< Job 9 >

1 Then Job replied,
E GIOBBE rispose e disse:
2 “Yes, I certainly know that [much of] what you said is true. But (how can anyone say to God, ‘I (am innocent/have not done what is wrong) and prove it?’/no one can say to God ‘I (am innocent/have not done what is wrong) and prove it.’) [RHQ]
Veramente io so ch'[egli è] così; E come si giustificherebbe l'uomo appo Iddio?
3 If someone wanted to argue with God [about that], God could ask him 1,000 questions, and that person would not be able to answer any of them!
Se [Iddio] vuol litigar con lui, Egli non gli potrà rispondere d'infra mille [articoli] ad un solo.
4 God is very wise [IDM] and very powerful; no one who has tried to challenge God has been able to win.
[Egli è] savio di cuore, e potente di forza; Chi si è [mai] indurato contro a lui, ed è prosperato?
5 He even moves mountains, without them (OR, anyone) knowing about it. When he is angry, he turns them upside down.
[Contro a lui], che spianta i monti, Senza che si possa sapere come egli li abbia rivolti sottosopra nella sua ira;
6 He sends earthquakes that shake the ground; he causes the pillars that support the earth to tremble.
Che crolla la terra, [e la smuove] dal luogo suo; E [da cui] le colonne di essa sono scosse;
7 [Some days] he speaks to the sun, and it does not rise, and [some nights] he prevents the stars from shining.
Che parla al sole, ed esso non si leva; Che tiene suggellate le stelle;
8 He alone (stretched out/put in place) the sky; he alone puts his feet on the waves (OR, on the huge sea monster).
Che distende tutto solo i cieli, E calca le sommità del mare;
9 He put in their places [the clusters/groups of stars that are called] The Dipper/Bear, Orion, the Pleiades, and the stars in the southern sky.
Che ha fatto i [segni del] Carro, dell'Orione, delle Gallinelle, E quelli [che sono in] fondo all'Austro;
10 Only he does great things that we cannot understand; he does more marvelous things than we are able to count.
Che fa cose tanto grandi, che non si possono investigare; E tante cose maravigliose che non si possono annoverare.
11 He passes by where I am, but I do not see him; he moves further on, but I do not see him go.
Ecco, egli passerà davanti a me, ed io nol vedrò; Ripasserà, ed io non lo scorgerò.
12 If he [wants to] snatch something away, no one [RHQ] can hinder him; no one dares to ask him, ‘Why are you doing that?’ [RHQ]
Ecco, egli rapirà, [e] chi gli farà far restituzione? Chi gli dirà: Che fai?
13 God will not very easily stop being angry; he defeated [MTY] those who [tried to] help Rahab, [the great sea monster].
Iddio non raffrena l'ira sua; Sotto lui sono atterrati i bravi campioni.
14 “So, [if God took me to court], what could I say [MTY] to answer him?
Quanto meno gli risponderei io, Ed userei parole scelte contro a lui?
15 Even though I (would be innocent/would not have done what is wrong), I would not be able to answer him. All I could do would be to request God, my judge/accuser, to act mercifully toward me.
Io, che quantunque fossi giusto, non risponderei, [Anzi] chiederei grazia al mio Giudice.
16 If I summoned him to [come to the courtroom] and he said that he would come, I would not believe that he would pay attention to what I would say.
Se io grido, ed egli mi risponde, Pur non potrò credere ch'egli abbia ascoltata la mia voce;
17 He sends storms to batter me, and he bruises me many times (without any reason to do that/even though I am innocent).
Conciossiachè egli mi abbia conquiso con un turbo, E mi abbia date di molte battiture senza cagione.
18 [It is as though] he will not let me get/catch my breath, because he causes me to suffer all the time.
Egli non mi permette pur di respirare; Perciocchè egli mi sazia di amaritudini.
19 If I would try to (wrestle with/fight against) him, [there is no way that I could defeat him, ] [because] he is stronger than I am. If I would request him to appear in court, there is no one who could [RHQ] force him to go there.
Se si tratta di forza, ecco, [egli è] potente; Se di giudicio, chi mi citerà?
20 Even though I was innocent, what I would say would cause him to say that I must be punished [MTY]; even though I had not done anything wrong, he would prove that I am guilty.
Benchè io sia giusto, la mia bocca mi condannerà; [Quantunque] io [sia] intiero, ella mi dichiarerà perverso.
21 “I have not done what is wrong, but that is not important. I despise continuing to remain alive.
[Benchè] io [sia] intiero, io non riconoscerò me stesso; Io avrò a sdegno la vita mia.
22 But it doesn’t matter, because God will get rid of [all of us, ] both those who are innocent and those who are wicked.
Egli [è] tutt'uno; perciò ho detto: Egli distrugge ugualmente l'[uomo] intiero e l'empio.
23 When people experience disaster and it causes them to suddenly die, God laughs at it, even if they are innocent.
Se [è] un flagello, egli uccide in un momento; [Ma] egli si beffa della prova degl'innocenti.
24 God has allowed wicked people to control [what happens in] the world. [It is as though] he has caused judges to be blindfolded, [with the result that they cannot judge fairly]. If it is not God who has put wicked people in control, who has done it?
La terra è data in mano all'empio, [Il qual] copre la faccia de' giudici di essa. Ora, se [Iddio] non [fa questo], chi [è] egli [dunque?]
25 “My days go by very quickly, like a fast runner; [it is as though] they run away, and nothing good happens to me on those days.
Ma i miei giorni sono stati più leggieri che un corriero; Son fuggiti via, non hanno goduto il bene;
26 My life goes by very rapidly, like a boat made from reeds sailing swiftly, or like an eagle that swoops down to seize a small animal.
Son trascorsi come saette, Come un'aquila che vola frettolosa al pasto.
27 If I smile and say [to God], ‘I will forget what I am complaining about; I will stop looking sad and try to be cheerful/happy,’
Se io dico: Io dimenticherò il mio lamento, Io lascerò il mio cruccio, e mi rinforzerò;
28 then I become afraid because of all that I am suffering, because I know that God does not consider that I am innocent.
Io sono spaventato di tutti i miei tormenti, Io so che tu non mi reputerai innocente.
29 He will (condemn me/declare that I should be punished), so why should I keep trying in vain [to defend myself]?
Io sarò reo; Perchè adunque mi affaticherei in vano?
30 If I washed myself with snow or cleansed my hands with lye/soap [to get rid of my guilt],
Quando io mi fossi lavato con acque di neve, E nettatomi le mani col sapone;
31 he would still throw me into a filthy pit; as a result [it would be as though] even my clothes would detest me.
Allora pure tu mi tufferesti in una fossa, E i miei vestimenti mi avrebbero in abbominio.
32 “God is not a human, as I am, so there is no way that I could answer him [to prove that I am innocent] if we went together to have a trial [in a courtroom].
Perciocchè egli non [è] un uomo, come [son] io, [perchè] io gli risponda, [E perchè] noi veniamo insieme a giudicio.
33 There is no one to (mediate/hear us and decide who is right), no one who has authority over both of us [IDM].
Ei non v'è niuno che possa dar sentenza fra noi, [Che] possa metter la mano sopra amendue noi.
34 I wish/desire that he would stop punishing [MTY] me, and that he would not continue to terrify me.
[Ma] rimuova egli pur la sua verga d'addosso a me, E non mi conturbi il suo spavento.
35 If he did that, I would declare [that I am innocent] without being afraid of him, because I know that I really have not [done what is wrong like God thinks that I have].”
[Allora] io parlerò, e non avrò paura di lui; Perciocchè in questo stato io non [sono] in me stesso.

< Job 9 >