< Job 37 >

1 “My heart pounds [DOU] when [I think about] that.
“Kino kikankanya omutima gwange, ne gubuuka okuva mu kifo kyagwo.
2 Listen, all of you, to the thunder, which is like God’s voice [DOU].
Wuliriza okubwatuka kw’eddoboozi lye, n’okuwuluguma okuva mu kamwa ke.
3 He causes thunder to be heard all across the sky, and he causes lighting to flash to the most distant places on the earth.
Asumulula eggulu ne limyansa wansi w’eggulu wonna, n’aliragira ligende ku nkomerero y’ensi.
4 After [the lightning flashes], we hear the thunder which is like [MET] God’s majestic voice; he does not restrain the lightning when he speaks.
Kino oluggwa, okuwuluguma kw’eddoboozi lye kwe kuddako, abwatuka n’eddoboozi lye ery’omwanguka, era eddoboozi lye bwe liwulirwa, tewabaawo kisigala nga bwe kibadde.
5 When God speaks, it is awesome, like thunder; he does amazing things which we cannot [fully] understand.
Eddoboozi lya Katonda libwatuka mu ngeri ey’ekitalo; akola ebintu ebikulu ebisukka okutegeera kwaffe.
6 He commands the snow to fall on the ground, and [sometimes] he causes it to rain very hard.
Agamba omuzira nti, ‘Ggwa ku nsi,’ ate eri enkuba etonnya nti, ‘Ttonnya nnyo.’
7 And [when God does that, ] it prevents people [SYN] from working, in order that all people may know that he is the one who has done that (OR, what he can do).
Emirimu gya buli muntu giyimirira, buli omu n’alyoka amanya amaanyi ga Katonda.
8 [When it rains, ] animals go into their hiding places, and they remain there [until the rain stops].
Ensolo ne ziryoka zessogga empuku zaazo, ne zigenda zeekukuma.
9 The storms/hurricanes come from the place [in the south where they start], and the cold wind comes from the north.
Omuyaga ne gulyoka guva mu nnyumba yaagwo, n’obunnyogovu ne buva mu mpewo ekuŋŋunta.
10 [In the (winter/cold season), the cold north wind is like] God’s breath [that] causes [MET] water to freeze; he causes the lakes/streams to become ice.
Omuzira ne guva mu mukka gwa Katonda n’amazzi amangi ne gekwata kitole.
11 God fills the clouds with moisture/hail, and lightning flashes from the clouds.
Ebire abijjuza amatondo g’amazzi, n’asaasaanya okumyansa kw’eggulu.
12 He guides the clouds and causes them to move back and forth in order that they may accomplish all that he commands them to do, all over the world.
Byetooloolatooloola nga y’abiragira, ne bituukiriza byonna by’abiragira, ku nsi yonna okubeera abantu.
13 Sometimes God sends rain to punish us, and sometimes he sends rain to show us that he acts kindly toward us.
Bwe kuba kubonereza, oba okufukirira ensi oba okulaga okwagala kwe, atonnyesa enkuba.
14 “Job, listen to this; stop and think about the wonderful things that God does.
“Wuliriza kino Yobu; sooka oyimirire olowooze ku bikolwa bya Katonda eby’ettendo.
15 (Do you know how God commands the lightning to flash down from the clouds?/We do not know how God commands the lightning to flash down from the clouds.) [RHQ]
Omanyi Katonda engeri gy’alagiramu ebire, n’aleetera eggulu okumyansa?
16 Only God knows everything perfectly; so (do you know how he causes the clouds to (move/float) (amazingly/wonderfully) across the sky?/you certainly do not know how he causes the clouds to (move/float) (amazingly/wonderfully) across the sky!) [RHQ]
Omanyi engeri ebire gye bituulamu mu bbanga, amakula g’emirimu gy’oyo eyatuukirira mu kumanya?
17 No, you just sweat there in your clothes; [it is very oppressive] when the [hot] wind stops blowing from the south and [all the leaves on the trees] (become still/do not move).
Ggwe alina ebyambalo ebibuguma, ensi bw’eba ng’ekkakkanyizibbwa embuyaga ez’obukiikaddyo,
18 (Can you stretch out the skies like God does and make them as hard as [SIM] a sheet of polished brass?/You certainly cannot stretch out the skies like God does and make them as hard as [SIM] a sheet of polished brass!) [RHQ]
oyinza okumwegattako ne mubamba eggulu, eryaguma ne libeera ng’endabirwamu ensanuuse?
19 “Job, tell us(exc) what we should say to God; we do not know anything [IDM]. As a result, we do not know what to say to him to defend ourselves.
“Tubuulire kye tunaamugamba; tetusobola kuwoza nsonga zaffe gy’ali olw’ekizikiza kye tulimu.
20 Should I tell God that I want to speak to him? No, because [if I did that, ] he might destroy me.
Asaanidde okubuulirwa kye njagala okwogera? Eriyo omuntu yenna ayinza okusaba okumalibwawo?
21 Now, people cannot look [directly] at the sun when it shines brightly in the sky after the wind has blown the clouds away; [so, we certainly cannot look at the brightness of God].
Kaakano tewali n’omu ayinza kutunula mu njuba, olw’engeri gy’eyakamu ku ggulu, ng’empewo emaze okuyita, n’eyelula ebire.
22 God comes out of the north with a light [that shines like] gold; his glory causes us to be afraid.
Mu bukiikakkono evaayo zaabu; Katonda ajja mu kitiibwa eky’amaanyi.
23 Almighty God is very powerful, and we cannot come near to him. He always acts righteously, and he will never oppress us.
Ayinzabyonna tatuukikako era agulumidde mu maanyi, mu bwenkanya bwe era ne butuukirivu bwe, tawaliriza muntu yenna.
24 That is the reason that we have an awesome respect for him; he does not pay attention to those who proudly, [but wrongly], think that they are wise.”
Noolwekyo abantu bamutya, takitwala ng’ekikulu olw’abo abeerowooza okuba abagezi mu mitima gyabwe.”

< Job 37 >