< Job 33 >

1 “But now, Job, listen carefully to all that I am going to say [DOU].
Men hør nu Job, på min Tale og lyt til alle mine Ord!
2 I am ready to tell you [MTY, DOU] [what I think].
Se, jeg har åbnet min Mund, min Tunge taler i Ganen;
3 I know that I am speaking honestly and that I am speaking [MTY] sincerely.
mine Ord er talt af oprigtigt Hjerte, mine Læber fører lutret Tale.
4 Almighty God has created me [as well as you], and his breath has caused me to live.
Guds Ånd har skabt mig, den Almægtiges Ånde har givet mig Liv.
5 So, answer [what] I [say] if you can; think carefully [about how you will reply to me].
Svar mig, i Fald du kan, rust dig imod mig, mød frem!
6 “God considers that you, and I are both [equal]; he formed both of us from clay.
Se, jeg er din Lige for Gud, også jeg er taget af Ler;
7 So you do not need to be afraid of me; I will not crush/oppress you [by what I say] [MTY].
Rædsel for mig skal ikke skræmme dig, min Hånd skal ej ligge tyngende på dig.
8 I have heard you [DOU] speaking, and this is what you have said:
Dog, det har du sagt i mit Påhør, jeg hørte så lydende Ord:
9 ‘I am innocent; I have not committed any sins; I am pure; I have not done things that are wrong.
"Jeg er ren og uden Brøde, lydeløs, uden Skyld;
10 But God finds reasons to accuse me, and he considers that I am his enemy.
men han søger Påskud imod mig, regner mig for sin Fjende;
11 [It is as though] he has put my feet (in stocks/between wooden blocks to prevent me from walking away), and he watches everything that I do.’ [MTY]
han lægger mine Fødder i Blokken, vogter på alle mine Veje."
12 But what you have said is wrong, and I will tell you [what you have said that is wrong]. God is much greater than any human.
Se, der har du Uret, det er mit Svar, thi Gud er større end Mennesket.
13 So, (why are you arguing against God, saying ‘He never answers my questions’?/you should not be arguing against God, saying ‘He never answers my questions.’) [RHQ]
Hvorfor tvistes du med ham, fordi han ej svarer på dine Ord?
14 God does speak [to us] in various ways, but we do not pay any attention to what he says.
Thi på een Måde taler Gud, ja på to, men man ænser det ikke:
15 [Sometimes he speaks to us] at night in dreams and visions, when we are on our beds, asleep [DOU].
I Drømme, i natligt Syn, når Dvale falder på Mennesker, når de slumrende hviler på Lejet;
16 He reveals things [MTY] to us and terrifies us by the things he warns us about.
da åbner han Menneskers Øre, gør dem angst med Skræmmebilleder
17 He tell us those things in order that we stop doing [evil] things and to prevent us from becoming proud.
for at få Mennessket bort fra Uret og udrydde Hovmod af Manden,
18 He does not want us to be destroyed [MTY]; he wants to prevent us from dying [MTY] [while we are still young].
holde hans Sjæl fra Graven, hans Liv fra Våbendød.
19 God also [sometimes] corrects us by forcing us to lie on our beds suffering much pain and with fever/aching in our bones.
Eller han revses med Smerter på Lejet, uafbrudt sfår der Hamp i hans Ben;
20 The result is that we do not desire any food, not even very special food.
Livet i ham væmmes ved Brød og hans Sjæl ved lækker Mad
21 Our bodies become very thin, with the result that we look like skeletons [HYP], and our bones stick out.
hans Kød svinder hen, så det ikke ses, hans Knogler, som før ikke sås, bliver blottet;
22 [We know that] we will soon die and go to the place where dead people are.
hans Sjæl kommer Graven nær, hans Liv de dræbende Magter.
23 “But sometimes an angel [may come to one of us], one of the thousands of angels who come to intervene between us and God, to tell us what are the right things for us [to do].
Hvis da en Engel er på hans Side, een blandt de tusind Talsmænd, som varsler Mennesket Tugt,
24 The angel is kind to us and says to God, ‘Release that person, so that he does not descend to the place where dead people are! Do that because I have found the money to pay so that he can be released!
og den viser ham Nåde og siger: "Fri ham fra at synke i Graven, Løsepenge har jeg fået!"
25 Allow his body to be strong again; allow him to be strong like he was when he was a youth!’
da svulmer hans Legem af Friskhed, han oplever atter sin Ungdom.
26 When that happens, that person will pray to God, and God will accept/answer him; he will (enter God’s presence/worship God) joyfully, and then he will tell others how God saved him [from dying].
Han beder til Gud, og han er ham nådig, han skuer med Jubel hans Åsyn, fortæller Mennesker om sin Frelse.
27 He will sing as he tells everyone, ‘I sinned, and I did things that were not right, but God did not punish me in the way that I deserved.
Han synger det ud for Folk: "Jeg synded og krænkede Retten og fik dog ej Løn som forskyldt!
28 He has saved me from dying and going to the place where dead people are, and I will continue to enjoy being alive.’
Han har friet min Sjæl fra at fare i Grav, mit Liv ser Lyset med Lyst!"
29 God does all these things for us many times;
Se, alle disse Ting gør Gud to Gange, ja tre med Mennesket
30 he keeps us [SYN] from [dying and] going to the place where the dead are, in order that we can continue to enjoy being alive [IDM].
for at redde hans Sjæl fra Graven, så han skuer Livets Lys!
31 So Job, listen to me; do not say anything more; just allow me to speak.
Lyt til og hør mig, Job, ti stille, så jeg kan tale!
32 [After I speak], if you have something more that you want to say to me, say it, because I would like to find a way to declare that you (are innocent/have not done what is wrong).
Har du noget at sige, så svar mig, tal, thi gerne gav jeg dig Ret;
33 But if you have nothing more that you want to say, then just listen to me, and I will teach you how to become wise.”
hvis ikke, så høre du på mig, ti stille, at jeg kan lære dig Visdom!

< Job 33 >