< Job 33 >

1 “But now, Job, listen carefully to all that I am going to say [DOU].
Y ahora, oh Job, escucha mis palabras y toma nota de todo lo que digo.
2 I am ready to tell you [MTY, DOU] [what I think].
Mira, ahora mi boca está abierta, mi lengua da palabras.
3 I know that I am speaking honestly and that I am speaking [MTY] sincerely.
Mi corazón está lleno de conocimiento, mis labios dicen lo que es verdad.
4 Almighty God has created me [as well as you], and his breath has caused me to live.
El espíritu de Dios me ha hecho, y el soplo del Todopoderoso me da vida.
5 So, answer [what] I [say] if you can; think carefully [about how you will reply to me].
Si puedes, dame una respuesta; pon tu causa en orden y avanza.
6 “God considers that you, and I are both [equal]; he formed both of us from clay.
Mira, soy lo mismo que tú ante los ojos de Dios; Me formó del barro también.
7 So you do not need to be afraid of me; I will not crush/oppress you [by what I say] [MTY].
No te espantes de mi terror, y mi mano no te será dura.
8 I have heard you [DOU] speaking, and this is what you have said:
Pero dijiste en mi oído, y tu voz llegó a mis oídos:
9 ‘I am innocent; I have not committed any sins; I am pure; I have not done things that are wrong.
Estoy limpio, sin pecado; Estoy lavado, y no hay mal en mí.
10 But God finds reasons to accuse me, and he considers that I am his enemy.
Mira, él está buscando algo contra mí; en sus ojos soy como uno de sus enemigos;
11 [It is as though] he has put my feet (in stocks/between wooden blocks to prevent me from walking away), and he watches everything that I do.’ [MTY]
Él ha puesto cadenas en mis pies; Él está observando todos mis caminos.
12 But what you have said is wrong, and I will tell you [what you have said that is wrong]. God is much greater than any human.
En verdad, al decir esto estás equivocado; porque Dios es más grande que el hombre.
13 So, (why are you arguing against God, saying ‘He never answers my questions’?/you should not be arguing against God, saying ‘He never answers my questions.’) [RHQ]
¿Por qué presentas tu causa contra él, diciendo: Él no responde a ninguna de mis palabras?
14 God does speak [to us] in various ways, but we do not pay any attention to what he says.
Porque Dios da su palabra de una manera, incluso en dos, y el hombre no es consciente de ello.
15 [Sometimes he speaks to us] at night in dreams and visions, when we are on our beds, asleep [DOU].
En un sueño, en una visión de la noche, cuando el sueño profundo llega a los hombres, mientras descansan en sus camas;
16 He reveals things [MTY] to us and terrifies us by the things he warns us about.
Entonces él deja sus secretos claros para los hombres, para que estén llenos de temor ante lo que ven;
17 He tell us those things in order that we stop doing [evil] things and to prevent us from becoming proud.
Para que el hombre pueda ser apartado de sus obras malvadas, y para que el orgullo le sea quitado;
18 He does not want us to be destroyed [MTY]; he wants to prevent us from dying [MTY] [while we are still young].
Para alejar su alma del sepulcro, y su vida de la destrucción.
19 God also [sometimes] corrects us by forcing us to lie on our beds suffering much pain and with fever/aching in our bones.
El dolor es enviado sobre él como un castigo, mientras él está en su cama; No hay fin para el problema en sus huesos;
20 The result is that we do not desire any food, not even very special food.
No desea comer, y su alma se ha apartado de su comida favorita;
21 Our bodies become very thin, with the result that we look like skeletons [HYP], and our bones stick out.
Su carne está tan gastada, que puede no ser vista, y sus huesos que no se veían, aparecen.
22 [We know that] we will soon die and go to the place where dead people are.
Y su alma se acerca al inframundo, y su vida a la muerte.
23 “But sometimes an angel [may come to one of us], one of the thousands of angels who come to intervene between us and God, to tell us what are the right things for us [to do].
Si ahora puede haber un ángel enviado a él, uno de los miles que habrá entre él y Dios, y aclarar al hombre lo que es correcto para él;
24 The angel is kind to us and says to God, ‘Release that person, so that he does not descend to the place where dead people are! Do that because I have found the money to pay so that he can be released!
Y si él tiene misericordia de él, y dice: “Que no descienda al sepulcro, le he dado redención.
25 Allow his body to be strong again; allow him to be strong like he was when he was a youth!’
Entonces su carne se vuelve joven, y regresa a los días de su Juventud;
26 When that happens, that person will pray to God, and God will accept/answer him; he will (enter God’s presence/worship God) joyfully, and then he will tell others how God saved him [from dying].
Él hace su oración a Dios, y tiene misericordia de él; ve el rostro de Dios con gritos de alegría; da noticias de su justicia a los hombres;
27 He will sing as he tells everyone, ‘I sinned, and I did things that were not right, but God did not punish me in the way that I deserved.
Él hace una canción, diciendo: “Me equivoqué, volviéndome del camino recto, pero no me dio la recompensa de mi pecado”.
28 He has saved me from dying and going to the place where dead people are, and I will continue to enjoy being alive.’
Guardó mi alma del sepulcro, y mi vida ve la luz en su totalidad.
29 God does all these things for us many times;
En verdad, Dios hace todas estas cosas al hombre, dos veces y tres veces,
30 he keeps us [SYN] from [dying and] going to the place where the dead are, in order that we can continue to enjoy being alive [IDM].
Retirando su alma del inframundo para que pueda ver la luz de la vida.
31 So Job, listen to me; do not say anything more; just allow me to speak.
Toma nota, Oh Job, escúchame; guarda silencio, mientras digo lo que tengo en mente.
32 [After I speak], if you have something more that you want to say to me, say it, because I would like to find a way to declare that you (are innocent/have not done what is wrong).
Si tienes algo que decir, dame una respuesta; porque es mi deseo que seas juzgado libre del pecado.
33 But if you have nothing more that you want to say, then just listen to me, and I will teach you how to become wise.”
Si no, ponme atención y guarda silencio, y yo te daré sabiduría.

< Job 33 >