< Job 37 >

1 “My heart pounds [DOU] when [I think about] that.
Deraf förskräcker sig mitt hjerta, och bäfvar.
2 Listen, all of you, to the thunder, which is like God’s voice [DOU].
Hörer hans rösts skall, och det ljud som utaf hans mun går.
3 He causes thunder to be heard all across the sky, and he causes lighting to flash to the most distant places on the earth.
Han ser under alla himlar, och hans ljus skin uppå jordenes ändar.
4 After [the lightning flashes], we hear the thunder which is like [MET] God’s majestic voice; he does not restrain the lightning when he speaks.
Efter honom bullrar dundret, han dundrar med ett stort skall; och när hans dundrande hördt varder, kan man intet förhålla det.
5 When God speaks, it is awesome, like thunder; he does amazing things which we cannot [fully] understand.
Gud dundrar med sitt dunder grufveliga, och gör stor ting, och varder dock intet känd.
6 He commands the snow to fall on the ground, and [sometimes] he causes it to rain very hard.
Han talar till snön, så är han straxt här på jordene, och till regnskuren, så är regnskuren der med magt.
7 And [when God does that, ] it prevents people [SYN] from working, in order that all people may know that he is the one who has done that (OR, what he can do).
Man förgömmer sig ibland alla menniskor, att folket skall känna hans verk.
8 [When it rains, ] animals go into their hiding places, and they remain there [until the rain stops].
Vilddjuret kryper uti skjul, och blifver i sitt rum.
9 The storms/hurricanes come from the place [in the south where they start], and the cold wind comes from the north.
Sunnanefter kommer väder, och nordanefter köld.
10 [In the (winter/cold season), the cold north wind is like] God’s breath [that] causes [MET] water to freeze; he causes the lakes/streams to become ice.
Af Guds anda kommer frost, och stort vatten, då han utgjuter.
11 God fills the clouds with moisture/hail, and lightning flashes from the clouds.
De tjocke skyar skilja sig, att klart skall varda, och igenom molnet utbrister hans ljus.
12 He guides the clouds and causes them to move back and forth in order that they may accomplish all that he commands them to do, all over the world.
Han vänder skyarna hvart han vill, att de skola göra allt det han bjuder dem på jordenes krets;
13 Sometimes God sends rain to punish us, and sometimes he sends rain to show us that he acts kindly toward us.
Ehvad det är öfver en slägt, eller öfver ett land, då man finner honom barmhertigan.
14 “Job, listen to this; stop and think about the wonderful things that God does.
Akta deruppå, Job; statt och förnim Guds under.
15 (Do you know how God commands the lightning to flash down from the clouds?/We do not know how God commands the lightning to flash down from the clouds.) [RHQ]
Vetst du, när Gud låter detta komma öfver dem; och när han låter sina skyars ljus utgå?
16 Only God knows everything perfectly; so (do you know how he causes the clouds to (move/float) (amazingly/wonderfully) across the sky?/you certainly do not know how he causes the clouds to (move/float) (amazingly/wonderfully) across the sky!) [RHQ]
Vetst du, huru skyarna utsprida sig; hvilka under de fullkomlige veta;
17 No, you just sweat there in your clothes; [it is very oppressive] when the [hot] wind stops blowing from the south and [all the leaves on the trees] (become still/do not move).
Att din kläder varm äro, då landet är stilla af sunnanväder?
18 (Can you stretch out the skies like God does and make them as hard as [SIM] a sheet of polished brass?/You certainly cannot stretch out the skies like God does and make them as hard as [SIM] a sheet of polished brass!) [RHQ]
Ja, du utbreder icke skyarna med honom, hvilke starke äro, och anseende såsom en grund.
19 “Job, tell us(exc) what we should say to God; we do not know anything [IDM]. As a result, we do not know what to say to him to defend ourselves.
Låt oss höra hvad vi skole säga honom; förty vi räcke icke intill honom för mörker.
20 Should I tell God that I want to speak to him? No, because [if I did that, ] he might destroy me.
Ho skall förtälja honom hvad jag talar? Om någor talar, han varder uppsluken.
21 Now, people cannot look [directly] at the sun when it shines brightly in the sky after the wind has blown the clouds away; [so, we certainly cannot look at the brightness of God].
Nu ser man icke ljuset, som inom skyn lyser; men när vädret blås, göres det klart.
22 God comes out of the north with a light [that shines like] gold; his glory causes us to be afraid.
Ifrå nordan kommer guld, den förskräckelige Gudi till lof;
23 Almighty God is very powerful, and we cannot come near to him. He always acts righteously, and he will never oppress us.
Men den Allsmägtiga kunna de intet finna, den så stor är i magtene; ty han måste ingen räkenskap göra af sinom rätt och rättfärdigom sakom.
24 That is the reason that we have an awesome respect for him; he does not pay attention to those who proudly, [but wrongly], think that they are wise.”
Derföre måste menniskorna frukta honom, och han fruktar inga visa.

< Job 37 >