< Job 39 >

1 “[Job], do you know at what time/season [of the year] the female mountain goats give birth? Have you watched the wild deer while their fawns were being born?
Tahukah engkau kapan kambing gunung dilahirkan induknya? Pernahkah kauamati rusa liar melahirkan anaknya?
2 Do you know how many months pass from the time they become pregnant until their fawns are born?
Tahukah engkau berapa lama mereka mengandung? Dapatkah saatnya beranak engkau hitung?
3 [When they give birth, ] they crouch down so that the fawns do not [get hurt by] falling to the ground when they are born.
Tahukah engkau kapan mereka meringkukkan tubuhnya, lalu melahirkan anak-anaknya?
4 The young fawns grow up in the open fields, and then they leave their mothers and do not return to them again.
Anak-anaknya bertambah besar dan kuat di padang belantara; mereka pergi dan tak kembali kepada induknya.
5 “Who allows the wild donkeys to go wherever they want [DOU]?
Siapa melepaskan keledai liar di hutan? Siapa membuka talinya dan membiarkan dia berkeliaran?
6 I am the one who put them in the desert, in places where grass does not grow.
Kepadanya Kuberikan gurun sebagai rumahnya dan padang-padang garam untuk tempat tinggalnya.
7 They do not like the noise in the cities; [in the desert] they do not have to listen to the shouts of those who force donkeys to work.
Ia menjauhi kota-kota dan keramaiannya, tak ada yang dapat menjinakkan dan mempekerjakannya.
8 They go to the hills to find food; there they search for grass to eat.
Padang rumput di gunung tempat makanannya, dicarinya tetumbuhan yang hijau di sana.
9 :Will a wild ox agree to work for you? Will it allow you to keep it penned up at night in the place where you put feed for your animals?
Apakah lembu liar mau bekerja untukmu? Maukah ia bermalam di dalam kandangmu?
10 And can you fasten it with a rope so that it will plow furrows/trenches in your fields?
Dapatkah kauikat dia dan kaupaksa membajak untukmu? Dapatkah kausuruh dia menggaru ladangmu?
11 Since it is very strong, can you trust it to work for you? Can you go away after you tell it what work it should do [and assume that it will do that work]?
Dapatkah kauandalkan tenaganya yang kuat, dan kauserahkan kepadanya kerjamu yang berat?
12 Can you rely on it to come back [from the field], bringing your grain to the place where you thresh it?
Apakah kaupercayakan dia mengumpulkan panenmu, dan membawanya ke tempat penebahanmu?
13 “[Think also about] the ostriches. [They] joyfully flap their wings, but they do not have wing feathers [that enable them to fly] like storks do.
Betapa cepatnya kibasan sayap burung unta! Tetapi terbang burung bangau tak dapat diimbanginya.
14 Ostriches lay their eggs on top of the ground [and then walk away], leaving the eggs to be warmed in the sand.
Burung unta bertelur di tanah, lalu ditinggalkannya; maka pasirlah yang akan memanaskan telurnya.
15 Ostriches do not worry that some wild animal may step on the eggs and crush them [DOU].
Ia tak sadar bahwa mungkin orang memijaknya dan binatang-binatang liar menginjaknya.
16 Ostriches act cruelly towards their chicks; they act as though the chicks belonged to some other ostrich. They are not concerned if [their chicks die], [and so] the laying of the eggs was in vain.
Ia bersikap seolah-olah anaknya bukan miliknya; ia tidak peduli jika usahanya sia-sia saja.
17 That is because I did not allow ostriches to be wise. I did not enable them to be intelligent.
Akulah yang membuat dia bodoh dan bebal, tak Kuberikan kepadanya hikmat dan akal.
18 But, when they get up and begin to run, they scornfully laugh at horses with their riders [because the horses cannot run as fast as the ostriches!]
Tetapi apabila ia mulai berlari kencang, ia mengalahkan kuda serta penunggang.
19 And [think about] horses. [Job], are you the one who caused horses to be strong? Are you the one who put flowing (manes/long hair) on their necks?
Hai Ayub, engkaukah yang memberi tenaga kepada kuda dan surai yang melambai-lambai pada tengkuknya?
20 Are you the one who enabled them to leap forward like locusts? When they (snort/blow loudly through their noses), they cause people to be afraid.
Engkaukah yang menyuruhnya melompat seperti belalang, dan dengan dengusnya menakut-nakuti orang?
21 They paw the ground, rejoicing about being very strong, as they prepare to rush into a battle.
Ia menggaruk tanah di lembah dengan gembira, dan penuh semangat ia menyerbu ke medan laga.
22 [It is as if] they laugh at the thought of being afraid. They are not afraid of anything! They do not run away when [the soldiers in the battle are fighting each other with] swords.
Ia tak tahu artinya gentar dan takut; tak ada pedang yang membuat dia surut.
23 The quivers containing the riders’ arrows rattle against the horses’ sides, and the spears and javelins flash [in the light of the sun].
Senjata yang disandang penunggangnya gemerincing dan gemerlapan kena cahaya.
24 The horses paw the ground fiercely/excitedly, [wanting the battle to begin, ] and they rush into the battle when the trumpet is blown.
Dengan semangat menyala-nyala kuda itu berlari; bila trompet berbunyi tak dapat ia menahan diri.
25 They neigh [joyfully] when they hear someone blowing the trumpet. They can smell a battle even when they are far away, and they understand what it means when the commanders shout their commands [to their soldiers].
Ia mendengus setiap kali trompet dibunyikan dari jauh tercium olehnya bau pertempuran. Didengarnya teriak para perwira ketika mereka memberi aba-aba.
26 “[And think about big birds.] Are you the one who enabled hawks to spread their wings and fly to the south [for the winter]?
Apakah burung elang kauajar terbang bila ia menuju ke selatan dengan sayap terkembang?
27 Do eagles fly high up [into the cliffs] to make their nests because you commanded them to do that?
Perintahmukah yang diikuti burung rajawali sebelum ia membuat sarangnya di gunung yang tinggi?
28 They live in [holes in] those cliffs. They are safe in those high pointed rocks [because no animals can reach them there].
Di puncak gunung batu ia membangun rumahnya; ujung batu-batu yang runcing menjadi bentengnya.
29 As they watch carefully from there, they see far away the animals that they can kill (OR, dead bodies of animals).
Dari situ ia mengawasi segala arah matanya mengintai mencari mangsa.
30 After an eagle kills an animal, the baby eagles drink the blood of that animal.”
Di mana ada yang tewas, di situlah dia, dan darah mangsa itu diminum oleh anak-anaknya.

< Job 39 >