< Job 6 >

1 Then Job spoke again, saying [to Eliphaz],
Então Job respondeu, e disse:
2 “If all my troubles and misery could be put on a scale and weighed,
Oh se a minha magoa rectamente se pezasse, e a minha miseria juntamente se alçasse n'uma balança!
3 they would be heavier than all the sands [on the shores] of the oceans. That is why I spoke (very rashly/without thinking clearly) [about the day that I was born].
Porque na verdade mais pesada seria, do que a areia dos mares: por isso é que as minhas palavras se me afogam.
4 [It is as though] Almighty [God] has shot me with arrows. [It is as though] those arrows had poison on their tips, and that poison has gone into my spirit. The things that God has done to me have terrified me.
Porque as frechas do Todo-poderoso estão em mim, cujo ardente veneno me chupa o espirito: os terrores de Deus se armam contra mim.
5 Just like a wild donkey does not [complain by] braying when it has plenty of grass to eat, and an ox does not [complain by] bellowing when it has food to eat [MET], [I would not complain if you were really helping/comforting me].
Porventura zurrará o jumento montez junto á relva? ou berrará o boi junto ao seu pasto?
6 People complain [RHQ] when they must eat food which has no salt or other tasteless food [MET], [and that is what your words are like, Eliphaz].
Ou comer-se-ha sem sal o que é insipido? ou haverá gosto na clara do ovo?
7 Just like I do not want to eat food [like that], and I loathe/detests that kind of food [MET], [I do not appreciate what you have said to me].
A minha alma recusa tocal-o, pois é como a minha comida fastienta.
8 “I wish that God would do for me what I have requested from him [DOU].
Quem dera que se cumprisse o meu desejo, e que Deus me désse o que espero!
9 I wish that he would crush me [and let me die]. I wish that he would reach out his hand and take away my life.
E que Deus quizesse quebrantar-me, e soltasse a sua mão, e me acabasse!
10 If he would do that, I would be comforted by knowing that in spite of the great pain that I have suffered, I have always obeyed what [God, ] the Holy One, has commanded.
Isto ainda seria a minha consolação, e me refrigeraria no meu tormento, não me perdoando elle; porque não occultei as palavras do Sancto.
11 But now I do not have [RHQ] enough strength to endure all these things. And since I have nothing [to hope for] in (the future/this life), it is difficult for me to be patient now [RHQ].
Qual é a minha força, para que eu espere? ou qual é o meu fim, para que prolongue a minha vida?
12 I am not [RHQ] strong like rocks are, and my body is not made of bronze.
É porventura a minha força a força de pedra? Ou é de cobre a minha carne?
13 So I am not able to help myself, and [it seems that] there is no one to rescue me.”
Ou não está em mim a minha ajuda? ou desamparou-me a verdadeira sabedoria?
14 “When a man has many troubles, his friends should be kind to him, even if he stops revering Almighty [God].
Ao que está afflicto devia o amigo mostrar compaixão, ainda ao que deixasse o temor do Todo-poderoso.
15 But [you, ] my friends, are not dependable. You are like streams: They spill over their banks [in the spring]
Meus irmãos aleivosamente me fallaram, como um ribeiro, como a torrente dos ribeiros que passam.
16 when [the melting] ice and snow make those streams overflow,
Que estão encobertos com a geada, e n'elles se esconde a neve.
17 but when the dry season comes, there is no water flowing [in those streams], and the channels dry up.
No tempo em que se derretem com o calor se desfazem, e em se aquentando, desapparecem do seu logar.
18 [The caravans of merchants] turn off the path [to search for some water], but there is no water, so they die [in the desert].
Desviam-se as veredas dos seus caminhos: sobem ao vacuo, e perecem.
19 The men in those caravans search [for some water] because they are sure that they will find some.
Os caminhantes de Tema os vêem; os passageiros de Sheba olham para elles.
20 But they do not find any, so they are very disappointed.
Foram envergonhados, por terem confiado e, chegando ali, se confundem.
21 Similarly, you friends have not helped me at all! You have seen that terrible things have happened to me, and you are afraid [that God might do similar things to you].
Agora sois similhantes a elles: vistes o terror, e temestes.
22 [After I lost all my wealth, ] did I ask any of you for money? [RHQ] Did I plead with any of you to spend some of your money to help me [RHQ]?
Disse-vos eu: Dae-me ou offerecei-me da vossa fazenda presentes?
23 Have I asked any of you to rescue me from my enemies [RHQ]? Have I asked you to save me from those who (oppressed me/treated me badly) [RHQ]? [No!]”
Ou livrae-me das mãos do oppressor? ou redemi-me das mãos dos tyrannos?
24 “Answer me [now, and then] I will be quiet; tell me what wrong things I have done!
Ensinae-me, e eu me calarei: e dae-me a entender em que errei.
25 When people speak what is true, that will not hurt the person who hears it, but what you say, criticizing me, [is not true, so your saying it] proves nothing [RHQ]!
Oh! quão fortes são as palavras da boa razão! mas que é o que argue a vossa arguição?
26 I am a man who has nothing to hope for, but you try to correct me, and you think what I say is nothing but wind [RHQ]!
Porventura buscareis palavras para me reprehenderdes, visto que as razões do desesperado estão como vento?
27 You do not sympathize with me at all [for all that I am suffering]. [You are heartless!] You would even gamble to see who gets an orphan [as a prize]!
Mas antes lançaes sortes sobre o orphão; e cavaes uma cova para o vosso amigo.
28 Please look at me! I will not [RHQ] lie to you.
Agora pois, se sois servidos, virae-vos para mim; e vede se minto em vossa presença.
29 Stop [saying that I have sinned, and] stop criticizing me unjustly! You should realize that I have not done things that are wrong.
Voltae pois, não haja iniquidade: tornae-vos, digo, que ainda a minha justiça apparecerá n'isso.
30 Do you think that I am lying? No, I am not lying, because I know what is right and what is wrong [RHQ].”
Ha porventura iniquidade na minha lingua? Ou não poderia o meu paladar dar a entender as minhas miserias?

< Job 6 >