< Job 9 >

1 Then Job replied,
Men Job svarede og sagde:
2 “Yes, I certainly know that [much of] what you said is true. But (how can anyone say to God, ‘I (am innocent/have not done what is wrong) and prove it?’/no one can say to God ‘I (am innocent/have not done what is wrong) and prove it.’) [RHQ]
Sandelig, jeg ved, at det er saaledes; og hvorledes skulde et Menneske være retfærdigt for Gud?
3 If someone wanted to argue with God [about that], God could ask him 1,000 questions, and that person would not be able to answer any of them!
Om det har Lyst til at trætte med ham, kan det ikke svare ham til et af tusinde.
4 God is very wise [IDM] and very powerful; no one who has tried to challenge God has been able to win.
Han er viis af Hjerte og stærk af Kraft; hvo forhærdede sig imod ham og havde Fred?
5 He even moves mountains, without them (OR, anyone) knowing about it. When he is angry, he turns them upside down.
han, som flytter Bjergene, inden de mærke til det, han, som omkaster dem i sin Vrede;
6 He sends earthquakes that shake the ground; he causes the pillars that support the earth to tremble.
han, som bevæger Jorden fra dens Sted, og dens Piller bæve;
7 [Some days] he speaks to the sun, and it does not rise, and [some nights] he prevents the stars from shining.
han, som taler til Solen, og den gaar ikke op, og som sætter Segl for Stjernerne;
8 He alone (stretched out/put in place) the sky; he alone puts his feet on the waves (OR, on the huge sea monster).
han er ene den, som udbreder Himmelen, og som træder paa Havets Bølger;
9 He put in their places [the clusters/groups of stars that are called] The Dipper/Bear, Orion, the Pleiades, and the stars in the southern sky.
han, som gjorde Bjørnen, Orion, og Syvstjernen og Stjernekamrene imod Syden;
10 Only he does great things that we cannot understand; he does more marvelous things than we are able to count.
han, som gør store Ting, saa de ikke staa til at ransage, og underlige Ting, saa der ikke er Tal derpaa!
11 He passes by where I am, but I do not see him; he moves further on, but I do not see him go.
Se, han gaar forbi mig, og jeg ser ham ikke, og han farer frem, og jeg mærker ham ikke.
12 If he [wants to] snatch something away, no one [RHQ] can hinder him; no one dares to ask him, ‘Why are you doing that?’ [RHQ]
Se, han griber, hvo kan faa ham til at give igen? hvo vil sige til ham: Hvad gør du?
13 God will not very easily stop being angry; he defeated [MTY] those who [tried to] help Rahab, [the great sea monster].
Gud kalder ikke sin Vrede tilbage; de, som ville hjælpe den hovmodige, maatte bøje sig under ham.
14 “So, [if God took me to court], what could I say [MTY] to answer him?
Langt mindre skulde jeg kunne svare ham, vælge mine Ord over for ham.
15 Even though I (would be innocent/would not have done what is wrong), I would not be able to answer him. All I could do would be to request God, my judge/accuser, to act mercifully toward me.
Thi om jeg end var retfærdig, kunde jeg ikke svare; jeg maatte bede om Naade hos min Dommer.
16 If I summoned him to [come to the courtroom] and he said that he would come, I would not believe that he would pay attention to what I would say.
Om jeg end kaldte, og han svarede mig, da kunde jeg dog ikke tro, at han vilde bøje Øren til min Røst.
17 He sends storms to batter me, and he bruises me many times (without any reason to do that/even though I am innocent).
Thi han vilde sønderknuse mig med en Storm og gøre mig mange Saar uden Aarsag.
18 [It is as though] he will not let me get/catch my breath, because he causes me to suffer all the time.
Han vilde ikke tilstede mig at drage min Aande, men mætte mig med Bitterheder.
19 If I would try to (wrestle with/fight against) him, [there is no way that I could defeat him, ] [because] he is stronger than I am. If I would request him to appear in court, there is no one who could [RHQ] force him to go there.
Kom det an paa den stærkes Kraft, siger han: „Se her!‟ og kom det an paa Ret: „Hvo stævner mig?‟
20 Even though I was innocent, what I would say would cause him to say that I must be punished [MTY]; even though I had not done anything wrong, he would prove that I am guilty.
Var jeg end retfærdig, saa skulde dog min Mund dømme mig at have Uret; var jeg end skyldfri, da skulde han dog forvende min Sag.
21 “I have not done what is wrong, but that is not important. I despise continuing to remain alive.
Jeg er skyldfri, men jeg kender ikke mig selv; jeg foragter mit Liv.
22 But it doesn’t matter, because God will get rid of [all of us, ] both those who are innocent and those who are wicked.
Det kommer ud paa eet! Derfor sagde jeg: Han udrydder den uskyldige med den skyldige.
23 When people experience disaster and it causes them to suddenly die, God laughs at it, even if they are innocent.
Dræber Svøben hastelig, da spotter han de uskyldiges Prøvelse.
24 God has allowed wicked people to control [what happens in] the world. [It is as though] he has caused judges to be blindfolded, [with the result that they cannot judge fairly]. If it is not God who has put wicked people in control, who has done it?
Et Land bliver givet i en ugudeligs Haand; han tilhyller dets Dommers Ansigt; gør han det ikke, hvo gør det da?
25 “My days go by very quickly, like a fast runner; [it is as though] they run away, and nothing good happens to me on those days.
Og mine Dage have været lettere end en Løber; de flyede bort, de have ikke set det gode.
26 My life goes by very rapidly, like a boat made from reeds sailing swiftly, or like an eagle that swoops down to seize a small animal.
De ere fremfarne som ilende Skibe, som en Ørn, der flyver efter Spise.
27 If I smile and say [to God], ‘I will forget what I am complaining about; I will stop looking sad and try to be cheerful/happy,’
Naar jeg siger: Jeg vil glemme min Klage, jeg vil lade mit Ansigts sorrigfulde Mine fare og vederkvæge mig,
28 then I become afraid because of all that I am suffering, because I know that God does not consider that I am innocent.
da maa jeg frygte for alle mine Smerter; jeg ved, at du lader mig ikke være uskyldig.
29 He will (condemn me/declare that I should be punished), so why should I keep trying in vain [to defend myself]?
Jeg skal jo være skyldig! hvorfor skulde jeg da forgæves gøre mig Møje?
30 If I washed myself with snow or cleansed my hands with lye/soap [to get rid of my guilt],
Om jeg end toede mig med Snevand og rensede mine Hænder med Sæbe,
31 he would still throw me into a filthy pit; as a result [it would be as though] even my clothes would detest me.
da vilde du dog dyppe mig ned i Pølen, saa mine Klæder vilde væmmes ved mig.
32 “God is not a human, as I am, so there is no way that I could answer him [to prove that I am innocent] if we went together to have a trial [in a courtroom].
Thi han er ikke en Mand som jeg, at jeg kunde svare ham, at vi kunde møde med hinanden for Dommen.
33 There is no one to (mediate/hear us and decide who is right), no one who has authority over both of us [IDM].
Der er ingen, som kan skille Trætten ad imellem os, og som kan lægge sin Haand paa os begge.
34 I wish/desire that he would stop punishing [MTY] me, and that he would not continue to terrify me.
Han borttage sit Ris fra mig, og hans Rædsel forfærde mig ikke!
35 If he did that, I would declare [that I am innocent] without being afraid of him, because I know that I really have not [done what is wrong like God thinks that I have].”
Da vilde jeg tale og ikke frygte for ham; thi jeg er ikke af den Slags, det ved jeg med mig selv.

< Job 9 >