< Job 40 >

1 Then Yahweh said to Job,
И отвеща Господь Бог ко Иову и рече:
2 “Do you still want to argue with me, the Almighty One? Since you criticize me, (you should be able to answer my questions!/why are you not able to answer my questions?) [RHQ]”
еда суд со Всесильным укланяется? Обличаяй же Бога отвещати имать Ему.
3 Then Job replied to Yahweh,
Отвещав же Иов, рече Господеви:
4 “[Now I realize that] I am completely worthless. So (how could I answer [those questions]?/I could not possibly answer [those questions]!) [RHQ] I will put my hand over my mouth [and not say anything].
почто еще аз прюся, наказуемь и обличаемь от Господа, слышай таковая ничтоже сый? Аз же кий ответ дам к сим? Руку положу на устех моих:
5 I have already said more than I should have said, so now I will say nothing more.”
единою глаголах, вторицею же не приложу.
6 Then Yahweh [again] spoke to Job from inside the great windstorm. He said,
Паки же отвещав Господь, рече ко Иову из облака:
7 “I want to ask you some [more] questions. So as men prepare themselves for a difficult task [MET], prepare yourself again to answer some [more] questions.
ни, но препояши яко муж чресла твоя: вопрошу же тя, ты же Ми отвещай.
8 “Are you going to accuse me and say that I am unjust? Are you going to say that what I have done is wrong, in order that you can say that what you have done is right?
Не отвергай суда Моего: мниши ли Мя инако тебе сотворша, разве да явишися правдив?
9 Are you as powerful [MTY] as I am? Can your voice sound [as loud] as thunder, as mine can?
Еда мышца ти есть на Господа, или гласом на Него гремиши?
10 [If you can do that], put on the robes that show that you are glorious and are greatly honored!
Приими же высоту и силу, в славу же и в честь облецыся:
11 Show that you are very angry; show that you have the right/authority to humble people who are [very] proud!
пусти же Ангелы гневом и всякаго укорителя смири,
12 Humble those proud people [just] by looking at them [angrily] Crush wicked people quickly!
величава же угаси и согной нечестивыя абие:
13 Bury them in the ground! Send them to the place where dead people are, where they will not be able to get out!
скрый же в землю вне вкупе и лица их безчестия исполни.
14 After you do that, I will congratulate/praise you and say that [truly] you can save yourself by your own ability/power.
Исповем, яко может десница твоя спасти.
15 “Think [also] about the huge animals that live near the water. I made you, and I made them also. They eat grass, like oxen do.
Но убо се, зверие у тебе, траву аки волове ядят:
16 Their legs/thighs are [very] strong, and the muscles of their bellies are [very] powerful.
се убо, крепость его на чреслех, сила же его на пупе чрева:
17 Their tails are stiff (OR, bend down) like the branches of a cedar tree. The sinews/muscles of their thighs are close together.
постави ошиб яко кипарис, жилы же его (яко уже) сплетены суть,
18 Their [thigh] bones are [like] tubes [made] of bronze, and the bones of their legs are like bars [made] of iron.
ребра его ребра медяна, хребет же его железо слияно.
19 They are among the strongest of the animals that I made, and I, who created them, am the only one who can kill them.
Сиесть начало создания Господня: сотворен поруган быти Ангелы Его:
20 On the hills grows food [PRS] for them to eat while many [HYP] other wild animals play nearby.
возшед же на гору стреминную, сотвори радость четвероногим в тартаре:
21 They lie down [in the water] under the lotus plants; they hide in [tall] reeds in the swamps.
под всяким древом спит, при рогозе и тростии и ситовии:
22 Those huge animals find shade under the lotus plants, and they are surrounded by poplar trees.
осеняют же над ним древеса велика с леторасльми и ветви напольныя:
23 They are not disturbed by raging/swiftly-flowing rivers; they are not even disturbed/frightened when [rivers like the] Jordan [River] rush over them.
аще будет наводнение, не ощутит: уповает, яко внидет Иордан во уста его:
24 No one can [RHQ] catch them by blinding their eyes or by piercing their noses with [the teeth of] a trap!”
во око свое возмет его, ожесточився продиравит ноздри.

< Job 40 >