mhaka.
21 “I have not done what is wrong, but that is not important. I despise continuing to remain alive.
“Kunyange ndisina mhosva, handina hangu hanya nazvo; ndinozvidza upenyu hwangu pachangu.
22 But it doesn’t matter, because God will get rid of [all of us, ] both those who are innocent and those who are wicked.
Zvakangofanana; ndokusaka ndichiti, ‘Iye anoparadza vasina mhosva nevakaipa.’
23 When people experience disaster and it causes them to suddenly die, God laughs at it, even if they are innocent.
Kana dambudziko rikauyisa rufu nokukurumidza, achaseka kushaya tariro kwavasina mhosva.
24 God has allowed wicked people to control [what happens in] the world. [It is as though] he has caused judges to be blindfolded, [with the result that they cannot judge fairly]. If it is not God who has put wicked people in control, who has done it?
Panowira nyika mumaoko avakaipa, vatongi vayo anovapofumadza. Kana asiri iye, zvino ndianiko?
25 “My days go by very quickly, like a fast runner; [it is as though] they run away, and nothing good happens to me on those days.
“Mazuva angu anokurumidza kupfuura mumhanyi; anobhururuka oenda asina kumboona mufaro.
26 My life goes by very rapidly, like a boat made from reeds sailing swiftly, or like an eagle that swoops down to seize a small animal.
Anopfuura sezvikepe zvenhokwe, kufanana namakondo anomhanyira nyama yawo.
27 If I smile and say [to God], ‘I will forget what I am complaining about; I will stop looking sad and try to be cheerful/happy,’
Kana ndikati, ‘Ndichakanganwa kunyunyuta kwangu, ndichashandura chiso changu, ndigonyemwerera,’
28 then I become afraid because of all that I am suffering, because I know that God does not consider that I am innocent.
ndinongotya kutambura kwangu, nokuti ndinoziva kuti imi hamuregi kundipa mhosva.
29 He will (condemn me/declare that I should be punished), so why should I keep trying in vain [to defend myself]?
Sezvo ndatopiwa hangu mhosva, ko, ndichagotamburirei pasina?
30 If I washed myself with snow or cleansed my hands with lye/soap [to get rid of my guilt],
Kunyange dai ndikazvishambidza nesipo uye ndikashamba maoko angu nesoda,
31 he would still throw me into a filthy pit; as a result [it would be as though] even my clothes would detest me.
imi muchandinyudza mugomba rematope zvokuti kunyange nenguo dzangu dzichandisema.
32 “God is not a human, as I am, so there is no way that I could answer him [to prove that I am innocent] if we went together to have a trial [in a courtroom].
“Iye haasi munhu akafanana neni kuti ndimupindure, kuti zvimwe iye neni tisangane mudare redzimhosva.
33 There is no one to (mediate/hear us and decide who is right), no one who has authority over both of us [IDM].
Dai chete paingova nomumwe angamira pakati pedu, kuti aise ruoko rwake patiri tose,
34 I wish/desire that he would stop punishing [MTY] me, and that he would not continue to terrify me.
mumwe zvake angabvise shamhu yaMwari kwandiri, kuti kutyisa kwake kurege kundivhundutsazve.
35 If he did that, I would declare [that I am innocent] without being afraid of him, because I know that I really have not [done what is wrong like God thinks that I have].”
Ipapo ndichataura ndisingamutyi, asi sezvazvakaita kwandiri iye zvino, handingakwanisi.